Pokemon Fire Red E4R2 World Record Commentary! (Explaining the Speedrun!)

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Gavi thank god yeah yo what's up guys hello and welcome to the commentary version of the fire red round 2 world record I got this record two days ago now so while it's fresh in my mind I thought that I would go ahead and do commentary so I am just going to let it roll so attempt 27:48 interesting to remember that for next time this was I think I think sapphire was $26.99 but that was my last record so this one took slightly longer as far as attempts but I think reasonably longer as far as actual grind yeah this run was I'm talking about like this run as a whole like the category was super interesting for me it was a lot different than anything I've ever done and I kind of tackled it by myself for the most part pigs Arion was the last person to run this and I had been a long time since he ran it so you're gonna see me open my trainer ID and check the number there was 3402 and I'm actually going to oh my god you are [ __ ] me okay so it was a champion 2749 I actually did not know that was at the beginning of the video and I'm the one who made the highlight no no no not take two not take two we're gonna keep rolling I think it's hilarious so attempt to 2749 you'd think it would know that but anyway I'm gonna check the four four seven six three four is my trainer ID I am sticking that into the squirtle program which tells me which are in GC time on and all of the possible squirtles and now I'm gonna choose a squirtle and it looks like I have chosen a really good squirtle off the top of my head I didn't really remember which squirtle I got but yeah this squirtle is great it's a little bit low on HP and a little bit it's not low on speed but I wish it had like one or two more but yeah this squirtle is actually sick rash is the best nature plus special attack - special defense and special defense is the least important stat Special Attack is obviously the most important stat we take plus Special Attack nature we only take super good special attack 30 and 31 IV but other than that I would say defense is probably the most important stat and this one has great defense more than enough so right there you saw me wait like I don't know 15 seconds or something I was waiting for the frame that this particular squirtle was going to be generated on and then pressing a on the last text box when it's gonna be generated and hopefully hitting the frame where the one frame window it was actually the correct squirtle you can spend a ton of time resetting here like upwards of hours if you get unlucky trying to get the right frame but this portal had 19 HP at level 5 and 11 IV HP which you can see this portal is supposed to have is actually the highest IV that can still have 19 HP so I am hopeful that I got it I should be faster than Bulbasaur and I should five-shot him with no crits so I still don't know if this is the right squirtle or not we're just hoping and so now I'm gonna check stats here I'm level up and I was mostly looking at special attack and special defense at the bottom there and those were the correct value and with the HP and the fact that the rival fight went correct Lee I am pretty sure this is the right score ton I think I actually might be sure at this point and so now the run actually gets to start I actually don't know how long I was resetting here for the squirtle I I want to say it wasn't too bad but yeah we take that mark guy potion it's actually not always necessary to get that potion but sometimes you want to so it's worth it to get that one and then potentially pick up the one in the forest so ya skipped a level for Raddatz ah they're not worth killing level fours but definitely worth killing a little to ratifies so this XP is useful for Brock's gym in particular and it's also potentially allows you to kill a second thing to get even more levels for getting bubble for the forest basically which helps with weakening encounters it improves the wind raid on the wheedle fight a time because you can't miss and you actually force out the wheedle with just one turn of torrent which I'll explain torrent when it comes up but you know I just explained what round to is I mean I guess and there's not really anything to talk about here we can talk about that so I guess some of you might be wondering what why this is different than the normal fire red like any percent speed round just beat the game as fast as possible' or like why do you beat the Elite Four twice well basically the idea is that there is postgame content and fire that didn't exist in Gen 1 with the islands like one island to island 3 island and stuff and after you beat the game there are a number of or there's a side quest with a number of parts that allows you to like link up the Kanto region to the Hoenn region I think the gen 3 region so that Pokemon from later gens can be like traded into this world I guess so in order to unlock those side quests you have to unlock the national pokedex and in order to do that you have to catch 60 unique Pokemon so that means squirtle or total blast twice counts as 3 etc so what that does is that once you complete that quest the Elite Four buffs up their team with new Pokemon new moves and much higher level so the goal of the run is to catch 60 Pokemon do the side quests and then beat the Elite Four once they've buffed up their team so yeah so actually interesting I do I do go for bubble here before Viridian Forest which is interesting the reason that I actually did this was because I have very good attack a lot of times I'll skip level three pidgeys because they'll take four turns to kill or do a bunch of damage to you which makes it like not worth it in the long run to get that extra XP but in this case I had super good attack and I crit the Pidgey which was quite nice that definitely regardless of whether it was correct or not and it was saved time and pretty reasonably wrong one overall I would say not too bad not too amazing high HP so yeah there's I guess like you would consider them to be like catch sections and the strong rate and the first and one of the most important ones is brilliant bird Ian forest because you don't want to have to backtrack there and there's also a Pokemon that saves like a ton of time but it's rare Pikachu and Viridian Forest and you want to get that if you can but a lot of times Pikachu just kills their own so it's kind of stupid yeah I guess that's fair so I already have 16 Pokemon marked on you can see at the bottom it shows how many Pokemon I've caught right so I already have 16 Pokemon mark those 16 Pokemon how will get every single run no matter what that's squirtle or turtle Blastoise game corner pokes that I buy with coins Abra cliff ferry Lapras that you get from silk oh I will get those Pokemon no matter what every time also I will be updating the count with what a pokemon is worth so for example when I catch Caterpie I am gonna mark 3 Pokemon because I'm gonna switch train that to evolve it into Metapod and Butterfree every single time that I catch it so it's worth 3 so that's why you'll see me catch like one thing and it'll go up by 2 or 3 or something so the first couple tiles of a new area are very unlikely to give an encounter and I got any counter or like pretty shortly after that wore out and it's Pikachu so in my mind I'm like up another dead run another dead run weaken it once that's all that's worth that Gawker a lantern moment just nice and now we start tossing I believe this is a 50% catch from here with a pokeball at this health and we actually one bullet and this is when and I'm like okay maybe it's the run this this literally saves so much time or potentially so much time it because if you don't catch a Pikachu you have to go to power plant and use only 25% in power plant and you see my Pokemon caught went up by three there that's because I'm gonna buy thunder stone to evolve it into write you and then I'm gonna trade it for volts or sorry electrode later so it's like really really insane to get Pikachu because you don't have to rely on the one and for later so ideally I'm gonna catch wheedle and Caterpie here you pretty much always need wheedle and Caterpie since there were three each but one ball to wheedle as well really nice and Caterpie so that's like perfect that's super crazy actually I think I've only seen this three times maybe where it's like I I get all three perfect encounters in a row because like I don't actually need or want any more encounters here this is actually kind of amusing the Caterpie bricks out here and this was the most likely catch it was actually 78% to get in the ball and the others where were 50 and 62 I think but yeah 78% is basically the the highest a catch rate can be without being like 100% in this game so oh that's an annoying encounter on that tile because the so basically the way it works in this game is every grass tile you go without getting an encounter you're actually more likely to get an encounter on the next step by a bit and that keeps going up and up and so if I had gotten to that guy without getting an encounter than that that would have reset and then so getting an encounter on the last tile there was actually pretty unlucky but we Kurt the wheedle so that's nice and got poisoned on turn 1 which is sick which I'll explain in a second in red you're actually like you know so sad when you get poisoned but in this game it's actually good because of an ability called torn so engine 3 Pokemon get abilities squirtles ability is torn it he deals 50% more water damage when he is at or under 1/3 of his max HP so this Metapod is actually super amusing because if you've been paying attention there are five potential encounters in Viridian Forest and we got all 5 unique encounters in 5 encounters which I've never seen before that's like actually super super unlikely pretty pretty funny but that's on the record bud so you see me actually letting the poison tick down here to exactly 5 health and that's because I've manipulated torrent to be the exact my HP for both torrent and surviving I want to survive these fights but I also want to be in torrent it's like it's super super super super important to manipulate like the perfect HP value for Brock's gym because torrent is very important in Brock's gym and it's also important on Route 3 so letting myself fall to exactly 5 HP there is like pivotal to this run so this Geodude for example never dies if you're not in torrent and always dies if you are in torrent so that is just one example of mini to come the sand true is a very likely to shot in torrent and an unlikely three shot not in torrent you can see I did over half there and this guy has Santa tock so it's like absolutely it's so important that you get torrent for this sand tree it's also worth noting that the reason I go to 5hp and not lower in a lot of cases is because that sand tree does five to seven with scratch on this defense with seven being the one in sixteen damage role so like there's six sixteen different damage roles that can happen within a certain range and a lot of them do the same damage at low levels but the absolute highest one in sixteen role always does one bonus damage because something-something rounding and Pokemon so one of the benefits to killing two things on Route one is that you get level eleven for this Geodude which makes it a fourteen and sixteen range how is that false string book and what way is that false this max roll is one than all rolls deal one damage no my god my commentary has been interrupted to be patronized by something [ __ ] so this was actually a really unlucky Onix fight because this Onix this Onix is a nine and sixteen range in torrent and he missed me on turn one which is that like arguably good because at least I'm like pretty much guaranteed to win the fight then but then he missed the bind and then used bind on turn 2 instead of tackle so I took 2 instead of 4 so now I'm not in torrent for route 3 which is kind of scary because you can lose a ton of time to not being in torrent but it's fine chat Arcadius can just just somebody clip it with a little dolphin icon you'll be fine okay so this is a 1511 Brock with a reasonable chance at torrent and all three catches from Viridian Forest this is actually a pretty sick run right now I will say like at this point this run is very very solid it looks like I'm it's not because I lost time but that's because I caught everything world record the that I'm comparing against caught two bugs no pika and PB caught one bug so yeah so we actually sell Rock team here the team we get right away for money because we have to buy so much stuff here you actually can buy repels here unlike gen1 which is super nice but you buy all your status healing items you buy potions like normal potions for the rest of the run which because of the way that torrent works healing like low amounts of HP can be really nice because a lot of times a lot of times torrent isn't about getting torrent it's about keeping torrent and also surviving like crucial attacks while also still being in torrent so you want to be like towards the upper end of torrent and sometimes healing just a little bit of HP is important for that and that's why the HP IV a lot of people will think oh you don't want in a high HP IV you want to have less HP so that you take more damage getting the torn easier but that's not how it works you actually want to have as high HP as possible because that both a increases the range that you are in torrent for because you have a higher max health and then it also allows you to be at a higher HP and tank moves from torrent so I got tackle from the Caterpie there which put me into torrent which is nice because that's why the wheedle died but now I'm gonna stall on this Caterpie with tackle because I want him to either string shot then I'll be slower and then he tackles or just tackle is is better and so what that did was it gave me perfect torrent for level 14 and level 15 and if I hadn't done that then I wouldn't have even been and torn for this level right because I would be at 13 out of 37 so I sacrificed one turn potentially a turn in a half if he had string shot it and tackled to save up to six turns on the next two fights because these first two bugs are ranges the second - bugs never die and then on the next fight its range and never dies so up to six turns saved and at least three turns saved for that torn is just super strong it's actually really annoying because getting perfect like don't quite die - Brock but do have torrent for route three kind of HP is really really difficult and inconsistent but this one that worked out pretty well even with the kind of troll e Brock fight or Onix I guess in perfect torrent right now [Music] so in this next Bush right here on route three there are two really good Pokemon one I need and what I want the good one is Jigglypuff which is 10% to encounter with half of them being level three which you kill a lot of the time which is annoying and the reason Jigglypuff is good is cuz you can't get it anywhere else and it evolves with a moonstone so it's worth two Pokemon that was kind of a troll pass cuz that girl is just like a walker like a spinner you can that's like a trainer you can battle right so I kind of had to do that little bagman tip to get past her because she can't walk or turn for a certain number of frames after I like actually opened my bag but I was a little slow about it cuz I only recently started skipping that bush I skipped it because I was I was both in torrent and have very high attack IV which means I'm just gonna kill a level-3 spear oh if I are sorry at level three Jigglypuff if I find it so instead I'm gonna go for sparrow after mount moon in that menu I registered the TM case to the select button since I don't have the bike yet and I'll actually have to enter the TM case a few times it also helps with spinner passes because just pressing select to open the TM case it works as a bagman tip which is faster and so this is the moonstone right here to the top left that you would