Pokémon Red but I can only Catch Glitch Pokémon

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today I'm going to beat Pokemon Red using nothing but Pokemon acquired through in-game glitches most of you know the glitch Pokemon missing though but there are tons of available exploits throughout this entire game and the first glitch we'll be performing today will make it so that we can force spawn any starter onto our rival regardless of which starter we want to use so we load up a new game as normal and like any seven-year-old go with Charmander but instead of instantly fighting a rival I save my game reset and hit start new game so basically what we do once we're back in the bedroom but in our new game is hit safe and we're trying to reset the game on a certain frame so that we actually merge our save files and this aspect requires a ton of precision if you save too early you're sent back to the first save file in Professor Oak's lab you save too late you just reset over your file and have to start again and if you do it really poorly you just completely corrupt your save file basically I merge the save files so that my player is in his bedroom in the second file but the preview previous saves party stays with us and upon doing this successfully we start our journey in the second game with the Charmander from the first from here we again head into Professor Oak's lab and all three legitimate starters are still there now since we're only allowed to fight with glitched Pokemon like our Charmander we can't use any of these three but it doesn't least allow us to manipulate our rival's choice now logically and originally I had planned on going with Squirtle so that arrival would have Bulbasaur you know I thought it appropriate that we finally get revenge for the many years of him choosing our weakness but unfortunately for the second glitch of this run to be performed we need our rival to either have a Squirtle or a Charmander so I choose Bulbasaur and he goes Charmander from here we immediately launch an illegal underground fire lizard fighting ring in the middle of a research facility and my Charmander supplants itself as the dominant fire lizard of Pallet Town for now anyway you see that old guy standing right there yeah he's actually our secret final boss today it turns out he has a Charizard too but for now our challenge has officially begun and we set our sights up Rock Oh but before we could get to Brock we've got one more ridiculously tedious glitch to perform so the rules for this run will be set mode in all major fights no items and no wild Pokemon grinding this means there is no chance for Charmander so we need to glitch our way into a second party member so for this next one we head into Viridian Forest and make sure our Charmander is poisoned and next we need to make it so that as we step in front of this last bug catcher we get into an encounter with a wild Pokemon as you can see it's a super rare occurrence so I elect to just use the Save State and speed up to save myself time but if you were accepting this on a handheld every single failed attempt would require a reset So eventually we get lucky and manage to pull up the encounter we make sure to faint in battle and as we return to the Overworld the trainer that we're next to finally decides to battle us but because we fainted we head back to Viridian and the next time we step into the forest a fight will trigger unfortunately for us we can actually manipulate relate the game code to determine what that encounter will be now the game will determine what that encounter is based off of the special stat of the Lost Pokemon you fought and in rival fight number two Blues level 8 Charmander has a special stat of 14. so we had to fight him take out his Pidgey and intentionally lose to Charmander setting us back to the Pokemon Center and then as soon as we step into Viridian Forest the encounter activates and we see none other than ganker so good news um that is yeah that's a Gengar the bad news is catching this thing is gonna be very difficult as we're fighting I actually somehow hit a burn and while in some ways that's good it really puts the pressure on our fight and then even worse it takes us down to 2 Hp so basically at this point I'm left to just pray for a catch and we actually managed to pull it off and that ladies and gentlemen brings our total glitch Pokemon up to two and with that we're ready to take on our first gym leader Brock and I know what you're thinking wow a Gengar to start off that sounds really op thinking about understand what this Gengar is its only moves are lick confused Ray and Nightshade and that's basically all it gets until hypnosis and a really late game Dream Eater so basically we have a Pokemon with amazing stats and terrible moves the one Saving Grace for us however is that Gengar is also going to give us a beautiful beautiful type advantage crazy to think but a ghost Pokemon is actually the perfect hard counter to gen 1 Brock and that's because this poor lad has no rock moves and even better than that nothing but normal moves so Gengar starts the fight by setting up confused Ray and sending out nightshades until it goes down Onyx is up next and this is one of the first times we have just something really weird happen I could feel use Onyx and he goes for the normal type move bite and it's really odd to see this as this is something you would never see in a regular playthrough but a confused Pokemon using bide will still show the animation for confusion but as I go for Nightshade something