Pokémon Omega Ruby RANDOMIZER! (Hardcore Nuzlocke)

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and it does like any Pokemon that faints is boxed forever but what if every single Pokemon in the game was randomized on top of that what if all the gym leaders are guaranteed to have at least one legendary or Mega Evolution and any trainer Pokemon above level 30 is automatically turned into its final evolution and without any further Ado we need to pick a starter Pokemon and our choices aren't exactly amazing Kumi evolves way too late to be considered and Ceda only starts with Vibe so it's not an option which by process of elimination leaves us with Ralts now Kaiba here has a terrible minus speed nature which isn't so awesome however you might notice he also has the fur coat ability since much like all the Pokemon all abilities have been randomized as well I then head straight to Route 102 to find my second encounter which ends up being a zoo bat with the prankster ability zubat's already really fast but since we could face literally anything it could come in handy then west of pedalberg I head to Route 104 where my encounter is a Nidoran female bad dreams I would have rather had poison Point beyond that we of course get an encounter in adelberg Woods being a Dratini and while this thing also evolves super late like Gumi it at least gets amazing moves like Dragon rage before we can get to rustboro there is a mandatory double battle we have to face but with level 9 Pokemon how bad could it pop oh yeah I guess heliolis could have thunder at level nine that's great now while the rest of my team do manage to handle heliolisk and Bonsai losing a Pokemon this early in the Run does not bode well so we're gonna need someone to replace Zubat and on Route 116 I managed to find a smear goal now theoretically smeargle can do some pretty cool stuff but trust me he's not very good grassy Pelt does absolutely nothing for him but at least he came holding a dawn stone Choice band while in Ruster of tunnel I collect my next encounter a Whooper and flower Vale is an exceptionally terrible ability but a ground type is always welcome on the team then on my way back to the gym I find out that I can run into Slugma on Route 116. I've already collected my encounter here but at least this means I can sketch moves like Smog and yawn finally it's time to take on the first gym leader Roxanne and since her first Pokemon is a Mankey she's guaranteed to have a very dangerous Pokemon in her second slot not knowing what it is I figure my best bet is to set up as many double teams as possible once I'm done setting up I barely miss the KO with Fusion which is great since it makes Roxanne waste her potion and allows me to knock it out the very next turn this reveals that Roxanne has one of the most dangerous mythicals out there Celebi and sure celebi's incredibly tiny and cute but with a move set of confusion recover heal Bell and Safeguard we're not going to be able to poison this thing with smeargle because of Safeguard but even if we were able to it would just heal bellad away as if that weren't enough even still it could just recover off the poison damage my only bet here is to try and go for double team and Dodge as many confusions as possible a move that I at least luckily resist and With a Little Help from an equipped orangeberry I actually managed to fully stall Celebi out of all its confusions and while this thing doesn't have a way to do damage to me anymore I don't have a good way to put any damage on it which means it could just recover off any damage I try to do to it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again until finally I'd manage to stall Celebi out of recover as well meaning I then had to wait wait for rap to slowly do enough damage over time to finally take out the Celebi claiming our very first gym badge hmm has anyone told you you have the looks of a lady now people mostly tell me it looks like a bird has made a nest on my head moving on towards duford need Rand evolves at level 16 into nidorina I then have a mandatory fight versus A Team Magma grunge who's holding Pico hostage and his rampartos isn't gonna be a problem since even though headbutt does over have to Whooper and oranberry means we can survive another one but of course that was too good to be true and totally awesome goes down to a crit I've already lost two Pokemon to mandatory trainers oh boy with that in mind and another gym coming up I head over to Granite cave to find another encounter a sawaddle and if flare boost would have been guts instead this thing would have been absolutely broken and so with only five Pokemon to our name we go up against gym leader Brawley who starts out with a hoopa continuing the theme of mythical Pokemon this thing is an incredible threat but at least I have one new trick being Dragon rage on Dratini doing a whole ton of damage leaving it in the red the Hoopa then does over half with a confusion but an ornberry heals me back up into the green as Brawley then goes for a super potion the next