The History of Super Mario Bros 3 100% World Records

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I know Summoning Salt started getting crap in this subreddit with some of the last videos for being formulaic.

But fuck me in if that formula doesn't work though, these videos are always such a treat.

Edit: to fix name lol, Jesus Christ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 497 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Link_In_Pajamas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

His videos are so relaxing, it's like going to therapy. The music is making me nostalgic for an era that I wasn't even born.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 131 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TungstenSlayer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I enjoyed the video, but I feel they're getting a a little too long.

There was nothing especially interesting regarding this run compared to others. No real interesting tricks or glitches and there wasn't even a massive back and forth between rival runners, yet the video was still dragged out to 90 minutes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 104 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SP0oONY πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, the hate in these threads is always something else.

These videos are awesome. Formulaic, sure. Drawn-out, a bit.

But in the never-ending search for something to watch with my casual gaming partner, Summoning Salt is always a win. Not bingeable, but a rare treat.

She loves the built up drama; I love the games. I never watch a video without having a slight inclination to try speed running one of my favoritesl games.

A dream would be Summoning Salt produce something bigger, similar to The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. His ability to create drama and story from something as dry as a speed run time is astounding.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Grumio_est_coquus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Literally every video on this channel is

"In the world of speedrunning, there exists no game greater than..."
"It has been consistently popular in the speedrunning scene since its release."
"The first known record was set by ____ in the early 2000s."
"Even for its time, it was pretty good. But there's clearly room for improvement."
"Everything changed when ____ Skip was discovered. This completely changed the way the game was ran."
"New records featuring ____ Skip were popping up left and right."
"The two record holders continued to fight over the record for the next couple of months."
"Out of nowhere, a new runner shows up and completely outclasses both of them."
"This new runner would continue to lower the record over the next few years."
"And that's where the record stands today."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheRigXD πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
foreign [Music] Super Mario Bros 3 speed runs are some of the most competitive out there it has a degree of Randomness not found in most Platformers so much out of your control needs to line up but it also requires relentlessly precise platforming through the entire game we've already been over worthless World Records in this game but there's another even tougher category 100 and over the past 10 plus years it's become one of the most coveted NES World Records this is the history of Mario 3 100 World Records [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] speed run well for a normal workless speedrun of Mario 3 the only requirement is that you can't use any of the game's warp whistles to jump to a later World however that category still lets you skip over certain levels since you aren't required to play them all to beat the game but for one hundred percent the rules are a bit stricter you've got to complete every stage and every map enemy through the entire game that includes all the numbered levels forts airships and hand stages as well as enemies like Hammer brothers and piranha plants it's a brutal category you can't skip over anything dangerous the origin of this category comes from a speed run from December 2005 performed by David Gibbons now David Gibbons may not be a familiar name to most but back in the early 2000s he was one of the most prolific speedrunners around he held World Records in Mario 64 GoldenEye Castlevania 64 Donkey Kong Country 3 the list just goes on and on Christmas Eve 2005 he added Mario 3 to that list a 100 run clocking in at one hour 24 minutes and 10 seconds let's Dive In Gibbons played on the Super Mario All-Stars version of the game but since all his other records were on SNES and N64 games it's likely Gibbons played on this version since he didn't own an NES he started in world 1 and began making his way through the game [Music] Gibbon's first goal was to build up the P meter as often as he could the P meter checks every eight frames whether you're running and whether you're on the ground if both are true then an arrow builds in the meter and if not then it'll lose an arrow once the meter is full you get P speed allowing you to run much faster than normal so throughout the entire game Gibbons frequently tried to run on the ground and build P speed in world 1 he was able to build it on several occasions but usually slowed down and lost it slightly after as a whole Gibbons was going through stages quickly but some levels looked more like a casual playthrough 3-2 in particular had a lot of falling in the water and riding on slow moving platforms since the Run was so long he played a lot of sections safe slowing down to ensure he didn't take damage or die but whenever he built P speed he was able to fly through levels and all the while he was collecting items which the game automatically gives you after completing worlds and fighting Hammer Brothers he saved most of these until World 7 which features many of the game's longest stages so in 7-6 for instance instead of entering the door to play the level he used a p-wing to fly over the wall and run to the other side level complete in a matter of seconds all in all this was a pretty impressive Speed Run for its time and it got a positive reception in the community but there were a lot of safe strategies used and it was obvious the world record had potential to go lower that being said for the next six years David Gibbons run remained as the fastest recorded 100 time during that period new Mario 3 Runners joined speed demos archive but for the most part they focused on the game's other categories however for awesome Games Done Quick 2012 a runner named tjp7154 submitted Mario 3 100 percent it got accepted meaning he'd be running it in front of thousands of viewers that January so tjp had to practice he began streaming 100 runs on his twitch page and in November 2011 he beat David Gibbons record but this time 100 looked a little different [Music] on November 6 2011 tjp beat the record by over two minutes a 121.56 and he was able to take full advantage of what had been discovered over the last six years first off he was far better at preserving p-speed for instance in 2-2 he turned back at the start of the stage to build P speed then precisely jumped to maintain it through the whole level 4-3 was more of the same maintaining P speed by mapping out his jumps perfectly it was overall a higher level of gameplay than Gibbons run there were also smaller optimizations tjp made it seems logical to jump to get the wands sooner after a Koopa fight like Gibbons did but Mario eventually has to slowly fall to the bottom of the screen after grabbing it so if he grabs It On The Ground instead Mario falls a much shorter distance and actually gains time he used this throughout the run to save a few seconds but here's the thing about tjp he was practicing for a marathon not trying to optimize a world record he was also a showman never afraid to go for the