even weirder happens with a scrap of HP left Onyx unleashes its sword energy and not only does it bypass gengar's Ghost type but it completely one shots it so it's nothing that Charmander can't handle but it was just something that I was not expecting had no idea that that was a mechanic in this generation and I thought it was interesting anyway badge number one down and now it's time for the long long journey to Misty I think it's also time that you go ahead and subscribe please so nothing super exciting happens through the next road but I do decide to attempt this glitch again I'm thinking I have a basic understanding of it and uh I I decided to just go for it rather than following a guide so after a few attempts in Rock Tunnel I do manage to trigger a long range rocket in into seeing me as I use an escape rope and I return to that room and as I return to that room the corresponding special stats of the last Pokemon I battled yields me a female Nidoran certainly not great but it is another Edition now as we arrive in Cerulean I set my sights on our next big glitch and I decided to take on my rival and nugget bridge to get some extra experience from here I still not exactly sure how to do this next one and I really don't want to mess it up so I decide to First Take on Misty Now with an evolved Nitto Queen and Charmeleon so the first run is going as expected with the two Pokemon mentioned going down but taking stardew with it it's a Gengar vs Starmie to end it and I'm feeling like I'm in a pretty good position that is until I decide to go for lick forgetting that Ghost type does not affect psychic types in gen 1. it's not meant to be this way but due to ironically enough a glitch this results in our loss now aware of this however I'm able to regroup potato are Dowd without too much issue with a combo of confused Ray and nightshades on attempts number two and now at this point that I'm feeling ready to perform our next glitch so we head to the northern route of Cerulean to catch an Abra we won't be using it for the run it's really only to perform glitches now also in this grass is a very important trainer that will be notable too well at least a few of you as soon as we enter his line of sight we hit starts and perform teleport from here the game once again thinks we're in a fight except it doesn't have any values to base the fight off of so when we return to the route nothing happens so from here we continue North to fight a trainer on Route 25 who has a Slowpoke with a special stat of 21. as a precaution I decide to lose just so that we can get the re-battle as we reach the route of nugget Bridge a battle begins and this time we are able to force none other than the iconic the mythical mute to spawn now most of you probably know about this it's like the second most iconic gen 1 glitch but come on guys guys I had to include this one but considering that I now have one of the strongest Pokemon in the game on my team I'm actually deciding to insert another Rule and that rule is going to be that I'm not allowed to teach TMS to my Pokemon in a lot of games it wouldn't be that bad but the moveset of gen 1 Pokemon are awful and basically what that means is my moo is only going to be able to throw punches until it reaches level 40 and learn psychic you're saying that right it's got pound transform Mega Punch and metronome anyway with four glitch Pokemon on a roster we head to Vermillion City Home of Lieutenant search we get Mew leveled up on the ssad and take out rival number three after that we're straight to loot set at surge where Mew takes out his very first major Pokemon as a volt orb and I like to think it's at this moment that Mew truly begins to learn the Way of the Fist you know I named him truck as a reference to the famous Mew under the truck Easter egg but as this Pikachu comes out next and mu pounds it into the dirt I realize that truck means something else entirely we've been wrong about it all along it's not that Mew is under the truck no ladies and gentlemen it turns out that new hits like a truck now if only pounds not even a Mew is able to take down the Raichu but Nidoqueen comes in to finish things up and Raichu is only able to watch in horror as Nidoqueen slowly chips it down to get the win badge number three secure from here we head through Mount moon to Lavender Town head through the tunnel to reach Celadon and pick up a Pokemon with the head back to Lavender Town to make quick work of arrival and finish the Pokemon Tower section Marowak by of course using the iconic Polka Doll glitch for those of you that don't know normally to take off this ghost you would need the Silph Scope but if you just use the Poke doll it clears the events and you can head on through now through this whole section I've been keeping an eye on the special stats of My Pokemon and I notice here that Gengar has the special stat I've been wanting so from here we try our next glitch I go to the long range trainer on the Rope between saffron and Lavender Town and I hit a Teleport next we head all the way down to Route 13. we battle the trainer and get into an encounter with ditto so at this point we're basically doing the same glitch that we performed with the Mew but by selectively choosing one of our own Pokemon to be transformed on the game will actually read the special stat of our Pokemon in this case our Gengar has a 87 special from here we run teleport back to Lavender Town and upon re-entering the road we're greeted with the old familiar face missing though now I was really hoping that