The Pokemon Iceberg

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we're going to be doing something a little  different have you ever wondered no how deep your   connection to Pokemon really is not necessarily  your love for the series but rather your history   with its Mysteries theories and rumors well I've  charted the most important pieces of Pokemon   culture onto an iceberg to figure out exactly  how far down we can go actually wait isn't there   a literal Iceberg Pokemon that's better now  put on your scuba gear and let's head on down let's start you off with a softball you might be  aware that ekken spelled backwards is snake and   Arbok spelled backwards is Cobra but did you know  that Aerodactyl spelled backwards is lit kadoria   all right for real now probably the most infamous  playground rumor ever spread was that Mew was   hiding underneath the truck in Vermillion City  I have no idea how this rumor started or why mu   would be hiding underneath the truck in the first  place but this Theory somehow spread like wildfire   in order to get to this truck you'd need to have  a Pokemon that knows Surf and the SSN cannot have   departed yet once the SSN leaves the game cuts off  the player's access to the water in this area the   way around this is to intentionally black out on  the ship after obtaining the cut HM sending you   back to the Vermillion Pokemon Center and avoiding  the game triggering the SSN departure after you   get the ability to Surf come back and you'll be  able to reach the truck and get nothing and fire   red and leaf green getting to this area Awards  you a lava cookie for some reason whether this was   game freak having fun or being passive aggressive  it shows just how far reaching this urban legend   became and let's go Pikachu and Evie you get a  revive instead most likely a nod to having revived   Kanto for the 100th time when episode 38 of the  Pokemon anime's first season aired in Japan a   scene involving red and blue strobing lights sent  685 children to the hospital the children reported   dizziness headaches nausea blurred vision and  some even had seizures or lost Consciousness most   of the victims recovered in the ambulance but 150  of them were admitted to the hospital as a result   the Pokemon anime went on Hiatus and the episode  was pulled from rotation never to be shown again   Porygon and its Evolutions have not been featured  in a major role in the anime since this episode   aired you can find the episode untranslated  online but it's not recommended for those who   are sensitive to Bright flashing lights I've seen  the clip in question myself and there's no denying   its potential to harm photosensitive viewers  my advice is to stay away Ash has been the main   character of the Pokemon anime for over 20 years  now he's traveled across seven regions collected   every badge and competed in every Pokemon League  so why does the anime still say he's 10 years old   if the anime has really taken place all within a  year then that means multiple episodes would have   to have transpired within the same day there are  currently over 1200 episodes and 19 movies that   take place within the anime's Canon even of Three  episodes all took place within one day that would   still be more than a year to make matters worse  there are multiple contradictions within the anime   that allude to a year having passed even in the  Show's first season episode 63 to be exact in this   episode Misty claims it's been a year since they  visited Viridian City you can find several moments   like this throughout the series and yet everyone  still refers to Ash as a 10 year old is he lying   about his age is every new region a complete  reboot is it a dub error the truth is we'll   never know so for now form whatever head Cannon  you'd like there is however a much darker Theory   one of the most common answers for the anime's  wacky timeline is that Ash died or was put into   a coma at the end of the pilot episode the  episode's climax sees Ash biking away from a   flock of Spiro after crashing the bike Pikachu  uses a devastating Thunder attack that knocks   it the sparrow and Ash unconscious or maybe they  died the theory has one major hole in it Ash and   Pikachu awakened to find Ho-Oh flying above them  and what's Ho-Oh known for Resurrection so even if   they did die wouldn't this mean they were brought  back to life to go even further Ho-Oh feathers are   believed to Grant someone Eternal happiness maybe  Ash never ages because being a 10 year old and   traveling around the world with his best friends  is the happiest Ash could ever be do you want to   be the happiest you could ever be well that might  be tough given how difficult it is to get some of   the coolest merchandise for your favorite series  because they're exclusive to Japan that's where   Bai comes in the sponsor of today's video by  using bye you can purchase items from Japanese   sites like rakutan Yahoo Japan