turn healing all the way back up to full but another Dragon rage takes it into the red he then goes for a magic coat which unfortunately doesn't do anything and loses him as Hoopa to a dragon rage but the problems just keep coming as he sends in a mamaswine super effective against our dragon type 13A so expecting a powder snow I have Force have to swap out and in need Arena who doesn't take too much damage a super effective mud slap then brings nidorina into the yellow and lowers my accuracy however I do end up hitting through with a choice banded double kick not quite doing half mamaswine then kind of throws the game by going for an Endura allowing me to hit another double kick following that up with a mudsport which actually does literally nothing and it seems the RNG gods have blessed me allow me to hit a third double kick claiming us our second gym badge oh hey there Stephen I'm interested in redstones now look you leave my Stones right where they are moving on to Route 110 we can fill up our team with a Smoochum okay it's got vital spirit that doesn't make a difference since it's Dodge since the level cap is now at 21 we can finally get our starter Ralts to evolve into Kirlia and because we have that dawn stone we can also evolve it into Gallade on top of that sawato also evolves at level 20 into swad loon now listen and this is important because we picked ralt's May ended up picking C Dot from our starter selection this means she now has a Nuzleaf the mascot for Nuzlocke and my friend Jake's favorite Pokemon and we all know the Pokemon reproduced by laying eggs which means they're not mammals so what in the world is this why does Nuzleaf have nipular areas I don't get it leaving Life's greatest Mysteries aside for a second we get to level 21 with swad loon evolving it into Leavanny and thus we're ready to take on the third gym leader Watson leading off with mega Banette he's starting strong but at this point we have a pretty good team ourselves as I send in delayed because it's a split Evolution it seems to have changed its ability into sandstream which isn't particularly useful we don't have a single Pokemon that's gonna benefit from the sand so I swap into Leavanny to eat a willow wisp since we've got flare boost this Powers up our special attack but levani isn't exactly a special attacker so instead I opt for a Razor Leaf which ends up getting a critical hit doing over half after we both take damage from Sandstorm the Banette goes for another Shadow sneak leaving ultimate insect very low on just 15 HP but another Razor Leaf is at least enough to take out the Banette however after both Sandstorm damage and burn damage ultimate insect is left on just 3 HP on top of that Watson sends in a heat ran which which means we definitely have to swap out going back into Gallade to take a fire Fang it does a decent amount of damage however here in mauville we can actually pick up the TM for bulldoze which is quad effective taking out the Heatran in one shot Watson then has a third legendary Pokemon in Regirock but fortunately we have the low sweep to lower its speed and do over half damage as it just hits me with a bulldoze and because we both lowered each other's speed and I was faster in the first place another low sweep is enough to take it out claiming our third gym badge then head to Route 112 where my encounter is an Abra and in true Abra fashion it breaks out of the Pokeball and teleports away wasting my encounter so instead I try my luck on Route 113 where I run into an a-com with speed boost which is incredible on Route 114 I find a hone Edge which is awesome but it's got snow warning which isn't so hot at least not as hot as the next gym leader we have to face Flannery who comes in steaming right out the gate with a Tornadus as I very foolishly lead with my ultimate insect being quad weak to an air cutter I definitely have to swap out here going out into my need Arena who takes way more damage than I expected unfortunately this means that she's never gonna get to be the queen she was meant to be hoping Dratini can sustain one air cutter I swap it in as the tornado just goes for a Swagger confusing it however despite that Dratini manages to break through confusion and hit the Tornadus with a Thunder Wave to lower its speed really not wanting to gamble with confusion I decide to swap out of Dratini and to Smoochum who actually tanks an air cutter fairly well above half health I then out speed because of paralysis and powder snow is my strongest effective move dealing over half damage but unfortunately a bite connects taking out ojama yellow however her sacrifice won't be in vain since I can safely send in blue eyes gopher Dragon rage taking out the Tornadus but it isn't over since Flannery sends in a Mega Swampert so I immediately swap out fearing the attack power of this thing going into my ultimate insect to tank a mud shot this does lower my speed meaning I won't be faster the next turn and a rock slide actually manages to Flinch me and since I can't take another rock slide I am forced