toughest tricks even if they were risky so despite some impressive time saves over David Gibbons tjp also died five times and took damage on numerous occasions it made for an entertaining run despite some obvious places to improve but the biggest addition to tjp's run he used every trick to his Advantage welcome to the wonderful yet punishing world of Mario 3's glitches this is stage 6-9 normally you enter the pipe and play through the level but instead tjp did this it's called a wall jump an incredibly difficult glitch in Mario 3. first off you need to jump into the top 6 pixels of a block and then jump again the frame you hit the block although in rare cases you may get a second frame that means you have 6 pixels of wiggle room and then must time a jump down to the 60th of a second that's not easy but then there's stuff out of your control in order to have the chance to wall jump a small Mario you must be at least two pixels into the wall when running Mario moves 2 pixels and 8 sub pixels per frame There are 16 subpixels in a pixel meaning essentially he moves two and a half pixels per frame depending on how you're lined up the wall jump can be impossible for instance if you happen to be one pixel away from the wall with a low sub pixel value you'll only be one pixel deep into the wall on the next frame and won't have the chance to wall jump if you instead had a high sub pixel value the eight subpixels gained would cause Mario to move an extra pixel deep and the wall jump would be possible the math works out so that you only have a 60 chance to get the wall jump even if you do everything right your subpixel value and distance from the wall must line up properly another trick that requires both a precise jump and sub pixel look is clipping if you jump right into the corner of a block as big Mario the game thinks his head is stuck inside and its solution is to zip you out to the right this means you can skip straight through entering a door to play a stage and go right to the end but of course in addition to needing a frame perfect jump to hit the corner of the block you also need sub pixel luck to clip in Far Enough even if you get a frame perfect jump every time Mario only Zips less than half the time in practice as difficult and random as these tricks are tjp was committed to going for them he went for the wall jump in 6-9 and got its seventh try he went for the clip in 7-1 and got its 17th try he went for a clip in 7-5 and failed nine times before giving up finally in 7-6 he hit a clip first try vindicating his efforts was this all actually worth it well despite a lot of Misses tjp clearly showed that if performed fast enough the wall jump and all the various Clips could potentially save big time a few weeks later just before his gdq run tjp set another 100 world record 120-29 it was cleaner overall with fewer deaths and took no more than six tries to get the major Clips in world 7. despite a lead of over 3 minutes tjp couldn't help himself from going all out in the last stage of the game he started by going into the basement and failing a clip 31 consecutive times he then returned to the start of the level and attempted a different clip four times before giving up and taking the elevator he then successfully hit a clip at the top of the level but it actually lost him time because of how slowly you move through the wall he may have lost over a minute and a half in one stage but his run looked cool and was still a world record now tjp's run stood as the official record for about eight months it was beaten in August 2012 and the runner to do it is pretty well known today Mitch flower power by 2012 Mitch had already been a top Mario 3 runner for years he got the warpless record in 2010 and likely had a 100 run faster than tjp's runs back in 2011. but he didn't record his time until 2012. by then Mitch's skills had risen far beyond tjp's and as a result he was able to do this to the world record [Music] foreign [Music] had just been taken to another level and the way Mitch did it P speed p-speed P speed he had practiced runs of individual levels for years and was able to apply P speed techniques there to full game runs the only problem with this record it wasn't exactly 4K quality a low resolution camera pointed at a TV but the gameplay on the screen was unbelievably high quality for the time take 1-3 for instance Mitch did a tiny jump over a Koopa to build P speed while jumping off the boomerang bro take the first Ford in world 4. this is an incredibly tough stage but Mitch kept P speed the entire way through there are some really precise jumps in there but he never slowed down Mitch's gameplay was not only cleaner but also smarter in World 6's first Fort Mitch powered up then intentionally took damage so he could run on the spikes quickly instead of slowly riding on the platform there were time saves like this all across the Run allowing Mitch to be multiple minutes ahead after six worlds but instead of going for the wall jump in 6-9 and the clip in 7-6 Mitch used p-wings in both stages to fly straight up top instead of using them for safer strategies in stages like tjp did he still managed to get seven one clip second try and got a couple Clips in 7-5 it was far from a perfect run but Mitch's 114 was the new gold standard for 100 runs now when compared to warpless Mario 3's other Wong category 100 leaderboard was a little different Mitch was way ahead of the packing 100 but he had one active competitor for warplus runs a speedrunner known as kurua throughout 2012 Mitch and karua were locked in a warpless world record battle trading the record back and forth throughout the year Mitch knew karua would be an incredible 100 Runner if he ever gave it a try and he encouraged him to start running it so later that year karua did and in December he beat Mitch's world record 113.52 karua had a different approach this run Mitch went all out executing as many tough strategies as he could and being less concerned about mistakes karua on the other hand went for a more consistent run he expected to get hit and make the occasional mistake but his initial goal was to avoid dying something tjp and Mitch failed to do he also wanted to have a cleaner run overall Mitch had some slowdowns in World 5 while Kuru was able to hold on to his fire flower this allowed him to build P speed in 5-3 while Mitch had to slowly jump his way through keeping with this Conservative Strategies crew has saved a lot of items for the later worlds and p-winged over 6-9 and 7-6 he also used the p-wing in 7-9 allowing him to go straight to the top and Skip part of the maze-like stage he still went for the 7-1 clip and got it fifth try so overall his safe strategy worked beautifully karua completed the run without dying and ended up with a 43 second world record improvement over Mitch the Run certainly wasn't without its faults Small Time losses were scattered across the Run especially in world six and he took a lot of time trying to build P speed at the start of 7-2 but karua said that all he wanted with this run was a starting point he wanted to achieve a clean world record and then return to improve it in the future so five months later that's exactly what karua tried to do on May 19 2013 after a break from doing 100 runs karua got on a pace with a beautiful first half he bled a little bit from slow downs in World 5 but his world 6 was much cleaner than his last record was over half a minute ahead into world 7. but he still had to get the 7-1 clip first try he also gained Time by building p-speed faster in 7-2 and suddenly he was over 41 seconds ahead going into the final world [Music] is a very interesting World in Mario 3 speed runs on its surface it doesn't seem that difficult nearly half the stages are Auto scrollers which are essentially cut scenes for speedrunners and the remaining stages don't have many super difficult tricks you don't even have to worry about the hands like you do in