auction and Amazon  Japan I.E buys the items from Japanese stores and   has them shipped to their warehouse where they  then send them internationally all without absurd   price hikes they make the process of getting  hold of a Japanese game or piece of merch much   easier they also support a variety of different  languages on their website bayi is offering a   2000 Yen first time purchase coupon to anyone  who signs up with my link in the description of   this video it's a really cool service and I'm  grateful to them for sponsoring today's video   the first generation Pokemon games are notorious  for their glitches and exploits you can play   these games just fine without ever experiencing  anything game breaking but there are also those   who live to break the games how can we find the  craziest looking glitch the sequence breaking   coding error unused content missing no short  for a missing number was the poster child for   this it's nothing more than a bunch of scrambled  pixels squished into two Conjuring rectangles but   why is it a flying and normal type missing no  is so ingrained in Pokemon's Mythos that fans   have even called for it to become part of the  game's Canon some believe it to be what happens   when you leave a Pokemon in its Pokeball for too  long others say the 36 different missing no are   Pokemon that were cut from the original Pokedex  since they each get a corresponding index number   within the data fans have tried trading it and  attempting the glitch in other games but there's   still no explanation for its strangeness Nintendo  even addressed it calling it nothing more than a   programming Quirk yeah right Nintendo we're on  to you you're probably aware that Mewtwo is a   genetically altered clone of Mew but there's no  way they made it on the first try right there had   to have been some failures that's where ditto  comes in I mean look at them they're both pink   they both know transform they can both use any  move in the game and the biggest Factor ditto   can be found in the Pokemon mansion the very same  place Mew was cloned the story of the legendary   dog Trio which by the way are actually cats since  they're based on a lion tiger and a leopard AKA   felines anyway in Gen 2 the legendary cats are  said to have been Pokemon resurrected by Ho-Oh   after dying in a fire a fan Theory suggests that  they were originally Flareon Jolteon and Vaporeon   the evidence being well look at their typings  but also the burn Tower where they died is in   yukrituk City home of the kimono girls who each  possess an Eevee evolution it's possible their   ancestors trained the original Eevee evolutions  that would become ente raiku and suicune   listen the Gen 1 Pokemon games weren't very heavy  on the plot this has led many fans to create their   own interpretation of events the Pokemon Tower in  Lavender Town is a multi-story Pokemon graveyard   don't ask me how that works I don't know once you  reach this Tower you'll find your rival on the   second floor but what's he doing there to begin  with battling him here you'll notice his lineup   is a little bit different than it was on the SSN  fans have speculated that in your last battle with   blue Raticate was either killed or died of his  wounds before reaching the Pokemon Center Blue   is at the Pokemon Tower because he's mourning his  dead Raticate these games came at a time before   Pokemon was a billion dollar franchise made for  kids there are tons of morbid Pokedex entries and   story implications you could make from them it's  totally possible that this was the reason blue was   in Pokemon Tower I for one love how open-ended it  is because it gives us the freedom to create our   own lore if we had a simple cut and dry answer  we wouldn't be discussing these games 25 years   later so while while this Theory might be pretty  morbid you can just choose not to believe it   in Vermillion City you'll face off against the  electric type gym leader Lieutenant Serge who   claims to have fought in a war however every  other War mentioned in the series took place   over a hundred years ago Serge's dialogue alludes  to having used electric Pokemon in battle so it's   safe to assume Pokemon fought alongside their  trainers thus the fan Theory the great Pokemon   War was born nobody knows why this war started  or who else was involved but many have used it   to explain some of kanto's other Mysteries  did Red's father and Blue's parents all die   in battle are the underground paths actually  bomb shelters is the war to blame for kanto's   lack of any entertainment venues that is  for you to decide but remember Lieutenant   surge's nickname is the lightning American so  according to the games America is a thing in   this universe too same with China and Guyana  according to Arcanine and Muse respective   Pokedex entries Ash even calls out the state  of Minnesota and the anime's first movie   as I mentioned earlier these games don't  really handle