get if you got Clefairy or sorry Jigglypuff so I'm actually fighting a guy that I don't fight that often this rocket which is actually a spinner and I Ford I for gue for goat for goat the the Spiro before route 3 and potentially catching a zoo batán mountain because I have exactly enough HP to tank 15 out of his 16 damage rolls from hyper Fang from this Rattata so yeah so hyper Fang does 11 to 13 on this defense so very good defense and like having just enough HP there and also being very likely to kill a Jigglypuff if I encountered it made me go for Spiro after mount moon where it has the same encounter rate and but the other encounters that you can catch there are better and fighting this guy is actually better because he will give u torrent more often there are actually two other optional trainers that you fight sometimes in mountain moon in certain situations this guy you fight if you have enough HP to tank hyper thing basically so I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna let this guy see me here if I am high IQ yeah so this this rocket is kind of silly but basically it it's faster to go one tower to the left and then walk right in front of him so he doesn't have to walk to you but that wastes three steps with my rappel and my rappel isn't quite gonna last to the end of mount moon that's one of the benefits of fighting one of the other optional trainers is that it saves a bunch of steps so your pelt last to the end easily so this fight looks super easy right because I press water gun fight water gun twice and they both go down but that's because I'm in torrent so fighting that rocket and getting tackle from him put me into torrent and of course I got quick attack from the rata top but that doesn't always happen and so just save two turns there that Zubat as supersonic like torn is just so important in the early game it's it's actually crazy this crime is a huge troll that has disabled and poison gas which is super annoying but he also has pound in Harden which is fine also a damage range with two water guns if you're not in torrent this full torque is a speed tie at the speed and 9 and 16 to die to water gun so that was actually very lucky not that it like really matters but you know it's just a couple seconds faster and coughing is 14 and 16 to die and he can actually kill you if you doesn't kill but just one of the reasons to run very good special attack is those ranges are worse if you run 28 and 29 and anything lower than 28 is like not even considerable so I gained 3 tiles from walking in front of that rocket and yeah you see my rappel didn't actually last either way but going to pick up the great ball here there's a couple reasons to pick this up for one it guarantees a spear Oh catch that around top health so you'll always get it and you have to catch this Bureau to trade for Farfetch'd and a lot of times you can substitute an ultra ball for a great ball later in the run and since this money route has been cut to be like bare-bones perfect with the middle like as low ultra balls as you can get with affording everything else that you actually need the great ball can actually kind of save your own so we're gonna go for Spiro here ideally we just get Spiro in one encounter and we do Spiros can range from level 6 to 12 here which is actually one of the benefits of catching spiro after mount moon is that getting a higher level spiro means it trades for a higher level Farfetch'd and that can be more useful for weakening gastly specifically when you're gonna catch it so the split has actually been really sick honestly really good we got the to turn rocket we got the torrent for the rest of it the speed Taiwan own volt or the first encounter Spiro force Paul Spiro with pokeball all super good so if for example you watched eggs or Ian's round tea run you'll notice the route has been a little different at this point I changed a bunch of things this this is the thing that I'm most sure of is that getting level 24 misty is very worth it and you have to get the rear candy there like go out of your way and then backtrack a little bit to get the rear candy before misty to do that but it's worth it for reasons you will see in a second I took the PC there because I needed to use three potions to heal my Wartortle to full and I was forced to take a PC at some point in this room because I had a full party and I need to get Abra in my party at some point before I fly to Pewter later in the run to get Diglett and trade for mr. mime and stuff and it turns out that there's actually no more pcs that I'm forced to take in this run and so doing it there where I get a saved three potions and the time from using three potions and also make more room in my party for picking up Evie later is actually it's actually just best to do it there and cerulean okay so two rare candies level 19 gives you bite level 20 gives you a very favorable damage range on this star you as you can see I did like well over half it's actually 98 percent to die without I think without crits the two just two bites which is super super important because you don't want to be getting too many water pulses since water pulse can confuse the star me is a huge troll that was actually a pretty standard damage roll there you actually can to shot this but it's not particularly likely and if you miss the range she'll super potion which she has one super potion so I tackle there to guarantee that it'll go down on the next turn without triggering the heal range you could also water gun there to achieve the same effect which is safer because if you missed a call can be really bad but it's faster on average to tackle so this run is actually sick right now this run is so good I have both bugs and Pikachu and like a bunch of potions have six potions left it's actually sick and I'm almost four minutes ahead of record record loses a lot of time there because he catches Jigglypuff he evolves into Wigglytuff with the moonstone like I was talking about and he also catches Ekans while looking for his spear oh because it takes him a little while to get his spear oh so I'm like really ahead of record here but not quite as ahead as it looks but then like I actually am as ahead as it looks because I have Pikachu and party and he doesn't and Pikachu saves a ton of time this fight is actually so bad it's kind of like you would think it was bad but it's so bad this Picciotto has an attack and he loves to use it if you're over at higher HP's so I lead bite there to try to flinch him if he's Santa tax though bite + water pulse is I think a 98 percent range so I never actually missed that but this Bulbasaur is the real problem sleep powder miss into mega kick it feels so good man so this fight is actually like a defining moment in the run like you can lose so much time to this fight because the Bulbasaur has leech seed which makes you switch out yes sleep powder which starts eating up your valuable healing items if you miss mega kick on the wrong turn you just die if you have really bad attack and you bite mega kick and miss the damage range it puts the Bulbasaur into overgrow which is his form of torrent and then he just one shot to you or like half shot you know kills you from the HP or like let it be at that fight sucks I've lost a lot of runs to that buy in any percents Peter and it's well I've lost a lot of runs to that but yeah um really good fight really really good fight oh it's also worth noting that world record takes his PC PC that I took on the last split he actually takes it on this split so I'm even more ahead than that right now so now it's residentsleeper time if chad has any questions or things that I might should have explained now is a good time probably like the only time I'll do this cuz these fights are all completely free you actually see me out I'm seeing me I actually stand up and go turn my air conditioner off at this point cuz my hands are getting kind of cold and I want to focus on the volume of the run cuz I know this is the [ __ ] run I took the person Barry this run because I have very high defence and very low special defense which means that the Starmie is much more likely to use water pulse than it is normally so if she's more likely to water pulse - you're more likely to get confused and I'm gonna talk about the split differences HP increase on level up I mean it works the same in every gen skip to the spinner pass now I don't think I'm gonna skip do I always turn on controller overlay at this point now fishing sucks oh yeah that's actually a good point so firered and leafgreen are the same because this is like the only thing that can go wrong here yeah I hit this mega kick on oddish and I don't even die if it misses so it's whatever um CI that fight is whatever so if I read and leafgreen to the same category and we run firered because we buy Pokemon from the game corner a barranco fairy and thus Pokemon are a lot cheaper together in firered so that's why it's better will there be a mega kick hit counter while spoiler alert it won't be necessary I mean I talked about making room in my party yeah next game is yellow of course cod do not get bridges so troll in this game like it's so boring but it's just because water pulse + torrent is o P please god no basically counter yes Eevee's factored in to your damage calculations you don't farm four V's but you account for the Eevee's that you get yeah i'm resting my hands today it's actually like it's getting better I think I'm kind of scared to go back I'm not gonna be streaming tomorrow I'm gonna be learning yellow and stuff but yeah I mean I've been streaming long hours trying to grind for this record this record was actually driving me insane cuz I should have had it so many times that's what that's real then we can talk about like I literally have should have had record in this game so many times by now so the fact that this run finally got it god technically yellow is worse for mashing but if you're good you can time a lot of the text boxes because of the buffer mechanic [Music] my sub count is from the recorded run yes I mean this run has crazy orangey like this category is like sick because it's so interesting and like decision-making and like fun and different but like as a competitive category this guy Gauri's cancer it's just too much I did two things that were [ __ ] in this run but they're both kind of funny and like stupid and like I don't care it's like yeah I don't know I as far as like the fights in this run I actually I actually found one mistake I made in all the fights in this run and I don't think anyone's noticed it yet I'll point it out when we get there okay so this is actually interesting this guy is a spinner and he there's two tiles he can see you there and if you run past the spinner they automatically see you so the reason I let that trainer walk up to me but the hiker right before him is because it works out to where the timing with which that spinner can spin and the timing that you like actually get past him if you do the movement frame perfectly he's only 1 in 16 to see you and you have to bagman tip him twice to get past him like a hundred percent safely so it's better to just take the one in sixteen chance cuz even if he sees you he only has one Pokemon it's a slowpoke and it dies in one hit so it's like not that bad so yeah it's faster to just get the setup that's spoilers dark matter but now I'm not that disappointed normally Brendon Cox I do record my gameplay separate like locally in case the internet goes out but this run I actually forgot to so monka s yes I'm done with fire at that's what I'm doing coming to okay so this is like the one fight that sucks the first fight in the last fight in this split are the worst if they had two kicks here and if you've missed like kicks then sometimes you'll be out of kicks so yeah you have to hit kicks and like there's no alternative to kicks because like the grass pokemon don't die with any other move and they have shitty moves like the poison powder stun spore absorb creating you for a bunch of HP Razor Leaf all kinds of nonsense so you just have to take mega kick there's nothing else you can you can do really just subject to the whims of 25% misses we have now that sections over thank goodness and this you know when I when I said before then I like went and got up and turned my air conditioner off because like this is the run well look how far I had a record I am and record doesn't have pika cheer and yeah he has puffin tough but that's not most of the time save like this time it's this is probably my best run ever at this point I think like I'm literally just so far ahead my PB that I'm 39 seconds behind has one of the two bugs wheedle and Caterpie and no Pikachu and no extra pokes besides that so like it's crazy that would that was one of my fastest runs ever and that was like with low pokes caught it so yeah so now we start the part of the game the entire rest of it where you know besides nugget bridge where everything starts wanting to destroy you and it starts here with hit 10,000 mega kicks section this Drowsy doesn't tie to any move except kick or okay water pulse in torrent is arranged but it should he arrange like 3 and 16 or something so you have to kick the Drowsy The Drowsy has hypnosis he has disabled he has confusion and to confuse but my luck on hitting the Strauss II is actually like really good for some reason so yeah we actually did not I can't remember getting like mega screwed by that drowsy but he can like actually destroy you I'm so like for example here you'll see me go left and then down it's faster to and I'm not gonna do it here because you can't without losing a step but I will and you can't do it here either but it's faster to move in the direction that you're facing when you're coming from a stationary like when you're not moving because you get like what's known as a turn frame which wastes eight frames 60 FPS and gives an extra chance for an encounter to so this radical dies too mega kick every time but it also dies to torrent water pulse which is just another example torrent being good because you don't have to hit a kick and your kick count is sometimes important here if you get unlucky so oh man this HP is so good I must have set this on the run because this HP is literally perfect so because I have bad --is-- special defense here rash is - special defense and I only have 10 ID and 7 is the lowest I'll run with with - nature though I actually wonder if that's correct but anyway take them are for super potions and repels need both of those for Rock Tunnel and and such and the super potions are for this split - actually this Ivysaur in the boat rival fight after I rear candy is gonna do 20 to 24 damage with vine whip and 24 is going to be the highest HP that I can be at and still be in torrent 4 so I just tanked the vine whip and I am also in torrent and the pidgeotto doesn't die unless you're in torrent and he leads vegeta and the pidgeotto has sane attack so yeah this is like actually perfect HP which was really really nice and also you pretty much have to hurricane to here this is maybe like the one suspect thing about the sex peter out but like i don't see a way around it cuz this fight is so bad at level 26 cuz the Ivysaur doesn't like to die there should get quick attack from the pidgeotto which sucks cuz he ruined our HP because now we're dead to vine whip so i cant just bite in [Music] so I super potion here because I don't want to risk just dying because he's gonna find whip every time since I'm dead to it and then bite flinch kick hit so both Bulbasaur and Ivysaur was sick but strongly you can easily lose a minute to each of them if you get worse fights there because again a sleep powder into bleach seed into mega kick doesn't kill into nonsense [Music] okay so this is also one of the probably the biggest route change overall from what record did before I ran this was record is actually just gonna skip surge and come back later and there's a number of benefits to doing that like surge loves to kill you one of the worst fights in Pokemon spiriting as a whole but the problem with