worthless you're forced to play them all in 100 so the only RNG is a second and a half time loss from getting pulled in by a hand versus selecting it manually so World 8 shouldn't be that tough of a world but the remaining levels 8-1 8-2 the fort and Bowser's Castle they may not be super difficult but they're just hard enough that when combined with the pressure of being on world record Pace it can be very easy to make a mistake with the pressure off top Runners rarely make mistakes in world 8. but everything changes when you're on world record pace one slip of the button One Missed timed jump and your world record chance can vanish [Music] foreign levels with a mistake the pressure may have gotten to karua but incredibly since he led by so much going into World 8 he still pulled off a world record by seven seconds this may not have been the record he was going for but karua was in it for the Long Haul one hundred percent had turned into his new favorite category and he was willing to devote most of his attention to it and so throughout 2013 this is what karua did to the world record [Music] four months later karua had taken the world record all the way to 1 12 40. despite lowering the record by over a minute there weren't any big new strategies the improvements came from making fewer mistakes and slowly adding in small time saves an example of this is 4-1 kurua used to never build P speed in this level and just jumped his way through while slowing down as little as possible but starting with his 11240 he picked up a Koopa shell then used it to run into a paracupa so he could avoid taking damage and build P speed he could then preserve it across the remainder of the level and save a few seconds this was karua's category Mitch was close to him at the start of the year but as he chose to focus on other categories instead kurua was able to pull away and as a result the gap between the two of them was nearly two full minutes but then something interesting happened Mario 3 100 was accepted into agdq 2014 just as it had been two years prior with tjp only this time it would be a co-op run with Mitch and karua both playing so Mitch had to get ready he'd spent the year playing The Game's warpless and any percent categories setting a total of five World Records between the two but he hadn't played 100 in over a year and since then karua had lowered the record seven times so during preparations for that Year's gdq run the question was could Mitch keep up with karua and on November 13 2013 that question was answered [Music] this was a record Improvement of seven seconds but there's one important caveat Mitch played on an NES while karua played on Wii virtual console these consoles have different frame rates and essentially meant that karua was playing in slightly slow motion compared to Mitch over the course of an hour-long speed run it worked out that Mitch gained 20 seconds over karua from frame rate differences alone so his Improvement of 7 Seconds was a slower played run overall but it was still the world record Mitch's strategies were quite different than karua's in the world to Fort for instance Mitch intentionally lost fire to damage boost off the spikes it's faster initially but you lose Time by not being able to fire kill the boom boom and having the power back up later Mitch also gained time back in a few of the stages where karua lost big time but he had his struggles too his 7- 1 clip was 12th try yet when factoring in the time save from frame rate differences it was still enough to beat the world record I did it I did it uh after 15 months of dominance from karua Mitch was back on top but in the lead up to their agdq run Mitch wasn't the only one practicing karua started doing 100 runs as well and this time there was no more Wii Virtual Console kurua switched to playing on an NES and so just a few weeks after Mitch's record karua beat him back by 24 seconds keeping with the theme from these two Runners karua's record was more consistent than Mitch's run Mitch had lost fire in the forts in Worlds four and five while karua didn't get hit in either spot and instead of a 12th try 7-1 clip kurua got it first try he did die in 6-3 but it wasn't a significant time loss since he was already small Mario and it was at the start of the level it was a quintessential karua world record he went for fewer extravagant tricks compared to Mitch but was steady nearly the whole way through and it paid off beautifully Mitch and karua continued practicing in the lead-up to hdq 2014 but neither lowered their 100 time but then the day before the marathon was scheduled to start karua came through with one more world record the first 111 in the game's history it was a bit more of an up and down run with karua losing fire in World 3 and missing a tail swipe in 7-5 causing him to lose time going for the backup but this run is notable for one particular trick kurua went for it's not a huge time save but is extremely difficult and punishing if missed the trick is in World 3 saves three seconds and fittingly is named door three [Music] in World 3's first Fort there's a hallway of doors that lead to different areas you're supposed to go into the sixth door then jump up to a higher door and enter the boss corridor however if you instead enter the third door and press up to re-enter the door as soon as Mario spawns on the next screen you can enter it again and are sent straight to the boss corridor this saves three seconds over going to door six but it's incredibly risky you only have one frame to press up as you spawn on the screen and if you miss you fall into the water and lose 11 seconds it's extremely high risk for not a huge reward but karua went for it since his run was off to a slow start and it paid off a few days later Mission karua had their gdq run and then both players took a break from 100 percent the world record had entered the 111s and although there's a limit to just how optimized an hour-long run can be it was starting to get there there weren't many huge time saves left the smaller things were becoming more and more important but when karua came back to 100 runs in March one element of the run in particular was gaining relevance so far we've talked about all the execution and tough tricks required in a 100 run building P speed getting clips and all the rest we've been ignoring a big aspect of the speed run Mario 3 100 has one other major component RNG it's time to talk about the hammer Brothers [Music] the first six worlds in the game feature one or more Hammer Brothers on the Overworld map after every level you complete or every time you die these Hammer Brothers randomly move in an available Direction they only intend to move one space at a time but they can only stop on an unoccupied tile so if they land on a level or another Hammer Brother they have to move again all the hammer Brothers move at the same time but you have to wait for whatever the longest movement is to stop before Mario Can Move so if One Hammer Brother moves once while the other moves twice you end up taking the time loss from a movement of two now you can get some pretty long movements from the hammer Brothers in World 5 this Hammer Brother Can't Stop on the fort and then can't stop on level 8 or level 9. so he has to move four spaces before he can finally stop each additional movement costs 32 frames or roughly half a second so a movement of four loses a second and a half over the optimal movement of one but under perfect conditions you can get even worse movements if the hammer Brothers Never Land on an open tile they have to keep moving they can even get stuck on top of each other if they meet at a three-way intersection speedrunner Stewie Cartman has one of the longest Hammer Brother movements on record and movements like this can theoretically take place in any playthrough of Mario 3. foreign goes without saying that if this happens in a run it's an immediate reset [Music] even without a