their lore very well when we   do actually get an explanation it often leads  to more questions than answers almost every   generation attempts to create a rich history  for their region but when you're dealing with   God Pokemon apocalyptic catastrophes and Alternate  universes things are bound to get a little muddled   nevertheless fans have attempted to piece it all  together into one timeline the biggest issue with   this timeline is that it's not concrete and  has to be constantly rearranged with every new   generation not to mention in the games Pokemon  are still a mystery to humans that's why we're   given a pokedex in every game so we can learn more  about them any contradictions or inconsistencies   can be attributed to the current beliefs of those  giving us the information just like in real life   new discoveries lead to changes in our history if  you want to know the assumed timeline of events   you could easily find it online but I can't get  into it here because that would take hours just   look at this in Ruby Sapphire and emerald you can  find an old man in Pacific Lodge Town staring out   his window when spoken to he'll tell you whether  or not he sees Mirage Island a mysterious piece   of land that only appears if you have a Pokemon  with the same ID number every day the game will   generate a random number if a Pokemon in your  party has that exact number as their ID the   island will be made accessible on Route 130 with a  full team of six who have a 1 in 10 923 chance of   reaching Mirage Island for comparison the odds  of finding a shiny Pokemon in sword and shield   without any gimmicks is one in 4096 and think  about how long that takes why do people do this   players will spend hours switching Pokemon in  and out of their party every day to try to find   Mirage Island those who get lucky will be rewarded  with a small patch of grass and a berry tree you'd   think this grass would have like the craziest  rarest Pokemon in it right nope why not it's just   why not levels five to fifty okay well what about  the berry tree that's gotta have something useful   right lychee Berry increases attack in a pinch and  makes gold poke blocks speaking of things that are   one in ten thousand nine hundred and twenty three  did you know that's the exact ratio of people   watching who are subscribed versus not subscribed  so if you want to be as rare as Mirage Island you   should click that subscribe button so I can keep  making these videos something with even lower odds   of happening is one of your Pokemon coming down  with poke rust a contagious Pokemon disease the   cool thing is pokerus is actually beneficial for  your Pokemon granting a double the effort values   it would normally get in battle really quick in  case you don't know ever values or EVS are an   invisible stat that you accumulate after defeating  a Pokemon these EVS add to the stat points you get   with each level starting in Gen 2 your Pokemon had  around a 1 and 21 845 chance of getting pokerus it   would then last one to four days during which  it could also infect the other Pokemon in your   party when placed in a box the Pokemon cannot be  cured of pokerus so people will typically leave   it in their PC until they want to competitively  raise it or another Pokemon with the addition   of online trading pokerus has become way more  common Pokemon inflicted with this disease have   been sent around the world spreading it like a  plague thankfully it doesn't actually do any harm   Shiny Pokemon were introduced to the series  in gold and silver so how is it that you can   technically find a shiny in the Gen 1 games that  is due to Gen 2 Shiny Pokemon being determined by   their individual values or IVs the random stats  the game generates for each Pokemon you catch or   encounter in gen 1 it's impossible to see a Shiny  Pokemon because the Sprites weren't coded for this   yet but they were assigned IVs when traded to a  Gen 2 game it's possible that the traded Pokemon   will become shiny due to having the correct IVs  thus making it possible to shiny hunt in gen 1.   from 1989 to 2001 Nintendo would host an event  called Nintendo space World a trade show similar   to E3 at the 1997 show an early build of gold and  silver was shown to the public the games were said   to be 80 complete at the time but would suffer  several delays due to a massive overhaul for   years not much was known about this demo besides  testimonies from those who attended the event and   a few blurry pictures but in 2018 the ROMs for  both demos were anonymously posted online for   anyone to download and play these demos showed us  a map of Johto unlike anything in the final games   many Pokemon designs were also way different than  what we eventually got even more cut content was   discovered after data miners hacked themselves  into the demos locked buildings this is where   they found Professor Oak's imposter who appeared  in the TCG around the time these