we could get missing no like early you know we all know the other way to get missing though but I thought this would be extra special and unfortunately this kind of had been anticipated there's a glitch when sometimes if you catch it it will just turn into a ride on in your party and that's exactly what happens at this point I'm not really all that interested in ride on so unfortunately for us we're gonna have to wait a little bit longer before we can use missing though now Erica isn't up next and I start out by getting a lucky burn on her Victory Bell despite its overpowered use of poison and continual wrath my burn is enough to take it down first and set my mind at relative ease Charmeleon actually hits another burn on Tangela and then Falls to vileplume at this point though Mew now has Mega Punch my man comes out fists blazing and somehow manages to give a plant with no brain CTE now despite the win I'm still feeling a little disheartened about the ride on so I decide to check my Pokemon stats again and see what's up for grabs to my excitement a muse special stat is at seven five so we run the teleporter glitch again get Ditto to transform into 75 special Mew and this time we're greeted by a level seven Zapped now as exciting as this is the one thing I again need to preference is Zapdos is going to learn no moves for this entire run while I do give it fly it will be running Drill Pack and thinner shock for the rest of this playthrough anyway after some trainer battling Koga is up next and I actually almost wipe to the very first Junior trainer this guy has an insanely strong Hypno and at this point I'm thinking there is no way I'm ready to take on this next gym but as I start to battle through we get a little more XP and Charmeleon finally learns slash which is a move that will always crit I also remember that coca's team is nothing like the junior trainers in here so with a little bit of overconfidence I decide we should give it a shot I played Zapdos for XP and Charmeleon is able to take down the first coffee muck is evolved but defensively weaker so slash actually does good damage against it and we're able to get it down in five hits from here three slashes is all we need for the next coughing and I am laughing at myself for being worried about this from here this last Pokemon comes out you know fearing such a mighty strategies Coco decides there is no way he can handle a charmeleon with Slash and just decides the forfeit he takes the honorary way out chooses self-destruct rather than to waste any more of either of our time badge number five complete now after what happened against a single Hypno I'm not really feeling like I'm ready for the psychic gym so I decided I head to Cinnabar Island and do some training along the way Charmeleon gets the spicy level up to 36 against another Charmeleon and I guess by asserting its dominance this allows it to evolve into Charizard finally and from here we had silphco to deal with some Shenanigans and then pick up a master ball with a few more level in her pockets of feeling a little more spicy and so we head to Sabrina's gym so again it's important to note the significance of having Charizard for this fight it's pretty fast but more importantly it has the normal always critting move slash supreeta's Pokemon have really high special and very low defense So Physical moves are important but she also has Pokemon with reflects and slash will actually hit through that so I lead Charizard and I'm actually fast enough to outspeed her cadabra and I take it down in one shot delete Mr Mind comes out next and it goes for confusion before going down into hits I'd actually try for an ember on venomoth but not even doing half damage I decide to go for Slash and it's able to nearly finish it off but now it's time for the very scary part Alex Zeb comes out and as expected it does exspeed us now as an 11 year old boy I cannot begin to Fathom the complexities the inner mechanisms of Sabrina's mind with this next play She Goes uh with the Tactical decision to recover at full HP I managed to get it hidden but it then goes for side beam and takes us out from here I swapped Zapdos and for whatever reason it uses Psy wave and uh that's a dub thank you Sabrina so I decide it's time we head back to Viridian to talk to an old man that wants to teach us how to catch since I'm a filthy hacker I didn't know this yet but I was feeling very inspired by his demonstration and I decided to head to Cinnabar to see what I can find along the coast come across all sorts of things a level 132 Mewtwo uh and also all of a sudden I I seem to have a lot of master balls in my inventory uh so I catch it but uh I realize it stats I'm gonna make this run really really boring uh so I just send it to the Box because it's stupid eventually however I find a level 80 missing no and despite my inner eight year old screaming at me to not do it I decide to catch it and uh yeah so now we actually have a missing number so its stats are basically awful apart from ridiculously high attack and also iconically it has the move Sky attack so basically what we have here is a Pokemon that takes two turns to set up is an absolute glass Cannon but will kill anything it touches it's weird it's niche and I think it makes a perfect addition to our team and I figured what better way to to Showcase him then by leading mystiko into our fight with Blaine now missing though is also stacked with two water guns and so hitting one of these it's almost able to do a whole fifth of growlithes HP in one shot uh yeah