super long Marathon movement Hammer Brother movements can still cost the player big time over the course of a hundred percent run an extra movement is only half a second but there are dozens and dozens of spots for movements during a run in World 5 alone getting the worst possible versus the best possible Hammer Brother look is about 21 seconds of difference extrapolate that to the full game and one speed run to the next can have significant time variance from RNG alone so when karua came back to attempts in March 2014 Hammer Brother RNG mattered more than ever before on March 27th he got on a run that pulled ahead big time after world three this was partly thanks to Quick Hammer Brother movements but mostly because he didn't get hit in the fort like his last record World 4 featured great Hammer Brother luck two movements to two and five movements of one and he didn't have to travel far to fight them either unfortunately World 5 wasn't as kind as he got several movements of three still going into World 7 karua had built up a substantial lead and it just kept getting better 7-1 clip was first try once again and he got the tail swipe in 7-5 that he missed in the last record had a 17 second lead into world 8. but we already know how hard this world can be under pressure [Music] these mistakes lost 12 seconds combined still a record by five seconds but World 8 was starting to become a problem spot for karua but just a week later he had a chance for Redemption karua carried an eight-second lead after world six but this run is notable for the new strategies kurua went for in World 7. in 7-9 he successfully hit a clip that saves five seconds instead of having to navigate The Maze normally you can go right through the wall to skip a segment of it and in the second Fort kurua went for a beautiful strategy where you preserve P speed throughout the two rooms it's incredible to watch you must throw fireballs and time your jumps perfectly in room one then do incredibly precise jumps while ducking in room 2 so that you never slow down these two strategies combined meant karua was 15 ahead into world 8. this was his chance but once again World 8 stood between him and the world record he needed a good world and that's exactly what he got it made for a remarkable 111-26 a world record cut of 27 seconds the Run was solid through World 5 but a gold world six combined with the new strategies in World 7 in a clean World 8 pushed it over the top simply put this was an amazing world record so amazing that for the next year it would stand on top of the leaderboard unchallenged but even with no competitors in sight kurua still wanted to push his time lower in early 2015 he came back to the category largely thanks to a few new strategies he could use to shave off some time the biggest one was an overhaul of level 6-5 this is the infamous stage where you're supposed to build P speed then fly up with a Koopa shell to clear out the plants and make it to the pipe building p-speed is easy but it took speedrunners time to pick up the Koopa shell however karua began using the 6-5 d-spawn strad Mario 3 only has 5 available Sprite slots at a time if a sixth Sprite appears on screen it'll simply be despawned right away so by running and not slowing down then tail swiping a buster Beetle he'll stay on screen longer and take up a Sprite slot the next beetle is in Slot 2 the Koopa is in slot 3 and the last Beatles in slot 4. with one open slot remaining only one of the two plants above can spawn in so you can just fly up there and break the blocks without needing to use the Koopa shell using this new strategy and other smaller ones karua set two 100 records in March 2015. a 1 11 24 followed by a 11102 the gap on the leaderboard was now enormous 54 seconds between him and second place he had set 12 of the categories last 13 World Records he had held the record nearly non-stop since 2012. and now his lead over anybody else in the world was nearly a full minute and it was a good thing because surely after his 11102 karua obtained a working holiday Visa meaning he was going to be moving to Japan for the next year and he wasn't going to be doing any speed running while gone he had plans to come back to 100 runs upon his return but for the next 12 months he couldn't defend his title but fortunately for karua his world records seemed to be in no danger he left for Japan still with no threats to the record in sight [Music] just three months into his absence karua's record was gone the guy who did it was named I love Mario when karua left he was 54 seconds behind and didn't seem like a major threat but a month later the leaderboard looked a bit closer and then it got a bit closer and finally on June 24th 2015 he came through with this run the first 110 in the game's history I love Mario would go on to set many records in Mario 2 Mario 3 and Mario Land 2 in the years to come but this one was actually his very first Mario World Record while karua's run didn't have any huge mistakes it still had flaws that I love Mario was able to take advantage of his big time saves revolved around building p-speed namely in 4-1 World 4's second Fort and 5-5 in each of these stages he managed to build P speed early through precise platforming to save a couple seconds they added up to be a pretty nice time save 7-1 clip was second try and the world as a whole was quite clean credits I love Mario he had swooped in and taken a world record that looked to be pretty safe karua was shocked he knew his record wasn't perfect but to be beaten after just three months away was definitely a surprise but he was set on not doing attempts until he came back over the next few months the leaderboard would become a bit cluttered at the top but I love Mario's run remained the only 110. the New Year arrived with no changes and finally in the spring of 2016 karua came back his record had only lasted three months but I love Mario's world record lasted the remaining nine it was still the time to be so how would karua respond well in the past karua tended to mix in other games with his 100 attempts but this time around he decided he was going to do an all-out grind his goal wasn't just to get the record back his goal was to lower the time as much as he physically could because the time he was aiming for was a sub 110 30. this was karua's Ultimate grind [Music] there kurua was gonna have to squeeze all the time out of 100 that he could he had a couple ways to help part one getting all the Koopa fire kills at the end of each of the first seven worlds there's a Koopaling battle the fastest way to defeat them is to use Fireballs but this can be quite difficult since the Koopalings have seemingly random patterns that can throw everything off however their pattern can actually be determined ahead of time it all depends on the time spent on the Overworld map between the last level and the airship every few frames the Koopalings pattern changes so if you spend the same amount of time navigating to the Airship the pattern will be the same and you can plan your fire kill ahead this can still be problematic in World 2 for instance there are multiple spots you can be before the airship so karua had to plan this out for each of the seven worlds what possible patterns he could get and how they match with this Overworld movement it was painstaking but it allowed him to be much more consistent with the fire kills and part two as always there were new strategies in this grind karua implemented two big ones the first was in 6-10 a strategy that allowed you to maintain P speed through the whole level and hang on to fire Mario it goes without saying that this requires brutally tough platforming but the end result saves a few seconds throughout world 6. the other new strategy was in 7-7 we've seen a lot of tricks in world 7. but this is easily the worst of them all the most brutal random difficult and all-around awful strategy in the game this is the 7-7 clip