doing that is that surge is the gym leader that lets you use a fly so to skip him you have to just backtrack from lavender all the way to [Music] Vermillion later and it's pretty slow to do that on most runs so that along with the fact that using your rare candies early and getting surges XP early is useful for making these sections more consistent it's just a lot less headache to do this there's also a lot of other nonsense you have to do to like make the route for skipping surge work like pick up mega punch and not run modest squirtles and other nonsense like having less super potions overall having less money because you had to getting more XP early you have to kill things for XP rather than catch them early which I didn't do this run really but yeah it's it's quite bad so this is the reason why you actually have to catch Spiro like no matter what I would have camped for Spiro if I didn't get him first encounter there earlier on this on the cerulean split because or on the misty split because what's cool about far-fetched is that he learns cut and fly and he only takes up one party spot to do that and that is super valuable for this run besides the fact that he's just worth an extra pokemon like right like Farfetch'd is worth plus plus one pokes for the trade so it's mandatory to catch spear you have to do it no matter what and the best places to do that around three and rightful route three and Route four so this this gym is show cancer this this gym is the absolute worst trashcans and one of the worst fights in Pokemon speedrunning you are always terrified to walk inside here oh and there's spinners in this Jen those guys are spinners that you have to get past well the range of three so I bagged manip him there with the TM case set to select this Pikachu's pretty troll I am actually one speed short of being faster than this [Music] and that quick attack is actually pretty troll to because I'm at a range where my health is really ambiguous for like the Strad I'm gonna do it depends on like with the writer roles which stratum in to do and so like I'm kind of I'm kind of monkey ass at this part in the run like I'm pretty excuse me I'm pretty scared so you see me save four cans I mean it sucks to miss the 50-50 here but also it's whatever cuz these cans are like fine nice turn frame and now for the worst fight in the whole game what's actually interesting about this fight here is that because I because I fought the guy and then saved if I died to surge here I actually could have continued this run was so good okay so one speed tie are one speed short of being speed tied with this Voltorb so I was guaranteed to be slower there and he hits me 420 with sonic boom always of course and then he could have shockwave too it would have been really bad but what's interesting about this is that because I'm running rash very bad special defense this ride shoe does 4248 damage with shockwave so he double-teams usually on turn one we water pulse and now we're gonna pulse again hoping to get torrent and not die which we can't and he see he actually he actually rolls one in 1648 damage and and then he dies because of the torrent water pulse 4741 surge with both bugs and pikachu this at this point in the run i don't think this will ever be topped like this run is basically [ __ ] perfect until this point like you it would be so hard to get a run that was better equality than like but pretty much impossible to get around the was better quality than this one at the at the surge split i would say crazy run how could it be better chat asks I mean dude like it it can always be better is the answer but like I mean dude this run is so sick right now like in Pokemon it can always be better because the difference between great and perfect is so big but there's plenty of things if you want a nitpick that could have been better but like this run was crazy so really quickly there I I went to the bike and actually registered it and then used it from the menu so now it's the bike is on my select key which is important because you're gonna see me actually get off the bike here with the Select key and now it's mega kick time it's actually this run this run doesn't show off how [ __ ] mega kick is at all but mega kick is [ __ ] like this is this is like the why mega kit why do you have to use mega kick run like cuz it just kills everything that doesn't die otherwise but dude mega kick mega kick is the worst okay so we're gonna do what's known as a run into bike here to avoid the spinner whoa that was hot except for bonk in the wall oh my god that was like almost frame perfect it was like so good that it messed up my movement I think so basically the way it works is you run to the last tile that forces a spinner to look in the direction that you don't need to pass him in and then with a few frames you get on the bike and just pass and he can't actually spin again in the direction to see you if you do it quickly enough by the time you pass him but it's a little tricky to do especially on the SP yeah the spin and AD is guaranteed with torrent and damage range without torrent so I'm more torn things whoa man gunner might be feeling the nerves a little bit too bonks in this section you never see that so something interesting here so the power plant is below here right you normally actually have to enter this Pokemon Center so that you can fly here so you can go to power plant later to catch Pikachu and something else but I actually just get to skip walking inside because I already have Pikachu my hands are doing better but they need to be doing more better oh look at that sweet dark movement mmm right into the trainer rocked I was actually pretty hard in this game I had to practice it a lot when I did any percent for the first time and I just applied that to round two but yeah it's quite quite the endeavor to get really good at doing Rock Donnell fast oh I remember this now okay so like I don't have a revive here sometimes you have a revive because you have enough steps in mountain to pick up the revive without ruining your palate but this one I didn't so I skipped it which i think is correct but I actually haven't gone back and checked this but I'm like almost positive that razor leaf from Bulbasaur and the next fight kills me and you have to use mega kick to kill him and so at this point in the run like this run is so good that I am considering taking an extra menu to potion just to play around mega kick miss into Razor Leaf on Bulbasaur but ultimately I take no damage from this slowpoke and I'm pretty sure I'm actually not sure about this still because I don't have these damage ranges count because it doesn't come into play that often but I'm pretty sure that vine whip is not gonna kill me and Razor Leaf will and poison powder obviously won't from Bulbasaur and he doesn't have AI like he just uses random moves this Bulbasaur so I ultimately decide not to heal here but it was like I was goddamn close to opening that menu and healing it because I'm terrified at this point especially because my mega kill I haven't missed any mega kicks this run like it's got to happen right that's what you're thinking but like you can't let that impact your decision-making but we do get the the perfect martha kick hit into kick hit this fight is another fight where you just lose a minute because you miss mega kick and get status and stuff so I had one bunk so far in Rock Tunnel and I think I yeah so looks are here for the mega kicks I think I actually bunk here as well yeah sod bullets good otherwise yes 3:30 is possible I will come back to this category if this time has ever beaten by the way but good luck its categories [ __ ] I can't get the perfect guy here yes do that one's hard even with the rocks liked it I don't know it's just something hard about walking into that guy we all know PB is free I will know I will probably not run this again unless someone beats my time and I'm definitely not running it again now I've been running this game for three months and I was supposed to get record on a run that was like almost two months ago or something like a month and a half two months ago I'm just I'm done for sure for now I just want I'm here doing commentary actually oh [ __ ] there so three balls but they were all fast I recovered fast from all of them sometimes it just gets stuck on the wall I'm actually could have water-gun pierre-simon torrent they die but it's whatever it's most insignificant time loss [Music] No at least currently this is by far my best run ever ooh nice save running into that guy and getting off the bike perfectly so I've gone off the bike again which means there's another run into bike coming I think I think I nailed it if I remember correctly but I might also have been [ __ ] we're gonna find out though so what's scary about this one and why I call it the dance with darkness his big eyes you have to do a run into bike on a spinner in the dark and it's so scary to do this on good pace and you could also take the super slow pass and just bagman of him but like I don't know then all your friends make fun of you no respect from the community etc etc oh that was good oh good yes I messed this up so many times Wow nice perfect [ __ ] movement so good yeah there is a fat there actually is a faster way to pass that guy but it's one tile specific I'll probably do that next time I I run this game and that is the last kick I have to hit there is one more if you're not important but I'm but I am feels good man feels so good okay so here's where this run is absolutely bonkers one extra step there said three bunks and one extra step not bad at all this run is ahead of my PB and my PB is one of the fastest runs I've ever had and it was so fast because I only caught one bug and I had no Pikachu and I had no extra catches and I am ahead of that run with a bug and Pikachu so this run is the best run of fire round 2 that has ever happened to this point for sure it's like not close 'some I don't think it's Arion had any run slower that were this good but I'm not actually positive about that but I mean it would just be so hard to have a run that was this good this was three months of grinding and by far the best attempt I've had so you have to fight one of those trainers by the way and that guy gives more money because he's a gambler [Music] so this is gamer yeah sure so this is where and my runs a lot of the time I am taking Eevee here for I mean it's like it's like one extra step or something I think I pick up Eevee here and it gets him in your party right away since you are generally being forced to take a PC early in the game which makes to get room for a bruh you can also make room for Eevee when you take that PC and getting Eva in your party and evolving it early just saves time because you don't have to take him out of the PC later and you see I don't increase my poke count there because Eevee is one of the 16 Pokemon I get no matter what then I start with but what's cool about Eevee is that you can actually use him to weaken things that Blastoise is too strong to weaken in the in the mid-game when you're catching them Eevee is actually amazing for that but this run doesn't do that because the main place you do that is power plant we're skipping power plant this one because we already have Pikachu pick up some so you have to get the coin case to be able to like have coins right so then you come in here and pick up the perfect combination of coins to where you don't have to spend money except on a big stack you actually spend ten thousand pokey dollars on five hundred coins here and the reason that's so worth it is because it lets you get Abra which trades for mr. mine and it lets you get Co ferry which moonstones in to clefable which is also the Pokemon that you use to teach strength to because it only knows it has a note for move so you don't have to teach anything over for strength so yeah very worth the investment of that money and that's one of the reasons we're gonna about to and already have picked up so many items to sell because ultra balls ain't cheap and neither is California or 26x specials or whatever [Music] yeah ansi/ieee yeah I did pick up a PPF outside of celadon whoa you see that that guy's a spinner I was like messed up the like smooth movement that you do to get past that guy so my rhythm was so I just like pause and reorient it myself cuz I was terrified I'm like actually scared that guy if you take one extra step you hit him I'm like terrified this run it's too good right now that's one of the problems with good [ __ ] Pokemon around is like it's too good you know that your any mistake is gonna crush you but you know you just got to deal with it more experience you get with runs like these the easier it is to deal with but it's still still never easy Wow wait we were just asked don't you pick up the TM below the sky during the world record no wave warrior we routed that out dumbass are my hands still hurting uh they are but the rest is helping I think for sure I mean they don't hurt right now like at all but if I try to use them more they probably would yeah by the end of this grind our character went full straightedge doesn't sell snatch for money anymore that's what that TM is by the white team snack I swear I'm like I don't know if it's my YouTube video or like what but it like keeps skipping like it just like a frame here in there I don't know if the world record bought is like that or if it's just this like you could see it on that health bar it like skipped for a second [Music] I don't know splice only seeing the world record run must be nice yeah these fights are whatever there's one thing that matters here which is the yeah I haven't submitted the surrounding I'm gonna do it after this there's one thing that matters here and it's this arbok is a 10 and 16 damage ranger with exactly 31 IV special effects I think it's 7 what 10 rather 7 with 30 IV 7 and 16 this Arabic has glare poison sting poison so really nice to have good special attack and torn and get the one hit there so just barely get level 34 there and then use our two candies to get to Blastoise the next two fights are Giovanni one and rival for lavender arrival right because both bridge where I belong it so Blastoise is like a necessity for those two fights and this is the best place to do it for sure when I guess it's I don't know fur the problem with Kangaskhan if you're Wartortle is that he out speeds here but this side do you have money yeah I bonk the tree which messes up my movement and then and then I talked to Giovanni from the couch which I didn't even know you could do that so something interesting about this run is that if I remember correctly I take like a bite here only to like 34 [Music] I want to say yeah okay it's funny cuz I remember like posting 2:54 in my in my brain from that run so what's interesting about this HP is that I am gonna do oh wow I forgot about that the Silph scope doesn't normally spawn in that tile it was different because I bought him from a different spot right for maybe does normally spawn there but it feels different because I was coming from a different tile I don't know anyway I'm gonna do a different strat for lavender rival than I normally do or that you do most often I guess the strat requires spending a bunch of extra money and also having at least two ideally three mega kicks and what's important about it is that you have to commit to this strata now not that it's like that far off but you have to commit now because you need to buy the items the difference in items which is an x accuracy and an x attack and a guards package you need all three of those to do the strat on lavender rival which which is very expensive in comparison to the normal strat which is just x special twice but I go ahead and decide that because I have a lot of potions left and because my HP is kind of kind of not good for the X special straat with of either a potion or not posting and I don't want to use my Oran berry on that fight that I'm gonna go ahead and commit to the to the alternate rat which you'll see in a second by a bunch of stones there