Terrible Special means that this is just never gonna be worth it so I go to charge up a sky attack the Growlithe does not take us out and we absolutely obliterate it unfortunately from here as we go for the next one Podi ta hits a fire spin that brings us down to 22 HP and as we try again we could take it down and I just gotta say like this was hilarious to me missing no doesn't really feel like a Pokemon but more like a cannon that you have to like take a turn to set up anyway from here Zapdos finishes off Ponyta before I send to Gengar now fearing the fire spin I hit confusion and it goes down cleanly unfortunately for the Arcanine we're not so lucky as it lands a fire blast with a burn now Gengar has really high specials so it is able to eat it but it eventually goes down from here though in in the far distance I hear like rumbling do you hear that what is that sounds like a some sort of motorized motorized vehicle heading our way that's right ladies and Gentlemen The View comes out starts throwing hands to the point where Arcanine also decides that it's just had enough goes for a takedown and knocks itself out with us and you know I really can't play but feels like just like Koga Blaine saw the writing on the wall I'd be scared of a Mew that only knows how to throw punches too anyway from here we head straight to Giovanni to put another Beatdown on him and secure badge number eight yeah that's right Giovanni gets two sentences and one is to make fun of him and immediately after this fight I decided to take on Blue to get view to level 40 so that it can finally learn psychic and so for the first time of this entire playthrough our party actually has a good stab move now before we take on the Elite Four I decide I want one more Pokemon for this run and so with a sudden giant pocket full of rare candies I decide to level up my Venusaur so that its special stat is is exactly 183 so we performed the ditto glitch again just as previously except this time we're able to force the fossil form of Aerodactyl to spawn but I'm very excited to see like what it's rocking uh and a pod Tech you get stats it seems to have the same ones as the previous but this time its moves are that of Venusaur so I decide to give it toxic despite my previous rule really just for the memes I mean how could I do a glitch run and not take advantage of the leech seed toxic glitch I then make it hit Level 50 and we head towards the Indigo Plateau Lorelei is at first and oh man wow are we under leveled so I lead with Zapdos which despite still only having thunder shock is able to take out her dugong and most of her Cloister Gengar then manages to get a hypnosis off before going for confused right from here I swap into fossil Aerodactyl and decide to hit a leech seat I then try Vine whip for minimal damage Slowbro wakes up but before he can get a shot off I decide to hit the poison that's right ladies and gentlemen we got leech seed toxic confusion strats going straw and this is enough to get Slowbro to go down and from the XP we actually get a level up and upon this happening Aerodactyl gets a ridiculous stat makeover so it goes from ridiculous attack to very good speed and special considering it's using grass moves this is an absolute upgrade and with this crazy speed it now actually out speeds Lapras and we can land a few decent Vine whips it goes down but we're able to finish the fight off with Dream Eater Gengar now going into Bruno I come to the realization that I actually only have seven revives in my inventory and I'm gonna have to play really well so that I can go into the champion fight with a fully healed team fortunately for the Bruno fights uh this is this is all we have to do foreign champ so for good measure I let me finish off the Machamp with a Mega Punch and you know that's just to further assert that while he may look like a Mew the kid hits like a truck anyway speaking of trucks Agatha also Hears A light rumbling in the distance and all of a sudden I burst in and do this oh okay actually yeah this this fight's not gonna be so easy okay so Mew is able to psych a contour punch goal bat punch Arbok twice in the face and from here a simple hypnosis dream leader is enough to finish off a 21 level higher ganger that is Agatha down so now it's lancetime and for this one I elect to revive Aerodactyl and Zapdos I start with Zapdos out speeding his Gyarados and I'm able to take it down in three after surviving a Hyper Beam I then land an absolutely beautiful crit on his dragoner before going down and from here I send out Gengar who is Poison type so being the dragon master that he is Lancey is a psychic type weakness so decide lights to go for agility his speed goes Higher and Higher and crits are determined by your speed so I'm just oh here fearing that agility is going to crit but you know fortunately everything works out and Gengar is able to take down both his dragonairs now up next is Aerodactyl where we get to witness Lance's true ferocity in a move of sheer Brilliance he then goes for a Hyper Beam followed by bites before succumbing to my sleep I then send out my own fossil Aerodactyl which is almost able to kill but Falls to a Hyper Beam still having zero grasp of type advantage he elects to try another Hyper Beam on my Gengar before falling to a Nightshade alright Lance this is your last Pokemon let's see if you have learned your lesson barrier nice truly a 999 IQ play that my Nightshade will never be able to get around Lance I must say you truly are a master all right that's enough for this fight