Pokemon Blue speedruns are very broken

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today we're speed running through pokemon blue which is going to be a lot more broken than you might think and we're going to start that brokenness before we even start the speed run right away we want to manipulate our trainer id to be 61896 and to do that we can frame perfectly advanced through the intro screens go into the delete game screen and immediately perform a soft reset by holding a b select and start after this we're going to do nothing for a few screens and let them play out but once this jiggly puff shows up and does a hop we'll hold a to get to the title screen of the game and start holding start before immediately pressing b to go back to the title screen now all we need to do is wait until the squirtle moves away and then hold start we know we're successful here because hitmonlee shows up and now we can finally start the speed run and just like normal we're going to have professor oak explaining the world of pokemon to us too bad i don't really care so we just mash through this text as fast as possible finally okua asks what our name is and we have a really specific answer here the name is going to be a very strange group of characters but it's necessary for the tricks we do later in the run since i want to do this fast i have all the inputs written down and just go by them while hopefully not messing it up this is the result and yeah my mom probably hates me but after that okay is going to ask what his grandson's name is because he's definitely a good person which we can just thankfully use the preset of red and start our journey but before we do anything once we spawn in the world we want to set tech speed to fast and battle animations to off for some pretty obvious reasons but now we can actually start our journey and we walk down some stairs completely ignore our mom and start walking up to a patch of grass but once we get there oak stops us and says it's dangerous to go in tall grass since pokemon can appear and attack you so he takes us all the way back to his pokemon lab now in this lab we see professor oak and his grandson red which yes i know his official name is blue and we're red so that's kind of confusing but it's whatever professor oak tells us that he used to be a serious pokemon trainer but now he only has three pokemon left honestly doesn't seem like the best trainer but he offers one to us and one to red and for some reason we get the first pick but i guess it's pretty clear that he hates his grandson so we'll take it now he probably expects us to look at each pokemon and consider our options but we just ignore the other two and choose charmander but don't worry we'll also be ignoring charmander soon enough anyways this prompts red to take squirtle and he challenges us to our first pokemon battle in this battle it doesn't matter if we win or lose but losing is slightly faster since we don't have to wait for the level up text but the ai is kind of dumb and really likes using tail whip so it isn't very consistent to hope for that the strategy here is pretty much just spam scratch and hope squirtle kills you but we got super unlucky and had literally one hp left so we got the win but whatever only a small time loss now it's time to get professor oak's package and bring it back to him so we're off to viridian city in this section we don't have any cool tricks to avoid pokemon encounters just yet so we pretty much just hope we get good rng and take the fastest path there's also no point in fighting wild pokemon so when we do need to battle we'll just flee every time i actually got pretty lucky here and only got one pokemon encounter to start which isn't too bad so after this we visit the pokemart get oaks package and go all the way back to the lab don't worry the cool parts of the speed run are really close i promise but for now we take the path that generally avoids tall grass and get no pokemon on the way back then after delivering the package oak decides to give us a pokedex before sending us out to finally break the entire game in half oh yeah i also stand next to professor oak instead of in front of him so red has less area to walk which saves a little time now we make our way back to viridian city with the same path as before and unluckily got one more encounter but two total isn't too bad then we make our way over to the pokemart and buy a single pokeball because it's time to do some manips now how generation 1 pokemon encounters work is if we reset the game and frame perfectly take the same path we should always get the exact same encounter this is because the rng changes every frame but it's not actually completely random so we save and hard reset on this tile which is basically turning the console on and off then we do something called tapping a palette where we tap the left button of the gameboy screen to make it blue and slightly change our rng after that we pretty much just frame perfectly make our way through all of these different title screens before we make it back to the game then we need to take this exact path while doing a total of four a presses which stop your character for two frames each this will let us get a level 5 spiro now it's time for a yolo ball here we tap a and b to advance the spearow appeared screen within a 4-frame window hold a and down when we hear our charmanders cry and finally let go of down and press b when the go charmander screen disappears if we do this perfectly spiro will always be caught but i'll be honest i'm never exactly sure if i actually did the yolo ball correctly or if we just got lucky but we caught the spearow so good enough for me now we want to name our spiro aaa before making our way over to the viridian city pokemon center once we make it in there we hope that this jerk doesn't block our way and deposit our charmander into the pc before going to nurse joy and healing up our spiro this part actually isn't for healing our pokemon though and instead we want to set our fainting location to this pokemon center and now we have a fairly long walk to make it over to viridian forest not too much to explain here but once we make it onto this tile we want to save the game and do a hard reset now for this manip instead of tapping the palette to be blue we're going to hold it which makes the rng a bit different then it's just like normal with frame perfectly starting the game now it's time for easily the hardest part of the speed run so we want to do frame perfect movement all the way to a certain part of this forest now obviously since we are in the forest there's a big chance that we're going to get pokemon encounters but if we can do this whole frame perfectly we shouldn't get any until we want to so you can see i'm going straight through the grass which is kind of scary but the good thing is i know that no pokemon are going to spawn on me now one thing that does help with doing this path is you can actually buffer movement now generation one works with a tile based system so as you're going through it we can basically decide to go a specific direction a little bit before we actually make it there then once we're at that direction we're going to automatically do the movement and be fine and we perfectly set ourselves up that as soon as we're in this spot we're going to get a pikachu encounter before the trainer can see us now with the pikachu fight we want to manipulate the game to give us a thundershot crit and kill us instantly but i failed it thankfully though it's not too much of a problem all we have to do is hope we get good rng which we didn't yeah this pikachu really likes growling finally he finishes us off though and immediately after that the trainer we were in front of tries to fight us but we teleport away this is called trainer death fly glitch and now we're back at the pokemon center from here we walk all the way back to the forest and immediately once we get there the trainer from earlier attacks us he's really upset that we left him in this fight all we hoped for is that his poison sting attack doesn't poison us which would basically ruin the entire run but after a few packs we finish him off only to have him fight us again this dude is so upset at us that he challenges us to another pokemon battle with the exact same weedle so we use the same strategy beat him and hear this strange noise now we can move our character again but we walk like this we want to make our way to the first trainer in the forest even if we're very much struggling to even lift our legs but trainer line of sight is now also disabled so we need to mash a until his dialogue finally appears and we get to beat the game here we pretty much just masked the pack button so while this is going on i just want to say if you want to learn more about the speed run i would definitely recommend checking out the links in the description and there are going to be much better explanations for all these glitches there's some really crazy stuff in this and it's also really cool but anyways after beating the trainer we get teleported to the hall of fame which is kind of hilarious but there actually is a 25 chance of this warp failing and the game crashing which actually happened to me and ruin a run that was even better than this one but if we don't get unlucky we beat the game we now get to enjoy the game showing off our level 7 sphero and saying that we really need to catch more pokemon because our trainer rating is kind of pathetic but whatever i'm the champion and definitely didn't do anything illegal at all now this run is going to tie us for 90th place on the leaderboard and i'm pretty happy with that subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 2,992,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, pokemon, pokemon red, pokemon blue, pokemon red/blue, pokemon red and blue, speedrun, speedrunning, world record, speedrunner, speed run, wr, pokemon speedrun, pokemon red speedrun, pokemon blue speedrun, pokemon red world record, pokemon blue world record, speedrun pokemon, pokemon speed run, speedrun world record, speedruns, any%, eazyspeezy speedrun, speedrunners, eazyspeezy pokemon, eazyspeezy pokemon blue
Id: mW3_xX6jHfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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