those stones are let's see I buy a thunder two fires and a leaf so the Thunder is obviously for Pikachu and the fire stones are for Flareon and sometimes growlithe and the leaf stone is for oddish or executes depending on a rather gloom and execute depending on which or if or if both to catch and so having this stone is obviously super super good because it's just a poke you don't have to catch if you evolve did I swear this YouTube video is lagging like I don't know let's find them it's like not that [Music] one try to close out of some windows to see if it'll help [Music] I said I'd like a ton of cram windows open [Music] so teach flatted sting and then I just have to scroll the way up but it's fine and potion 254 which is like hi I actually could have been fine here with with 34 shillings a shilling a 54 there was actually kind of uh kind of troll maybe I don't know it was like playing really safe I was basically playing around Pidgeotto critic me with quick attack on the last turn of lavender arrival no buying different expecially different spot a different strap for for lavender rival the mega kick strap so I'm just scrolling past my like I went up to potion right and I need to go all the way down two guards back for the lavender I will fight and since I have to go past my stones anyway to get there it's just best to do it in this menu to evolve right you and Flareon now I'm gonna switch chitting to slot two because it's faster to have them in two because it's only one input instead of two what bottle was the mistake it hasn't happened yet I'll let you know it is in elite for the if that's what you're here for early for round one okay so the strat is actually sick and it's probably the strategy used more often if it didn't cost so much money to do lead with guard spec this Pidgeotto has sand attack which card spec protects against X accuracy because we're gonna be using kicks cuz we're not in torrent and here's where it gets sketchy and I wish that I didn't potion because I'm actually at 38 here and then I get no quick attack so I'm not in torrent already and and if I hadn't if I would be at 18 health which is like perfectly fine if I didn't potion so it was kind of a waste but it was also unlucky and also yeah it's worth noting that with X accuracy magnet kick is in 99% it has a 1% chance to miss okay so here protected by guard spec and then guard spec runs out so you actually tank the intimidate and then mega kick kills normally which is good but here I actually wanted to take damage to be in torrent so I led with water gun not bite because I didn't want to flinch him and then mega kick is the only thing that kills growlithe here with no X specials without giving super effective text so it's worth the 1% chance two minutes and then Cadabra dies to torrent bowls like I think he just dies to pulse either way yeah good fight stalling there for torrent is so important it is like if you if you don't water gone GERD us there and don't take the hit it's so so bad for the upcoming sections have to be in torrent here you notice we're not repelling cuz ghastly is like overwhelmingly likely here I actually have only seen not ghastly I think twice I saw cubone once and hunter once in in three months of running this game although fifteen ghastly is kind of nice here and this is one of the reasons that catching your spear Oh late is good I talked about this earlier because this cheating is nearly if not guaranteed to weaken this ghastly enough to make it a guaranteed catch with the nest ball a ball that increases how good it is with how low-level the Pokemon is so I'm pretty sure this goes from a 62% catch to a guaranteed catch just because you do that amount of damage which is so worth it if obviously if the hypnosis hit I would have just checked the ball but yeah [Music] and then we repel cuz that's all we need here [Music] and water guns and ghosts and torrent nothing can go wrong until well really nothing can go wrong at all here this is actually kind of like you know really think about it but this is kind of just like mini nugget bridge that's all these fights are completely free enough we can go wrong except quick attack on the last one which is also kind of like mega bridge I was another I don't we used to pick up down there it's an ex accuracy at the bottom of this room but it's so slow to get basically trade an ultra ball for not picking on up I mean yeah this video if you're looking to run this game can function as like some level of tutorial rate but I'm just trying to talk about like why we do things and why I did things in this run it's about to I mean it's gonna come more into play like everything from now is just basically been in any percent run with some extra caches but it's about to get spicy the best part of the runs coming up next this Marillac does not die unless you're in torrent sometimes you actually stall on him to get torn if you're not in it but generally you can be in torrent here unless you were like full HP leaving surge or something sometimes you can't take enough damage which is funny because this run I was literally at one health and had to heal after surge also ion ironically think that closing all those chrome windows actually stopped the YouTube video from lagging which is [ __ ] because my computer should not have trouble with it but whatever also dolphin sound god dang it this golbat does not die if you're not in torrent twelve times surely that's fine surely I guess this drowsy you have to bite it if you're not in torrent so pulsed it's a super effective textboxes and super effective super effective textboxes waste like a full second or something in this game bracelet so it looks like I'm losing time to pee-pee in record but I evolved to Pikachu and flareon here which is by those rooms do not do that or at least Pikachu anyway record doesn't evolve Pikachu or flareon their record doesn't even have Eevee yet so like I'm literally I already invested like a minute and a half that record hasn't invested yet into the run but he has to at some point [Music] so this ronita and Radek 8 both have quick attack and my HP is like perfect right now basically for kogas gem so i really don't want to get cook attacked but at the same times i do its should be able to Oran berry it I actually think exactly one quick attack would have been bad there 28 to 30 through now I would have been okay wouldn't have been good but it would have been okay on average because my defense is so good this run I'm only taking two I don't even need to check it's funny I have all these memorized now I used to have to check every run 28 to 33 I believe from from wheezing sludge which is important because you want to be in torrent and tank that move that's very important so now it is time it is time for the best part in the whole run and why one of the reasons this run is so stupid safari zone and Arcadia is here right on time so after the Snorlax there's gonna be a bunch of it's actually scary dude the biker gang there's gonna be a biker gang and I'm gonna do this the pause buffer trick where you pause right in front of a spinner and open the menu so they can't spend 432 frames and then the movement that comes out there I think takes 31 frames if you do it perfectly so it's a get past this guy perfectly you have to do boom right around perfectly to guarantee the pass so that part is always scary on record pace and chat always freaks out about picking up these items but it's really not that hard if you practice but it but it is satisfying it sounds for sure [Music] so another bit of a route change here is that I've invested more money into items X items and less money into picking up items and selling teams than normal so I'm only gonna buy 11 ultra balls in one max repel because I noticed that like on almost every run I was wanting to buy more max repels at a later Mart and since I was buying two stacks anyway I could just buy one here and then buy more later which i think is right and you have to leave enough money to get inspired and you actually do have to have the $500 to get in there there was one run where I had like 496 and I was really mad okay it safari zone so Safari balls are great balls and you can't weaken anything the only thing you can do is rock and fate rock doubles the base catch rate and doubles the base flee rate but it only doubles the base flee rate starting on this turn so they're not more likely to run instantly which makes rock really good on certain things this executes actually got not angry after the first turn which was unfortunate cuz then I had to rock again so it went rock ball rock ball run which is really bad cuz execute is worth 2 Pokemon because Italy stones to executory and so that was not a good start not terrible though you don't always expect to catch execute it's not that likely to catch but you really want it there's really one of the place to get it it's pretty unlikely so I pick up the leaf stone in case I get both bloom and execute which happens like reasonably often and you need to have both if you get them both stay neater in here Nidoran is actually worth for Pokemon trades for female neater and Candy's to need arena stones tip Nidoqueen and it's 50% to get in the ball sunny terrain is like the staple you always need at least one meter and I would say because it's just so worth it so we get to break outs and then run so new terrain is 18% to run per turn and 50% to get in the ball roughly and so that was very unlucky execute anita running there was so bad but we get one of the Holy Grail encounters female need around 5% to encounter this baby and it saves the trade for male neater and two female neater in assuming that you get male neater and also so it saves like 40 seconds or something maybe even more probably more to get that so really sick I was super scared but then I got that so we're good to go on that sea Rhyhorn here Rhyhorn is worth catching after a rock but it's like just barely worth it so with the fact that he ran instantly I'm not even mad about cuz he control you like really hard and now it's time for zone three so what's interesting about zone three is that zone three has like a mixture of the other zones it has all the nito's and doduo then intact are the two ones so if you do so when I go to zone 3 when I come like out of my way to come here I do I do it if I need vennen at and at least one neato basically so this neutrino is actually I don't know how likely he is to run on this term but it's pretty freakin likely pretty pretty likely I don't I don't know that I I've seen too many neutrinos not run on the second turn but getting getting the neutrino here is such a big swing over him running on that turn and us catching him on the next turn dude it is so crazy because me Torino saves the evolved from meter Antony Torino and leaves another rare candy for a different Pokemon because we'll be catching pokémon that will use a rare candy on like for example level 31 Geodude if you use a rare candy on that it becomes gravel ER so catching it it's worth 2 Pokemon and you have 5 candies to throw around folks that you catch getting doduo it there was good actually wonder what I do here probably stay yeah I definitely gonna stay here right yeah because I I need VIN an at or near an or execute and all of those are good encounters here and normally level 22 near in is a non ideal because it learns helping hand when you try to rare candy it which is slow but I don't have to evolve this neater in because I already have an eatery no so I actually caught the three optimal nito's male Neto female Neto and Nita Reno I've never had a run that caught all three I'm pretty sure until now and so now we're done I'm there still Pokemon I can run into here ride horn in Paris and execute nice bomb um but I like don't need them so I actually just decide to leave here and this was an interesting decision I guess mean arena is also faster yeah this is an interesting decision I think to leave here but I think it was correct looking back because the problem with the folks that are remaining is that they're not easy to catch like execute in Rhyhorn or forty percent of the encounters that I want and this Pokemon are not easy to catch and I'm already so far ahead and I had so much time bank now because record has to trade for for female meter an and it also passed to candy and evolved into new Torino and I already have both of those so I think leaving there was correct something else that's good about leaving is that like I said you can catch execute later in the islands it's only 5% but I also need VIN and AD on the islands too so that's 15 percent to get an encounter that's worth two Pokemon but I can catch in safari zone elsewhere and when you catch them on the islands you can weaken them and use an ultra ball so I don't know safari zone is like necessary but you don't want to like over farm Safari I think depending on what's left like obviously if you need an inter and you need meter and there's nothing you can do because it's worth for Pokemon but I think I think the Safari was played perfectly I think I think I made the correct decisions this run in safari zone it was actually crazies like this the safari zone at this point it's like kind of bad ish because I'm not going to power plant this run and I have no extra catches early so my poke count is actually very low for this point in the run but this is a run where I'm thinking like I'm probably gonna do some kind of backup to catch this run maybe if I get like standard ish luck on the on the on what's to come and so I'm trying to think about what that might be I have a lot of rare candies in the bank right now I think I only have one female need ran to use a candy on at this point so that means I have four left so that's four pokes from candies I still have been a not an execute to catch I haven't caught piggy or rabbit ah this run either which a lot of times you catch early but anyway this is one of the scariest fights in the whole run this fight sucks and it's one of the reasons that defense and HP are such important stats because for Koga I need to be at a range where I both tank sludge and am in torrent and the main reason this fight sucks is because this muck doesn't die 2x special + torrent surf it's like really close but it doesn't quite die so it's worth it to just kill the muck with two turns and then go for the range on wheezing so wheezing I believe with a good special attack + nature level 40 the EBS we have etc is 41% to die to one surf including critical and if you miss the range then you actually I'm like actually guaranteed to win here if I miss the range as long as he doesn't poison me and he poisons me then it's [ __ ] but just hit the 41 percent range this is super big super huge swing over dying here which happens like a lot of the time we ever revive if we die but it's like okay that was like huge I mean it's you're more likely to survive if you surf than if you bite because if you miss the range with surf then you just do bite surf and you're guaranteed to win from there and so you're 41% to save yourself from a death if you surf and 30% if you bite though bite is maybe faster on average but less toplin I don't know I think surf is worth it so this is the point of the run right here where you need to have a bruh in your party right and you notice before when I in cerulean where I made room for a bruh that I I said that you know when we come back to Peter later we need to have a burr in our party and I have not used a PC since then yes he can heal twice bites gets the heal range is why you would bite so we always do Diglett here you can only encounter diggle it in Dugtrio and you have to come here to trade for mr. my minute that was a fast encounter oh my god that never happens and Diggle it is 78% to get in the ball with ultra ball so it's just like one of the Pokemon you always catch [Music] and then trade for mr. mime from Abra and this you know this is where you have to this oh and I guess okay I guess you could you're probably wondering like okay well why can't you just you know when you do a PC later you get a bruh