to swap out going into my smear goal and smear goal really can't do much here but at least it can withstand a rock slide at this point it's too late to save smeargle so I go for yawn as I then get taken out by a mudshot meaning Flannery has now taken out half of my team but at least this means we can get and leave Annie safely without having it speed lowered by mudshot and take out the Swampert with a quad effective Razor Leaf Flannery's final Pokemon is then a mega Metuchen which means I have to swap out since I'm at such low Health going into Kaiba the sandstorm is at least gonna deal chip damage to metacham which only goes for a mind reader meaning I got in Gallade safely without any great attack options I decide to just go for a bulldoze to at least lower metacham's speed and it does a decent amount as it goes for a call mine to set up its special attack and special defense I then go for another bulldoze leaving The Meta champ in the red as it just throws the game entirely by using mind reader again I then figured I'd have to use another bulldoze but the sandstorm ends up helping us out taking out the metacham and claiming us our fourth gym badge Axel wow it's a relief to see you in one piece yeah it did get close there for a second huh with access to the desert I pick up the root fossil which I get revived into a Whirlipede with a contrary ability this thing could be amazing and on top of that with the current level cap at 30 we can immediately evolve it into Scolipede and we can also finally get our Dratini to evolve into Dragonair and with our preparations out of the way it's time to face our old man Norman and being the last gym leader to have Pokemon below level 30 he ends up starting with a Trico which is perfect for us as we send in Aipom much like bulldoze we can pick up power-up punch in mauville city which is gonna boost our attack as the Trico goes for agility to boost its speed then at the end of the turn I get a speed boost effectively turning my power punch into a dragon dance that I can Baton Pass Out into Gallade this of course annoyingly sets up the sand again as the Trico boosted speed to plus 4 with another agility I then go for a low sweep which of course takes out Rico in one hit I show Norman which is the better Waltz Evolution as I take out mega Gardevoir with bulldoze finally he's got a Wartortle which also falls to a single low sweep granting us our fifth gym badge I can't believe it you best believe it buddy Crossing to Route 118 I run into Stephen who wants to take me on a romantic outing atop Latias okay Steven I think I should let you know that this isn't exactly what I had in mind we've arrived okay Steven you may have arrived but this type of thing doesn't quite do it for me what does do it for me however is that we now get Mega Latios or in this case a randomized Pokemon that can mega evolve with its Stone and it happens to get randomized into Mega Sharpedo we then run into Tabitha at the weather Institute who's easily defeated since he's only got one monkey the ugliest one that's got the turd on its head for our troubles were given a cast form or in this case a Rotom fan with the sniper ability now if I were to use this device on the invisible obstacle hey would you stop calling it that you smug son of a the other preparations we can make is evolve Aipom into ambipom at level 32 and since I found a random Ability capsule I check what I can change into and I end up giving Gallade Moxie which makes it time to take on on the sixth gym leader Winona who starts out strong with a Mewtwo Mewtwo X is an incredible threat particularly to my normal type ambipom but since it doesn't have any fighting type moves I decide to try and set up a bit anyway with a power-up punch to boost my attack it then goes for a future sight which won't actually damage me in another two turns so I decide to go for a power-up punch the first turn to further boost my attack and speed but the Mewtwo goes for psychup this means it ends up copying both plus two attack and plus one speed before I have the opportunity to Baton Pass Out into Kaiba on the switch I get identified by Miracle Eye but I'm also gonna get hit by the future side attack which almost does half damage the next turn I mega evolve my Gallade into the ultimate duelist out speeding with the plus two speed and taking out Mewtwo with a psycho cut Winona then sends in Simi Sage which I figure I can just one shot however it ends up having Wonder guard only allowing me to hit it with super effective moves which forces me to swap out a pretty unfortunate way to have to waste plus two speed and plus three attack because of the moxie but it just goes for a leer on the switch allowing me to take it out with a couple of Fel Stingers boosting ultimate insects attack by three stages which would be something to celebrate if Winona's next Pokemon wasn't mag mortar which of course forces me to swap out once again this time into Sharpedo who can easily tank the fire punch I don't have any physical water moves yet so I end up opting for a