games were meant   to come out look at his eyebrows he's so evil it's  assumed that gold and silver were overhauled so   they could fit Kanto into the game but nothing  has been confirmed this Theory checks out as the   Sprite artwork for buildings were way different  than what we saw in gen 1. it's possible that   they didn't have the memory to fit both Kanto and  johto's architecture onto one cartridge so they   chose to use contos buildings for Johto as well  johto's map was also severely decreased in size   what do you think do you prefer the look of the  original map or the one in the final build was it   worth adding Kanto into the game the God of all  Pokemon Arceus was just recently made available   to catch in-game for the first time despite making  its debut in generation 4. before the Diamond and   Pearl remakes Arceus was only obtainable through  distribution events that you had to attend in   person in a 2013 interview junichi Masuda one of  Pokemon's most important names said that they were   originally going to distribute an item via mystery  gift for players to unlock Arceus this item   was the Azure flute which would later return in  brilliant Diamond shining Pearl and legends Arceus   using this flute the player would gain access to  the hall of origin where they could catch Arceus   apparently this was cut because it was deemed  too confusing the Hall of origin and Arceus are   still in the game's files but only accessible via  cheating with an action replay device or packing   speaking of hacking did you know that there are  dozens of fan made Pokemon games they're not all   great but there are a few that I believe to be  even better than the originals one of the most   famous ROM hacks is Pokemon Emerald Kaizo this  game completely overhauled the AI redistributed   Pokemon and gave creators like me hours of content  and it's incredibly difficult Nuzlocke challenge   this is a style of gameplay where you can only  catch the first Pokemon you find on each route   and every Pokemon that faints can no longer  be used what resulted was a boom and rom hack   similar to Emerald Kaizo before their release  it was announced that sword and shield would be   cutting over half of the National Pokedex this  led to a huge Dark Cloud that follows sword and   shield to this day this controversy is known  as dexit short for Pokedex exit it's also a   play on brexit which I will not be discussing  today or ever but what many people don't know   is that this isn't the first time the decks has  been cut the first time game freak cut Pokemon   from their games was all the way back in Ruby and  Sapphire these games weren't compatible with Gen   1 or 2 and only contained 202 of the 386 Pokemon  available at the time Pokemon had only existed in   North America for five years at this point you're  telling me I'm losing all the Pokemon you told me   to catch and I won't be able to catch them again  to be honest this wasn't the biggest you for me   since I only had three brain cells but to those  who wanted to trade their Pokemon up to gen 3 or   complete the national decks it was probably a huge  disappointment what's even worse is that they made   you buy six different games to do it and you'd  better have the right Hardware to make the trades   as you can imagine this would cost you hundreds  of dollars unless you had friends that owned   the games you didn't and were willing to spend  hours trading with you like most animes a manga   was published to accompany it however Pokemon's  manga was not adapted into the Pokemon anime we   know today instead the manga follows the story of  the games and is much darker at least in its first   volumes I mean a charmeleon straight up Cuts in  Arbok in half five of kanto's gym leaders are part   of Team Rocket part of Vermillion City gets blown  up it's crazy stuff and the wildest part is that   the creator of Pokemon has said that the manga  most resembles the world he was trying to convey   the CEO of Pokemon has even endorsed the manga  saying he wants every Pokemon fan to read it I've   heard great things about it but apparently the  later volumes aren't so great rumors that Arcanine   was originally meant to be a legendary started  when this picture from the anime was shared   online the picture depicts Arcanine alongside  the legendary birds furthermore organized Pokedex   entries in the games and the anime describe it  as a legendary Pokemon it's also the only Pokemon   with legendary as its Pokemon category the claim  has yet to be corroborated but maybe someday we'll   know the truth would you have preferred Arcanine  as a legendary I think he's a good boy either way   Pokemon X and Y are notorious for feeling  unfinished the games have all eight gems a   huge cast of characters and a full-fledged story  but one can't help but notice the threats it left   untied we had hoped that Pokemon Z would come out  and wrap things up but 2015 came about with not a   single