and then come here later which you could do but the problem is is that by the time you go to cinnabar you need to have the old amber that you pick up in pewter in in your inventory already so and I'm going to send a bar next which means I I can only come to Peter once so I have to get the old amber and then I have to come here which means I have to have in my Abra in my party from here on which is annoying because part of this route that I was excited about was like oh I won't have to have a burr in my party anymore cuz we won't have to teleport on this route well you actually still need a burr in your party at the same time which is stupid so this is where I would normally fly to power plant to go catch a Pikachu in either Voltorb Magnemite sometimes both if you get them first which is like good but um this run we already have Pikachu so we're just skipping so we're like low on pokes but fast safari zone low on pokes but fast early game low on pokes put no power plant so like this run is super sick and fast but like it is relying on a flake game luck somewhat for sure just do this run is literally insane though at this point like oh my god this is yeah I mean I'll point it out when it happens but this is probably like the fastest blame time ever definitely with this pope count it's the fastest plane climb ever it's like so crazy this is why we need the one max repel you generally get an encounter from tentacle there and then you just rappel down the mansion because you don't need the whole mansion you just need a little bit of it to get what you need why no gold splits cuz I never I didn't have any segments that were my fastest segment ever what does the game have no sound because then you'd hear me talking twice save a turn frame by stepping down there but it's kind of scary because that scientist can see you but you know this is troll what I do here I could have just gone there he was it was impossible for him to hit me from there I could have just gone right but I was like scared okay so coughing is good thirty percent to encounter coughing here coughing and a decatur though common encounters and then there's also Grimer and growlithe and Radek eight and Radek taha and wheezing wheezing you don't catch cuz it's too hard to catch but you see I talked about before by this great ball was good it's good as a backup for ghastly ditto oh yeah oh did I sorry it's good as a backup for gastly but if you keep it then it's just an extra ultra ball because I would normally ultra ball coughing there cuz uh because pokeballs bad cuz it's only 78% am any can self-destruct but but great balls guaranteed so it's just an extra ultra ball so this is sick this grammar is only 5% here and this Grimer kind of made up for for no power plan encounter I guess in a way though I wound up actually skipping Radek eight anyway here so at this point there is Radek eight radix I'm growlithe and ditto left to me so there's a 60% chance that I get a useful encounter here and so I actually decided to camp here for a second because it's so likely that I get an encounter that I want and I actually need more pokes so I actually get the best one 15% to encounter this growlithe which stones fire stones into our canine this was a sick encounter because if I got Radek eight here I would have had to leave but I got growlithe instead which is worth two so right here is actually I was actually sweating this decision so hard I have Radek eight Rattata and ditto remaining to me so it's 45% to go to get a good encounter but Radek aid is kind of troll to catch sometimes because it has an Oran berry and like it's cat trade isn't great and in 45% isn't like insane or anything and I'm pretty sure that I might have to do some kind of backup strat catch area later anyway so I actually just make the official decision to take the no wasted encounters split and just go into Blaine I'm still not a hundred percent sure that this was correct but based on what happened Mill and the rest of the run I think it was reasonable cuz Radek eight like Rattata isn't even like a useful 5% it's like you can get rid of that later it's whatever so I don't know pretty close play there with this exact pope count though I don't know this was close like obviously it feels kind of maybe because we don't get to see what happened but there's a world where I try to camp there and have to camp for like four encounters and then it sucks but like I don't know I don't know this one's tough and this is kind of why this category is cool right cuz like I'm still not sure looking back at that but that was the correct decision why didn't in safari early that's not that's that was correct on in person that was not but because we didn't catch that much in safari it was like maybe but i mean we're talking about a one poke difference here so because I was never camping for to close play arguably I would say it was it was it was probably worthless to stay but Raticate I don't know the brackets just knowing rackets told me so many times I'm actually speed tied with rapidash here didn't have 2x speed but it wound up working out right at the rabbit ashes troll it has bounced bounce while bounce like fly that paralyzes so yeah I mean it's bad so it cannot be understated like I mean okay I'm at 38 pokes right now though I have four kandi pokes remaining to me so that's like part of the reason why I'm lower on pokes but like it cannot be understated how insane like a sub 1:40 Blaine is like sub 1:40 Blaine is show so fast like I can't even believe this for happening to this point yeah it would not be fun to run against these splits like I'm literally saving five minutes on my PB there you know that's that's part of the like not camping mention there when it wasn't like amazing to do so well the bad thing that happened on highlands didn't happen then Islands actually would have been the peak of this run I think no you can't escape her about okay so here's one of the two dumb things I do this run I'm like I'm like looking at my poke count like really hard here and like trying to figure out and then I like I'm just matching and then I pressed B two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven it's like 12 seconds 13 14 oh now wait 15 he had to walk a little bit it's like 15 seconds fish but I lost to that I said no well he still has to walk you over a little bit and like the dialogue doesn't end instantly when you say yes so it's it's it's closer to 15 but yeah it's it's whatever I'm wonder if I should go pee at the same point that I would normally pee just for the means well I mean not me me you to is whatever I always leave my mic on my mic doesn't pick it up yeah the layouts gonna change for yellow but I mean ask now get bridge run three well kind of I mean these fights well the last fight sucks way more than that all right well since I usually go to the bathroom here when I'm when I'm doing my world record it since any way I could just mash a except for the rain dance to each I guess I'll use the restroom while this two or three fights plays [Music] [Music] shoulda turn the sound on I guess oh my god I've sat down to the exact same time literally the exact same time that I sat down and record like actually perfect no I actually I actually left a bit earlier than I did in records though so this fight is troll I hate this fight it's the worst you have to lead spec here if you're not in Turin cuz wheezing doesn't die ideally it's self destructs and then you get the range on muck instead we get poisoned from sludge which is troll not for the worst mistake of the run yeah sure I guess except not really so yeah I mean because I'm poisoned in low HP and need to heal for the next catch sections I think I probably just gonna go ahead and forward store here if I had to guess what I did yep and I'm like thinking here to like okay you just scroll to the bottom a dream in Tori don't forget to sell and then I also didn't teach Blizzard yet what you normally do in the last clip but it doesn't matter when you do it I just want to do it while you're in the menu yeah I do something you make a very minor mistake here where I press by instead of pressing sell and I realize it instantly because you have to sell the protein in the car best to afford everything you need here because you're buying so many ultra balls and hyper cushions so thirteen two and then three and it's faster to buy the three and then press right to buy six instantly yeah wait until it was insane because I skipped a power plant and got no useless encounters okay so this section is actually like pretty important there's a lot of stuff I really want and need here so me uh so Meowth is here oddish is here piggy which I don't have yet this oddish is actually like a really insane Pokemon right because if you don't find gloom which like doesn't happen all the time then oddish rare candies into gloom and then sleep stones into vileplume so this auditions were three pokes right away and I have four candies remaining to me critic hypno and talking to Blaine twice cost 115 no are talking about twice that cost more like I would say close to 130 sub 1:40 Blaine is really insane Pidgey Pidgey in one ball audition one ball there is really really good but the poke that I like really want to see either here and the next area is then a NAT no we're not blocking it we're not blocking it it doesn't happen yet [Music] this fights pretty troll this stupid bolus are in Ivysaur and everything has random may I so they have what poison powder sleep powder sweet scent and razor leaf I think and so mega kick is 99% to hit after X accuracy but Blizzard is only 93% and happens and happens so because they have random ai you don't want to actually they might they might have the status AI I don't even know so it may have technically been a mistake to heal to not heal that off but it was one poison tic and I just wasn't worried about it it's like whatever just don't gets tossed again the HP doesn't matter just heal out of the fight so then an ad is 10% here and in the forest and execute is 5% only in the forest and the reason banana is so good is because he trades for Tangela in the same place that you trade right you so really want to see been a net and on the last time of that area actually get the venom at super super super super happy to see then and not here like this is a huge deal honestly I got oddish pitchy and VIN and at in three encounters all first ball this was like really sick like you say the run peaks at Blaine but really really it Peaks like here like this is the point where the run is like insane is right when I encounter this have been an act like a god like having a better one hour 50 minutes of round 2 it's like impossible I don't even remember I think this is gloom yeah so gloom is good it's I mean I had a lot of candies still so it's like not as good as it normally is but like it's still faster to catch something than it is to evolve it once you've encountered it for sure this is actually pretty troll though 62% to get in the ball from there you can actually guarantee this catch by biting again but the problem is is that gloom has stun sport and moonlight which heals it and or poor status is here and so like I think it's better to just throw the ball because they've the upside of not giving gloom the next turn also you can credit but second ball was good like this was this was completely fine I've had plenty of balls cuz I haven't had any breakouts yet on ultra balls hypno that is our first useless income wait wait wait hold on actually was that our first you sunk useless encounter of the entire run I mean route 1 and forest I guess yeah but but yeah I mean like super low yeah weakening the really high level Hypno's as cancer though venomoth was a great encounter though here like that was huge honestly and actually make a little mistake here I should have filled out that paralysis for sure because the encounter that I wanted to see the most was Pidgeotto and now you see me actually pause there for a second because I'm like [ __ ] I [ __ ] up because this Pidgeotto has whirlwind that's the problem 1 in 4 to whirlwind and if it whirlwind zu then then you know it effectively is run so but yeah got him anyway that would have triggered me so now I heal it and what's actually okay so this this Vin Annette is not one of the 16 Pokemon that you start the run with always catching right and you might be wondering why because you have to do this as part of the as part of the game right or the I say I've been hip now and that's why is because I create hip now and like this I mean yeah you lose one poke and it's kind of unlikely to get in the ball and it's like but this crit and you'll see why later wound up losing me so much time like so much time Wow can you believe it one of my one of my real life friends has just called me and you know why because he thinks that I don't stream on Sunday like every other person in this universe even though i've streamed sunday since the beginning of time this oddish was like whatever wasn't expecting to get a good encounter here so you generally go to this bush here this is like technically optional but you like almost come here every time because there is a a really sick poke that you can catch here and that is Pony pop yeah that's pretty troll you're breaking out dude it's literally crazy like at the like from hip know like hip know is like the the middle of this run and like on either side of the hip know there's like perfect look and like absolutely miserable luck and oh my god so fear of fearo's control but there's also Spiro here which was another bad encounter so it's like whatever it's fine what I'm farming for here is anything good so Geodude me out getting Persian here was also really sick honestly so I'm like thinking about what to do here like I don't know what to do because I want a farm for ponyta after this I could I could have pulsed here but I don't want to die because I was gonna farm for Ponyta after so I heal first and then surf so this was actually a great encounter venon at persian like honestly these are like i quitting the hypno is bad but like these islands were pretty lucky been an act persian and and venomoth and like the late Pidgeotto we're pretty lucky honestly because it's hard to get those folks I mean you can me out to candy or anything anyway so we got Bureau Persian and level 34 ponyta in 3 / in sorry in 4 encounters here so this was a very good point accomplished and this was show crazy I thought this thing was dead for sure for sure and I was gonna cry because Pony cosworth 3 Pokemon trades to seal evolves to do Gong with a rare candy and my head is like is like swimming at this point because I'm like show invested into this run at this point also he could have take down and killed himself by the way just saying like that would have that would have been the most troll it wasn't an orgasm dude I almost fainted bro it was not a plat was not a pleasant thing I do have the same file okay so here's the worst mistake in the whole run and as you can see flareon and and a ride you are like the same color okay in my defense and I like can't find my Blastoise there it is and then I go up here to ride you because I think it's Flareon and put right you in the PC and I actually need write you in my party right now and I've never made this mistake on any run ever and it actually is so sad but happens dude it happens happens how much time less what we're about to find out I was still recovering for ponytail yeah that's exactly why it happened honestly like I'd like no trolls alright 158 26 that's when we enter oh my god this mistake was so cost 20 seconds 20 seconds lost and the fade-out now is more like twenty three actually pretty rough 23 plus 15 what do you mean oh saying notes a bill yeah sure sure whatever those were two separate mistakes but yes that is very bad I felt like it doesn't even bother me honestly it's like whatever just stupidest mistake like it's fine there is no toss for this category I mean yeah it's you can definitely say oh if you didn't create the hypno or if he didn't make that mistake but