to get this to work you need to land on the corner pixel of the pipe that means there's both a vertical and horizontal component of getting the clip you need the correct vertical pixel plus the correct horizontal pixel and the correct subpixels for both the horizontal and vertical directions if everything is done correctly and you get lucky with the sub pixels to get the clip first try it saves 17 seconds over playing the stage normally getting a first try is both figuratively and literally a pipe dream past Runners had tried for the 7-7 clip before but not so much success karua avoided the trick over the years but for this grind the 17 second time save was too good to pass up but every Miss shaves a few seconds off of the time save and by the sixth try it's impossible to gain time karua only got it about 25 percent of the time by the sixth try meaning 75 percent of runs were essentially killed by this one trick an hour into the Run it's absolutely brutal World 7 as a whole had turned into a nightmare you've got the 7-1 clip the 7-7 clip the seven nine clip and several other difficult levels but it's what karua had to do if he wanted this grind to be a success it all had to come together if Guru was gonna pull this off after many weeks of practice in the summer of 2016 karua got to work on July 6th Kuru was on a solid run through world 3. he got great Hammer Brother movements and even got door three the next few worlds were up and down but he was within Striking Distance going into World 7. a position he had been in several times over the past few weeks but the world got off to a good start second try 7-1 clip the next few levels were clean as well including the shell throw in 7-5 and then he arrived at 7-7 this just got real although he lost some time later in the world first try 7-7 was enough for a gold split but there was still World 8. we've seen karua struggle here before and sure enough in 8-1 he lost P speed to lose a few seconds but he's still closed it out for a 110-52 for the first time in over a year kurua was the 100 record holder he was officially back that was the game plan to get his goal take a lottery ticket into World 7. pray the ticket hits to get all the clips required then hold it together in world 8. karua had 23 seconds to go this is what he did over the following weeks [Music] thank you foreign [Music] 2016 karua had a remarkable Improvement just five seconds away from his goal and finally he had a run with a clean world 8. he saved six seconds in that world alone which took the run into the 110 30s there was still room to shave a few seconds off he had lost fire in 4-1 and took a few tries to do the Clips in world 7. but overall it was a really clean run there just wasn't much time left to save with three World Records in July kurua was flying high these two weeks had been among the most fruitful in his entire speedrunning career so he decided to take a short but well-deserved break he returned in August and started doing more runs needing just one more record to achieve his goal but all of a sudden it's like karua ran into a wall he wasn't seeing any more improvements he was getting bad Hammer Brother movements no Clips in world 7. all of a sudden nothing was working and time started to pass September came around then October and the record stayed at 1 10 34. sometimes in speedrunning we set goals that are too lofty it's much easier to imagine a perfect run than to actually play it and it seems that's what karua had done he had been a 100 record holder for four years and knew what the culmination of all his skills could be that would be a sub 1 10 30. but three months after his 1 10 34 despite a massive effort karua hadn't made any progress five seconds away had to be good enough this was the end of the road for karua then came November 9th 2016. when maybe the craziest run in Mario 3 history took place do you remember anything about the attempt session leading up to it or was it just like any normal day I honestly I don't remember anything in particular about it yeah those thoughts was yeah pretty standard I would say the RNG was actually bad so I was rightly behind but what one and world two as long as you're within two or three seconds it's not really gonna make a huge difference so in the end getting out of words really the pace was acceptable nothing special but nothing bad the run really started picking up at Ward 4. basically I got this speed in every spot where I wanted it but here again the first and the second Fort so everything went right four worlds into the Run Kuru was six seconds ahead putting him on Pace for sub 1 10 30. but there was still a long way to go when I reached World 5 at that point I wasn't too excited about the run in the entire run World 5 is the one with the most RNG the difference between good and bad RNG for the hamburger movement is just insane so I got a really low number of movements and I just made every single stage like the world was virtually perfect world 6 is in my opinion the second hardest world after world 7. it's more about the execution forward 6 and it's really really intense so many stages are difficult and again like quad 5 execution was on top in every single stage I don't think I missed a single thing I went for in War 6. I think it was my best base by five seconds entering world seven so yeah I was definitely feeling the pressure this was the best chance karua had ever had to get a sub 1 10 30. but he started off with the first try 7-1 getting 7-1 first try you're always happy but at the same time I know 777 is where it's gonna be decided so I was happy but I was just waiting for 773 and finally karua arrived at 7-7 on the pace of his life he just had to get this eventually and he'd have a golden opportunity [Music] I think my heart rate rised quite a lot after getting 7-7 first try like wow this is actually happening getting the seven nine zip was a bonus just the cherry on top we had been looking at the wrong line all along we're not talking about a sub 110 30 anymore unbelievably kurua was moments away from getting the world's first 109. and it's weird because on one hand you're like did I misjudge my goal or is it just that special I think it was just that special that run was it really was special but we had all seen karua's struggles in World 8 before and now with more on the line than ever before he had to get a good World Aid interestingly I wasn't feeling really pressured by World 8 even though I failed before despite that I was very confident because I was playing well so I wasn't really feeling much pressure in that regard I think he kept going level by level getting closer to the 109. [Music] [Music] and then yeah eight one happened the truth is I was actually not focused enough because I remember I was thinking ahead I was thinking about a strut I was considering doing in default two stages later and I pressed jump too early and didn't jump we saw the results I didn't know if I could even finish the run because I was so upset at myself and I ended up getting hit in 82 because of it I just didn't care at that point I actually knew I would probably get the record if I didn't do anything incredibly stupid afterwards so I expected to maybe get a record by I don't know five six seconds or something instead oh I'm absolutely crushing my goal despite what happened so I had really conflicted emotions about it at the time I was really upset but Tron was so special that I still became quite happy about it quite quickly what a bizarre speedrun karua had accomplished his goal in fact he had crushed it yet it felt so unfulfilling he was in a position to take the record years ahead of its time but fell short at the last minute you know after the kind of the Dust had settled did you have any thoughts about trying to lower the time further or did you know that you were done I briefly considered continuing and getting another PB but it would still be way worse relatively speaking