Pokemon game released notice anything  strange here ding ding ding ding ding in the   past every region usually got an enhanced version  or a sequel but X and Y were our only Kalos games   did Pokemon Z get scrapped let's look at why it  might have first off Zygarde the third of the   aura Trio had nothing to do in the story despite  being heavily featured in The X Y and Z anime you   could catch its 50 form in X and Y but that was  it in 2015 it was announced that you'd be able to   collect Zygarde cells to create its complete form  with a Zygarde Core 10 form or 50 form later we   would find out this was going to be exclusive to  Sun and Moon not the rumored Z version there's no   way this was the original plan if you look at  a 2020 data League you'll notice placeholders   for two callous games set to be released after  the Hoenn remakes fans also pointed out that   the two Zygarde cores featured in the anime had  different colors possibly to correspond to what   would have been the Kalos sequels the Pokemon  company has never commented on the subject but   we're all holding out hope that kallus will get  the ending it deserves whether it be in the form   of remakes or a future Generations post-game or  DLC these train tracks from X and Y could lead   anywhere after all did you know that there's  a glitch in the Gen 1 games that allows you   to catch any Pokemon in the game's data even Mew  the trainer fly glitch is one of the most popular   gen 1 glitches due to how simple and harmless  it is it can even be performed on the Virtual   Console versions of these games but be warned the  Pokemon you catch likely won't be able to transfer   up to the current games to accomplish the glitch  you'll have to have the ability to fly or teleport   opening the start menu at the exact moment before  a trainer wishes to battle you will trick the game   into thinking you're supposed to be in a battle  you'll fly or teleport to a Pokemon Center walk   a few steps and suddenly you'll enter into  a battle your opponent will be the Pokemon   or trainer whose index number matches the special  stat of the last Pokemon you fought so if the last   Pokemon you knocked out was this trainer Slowbro  the game will put you into a battle with Mew   since its index number which is 21 for some reason  matches this specific Slowbro special stat don't   ask me why the game does this I have genuinely no  idea using the same glitch you can actually find   yourself in a battle with Professor Oak that's  right the developers program Professor Oak to   be one of if not the final battle in the game we  can tell because his Pokemon are all higher levels   than the Elite 4 and the champion four of his  Pokemon do match your Rivals so it's possible Oak   was originally meant to be the champion his team  consists of Tauros exeggutor Arcanine Gyarados and   and get this a starter that was left behind at  least in some universe that poor Pokemon had   something to do besides sit on that empty counter  all day in Pokemon's very first manga Red's main   Pokemon was actually Clefairy Pikachu wouldn't  become the face of the franchise until a year   later when the anime released numerous interviews  state that Pikachu was originally just another   Pokemon many believe Clefairy was going to be  the mascot until it was decided that it would   appeal more to girls than to boys whereas Pikachu  would appeal to both of course this is just an   assumption the hardest evidence comes from the  same leak that gave us the space World 97 demos   this league also contained the source code for  Pokemon Yellow inside we can see a pink package   listed with a yellow package possibly referencing  another game meant for release alongside Yellow   Version some bring up how Jigglypuff is a playable  character in the original Super Smash Brothers was   this pink version going to Star Jigglypuff  or was Jigglypuff's spot in Smash Brothers   originally going to be Clefairy Jigglypuff did  have more of a role in the anime than Clefairy   so who knows hopefully more light will be shed on  this as time goes on one common mystery that links   several Pokemon games and is yet to be explained  is the ghost girl sword and shield sun and moon   and diamond and pearl all feature ghost girls  the most famous of the bunch of course is the one   in X and y's lumio City inside one of lumiose's  buildings you'll find a ghost girl who resembles   the hex Maniac trainer class exiting the elevator  the screen will go black when it comes back the   ghost girl will appear behind you hover around the  room and say no you're not the one the same thing   happens in the other Gen 6 games Omega Ruby and  Alpha Sapphire this has led many to believe that   the ghost girl is looking for a specific trainer  ID unfortunately there have been no reports of   this happening as of yet so there's no knowing if  it's meant to be anything other than a fun scare   have you ever been into topless City and