like you know then the RNG changes and you just die or the RNG changes and we get an actually around good leave for round one and get a 3.9 yeah so this is why you have to have a bruh / old amber / take the PC and get all these Pokemon and stuff because you're doing all these trades and fossil giving and stuff in this place this place is a gold mine it's worth noting that put the I talked about this before but the level you trade a Pokemon at is the level you receive it at so caching level 34 Ponyta makes this feel it can be able Pokemon to do Gong whereas if you catch the lower level Pony thoughts not you have to step out of the room there to reset the fossil guy no I literally don't want to know if there's a lab PC even if there was it wouldn't have been like particularly faster if it's in the second room it's movin fast for them but yeah okay so I what did I take out I took the trade pokémon out and I left the bug in my party from early game like that bug has been at my party the whole run because it's just faster to leave it there since you need it the next time or like you don't you never need as many party slots as it as it takes here yeah yeah I do something I did something I've never actually done this before how does it actually happen yeah that was so weird that it didn't and then this guy I could have gotten hit there I tried to press pause like I'm just literally falling apart at this point but honestly that was kind of like but at the end of it right there like I like realize okay dude you [ __ ] together like come on after that oh now that's the end of it going down to instead of up my hands were I was in a lot of pain for sure at this point for sure and there was still much more to go so what are my candy Pope's right now I have neither in and seal is there anything else oddish no I caught Klum Pidgeotto Padrino yes oh I have three right now so I stopped to candy Pope's left to go and I'm at 52 Pope's right now it puts me at 54 and I haven't caught Rattata and I haven't caught make your Ekans I have caught furo and I don't have side up so at this point in the run I'm thinking okay I'm catching Rattata I'm catching side ik for sure I have two candy evolutions which are worth two pokes and I'm going to catch either manky or Ekans whichever one I see first so that's five pokes I'm at 52 so that means I'm at 57 with the things I'm definitely gonna catch so where am I getting the other three pokes is what I'm thinking right now is I switch train my wheedle to get three pokes from it from its evolutions and the answer to the question is I don't know if it was - exactly then I definitely would have done Victory Road if it was four then I definitely would have fished if it was one then I probably would have picked up the candy this run actually maybe I don't know I probably should have done Victory Road actually in that case but but there none of the backup areas seem particularly enticing at this point either because of what I've caught already so like at this point I really don't know what I'm gonna what I'm supposed to do and so ultimately I decide that I'm just gonna do because I like you don't catch any other Pokemon for this until the end until route 23 in victory road unless you do some sort of backup very near the end so I'm I'm wondering to myself like yeah I'm literally reading it right now how the dumb chat is being so powerplant thin that's the first thing I see so you're gonna go to power plant right yeah Braille we're gonna get a forty seconds out of our way to go catch one thing okay cut shot was trucks like water stone the poly world or something I just stopped reading like and completely at that point I'm talking about 40 seconds of travel Leah that's true I literally couldn't even get to power plant because I didn't take the center to fly there anyway I ultimately decided that it was probably gonna suck and I was some some of the time I was gonna have to catch onyx but like whatever you know just just deal with it I'm so far ahead and I have tons of ultra balls right now like or at least more than usual so because I didn't even catch hypno and nothing really it broke out except what one fear oh and one gloom I think so I was like okay I'll I'll just catch the candy Pope's in Victory Road and hope for not up there it is Wesly since the beginning of time since the inception of when you've known me and every single stream schedule I've ever had I stream on Sunday always and forever I'm so tired of telling you and my family this [ __ ] you because because oh yeah every time see this is the second fight where we switch train wheedle and then I'm gonna switch Blastoise back to the front after the evolve this is why the bugs are so useful because for just a little bit of XP investment you get to evolved from them and Giovanni time the spite is generally fine but sometimes it's troll because kangaskhan is arranged and has faked out and near you know can poison you or hear you talk times five or whatever and you actually want to get torrent for Sabrina or at least a range where Sabrina can give you torrent for Erica is that the lead spec because I'm not in torrent and I get horn attack which is like nice there I would say it's probably the best thing that can happen because now I'll get to hunt for fake out or I get torrent from Sabrina perfect fishing would have been faster than the Victory Road that I caught but I think fishing is just bad in almost all cases fake-out would have been perfect here we've gotten torn for Sabrina and I would have hit this range but uh miss range in to rage is fine too it's like same thing basically so this is another PC that you always take because you're doing like trade sections here and you're full of like Pokemon that you've already traded for right so since you generally do the neato male to female trade here I actually pick up the mail neat out here and I'm like oh nope nope nope already have female neato and neuter Ino not used to having that but at least I noticed in time it's basically all your moonstone pokes and then went all the way around to get to the second bug which two I will also use for swap training in Giovanni's gym so two bugs worth six pokes and two switches pretty hot this friend had to use quite a few like sometimes X specials Giovanni Sabrina Paxton the wheezing mutt guy on the biker on the islands like you have quite a few extract specials to throw around but this round had to use like all of them which is gonna wind up mattering a whole lot later oh no sorry I got raged from the Kangaskhan so I actually didn't have to spec here but for all the other ones I did you can't escape in the region we created fire writer one category it's actually delayed keeping or like putting black glasses on to keep my person very active just in case this confused me because it's so bad you confused here with certain HP's or like all HP is really assuming you don't spec but I so it actually would've been fine here but I could have known that I had a phone so you can use black glasses to get a 13 and 16 damage range on growlithe and the self rival fight which saves a super effective box and you can use it to get a 15 and 16 range on Giovanni's right hornet plus one which is a super effective box as well so it's like minor but the save time this is where you would normally pick up edie if you didn't pick it up early because you have the party space for it and world record picks it up there so I'm gonna save time there and I also you would normally trade male for female leader in there but I didn't have to do that because I caught both of them so like huge time save here over record [Music] yep this fight is I mean these two Erica fights would just bite and then Erica herself is actually really really dumb because it's so likely to go well but it doesn't it doesn't and you'll see why because I'm gonna save a like a ton of time on PV even though I think Pb Pb either already had Eevee or already had the trade one of the other I'm still gonna save like a ton of fun because PB gets the bad Erica fight where you miss their engine die so I actually I'm pretty sure I would have tanked the Giga Drain here you gonna find this the violin range so Erica is the reason you want to be in Turin so badly is for for Sabrina so you can skip the ex back but for this fight you actually have to Blizzard victreebel if you're not in torrent and this is guaranteed to kill instead of only 70% to kill then you tangle about just dies but then the the vileplume is the problem because violin is 13 and 16 to died a torrent surf + crit chance so if you miss this range it will stun spore if it doesn't kill if Giga Drain and then she'll heal and then you get a rebuy on the range but if you're dead 2 Giga Drain you just die and then you have to revive and then you're not in torrent so you have to Blizzard and you miss the blizzard and then your stun spore and you actually want to like in your life yeah time save I saved a minute 50 on PV and what like over a minute and a half on record because of the neato and the and having Eevee early I don't need to mention such a thing yeah this time it's great and the reason this time is good like it's and it's as good as it seems to write because I have 52 pokes and record had 54 but record had four kandi pokes already used or like claimed so he really so I really have 53 assuming I catch the two candy books which I'm going to so I'm only one poke behind record right now with fewer revolves because I already have neater Eno and I am 509 the head so yeah I think he I think he actually has already done one of his bugs of all bug evolve so we're actually tied there but yeah like so ahead right now so it just makes sense to do all this evolving here right because you got a you have to take the PC to get Clefairy in your party for strength anyway so you just get all these candy and moonstone pokes done at the same time and having neither King and your party is good for Psyduck and I had already decided not to fish at this point but I was considering it during the self cusp lit and stuff whether I would fish or not and I think I was great was correct not to but [Music] [Music] Kandee Clefairy is something I haven't done since the beginning it's been months like actually over two months I think since I did that [Music] companies of all sections take forever but it's so worth friend is actually like the route wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be like a lot of things about it are really good it's hard category to optimize [Music] Tom I already monitor [Music] yeah pick up the candy behind the stringbuilder that's why you like need that strength there because it's just an extra candy that even like you're in that room anyway and then swap train on these two fights for the bugs and two free evolves from that again this gym is free but these are my jokes are damaged ranges I actually don't know what they are it seems very likely to kill but they are damaged ranges and they can actually do a bunch of damage to you too [Music] yeah I mean I always keep my attempt counters that's why I have nineteen thousand attempts in yellow but yeah I don't know if there's anything I forgot to mention at this point but these fights are free even Giovanni is like unusable this is they all die this is the calm before the storm that it's route 23 and Victory Road my consistently least lucky catch sections for sure few ranges searched while the match oaks are damaged rain just buy set that and nothing else is arranged if you use the right moves anyway it could world record well that was actually really annoying getting bone meringue here was pretty I'm lucky forced me to heal and lacking that healing item actually mattered later it's pretty dumb actually tax I mean it it's what's really dumb is that it mattered in the end but it did and remember keep that hip know that we crit in the back of your minds moving forward here [Music] yep this parts pretty residentsleeper but I believe I mean something stupid still happened imagine that well I mean I would have crit the hypno yes Jem freaking that's that's the nonsense part of this run and it should have been so much better than then it should it than it was because so many of the things that happened mid-game wound up losing me so much time later on and like it's actually it's actually kind of tragic but I mean if there was any run that could handle all the nonsense that's to come it's this one I guess which is good I got the record even that was a little not as good at the time as I wanted but you know this this run I actually held this run together pretty well like this run wanted to die show badly one encounter is roughly 20 seconds that's there's nuts just not true if you're including the time between encounters then that's not relevant because because those are steps that I would have taken anyway even even if I was repelled right so it's like it's like 10 to 12 depending on the length of the cry or something like it's somewhere in between those numbers for sure and I got six extra encounters I think so it's like do like a minute ole see we will see I thought it was three machop's and three zubats but anyway that's about to happen so let's see God's front is so good - 631 bonk no I am definitely not doing anything with my hands today this time gonna be done streaming when the commentary is over I mean I'll stay for a minute so get an encounter here we're praying that it's ratify its 45% rat us out 45% manky and 10% Spiro here manky is 30 percent in the next bush and you can rare candy it and you can also weaken it this is only 50% to get in the ball which is quite annoying but it's fine as long as we get right it's on next this was good now I'm doing anything with my hand suggest amq no it doesn't amq is plenty of hands okay so the reason I was computer kisser I need to stop talking check okay so this this fight has actually told me so many times and it's so stupid because wait but this happened here oh I forgot about this it wasn't this run that it happened yeah so he I forgot about this because I was so focused on the run of this plane so missing this Blizzard you're dead cuz then he just raised her leaves just 7% there just died there so we get crit by Pidgeot and I'm like barely outside of torn here so you would XP Don Garrett as if you were in torrent and then I buy Carrodus which is standard and then he hide her pumps and it crits and then I'm thinking that growlithe is not gonna kill me from here I almost healed anyway cuz I wasn't sure I'm thinking that growlithe is not gonna kill but he actually does kill from here and so I wind up dying which is funny because record also has like a troll fight here I think but yeah double crit there it was not arranged that was guaranteed to kill me we already checked that yeah I did not I did not think growlithe would kill actually with really good defense but like I had but it didn't matter and so I wind up having to use an extra spec here but the fact that he used it and that it killed means it's probably quite likely that it died but I bet it was close like real close so I had to use another extra expec there too on that fight it's just another respect gone yeah the takedown miss actually mattered cuz then psychic would have killed me so I would have had to keel again I wasn't thinking that agility would make him faster but without the X speed it does that was pretty troll the guy ran it tight here 45% that was good [Music] Thanks yeah man I actually completely forgot about that birdie and rival must have been the adrenaline that was quite unfortunate honestly how was this split not worse than my okay so the only poet the only encounter you can get here sie doch and i wanta having to not lose any steps for it so that was good I am worried that I am going to have to catch Onix this run so I do switch to Nidoking to weaken this because this makes it a guaranteed catch instead of a 50/50 almost went to master ball there my guess so this was worth it I was like thinking about getting the ultra ball there and then I was like extra ball to the side okay so this I basically want