bulldoze which still does over half the Meg mortar and lowers its speed it then gets a lot of HP back from an enigma Berry and hits me with confused Ray I really don't want to leave my fate up to a coin flip so I swap out into ambipom who ends up taking a clear smog which doesn't really matter since I didn't have any stat boosts yet but it certainly stops us from setting up since Winona apparently has the hard counter to my degenerate Baton Pass strategy I decided to just swap back into Bahama shark who gets confused once again on the switch but this time I just decide to send it which ends up paying off taking out the mag mortar with a scald finally Winona sends in Brick algae and since it's probably gonna hit me with a poison move I decide to swap out into Scolipede who can completely Dodge a toxic from there I can go go for a bulldoze doing way over half to the dark algae and lowering its speed I do get hit back with a water pulse but fortunately it doesn't end up confusing me and Winona heals up with a hyper potion the next turn however another bulldoze brings it back down into the red and the next turn I can take it out to claim my sixth gym badge and as I press on to Route 120 I pick up a matang I wonder how many kinds of Pokemon there are in the world way too many buddy have you seen this we then have to take on Team Magma's base remembering that their biggest weakness is water but while the Team Magma grunts didn't give us too much trouble our next challenge is the double battle versus Tate and Liza coming in strong with Hitmonlee and Articuno I send in Rotom and Scolipede and immediately I met with the horrifying Revelation that Hitmonlee has Blaze kick almost taking out Doom Dozer Articuno then only misses an ice beam because Rotom has a LAX instance allowing it to hit a shock wave not wanting to get taken out by Ice Beam I swap Road him out for Sharpedo and go for a choice banded poison tail which does way less damage than I was hoping this unfortunately means Scolipede has to take another Blaze kick to the Dome and head straight to the fainted box at least we tank the Ice Beam decently well and Rotom can come back in I then decide to Mega Evolve Bahama shark to try and get as much damage as possible on Articuno and maybe fish for a KO however it's not quite enough with a crunch hit Molly then identifies Rotom with a mind reader and somehow it amazingly Dodges yet another Ice Beam with lacks incense taking out the Articuno with shockwave Liz and Tate completely demoralized aside to throw the match at this point going for a wide guard with Hitmonlee allowing me to take it out with an ice Fang an ominous wind combo for my seventh gym badge Team Magma then decide they're gonna ruin the world and Steven says it's up to me to save everyone do it yourself you lazy Champion piece of Shadow if I were in charge of Designing a vehicle to go completely under water I wouldn't base it off a Pokemon but dies of the mere thought of water who's responsible for this terrible idea why it's weightlifter Maxi of course and the man fittingly starts out the battle with a fire type Pokemon Arcanine which is a pretty hard counter against my grass bug type so expecting a fire type move I immediately swap out into my blue eyes white dragon who barely takes any damage from a fire Fang from there I can fire off a couple of serfs and the Arcanine is ancient history Maxi then sends in his most masculine Pokemon slurp up which of course threatens my dragon out with its fairy type so I immediately swap in my Rotom and here I made a critical mistake the plan was to go for a trick here giving the Slurpuff a choice band locking it into cotton guard however I just end up giving it the lacks incense instead this means I end up missing my next discharge as the Slurpuff sets up a second cotton guard I then do connect with a discharge doing over half to the Slurpuff however it gets a bit of Health back as it crits me with a draining kiss I decide to fire off yet another discharge which fortunately connects leaving the slurp up in the red as it just draining kisses me again leaving me at 13 HP finally one discharge connects allowing me to avoid what was definitely the misplay of the century Ollie told us next and while I've got a very good matchup with my electric type I decide to swap out into ultimate insect to some at such slow Health who ends up getting parasonged on the switch not a huge problem since we can instantly take out the poly toad with a leaf blade and Maxi's final Pokemon is a mega Blastoise which we can easily take out with another couple of leaf blades you know what Maxi maybe you should have started a car wash instead of a terrorist organization you know Stephen when you said Axel you'll Scandinavian right you love saunas this isn't what I had in mind regardless at least we can temporarily swap out Dragonair for our newly evolved Metagross being the final gym leader Wallace doesn't hold back as he sends in his first Pokemon Deoxys my plan was as usual to try and set up some attack and speed boost with