wondered  what the heck is going on here the block staircase   has been a source of mystery for decades but just  recently a YouTuber named rfx has finally cracked   the case hacking into the Japanese version of  emerald they were able to remove the trees at   a collision point and climb the staircase what  they found was a very confused hiker with a level   zero question mark for a Pokemon after defeating  him the game forces you back down the stairs and   blocks off the staircase once again this was most  likely meant to be an area where you'd use the   e-reader to battle a special trainer since the  e-reader was discontinued by the time Emerald   was released this portion of the game was left  unfinished and the staircase was blocked off to   stop the game from crashing see some Mysteries  actually do get solved let's get that space   shuttle to take us to Deoxys now I spent way too  long believing that hoax by the way the Pokemon   anime's pilot aired in North America on September  8th 1998 but did you know this actually was isn't   the first episode we got just one day before the  episode battle aboard the SSN was aired in select   markets as a sneak peek this episode was most  likely picked due to featuring all of the series   core elements battling trading the lead cast Team  Rocket and a huge assortment of Pokemon but what   wasn't considered was the lasting effect it would  have on those who viewed it if you've seen this   episode you'll know that it ends on a cliffhanger  where the SSN syncs along with our main characters   American children weren't just mortified they were  hooked they would also have to wait almost three   weeks before seeing how these characters got out  of the situation or if they even would later fans   would recollect having seen the sneak peek the day  before the pilot they realized things were a bit   different than how the episode played out when  it was aired in sequence for one the narrator's   dialogue was changed having to introduce the show  from its 15th episode to an audience who had no   idea what Pokemon even was this episode quickly  became a Hot Topic in the Lost media Community   without the knowledge of what the franchise  would eventually become nobody had thought   to record it that is until a Reddit user with an  unbelievable catalog of VHS recordings founded in   their collection in 2016. thanks to them you can  now watch the original broadcast of this episode   in its entirety online along with cheesy 90s  toy commercials playing every five minutes the   only noticeable differences come in the narrator's  intro and outro dialogue but it is still amazing   to uncover a piece of Pokemon history most of us  weren't sure even existed the game's version of   the Saint Anne the SSN is kind of strange because  looking at kanto's map it's impossible for it to   make it out to open sea we know it travels  to Johto but how does it get there if it's   surrounded by land is there a ramp that helps it  hop over cycling Road does an extremely powerful   Alakazam teleport it over Bulbapedia has theorized  that the SSN has enough momentum to crash through   Route 18 every time it passes through this  silly design error was merely the developers   forgetting to make cycling Road a bridge as it  was always intended to be they later fixed this   in HeartGold and Soul Silver unlike Pokemon pink  which has some proof of its existence Pokemon Gray   is completely fan speculation whereas Reshiram  was the mascot of white version and Zekrom was   the mascot of Black Version kurum was assumed  to be the mascot for the eventual Pokemon Gray   version the developers decided to instead give  us the series first sequels and make the cover   legendaries curem 2 forms nevertheless some fans  believe the original plan was to release a Pokemon   Gray but was scrapped due to the poor sales  of previous enhanced versions there are two   pieces of evidence that could prove Pokemon Gray's  existence a domain name purchased by Nintendo and   the unused godstone Fountain black and white data  in the games the dark stone becomes Zekrom and the   light Stone becomes Reshiram it's safe to assume  the godstone would become curem so although there   isn't substantial proof that Pokemon Gray ever  made it past the initial pitch it is possible   that a gray version was planned to be released  before the idea idea for sequels came about   this one is more so a compilation of different  theories because Ken tsugamori's art style is so   distinct many of his designs tend to have similar  features this has led many to connect Pokemon that   seemingly have nothing to do with each other like  is ghastly a dead Cloister is Gengar clefable's   Shadow is Cubone and abandoned Kangaskhan Cub many  also believe some family Lions have been switched   out or replaced for instance Butterfree has a  striking resemblance to venonat but is actually   the final evolution of Caterpie the only thing  linking Blastoise to