to avoid catching onyx here and honest as onyx is less likely on the next floor than he is on this one so I decided because I have two normal repels left I could have that I'm just gonna use two normal repels to get to the next floor to avoid having to catch onyx or at least attempt to catch avoid having economics there are three things I need to catch here two of them need to be candy pokes and one of them can be anything 20% Machop here 20% Geodude 10% Zubat 20% rare encounters that are really good and 30% onyx and 10% Marillac actually so it's like 10% marathon the next four as well I think I shouldn't have repelled there and seen how far I got without getting an encounter they wound up being like I mean I don't know it works out either way honestly but I probably shouldn't know for Pelt the second time I knew is fine honestly I was fine so Zubat is the best encounter for sure but I could have gotten here like this was the best first encounter that I bet but that I could have gotten because this was this is only 10% and it's a candy poke and the other two that I want Geodude in Machop are 20% each so hoping for either Geodude or Machop here or a rare is good too but kind of scary because I'm when you need a candy poke so actually get Machop so I still have a rare candy left and this is at the level where it Candy's - Machop ARMA choke so when I catch this it's worth two pokes and I go from 57 to 59 now if you remember anything about this run and what I talked about before I crit hypno this run so I would be done with this catch with zero useless encounters a split so far I would just be done it would be over but instead that's not what happens [Music] so I need to catch one more thing and the game really makes me sweat it here too and do that 10% pretty unlucky pretty sad would have even been happy see Onix there but like whatever you know it's just one encounter and Machop I can't now we're really sad about it Machop again now we're really sad about it four so sad about it and Zubat again 20% from a top 10% for Zubat and then Machop again [Music] so it was five extra encounters yeah it was very very very very sad and Onix is like the thing you never want to catch cuz Onix is like 30% to get in the ball when you weak in it heavily it's like so bad I could have easily lost my run to the Sonics but the fact that the Onix first bald was quite lucky for sure I definitely made up for like a reasonable amount of the catches [Music] so I mean overall and I mean the split was obviously terrible because I [ __ ] died but like overall this could have I'm actually surprised this wasn't worse than it was yeah I was actually less than I thought I mean it's because you also have to consider that that like hypno is kind of bad to catch sometimes cuz he'll like poison you and he doesn't like to get in the ball so like you know if you catch something faster than hypno than which we did because it was a one ball Onix but so yeah probably closer to correct I think three catches that victory red is very bad I think fishing is the better play in that situation well here's why you're wrong here's why you're wrong the problem with that is that I very often times need to catch two things in victory road anyway because I need things to rare candy and catching three things in victory road is actually not bad because there's so many rares that are good auerbach Machoke golbat and and Marillac and primeape and primeape you can catch all of those those are 30% of being counters on the floor I was on 30% that's that's just as likely as any of the zoo bats or geodude's that I got in that situation there's nothing wrong with catching three things every Road anyway but but I needed to catch - candy pokes anyway and I was worried about catching the minke early that I couldn't candy I made the right decision in this run like 100% on what to catch I think but yeah you put Blastoise in the box to pcl him yeah you do yeah I mean I'm like finishing off my avulsed right now like this is a standard generally have like three to five evolves here normally four or five I would say [Music] like fishing is so bad chat like I know it seems nice and all like but it's so bad it's so slow you don't hear you're not even guaranteed to get the encounter and you can get Magikarp patrol then the Pokemon don't like to get in the ball and it's it's so stupid [Music] be I'm surprised this efore on one split wasn't worse than it was honestly with all the dumb stuff [Music] no we're going to talk about it [Music] I finally did this PC without do anything [ __ ] at the AE it's dark Roux [Music] okay so seven polish store is max max repel is standard by that losing a minute to record there is like completely fine honestly more like a minute 25 but yeah no you can't deposit with the yellow hand it just picks it up or swaps so this right is 4x pecks and equip the black glasses so bite actually deals with Lorelei it's like pretty much the only way to deal with this fight actually so three turns and this is actually looking so good even though we still need two more turns with no flinch but turned for hail here sucks even though it's pretty much what you're expecting he is likely very likely to hail like very likely it's a hill got a good roll in the bite though thank you sure so I actually decide to heal here I think because I took so much damage and what's important about this is that you don't want to heal on lock wrists because then Lapras can either paralyze you or confuse ray here it's sucked to have had to heal there but I took so much damage from Dewgong and that the hail that's to come that it was just better also chance that he surfs there instead of ice beam means that it's better because you don't get status protective troll okay so troll but it's fine only one protect I guess yeah this fight is just just do Gong and Lapras all the other ones go down and then I guess cloister can protect us but it doesn't actually matter just slow but the Lapras is so troll it dies in three hits and it has confused ray and body slam which Parra's body slam para on turn one as usual so I actually attack in here because I tank crit and I don't want to heal to full and then get confused raid because she's much much more likely to confuse ray when you're near full health so I think I definitely made the right play there because I could have if I was fully paralyzed I actually could have just used bite again in that situation and it would have been fine and now my HP lines up like pretty well for Bruno most of the time so yeah so this fight is probably I don't know Lorelei's trolled me more but this fight this fight is like secret troll it'll get you when you least expect it so this fight you need two guards back to avoid rock tomb lowering your speed right and then you need to set up 2x specials and then be in torrent to win the fight if you're not in torrent you need 4x specials so get rock tomb rock tune earthquake so I'm just outside at one here and already at +2 so I decide to go to +3 instead so I need any damage here any damage here okay so I'm actually gonna pause the video for this part because this is such [ __ ] so I'm literally screaming any damage in world record right now and in the record vlog right now because I need to take any amount of damage and here's why this is [ __ ] there's two factors to why this missing is dumb the first reason is that if he had earth quaked instead the maximum damage that earthquake plus mach punch does is 60 with this defense so that means that if he earthquakes I'm almost always fine anyway and if he rocked tombs my HP is perfect for the rest of the Elite Four and I can't stall again because this onyx has roar and then once you're at +3 of a stat he likes to roar so I literally have to attack in now that he missed that rock tune and I'm pissed about it but now I make a genius I make a genius play okay I'm gonna I'm pretty sure I make a genius play and I X speed here ix speed here and this plays around literally everything this X speed on this turn because if he Skyy uppercuts me here which is by the way guarantee do not kill then I can super potion and then if he rock tombs or mock punches or sky are because again I'm fine if he rocked tombs on this turn it lowers my speed but I'm still faster than everything and so anything that happens I'm fine so he gives me sky uppercut I barely tank it now I'm at the range where rock tomb will kill so he can rock tomb or mock punch so I just super potion 259 again and he misses rock tomb again so dumb so now I just expect to +4 so now I'm not in torrent for Agatha literally so dumb so dumb everything about this fight was so dumb I wound up not mattering for Agatha but like God like this and so because I had to use so many specs there and earlier in the run I now no longer have enough X specials to finish the run so I wind up having to teach call mind to Mewtwo as an extra TM teach in this run because of how troll this Bruno fight was which I played perfectly by the way so stupid so now here is even more nonsense so this fight is generally xspeed ex-special and then you win if you're in torrent but the problem is is that I'm not in torrent so now I have to go to plus three spec to make this fight actually work so double-team turn one is really standard two I'm actually I'm actually begging for him to use shadow puncher pretty sure he's like not actually likely to shout a punch from here but I do actually get shot a punch so now I just win what so that was very lucky but most of the time I get [ __ ] there and die because Brenna didn't give me torrent yeah you wouldn't get calm mind anymore if it wasn't a gym leader team but you would also buy more expects but honestly when I routed like calm mind as a backup strat from you to if you run out of X specials that was like a mean like I never thought that would actually happen cuz there's so many ways you can just like avoid that happening but this run just could not I used too many I mean I have most of the stuff memorized within like a pretty reasonable range for the exact damage stuff does on different defenses I have to check my menus or my notes sometimes which you can see at exclamation point are two notes and those are actually about to come in handy right now yeah so this is just beautiful you always said a fool for Lance's find is actually super troll but uh pulse effects actually came up with a better strap for this fight recently you used to use byte spec AK Blizz Blizz but now you spec AK bite i Blizz which barely kills it's like 94% for those three moves to kill so you get an extra chance to flinch and you don't have to risk missing blizzard and if you do miss blizzard somewhere else in the fight you still have an extra blizzard so this is actually like way better this was a pretty huge find by Paul's effects IMO actually so hyper beam here which is what I need to play around does sixty to eighty on this defense and he'll only use it if it kills so I I actually get hit dragon rage dragon right here which was unlucky 279 so I actually can't heal this because it's so unlikely that he both hyper beams and I get hit so now I'm like praying for him to use bite here and I get dragon I'd you can so three dragon rages there was actually really really dumb because this it wound up leaving me having a full restore that does not work in any percent by the way sheer and it only works with 30 or 31 spec so you literally have to run 30 or 31 spec for like 18,000 reasons by the way it's it has to do with stat XP I think and when you level and what what exploits dot XP you've gotten also sometimes your little fifty three here in fire red round two because you like missed XP to something and then you have to you have to do the other strat then but yeah by the way if you remember earlier in the run I said my one fight missplay actually wasn't true because I forgot about pretty and rival but my one fight missplay was in elite for my hands are fine but I haven't used them for anything and yesterday or today so I mean if I try to again then we'll see I'm gonna take the rest of today off from using my hands technically about a pterodactyl can get an agent power boost but if you're in tourneys still die so it doesn't matter for any gaming or typing anyway okay so this fight you are praying to get a Heelys fight by Pidgeot using its feather dance and santa tax so it was the Miss play well it's yet to happen yet and it actually wound up costing me a reasonable amount of time too and I don't even notice it at the time because I'm so not used to this fight that I got so you the the standard fight here is guard spec X speed X special three times and then X accuracy on the venusaur and then sweep and you have two x AK on the venusaur because you your guard spec runs out and you can't risk getting sand attack and also this pitch shot is favored to sand attacker feather dance even now at this at this HP he still is but I but now he hits me twice in the first to turn so now I'm more likely to get aerial ace and he literally gives me aerial ace every turn so now I'm in torrent at +2 and dead to aerial ace which means that I can just go here but I'm like kind of freaking out because I haven't haven't actually seen this fight since I started running this game again and I forget for some reason that you still have 2x accuracy here you can't die because venusaur only has solarbeam to kill you so I was actually supposed to X accuracy here even though it's like reasonable to skip it overall for time safe but yeah I was actually supposed to act there which was a mistake and what's dumb about plus 2 on the strat is that you actually have to Blizzard Gyarados twice it doesn't die to bite Blizzard like it does it +3 so I actually really needed to use X accuracy there because I was using an extra blizzard so obviously I have to heal here because thrash does like 45 or something which was which is standard 41 even so Blizzard and then so I'm like actually praying to hit this blizzard so hard and I miss it and then I have to heal again but the torrent fight is pretty fast so it's like okay but sucks and now I used seven I used seven four stars in an e for round one you usually use no it doesn't it dies to it dies to torrent surf at +3 Shirou but not +2 real King welcome back for three months thanks for seven baby I appreciate you see how this this was God you this Elite Four was so dumb it was so dumb I was supposed to save so much time and I saved none sucks to suck [Music] yeah I actually lost time to examine Z for round one which is like crazy yeah I mean not Act not ex acting there was a missplay and I didn't even notice it at the time because I was like so worried about it I was like why should I have to do the torrent fight and I wanted to make sure that I didn't mess that up as it had been forever since I'd seen it this is a commentary run those donations already happened and I already thanked them but I appreciate your concern hurry my hands I mean my hands feels fine today but I haven't used them in two days why no game sound cuz I don't want to hear myself talk twice he's not even likely to extreme speed if it doesn't kill so now we begin the post-game quest to unlock the second and harder round of the Elite Four so that we can destroy them stretch your hands I mean I do I am doing hand stretches [Music] no I'm not doing I'm not doing speedruns today I'm done streaming after this nice was I going the goal of the post game quest is to get a ruby in a sapphire to hook it up to this crazy machine to link this region to the Hoenn region so that pokemon can be transferred between the two regions and then the elite four uses that to buff their team way up with new pokemon from other gens and at a much higher level and with more troll movesets ok so this movement kindness Gary actually I tear that I noticed that I have 5x special which is not nearly enough I'm like ok well it's gone minded so we got to get around that girl she can see you from one tile way then we got a run bike this guy and we got a knocko one too many tiles here you hit those trainers you got a pause here don't forget it