monkey board but that's not gonna be possible with Deoxys threatening me with a powerful psychic so instead I swapping metagroves who can easily tank it by quad resisting and can then decimate the Deoxys with a couple of meteor mashes he next has a whiz cast coming straight out of his original team threatening me heavily with an earthquake so I swap out into my flying type Rotom who can dodge it with immunity now expecting a water move I can swap an ultimate insect who doesn't even get hit by muddy water and can freely take out Wiz cash with a quad effective Leaf blade Wallace also has the coolest pseudo legendary out there Tyranitar which gets immediately destroyed by a choice band Leaf blade but that's not where Wallace's pseudo story ends sending in a Dragonite and threatening out my ultimate insect with a flying type move so I swap out into Metagross but instead of hitting me with wing attack the Dragonite actually goes for a dragon tail swapping out my Metagross immediately and using some kind of strategy together with the spikes from Deoxys ambipom is definitely too frail to stay in so I swap back out into Metagross who gets taken down to below half with spikes as Dragonite sets up its speed with agility I hit the Dragonite with a meteor match which does above half damage but since I get to go first after his agility I know he's going for a dragon tail swapping me out into Kaiba I then Mega Evolve and finish off the Dragonites remaining Health with a psycho cut granting me a Moxie boost and enough power to take out Wallace's final Pokemon Hitmonlee and granting me the final gym badge we then have to go up against the sickly Wally so I humiliate him by taking him down with his favorite Pokemon Mega Gallade meaning it's time after our long journey to prepare for the Elite Four challenge and so my final randomized team consists of monkey board the speed boost passing ambipom with power-up punch agility nasty plot and Baton Pass ultimate insect the choice band Leavanny with Leaf blade x-scissor Fel stinger and aerial Ace Bahama shark the tough glass Sharpedo with waterfall ice fan Crunch and earthquake Cyber End Dragon the edgia pseudo legendary with Zen headbutt meteor Mash bullet punch and earthquake Kaiba the Moxie boosting Mega Gallade with close combat psycho cut Knight slash and earthquake and finally Dragonair the blue eyes white dragon with flamethrower Ice Beam a thunderbolt and Agility with as much experience as possible to try and maybe get that Dragonite before we get to the champion and so Begins the Elite Four Gauntlet by taking on the first of the four Sydney famous for his dark types and being a bit of a pushover this time he's not playing around starting out with a mega Mewtwo X we've seen this thing as recently as vs Winona where it was a massive threat and I don't think I'm going to be able to set up with monkey board so I immediately swap out into Sharpedo it ends up going for a power swap on the switch and since it only has psychic as its attacking move I can easily take it out with a few crunches however as I imagine my problems being over Sydney sends in a Xerneas and if I stay in I'm about to get moon blasted into Oblivion so I swap out into Metagross who can at least tank it fairly well even though we resist it it is still coming off the special attack stat of Xerneas and because Xerneas is one of the strongest legendary Pokemon of all time I decide to Mega Evolve as it goes for a geomancy at least it doesn't have a white herb however it might as well since I end up missing two meteor mashes just giving it a free geomancy and the only thought going through my head was that at least geomancy doesn't give you plus two defense so if I can survive this moonblast which I end up doing on 45 HP I can fire off a meteor MASH which almost takes out the Xerneas in one hit and then I can go for a bullet punch the next turn guaranteed to out speed and take it out Xerneas did however leave me at pretty low HP so when Tornadus comes in and threatens with a crunch I have to swap out and even though it's a resisted hit Sharpedo takes a massive amount of damage I unfortunately can't Mega Evolve because I did with Metagross so I fire off an ice fan which isn't quite enough to take out tornadoes and air slash is enough to take Bahamut shark out losing a Pokemon against the first Elite Four member is absolutely devastating and on top of that I forget that Sydney of course is going to use a forest door and just waste my turn going for bullet punch because of this blunder I have to swap out him with very few options I go into Dragonair who takes way over half from crunch but it ends up activating its effect Spore and because Tornadus falls asleep I know I can get a guaranteed hidden with an ice beam which ends up not being quite enough but Tornadus doesn't get the first turn wake up allowing me to fire off another Ice Beam taking it out for good we're not out of the clear yet however since his next Pokemon is a Keldeo expecting a sacred sword in my future I swap out into Kaiba who barely