compared to what that run could have been so yeah I just need to stop there I'm done that run was six and a half years ago karua hasn't done 100 run since and he stopped speedrunning as a whole in 2017. but my goodness did he go out on top [Music] this was the leaderboard the de karua set the 110 19. this was the leaderboard a year later the Gap had closed by just two seconds there's Mega Man 2 record holder elonisia in second place let's move another year forward Runners were starting to get into the 110s now but still kurua's record was comfortably on top at this point we're in late 2018 and these Runners with 110s Louis elonesia horse Dad they were all excellent Mario 3 players but none of their runs had a world record potential even two full years later none of these guys could catch up to karua it seemed like the 110 19 was destined to stay on top there seemed to be no hope wait a minute Mitch had been a hundred percent record holder before back in 2014 since then he had focused hard on warpless being ahead of karua there for most of the last four years if any runner in the top 10 had a shot of beating the 110 19 it would be Mitch he had limited interest in 100 over the years but in late 2018 he decided to give it another shot his PB was a mid-111 and he very quickly rose up the leaderboard by the end of November he was in second place 12 seconds behind karua he'd then achieve a 110-29 and later a 110-26 these runs were notable because they both had a chance at the world record entering world 7. but he couldn't get the first try clips that were in the 11019 even with the 20 seconds time loss in World 8 karua's world record was so tough to go against there was just no margin for error in the first seven worlds 2019 came around and Mitch was still seven seconds behind karua's world record on January 4th Mitch got on a run roughly even with karua's record entering world 3. he then proceeded to lose time in each of the following five worlds he lost fire in 4-4 and lost P speed in 610. he missed 7-9 clip and took two tries to get 7-7 but entering World Aid Mitch was actually going to have a shot at this because he kept it close losing time against karua's record was expected Mitch was 16 seconds behind and could make that time up in world 8. but of course he had to avoid a critical mistake [Music] we did it nice nice for the first time in five years the 100 record belonged to Mitch he didn't use many new strategies either he simply let his skills from the past few years take him past karua overall it was an extremely balanced run with solid Hammer Brother RNG and no bad worlds and most importantly after a two-year Reign at the top the 11019 was no longer the time to beat Mitch and karua were synonymous with Mario 3 speedrunning for years when you looked at the warpless or 100 leaderboards their names were always in the top two spots and now it was no exception but who's in third place that would be Louie with a 11035 he had been sneaking up in the background ever since cutting the 111. while Mitch was setting the record with a 110-14 Louis remained only 20 seconds behind easily the top active Runner behind Mitch and when Mitch stepped aside from 100 after setting the record it was Louie's time to shine [Music] in July 2019 after a steady series of PB improvements Louis broke through with a 11008 taking the top spot by six full seconds this was the first time in four years that neither Mitch nor kurua set the 100 record and there's one key trick that Louis was able to use to his advantage 7-1 subpixel manipulation to get the 7-1 clip your sub pixel value needs to be correct this value can range anywhere from 0 to 15 and normally it's impossible to pick your value but there's a few rules you can use to help rule one tapping left or right for one frame will usually decrease or increase it by one value while tapping it for two frames will usually move it by four values rule two having a sub pixel value between 0 and 6 means the duck clip will work in seven one and Rule three when wrapping around from subpixel 15 to zero Mario visually moves forward after the world 6 Koopa fight you have a brief window where you can set up your sub pixels for the next level which is 7-1 so by quickly tapping right and stopping when you see Mario visually move you'll usually stop between a value of zero and six this makes the 7 1 clip much easier to hit on the first try as long as you do the inputs correctly which is exactly what Louis was able to do in his run so 1108 was the record it had been three years since karua's 11019 and despite the Run advancing quite a bit since then nobody could match that runs potential the 109 sat just Out Of Reach Louis would hold on to the record for the next few months but by late 2019 the desire to get under 110 picked up enough was enough and the race for the first 109 was officially on Mitch was the favorite to get it given his resume of past Mario 3 records but Runners like Louie and I love Mario were close and several other Runners had times in the 110s as well if any of these guys were actively running the game they had a chance at this too there was some clear time to save over Louie's record there were a few stages where he missed P speed he got some rough Hammer Brother luck in World 5 and missed the Koopa fire kill in world 6. the question was who would clean all that up first well in November 2019 Mitch got on a super fast run the first three worlds were all beautiful and he saved time in World 4 by not missing P speed in the second fort he got better Hammer Brother luck in World 5 to save a few seconds and got the world 6 Koopa fire kill Stars had aligned Mitch was 13 seconds ahead going into world 7. but it was time for the clips [Music] man thank God [Music] he matched Louie's first try clips here we are again 109 Pace into World 8. Mitch needed one more clean world and this would be it [Music] what who does that get it together [Music] no way dude why do I mess up that level I think I've lost like too much time at this point well it was still a world record but once again the 109 had been lost to world 8. four seconds away from the goal since he'd gotten the record back Mitch stopped running 100 after this leaving the door open to others to get the 109. but six months later barely anything had changed Mitch was on top Louis was in second and pretty much the entire top 10 was the same one exception new to the top 10 was maiba who was in sixth place with a 110-32 half a minute from the record not being in the top five surely miba wasn't gonna be the guy to get this right on May 11th myba got on a run that had a slight mishap with the Hammer Brother fight in World 3. he also got slow Hammer Brother movements in World 4 and missed P speed in the second Fort after a fantastic world five in a solid world six he was just a few seconds behind the record but he was well ahead of his personal best and the Clips in World 7 all right nice nice was on the Run of his life everything was working is he actually about to do this go straight from six the first place once again just one world separated him from the first 109. [Music] how did this keep happening he lost 18 seconds in World Aid and again the first 109 had Slipped Away it was enough for maiba to move up to third place but knowing what this run could have been was pretty crushing by late 2020 nearly four years had passed since karua's run still no 109. there had certainly been enough chances but nobody could quite convert well in September 2020 another Runner began climbing up the leaderboard his name was chakubi he took his PB under 110 20 and then into third place maybe he could be the one to do this in the past chikubi was pretty much constantly in the top 10 but had never threatened the world record yet in late 2020 he began a steady March of PB improvements culminating with this run on October 16th Jacoby got fantastic Hammer Brother luck in the middle worlds great patterns