or you can hit those guys those are two trainers and your runs over one step to the left go all the way to the left here you hit her and she actually would have hit me but then it was over thank you how did I obtain the data I don't know other people have painted and then I memorized it so most of these fights are free on impulse serves better [Music] yeah this fight it's just bite for don't get quick attacked but that's really matter and we're haptic we're just gonna have to see how my hands keep up moving forward ants actually feel really like fine today but they felt bad when I woke up I think I really need the break I honestly might even take another day off depending we'll see I'm definitely taking tomorrow I'm definitely I'm talking about another day after tomorrow I'm definitely taking tomorrow off I might actually take two days off though we'll see [Music] yeah I am definitely going five days a week for sure it's always scary because your max repels and oh my god that movement I think I actually had an aneurysm at that point I cannot even believe that who's so crazy looking and this is where I'm like oh my god my hands are just like actually done my hands it's and I mean my fingers when I say my hands by the way it's like only my fingers [Music] I do Arcadius I do I miss the run into bike it's funny cuz I hit all the other ones perfectly but I miss one that I never miss I've been doing hand exercises for like a little over a week now honestly it doesn't really seem to be helping like at all but I'm gonna keep doing it I've been consistent about it I've even been doing it while I've been doing this commentary [Music] so yeah this is I mean there's actually quite a bit of execution on these islands that are like scary I guess this next part is kind of like you have to do this ice cave and then it's like I don't know it's not free but there's no real punishment here but then there's spinners to run into bike there's walkers there's all kinds of nonsense yeah so that's actually one of the reasons I'm considering taking another day off is because my stress balls and the equipment with which I need to actually I don't actually know I don't think the stuff I need to practice yellow on console is gonna get here in time for that anyway so I may have to do emulator practice which I like at least I can learn the minutes on console anyway didn't open the Pokemon menu there I always fused to forget that I was on Pokemon and then have to go down to back there [Music] oh yeah that's right I maybe could do that I'll look into that oh did did you Matthew III will I'll play it again after after I'm done here in 30 minutes if someone reminds me so I actually don't know how I did it but I actually still save time on record on the split despite my hands absolutely killing me which I am proud of that's what is mostly execution and quick attack [Music] yeah lost three seconds to PV though not surprised my PV was so good there and then careful to remember which one you're on escape rope or max rappel and I actually go up there even though you're supposed to masse on that fly to fly okay there's something I've never gotten that before I'm like falling apart at this point I was like they're like physically I guess she could actually get past the spinner if you react to him turning and then you run into bike him and I actually miss it you're not likely to get hit there at all but I I could have lost the run or actually it still would have been record but I could have wanted to die because I hit that guy [Music] you actually see I take that so safely cuz like it's really easy to like go an extra step after a repeal textbox wears off so I like stop and like make sure I think I had an absurd number of bonks honestly I bike here though which is [ __ ] I remember that yeah it's just slower thing [Music] because of the audio lag went all the way around down there it's funny all this loses like no time but just whatever okay now the only island that actually matters run into bike spinner Walker and dumb fights get the run into bike bonk yeah she could have been me there she could have turned around and hit me there for sure she had time to it was like pretty unlikely but it was possible cuz I ball but yeah happens yeah I still would have record it but it does I mean I would have hated the run and continued running it honestly yeah that wheezing is arranged to and it has smoke screen and it loves to use it I've never seen use anything other than smoke screen you wouldn't actually think that it has AI I was dumb yep I was - I was not in the mood to share that story at that time I also got a hypno pattern here I've never seen which was dumb but also I mean better than it could have been worse right we get the swagger a bit of missus and then I actually kids swagger again which I've never seen it pretty sure he's just one in four to swagger and it wound up not really modern but it certainly could have and then and now I have what is easily my largest complaint of this entire run with the luck that I got because if you remember before there were three rock tombs that I needed to hit and now he's not even guaranteed he's not even likely to use rock tune and it hits which is fine it doesn't even matter it's only the second one that matters and so he actually he actually rocked hims me twice so now I'm slower than everything I actually was expecting to be slower than muck I think that actually might have been a speed tire something cuz I swear I was like slower than him one of one run but it's an ad so I was in vileplume and she leads sleep powder so what do you even do here like what do you actually do because I have no forest doors by the way because I used seven on e4 round one so I just do this and now and now our Bach sludge does like like 40 or 50 I think like 40 40 and so like what do you do here I have no forest or and if I pair a hill then he just either poisons me or or or or I don't tank two so I just have to so I just have to serve now I have no X beats and they wouldn't be worth using them even if I did because I'm para Dan - to speed so dumb while he's guaranteed to 2-shot me so I pair a healing potion here because I stay in torrent exactly with the potion but now I tank the goal that you've have missed the range I think sometimes wheezing probably not with a special defense sexually wheezing was probably guaranteed to kill but wheezing 75% to die and I still had a revived arguably should have just but I can't even heal it's a full year is the thing cuz like even if I wanted to heal the full which was probably correct I couldn't because I had no no 4-stars left somehow which has never happened to me in any run I've ever done so I think I made the right call here being an exact torrent those were 11 in 12 and 16 to die respectively with 31 IV the surf management seemed a bit weird it doesn't really matter I just I just became aware at the last second that like it was technically I was I wasn't actually sure if porygon died to a non torrent waterfall I'm pretty sure it does but I wasn't actually positive because that had never happened to me before so I just served it I'm pretty sure it just dies either way but yeah whatever still save time what's the problem with with with warehouse you didn't even lose time I did on ppm chatez like why don't you just go buy more egg specials you're buying full restores why don't you just buy more expansions that was chat I remember I'll never forget so we linked up the regions now the elite four is buffed up now we just have to go get a Pokemon that's good enough to actually be fun thuja see if you can fish up an expression [Music] and this item on the ground here is actually a full restore but one isn't enough so I have to buy them anyway so it's not worth picking up bonk into encounter what can you do no I've never used a scape rip there because I'm always super aware for that one just like I've never taught fury cutter to Center it in gold because it's like too juicy it's too obvious of a mistake so I'm like so out of it at this point my hands are actually in so much pain and like I'm pissed that this round isn't as good as it should be and so I actually don't even realize but I don't name you two here which is I don't know how much time this loses I'm guessing like 15 seconds probably not even honestly it's only five fights maybe ten because I was comparing it to Kyogre but I forgot Kyogre has a lot more fights it's probably time I mean I don't know you could calculate it by just like finding out how many times in YouTube's name pops up how much time it lost yeah one frame is one character so it saves five frames every time you his name comes up so is if his name comes up 12 times and that's one second no it's five frames his name is stilt one letter so actually by four stores and revives there you normally don't buy anything there but I have zero four stores so I have two and since I was in the Mart anyway I figured I would just change my champion strategy picked up the Mac survived by extra revives and by extra full restores so that everything chat told me to do would be in the stupid final fight and then sub guy in chat says why not buy one more folder storm not naming him dub staple it apply Mia so first thing that happens in e4 round to signal beam crit I'm like oh my god it's just it's happening again it's just happening again it's happening I was so mad at this point I was just like actually done I was considering just like stopping like I hate this round I'm done somebody says it begins and everyone's spamming use recovery so then we miss fire blast and miss lovely kiss which didn't actually matter because I need it's a forest or anyway by the way so that Lovelace missed it not matter [Music] so I am actually not positive at this point that steelix is not gonna kill me and I have to forest or for Agatha anyway so it may have been correct for me to just full restore here because I'm pretty sure earthquake can kill from a hundred with some u2's but I mean I had a Mac survived and revives anyway so it was just like whatever so I actually miss the fire blasts into earthquake and I just fire blast again some pissed and then I actually have to sweat mock punch here which is like the dumbest thing ever but I'm not even sure this hitmonchan has mock punch at the time that uses it and I'm not even sure that it's gonna kill me at this point but I think it will from 12 because I think the - defense nature actually may have mattered there I don't even remember how much it does but it does 21 so could have mattered yeah actually or at least two different like the worst invest meat you could have mattered thing yeah I listen listen so much time on these on these fights like it's actually crazy how much time I lost to just nothing in these late-game attempts are in these late-game fights yet both ephors were so bad then we have Agatha aka don't get crit by mystery Vyas Racing on welcome back for five months I actually I haven't thanked anybody for this shuts this whole time but I like I actually just did that like reflexively nice so yeah so far this efore has had get crit by signal beam miss to fire blasts have to heal for mach punch well it's to be fair I literally couldn't see your donation because like I don't have anything open I only saw the sub because I have a child yeah so yeah this doesn't guide a psychic unless you have a plus special attack nature and godly special attack and then it's still a shooting range and we get crit by shadow ball and it lowers my special defense I just lose so much time to nothing have to heal all of this HP back now like so stupid so now because I have used to show many ex-special as this run I have to teach calm mind which I would not normally do I would just spec three times here and I have to actually teach calm mind over fire blast and I can't teach earthquake yet because I need all four moves for either this fight or the next one coal mine is literally so slow like even using calm mind itself is slower than ex-special because of the text box and the and the animation is pretty dumb so safeguard call mine times three and then when would have been nice if I had good special attack here could have just gone to +2 but I still would have had maybe I wouldn't have done call mine I mean the only other thing he can do besides thunder wave is dragon dance and it seems like he's overwhelmingly favored to thunder wave like I've only seen dragon dance one turn ever and then yeah I don't know this this fight is probably the main reason me too so broken because like you literally just do that and then you win Kingdra is a dragon water type Pokemon and even if shockwave killed it would be a wasted input no this time is slower than than the first really good run I would have had but not by that much now I have to teach earthquake and I forgot that I was already on TM case because like talk online over call my so Tom showed up I mean I could have taught it overcome our over-over safeguard as well yeah you can but I was you you normally don't have to register the TM case because you just teach earthquake during the same menu that you elixir but this run I had to use it twice but yeah I should have registered it this run because I had a teacher call mine okay so new strat X attack three times and pray that Alakazam call mines three times which it usually does we actually got a really bad pattern here call mine psychic psychic like call mine on this turn is so much better because then the pipes just over but now I had to sweat it somewhat because I have to heal on Garrity's now because it doesn't die and it has hyper beam he's like 3% to reflect return if he reflects it's really bad like really really really bad on the last turn and it's on the first turn it doesn't really matter Gyarados is only bad if you get a special default from from Alakazam because then it can hydropump you instead of hyper beam and then that doesn't that can just loop you and healing but just get hyperbeam here and no I mean rather yeah so see we got hydro pump but it didn't put me to an HP where it where hydro pump would kill again because I didn't get a special default and that's why getting special deep ball can be really bad with that pattern I was also scared I was gonna put a bit to your age here shockwave doesn't kill unless you get a plus-one or you have absolutely godly special attack but yeah the spite is just pretty much don't get reflect and don't get some insane combination of bad luck and you win there are some caveats with certain attacks but like 25-plus probably I don't know exactly how much you need just plus nature is usually probably good enough actually but yeah that's it I'm gonna let this play until the actual end time but there you have it fire red round 2 world record commentary no I'm not going for sub 3:30 I'm done I'll go but I'll come back if someone beats me but am I satisfied with this run I mean like I don't know I guess if not like super yes but like yes I'm a little annoyed about some of the things that happened especially because some of it was like such [ __ ] but I mean I didn't play perfectly either [Music] and now like an hour of alert spam did Mark PT so sad yep yeah that was a 55 by the way so yeah all right so thanks for watching the book one fire red round two world record common theory and I will see you guys next time you
Channel: Gunnermaniac
Views: 287,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, LeafGreen, FireRed, Speedrun, World Record, pokemon go, pokemon let's go, pokemon sword shield, pokemon walkthrough, pokemon playthrough, competitive pokemon, commentary, can you complete pokemon, how fast can you complete pokemon, can i beat, FRR2, awesome games done quick, AGDQ, SGDQ, GDQ, games done quick, pokemon world record commentary, can i complete pokemon, how fast can i complete pokemon, pokemon challenge speedrun, beating fire red with only, pokemon legends arceus
Id: aKoRMMvXvxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 30sec (12990 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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