Squirtle and Wartortle is   its color and shell where did its winged ears go  why are its eyes so different taking a closer look   at the leaked gen 1 beta Sprites you'll find the  original pre-evolution for Blastoise this baby   Blastoise was probably cut and merged with the  Squirtle line to save space on the cartridge so   it was actually Squirtle and Wartortle that were  changed to look like Blastoise not the other way   around my favorite Pokemon design theory is that  Wobbuffet is being controlled by its tail the   thing about this theory is that it's actually  backed up by its Pokedex entries and the anime   many entries mention the tale having a secret and  constantly hiding in Dark Places if the tail is   attacked Wobbuffet goes into a full-on rampage in  the anime you'll also notice that the tail always   points outward as if to see what's going on those  eyes are wobbuffet's actual eyes is this blue   orifice just a giant punching bag or is it another  Pokemon being mind controlled I love this Theory   because the mystery is part of wobbuffet's design  concept on its own it's just a normal Pokemon but   the tail secret is something the games and Anime  continue to allude to to this day and fans have   finally figured it out it's highly unlikely it'll  ever be confirmed but that's part of its charm   like most of the protagonists in the games Ash  doesn't have a father he's also rarely mentioned   by the characters and the show's creator for the  longest time we were told that Ash's father is on   his own Pokemon Journey but this doesn't have to  be a journey in the traditional sense many fans   point to Professor Oak dudu's close relationship  to Ash's mom and being a father figure mentor   to Ash he technically is on a journey to study  Pokemon another theory suggests Mr mime is Ash's   father one that's gross and two we know that Delia  met Mr mime at the end of the anime's first season   so that would wait why am I even talking about  this if Ash's father really were someone we know   I think the character with the most evidence  pointing to them is Giovanni Giovanni rarely   comes in contact with Ash but he's always sending  Team Rocket after him this may be because he wants   to keep tabs on his son why else would he send  his most harmless goons after him there's no way   Giovanni the leader of a giant crime syndicate  actually thinks one Pikachu is that important   he just wants to make sure his son is okay and  yes I'm aware that in the newest Pokemon film   The Secrets of the Jungle Ash mentions his father  and him having a great relationship but that's not   canon did you know the very first trailer for the  Pokemon movie actually shows very little footage   from the movie we know in fact it mostly consists  of scenes we've never seen the teaser shows a girl   and two women discussing Pokemon as they watch  clouds float by because one of the woman looks   like she could be a grown-up Misty people believe  this film was going to be the anime's original   ending the story would have Ash looking back at  his final Journey as his daughter and Pikachu play   in the field nearby the Mewtwo plot would instead  be told in flashbacks sorry to rain on anyone's   parade but the film's director has said that the  footage was created exclusively for the teaser and   any resemblance to Misty was unintentional this  practice was also commonplace for teaser trailers   back then even in the west iconic movies like the  first Spider-Man and Terminator 2 had footage shot   exclusively for their teasers what do you  think was the Misty like character just a   coincidence or is there maybe some truth to this  Theory Pokemon's biggest mystery is who would   win in a battle between 1 billion lions and  one of every Pokemon Scholars and Pokemon   fans everywhere have tried unraveling the  truth behind this question for decades we   may honestly never know but I do know one  thing one billion Lions is a lot of lions   well that's about as far down as we can go today  how far down did you get I'll admit some of these   were actually new to me but no matter how many  rumors or theories I knew going into this I still   love this franchise with all my heart and I'm  sure you did too sometimes learning more about   something you love makes that love even stronger  even if you were already aware of everything I   covered my hope is that just talking about it and  knowing other people were learning more about the   thing you love was enough to keep you entertained  so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 86,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, pokemon iceberg, iceberg gaming, gaming iceberg, iceberg pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet and violet, pokemon leak, pokemon rumor, pokemon secrets, new pokemon revealed, new pokemon trailer, pokemon trailer
Id: bAle37Tky6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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