quick movements it was pretty much the best case scenario and it all added up to an incredible 11 second lead over the world record after world five the best Pace anyone had ever been on he started bleeding time in world 6 with a missed star grab late p-speed in 6-4 and a movement of four and seven seven clip was fourth try which is good but not great but despite all that he was still ahead of the record into world 8. once again with a really good world he could get the 109. and guess what she could be played an excellent World Aid his only mistake was a very small one in Bowser's Castle but he didn't get the 109 because he got pulled in by all three hands each hand has a 50 50 chance of pulling you in which loses a second and a half over manually selecting the level the odds of being pulled in by all three hands is just one in eight if he was pulled in by one hand or fewer this would have been the 109. instead he had to settle for a 110.02 a world record yes but this was getting ridiculous the 109 still eluded everyone maybe they needed some more help so many times they had been just a few seconds away with a faster strategy or two it could push them over the top well in October 2020 Mitch came back to the 100 grind and sure enough he had a few new strategies to help and thankfully they were all in World 7 the toughest world in the game for 7-1 he had a new subpixel manipulation set up for a standing jump which was just a little bit easier than the duck jump in 7-2 he had a new strategy he had adopted from the Tas instead of turning back at the start you can just go forward and intentionally take damage then just barely build P speed before reaching the gap it's quite difficult but saves a little over two seconds but the big one was in 7-5 if you equip a p-wing and a star then do a frame perfect jump into the corner of the pipe you're practically guaranteed to have the correct subpixels to clip through the wall now a frame perfect jump isn't easy but this saves more than 6 seconds if done correctly which is huge add that to fast 72's time save and suddenly Mitch had a lot more wiggle room to get the 109. so he got back to attempts and on October 28th he had a great run going two seconds behind the record after world six Mitch knew he had time to save coming up with the new strategies and he did first try 7-1 fast 7-2 the clip in seven five and second try seven seven just like that Mitch was five seconds ahead putting him on Pace for a 109.57 here we go again World 8 stood between Mitch and the world's first 109. [Music] that's it it didn't give it to me unbelievable it's over GG [Music] ah come on dude how did this keep happening it was another record but yet another failed 109. karua's run four years ago set the trend and ever since then World 8 was like a shield to the 109. Mitch took damage he missed P speed he failed a clip it just seemed impossible to get a good World 8 on a good Pace Mitch Jacoby maiba kurua some of the best players in the world had tried and failed the 109 just wasn't happening somebody else need to step up to get it done well a few more months passed and 2021 came around early that Year Mitch decided to give the 100 grind one more try he was two seconds away and had far more time than that to save in World 8 alone he could do this and on February 7th 2021 Mitch had this run it bled time early he got worse luck in World 2 and made a mistake in World 4's first Fort he also had a Time loss in 5-2 and had to travel far to fight the hammer Brothers as such he was Far Behind entering world six but he cleaned up some small mistakes there and had an excellent world seven this looks familiar Mitch was a bit behind but had several seconds to save coming up just once World 8 had to be clean this had to be the time to do it [Music] foreign [Music] the one level with the bad RNG it happened again another time loss in world 8. was the 109 just cursed to never exist all Mitch could do now was finish out the run and see what time he got [Music] it we did it oh man we did it the minute barrier we did it yes in 2016 karua paved the path in 2020 miba and shakubi provided hope and in 2021 Mitch made it a reality it wasn't a perfect run but aside from taking damage which cost a couple seconds Mitch finally had a great world Aid the whole Community could take a breather the 109 was real but the Breather didn't last very long just a month and a half later Mitch lost his world record and the runner to take it was maiba the same guy who missed the first 109 months earlier thanks to a bit of a meltdown in world 8. but this time there was no meltdown he got a 109.58 beating Mitch by frames maiba ended up missing some of the toughest p-speed strategies that Mitch got 4-5 and 5-1 in particular are two of the toughest spots in the run to get P speed ultimately maiba wasn't able to get either of them said he aimed to clean up mistakes that Mitch had made particularly in world 6 that's pretty much exactly what happened Mima bled a bit of time through World 5 but had a nearly mistake-free world six despite not getting early P speed in 6-4 even though he lost time in both 7-1 and 7-2 he left himself just enough room to snag the record I don't know well and I [Music] so here we are it's mid-2021 the 109 had been accomplished Mitch was the first to get it but maiba had finally gotten the record he'd been looking for for so long everyone was happy what more was there to do well people have a natural tendency to keep pushing the limits if their goals have been accomplished they set new ones maybe just to add one more chapter to a storied history or maybe to see what the human limits are it was for all these reasons and more that in July 2021 Mitch returned to do one final grind of Mario 300 percent it might go time in mind after maiba beat my run was just to get it back in Mario 3 every time you break a boundary massive amounts of pressure is lifted off of your chest what oh what an insane world too I got off screen one grab and it's a trick where you can jump off the wall and grab the wand at the top of the screen and once you do that you don't have to screen wrap down and it saves about four seconds you you kind of tighten up a little bit after off screen one grab it gets serious when you get it world three one of the biggest ones is the runaway bro and what that means is one of the hammer brothers that you want to fight as early as possible right because you want them to stop moving he moves right across level six and if he does that every level you beat until you get to level six or past level six he's gonna keep moving so after getting off screen one grab and then that happened to me it's it's a real gut punch right there because I mean that's a solid like anywhere between five to even nine seconds depending on how far he goes World 4 just started to work really clean um I don't think I got a massive amount of Hammer Brother movements and then I got another off-screen wand grab so that that just completely changed the route again I mean it was just a bag of emotions so we come into world six and I'm I'm playing great but then I'm just not keeping the tight peace feed strategies that I should be uh 6'3 didn't work six four also didn't work and I was getting some pretty big uh Hammer Brother movements then I missed um one of the newer installments of strategies in seven five by using a p-wing and a star so right there was seven one and seven five was like 10 seconds lost already I was too far behind on my run so I had to kind of switch up what I was doing and that involved in doing the Clips in seven nine which there's four of them odds of you getting them you know all first try are very small but they just save enough time that if you go for them and get them all you might be able to save the run now the issue with that is that if you get all four of them there's no where to get your fire flowers so I had to change up my routing on the Fly and go for the