missing no finish this sucker off and now ladies and gentlemen with that it is time for our second last fight of the game so for blue I lead Zapdos and there really isn't much his Pidgeot can do against us Alakazam comes up next and I swap Mew to eat the psy beam and then launch back at Alakazam a fury of a Thousand Fists nice try blue but my psychic types don't play mind games they just hit like trucks now ride on is up next and I send out fossil Aerodactyl to crush him with a sea of vines unfortunately exeggutor takes my fossil down with a stop but now it's time for the true missing no to shine Sky attack is powered up from here he decides to go for a barrage with Lance three times taking missing no down to two Health from here it is able to get off the sky attack and decimate his exeggutor in one shot Mystic no is trash and honestly that is that is all I needed from it this is truly truly beautiful Gyarados is out next and Zapdos manages to land a crit thunder shock before going down from here though me was able to finish things up with a psychic from here he sends out his Ace Charizard to land a fire blast and take out Mew I then sent out my Charizard with one goal in mind knowing that I am a fire type he will not use any of his fire boost and instead use his two normal moves randomly fortunately for us he decides to choose Rage which in gen 1 you are locked into until the Pokemon faints Charizard does go down but from here we're able to send o Gengar to easily finish it off and you know I gotta say it's kind of poetic right bluish Charmander was the Pokemon that allowed this glitched Gengar to exist in the first place so you know it's kind of fitting that Gengar would be the one to take it out and so now normally that would be the game but ladies and gentlemen since we are playing a glitch run I couldn't help but think we need to include the secret final fight of this game and you know that is accessible through of course you guessed it glitches so from here I run a whole bunch more rare candies on our cadabra until its special is 200 running this ditto glitch to force wild encounters well not only does it do that but the corresponding special stat can also Force various trainers to spawn and you know like completely real you can do this on an old cartridge on a Game Boy with the ditto glitch and a special stat of 226. you can actually Force the secret final boss fight against Professor Oak and so uh that's what we did so despite only having five Pokemon he is definitely the hardest fight in the game fortunately for us however we have a Gengar he Tauros which has nothing but normal moves Tauros is left helpless as Gengar slowly whittles them down and it turns out exeggutor is in the exact same boat his executor has stopped barrage in hypnosis so that one actually ends up being another free win for Gengar as well now next up is a level 68 Arcanine and it actually does know Ember good for us that's not flamethrower but it is able to do a bit of damage I managed to get off the hypnosis and then go for a confused Ray for additional Assurance from here I basically just start hitting tree beaters until I get pretty healed up and then I decide to finish it off with a Nightshade so yeah it turns out Gengar is really overpowered in this generation because like everything has nothing but normal moves anyway now it's time for a starter and my goal was to actually get him to spawn Blastoise I just thought it'd be cool if all three stars were to appear but I I messed it up and yeah he sends out another Charizard and while I thought it's kind of funny that this ended up being the game of three Charizards every main character has a Charizard uh it is a little bit hard to take down so at this point I'm expecting a flamethrower and because of that I swap into my own Charizard unfortunately he goes for crit slash which is enough to wreck our Charizard and so I guess it turns out that Oak actually has the dominant Charizard of Norwegian anyway from here I go Mew and he plays right into my trap once again just like blue locking himself into rage since I know that this Charizard is dead I go for a few metronomes for the memes and I actually hit a toxic so I decided to swap into Aerodactyl fossil to hit a leech seed and I then go back to Gengar to get him up to full health and that last up is his actual Ace Gyarados I start off by hitting a sleep and confusion before sending it to Zapdos with still nothing but thundershock I struggled to take down its Health before it absolutely wrecks me with hydro pump still though its health is low so I decide to go for a Hail Mary and I send out missing no I won back for a sky attack and its first hydro pump actually misses I'm thinking come on how perfect would this ending be but unfortunately the second hydro pump connects and missing down but in the end I realized this is probably the most appropriate way to do it knowing without speed I decide to let it be none other than the star of this run Gengar sends off a Nightshade to move his head since the start to finish and secure us with the victory guys I had so much fun with this run if you enjoy this type of God said please subscribe that's it I'll I'll talk to you later bye
Channel: SmithPlays Pokémon
Views: 478,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, top 5, top 10, ranking, scarlet, violet, list, ranking all, poke, poketuber, thesmithplays, smithplays, smithplays pokemon
Id: uPINosiWP_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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