hammer suit strategy which is pretty close to the same for the end part of world seven so in seven nine going for the clips uh I got two one two one and what that means is that with the four Clips two for the first one took me two tries one was first try the third clip was second try and the fourth clip was one try yeah so we're approaching world eight and we just had to do this on the Fly Hammer suit you know don't overextend it just try and get the strats that you know and so eight one and eight two and eight four went uh pretty smooth I didn't have any massive mistakes that cost me a lot of time and then we just uh clutched out uh Bowser's Castle [Music] no way it felt great to get the world record back from maiba and to know that I was able to come and bring it back and get a time that you know better represents my ability if it felt really good after getting the record back with a run like that I mean I had runaway bro in world three I mean that's such a massive time loss and I was feeling very consistent so I just didn't want to stop there I wanted to keep going and see if I can get that free world three time save and maybe a couple more off-screen one grabs see what happens thank you in World 2 I didn't get the off-screen one grab so I automatically lose four seconds we all know that I got the runaway bro and that is a big time save if I don't get it and luckily enough I didn't get that we came and clutched out a world one two and three at pretty much being on Pace with the world record nothing crazy world 4 is a great example of Soul crushing and then I gotta movement of four and a move into six and it really pushes you down because World War has got a lot of art strategies keep the Run going I have time to save in world six uh yeah let's just keep going so world six world six actually came out pretty smooth I didn't have uh any big mistakes I started world seven being behind by about two and a half seconds or something I need to clutch out seven one for stride which I did which was uh really good 7-2 went well seven five though is another level with Big Time save I didn't get the clip in the previous world record and I do nail it which is uh really good so at that moment right there I know okay this run is real now we nailed seven seven we got that third try which is the same so we didn't lose any time and then we just finished off world seven normally with fire flower which brought me in somewhere around minus seven seconds uh compared to the world record so it was serious at that point with this run I was finally able to execute some of uh some new P speed strategies in World 8 in the hand levels where you use a star and eight trap one uh I turn back and you get like P speed I was able to do that in this run and then I got a p-speed strategy in hand Trap 2 which is another about a second time saved [Music] oh being able to finally clutch out a semi-decent world 7 Clips worked seven seven third try that's everything you would ask for in a world seven so I felt really good about this run so I was uh I was really happy with it [Music] did your goals shift at all after getting the 52 or were you like let me just keep going and see what time I can get So my answer is I have no idea why I kept going so it was a normal day I was doing my normal runs um and world one went really well and uh world two I got some pretty decent RNG um and the rum was looking good and then all of a sudden I got an off-screen wand grab and that is the best way uh to start your 100 runs off-screen while grab and I started to get all movements of one in world three and I was like is this actually going to be like the god World 3 run did the normal strats uh banked on some Hammer Brother RNG and world three uh cleaned up really nicely World 4 normally ends a lot of 100 runs a lot of weird movements um but luckily for me I ended up being uh 0.08 off my gold so absolutely everything that happened in World 4 was what I wanted to happen we had an amazing world one two three and four which is incredibly rare and 100 percent [Music] nope world five with a movement of four yep right away first a movement of four and then another movement of four two movements of four in a row let's go baby and then another movement of four we got another one three movements of four in a row what a surprise and I got another movement of four four movements in a row baby most part in World 5 I did manage to successfully do all the peace feed strategies that I want to do world six the hammer brothers were really nice to me and I didn't make any other slip-ups so I actually came out of world six ahead normally I'm pretty nervous when I'm ahead of the world record going to world seven I had standard nervous but this wasn't anything crazy special at the moment so the first half of World 7 went really really well uh 7-1 first try and I got fast 7-2 7-5 though went beautifully I managed to get the star the p-wing get that clip perfectly and I was able to get a good tail swipe clean under keep all my speed is at first I was saying you know when I entered World seven it's not like anything special but world seven is starting to make everything that happened before that amazing so I'm very nervous at this point after getting seven one and seven five I am really really nervous [Music] I was so like blown away that I actually nailed it first try on a run like that I just did not believe that I got a first try I couldn't believe it you rarely ever maximize your gameplay with 7-7 perfectly as soon as I nailed seven seven I was extremely nervous and I had to go into seven nine and we ended up clutching 7-9 with an actual time save we were able to clutch out the Fortress and clutch out the piranha plant stage it was by far the best world seven I've ever had alongside the best run I've ever had as you can tell but it was um it was insane it was insane [Music] so after world seven like that and run like that going into World 8 I was extremely nervous there's so many little things that can screw you up I'm on this run that is just absolutely insane after all those thoughts running through my head we approach hand stage one and I actually nailed it with the start 8-1 worked out okay eight two I was surprised worked out of okay one of the things to note with Bowser's Castle is that the three hardest things I would say in the level is the statue room at the end getting PSP there uh the one up clip and then the last one is the duck jump at the very end on the donuts once you get past the donut spot you can say to yourself oh my God I actually did it however Bowser does have one pattern where he can jump and shoot the fireball at the same time and when he does that the fireball will be shot where you're standing you can't avoid it there's nothing you can do goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so shaky [Music] oh what no way no way [Music] oh my God I can't even it ended up being my most impressive run that perfectly represented my abilities as a gamer which never happens in speedrunning everyone in speedrunning is always trying to chase their potential and you never hit it it is a run where I don't ever have to go back for it again but I'm going to um but I don't have to it's which is really cool nearly two years have passed since this run and it's remained on top without any close calls to this day there are Runners actively trying to beat it including Mitch himself as incredible as it is one day this record too will fall just like all the ones that came before it this has been the history of Mario 300 World Records thanks for watching if you'd like to be notified when I upload a new video please hit that subscribe button thanks [Music]
Channel: Summoning Salt
Views: 3,696,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _EsFyogVvkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 53sec (5213 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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