takes any damage on the switch the next turn however I do get hit by an aqua tail but because Gallade is fairly bulky I don't even get taken down below half and the psycho cut is enough to take Keldeo out in one hit from there I'm finally done with Sydney's legendaries as he sends in his final Pokemon Kabuto which I can easily take out with a leaf blade from Lee vaney which means it's time to take on the second of the Elite Four Phoebe and this time I get a lot luckier with the lead as she sends in dugong which can't damage my monkey board too much allowing me to set up to plus to attack and plus two speed before passing my boosts onto Kaiba and with all those boosts and the fact that I keep getting attack every single time I get a KO it's very easy to knock out every single one of Phoebe's Pokemon up next is galatia who starts out with the disappointment of the century luxray and I lead with the most appropriate counter Mega Metagross which I can instantly use to take out luxray with an earthquake she then sends in Gyarados a very threatening Pokemon but since it doesn't have earthquake in its level up move set I decide to stay in and do a bit less than half of the Zen head but as it threateningly sets up with a dragon dance despite that however I'm still faster managing to take out the Gyarados with another Zen headbutt in comes Mega amphi which just ends up being another casualty in the wake of Mega metagross's earthquake venomoth Meganium the only man standing between me and getting my revenge against Stephen for sending me on that terrifying mission is Drake who starts out with melodic as I send in Kaiba I immediately swap into Choice banded ultimate insect and even though melodic boosts its defense with coil we can easily take it out with a choice banded Leaf blade and despite being randomized Drake sends in his signature Salamence which has both fly and flamethrower at this level both being quad effective so I have to swap into Cyber End Dragon who just gets scary-faced now that I know he's gonna go for a flamethrower I can easily swap into blue eyes white dragon to resist it with my dragon type I then go for an ice beam thinking that I can take it out in one hit but it ends up surviving in the red and activating a weakness policy to boost its attack and special attack it does lower my speed but expecting Drake to go for a full restore I can stay in here and go for another Ice Beam to take the Salamence down to the red once again Drake then goes for another full restore which of course has the same outcome now that breaks out of four restores and I'm slower I have to swap out opting to go for cyber and dragon expecting the salomons to go for fly because Metagross is slower I can easily tank the resisted hit and then retaliate with a meteor Mash taking out salamence's remaining health and boosting my attack in the process but things do not improve as Drake reveals Palkia which could easily out speed and knock me out with an earth power so I swapped into Kaiba who can tank it decently well I then decide Gallade is the one who's gonna get to mega evolved since this will further improve my special defense and potentially allow me to survive a hydro pump I end up surviving on just 17 HP and the way that speed tears work in Gen 6 is you don't get your mega evolved speed until the next turn allowing me to out speed and take out Palkia with a close combat victory bell comes in which I can immediately erase with a super effective psycho cut giving me yet another Moxie boost as he Reveals His final Pokemon Excel Gore and this thing easily outspeeds Kaiba so I have to swap out into ultimate insect as it goes for U-turn since any move would have taken me out I was completely ready to sackly Banny here for the greater good however ever she survives on 6 hp and retaliates with a choice band aerial Ace meaning we've made it all the way through the Elite Four on top of that most of my Pokemon did reach level 55 versus Drake allowing Dragonair to evolve into Dragonite which means there's only one more person left to face female swimmer Steven surprisingly even more by challenging me to a double battle with Salamence and conkelder as I send in leave Fanny and Gallade and on top of that his Solomon says droughts there is nothing on my team that wants to take that flamethrower however Steven decides to go for fly for some reason allowing me to hit conkelder with an aerial Ace and Then followed up by a psycho cut taking it out in the first turn this does give me a Moxie boost however because fly will one shot either levani or Gallade whichever it hits I decide to swap out both for blue eyes and Metagross the Salamence did Target my Gallade which means that Metagross tanks are resisted hit which is the optimal outcome as the stoutland goes for a roar sending in Monkey board however now I don't want to get my Metagross cooked by a flame thrower so I swap back out into Dragonite and go for a power-up punch with ambipom salomons then hits Dragonite with a flamethrower which I do resist but I end up getting burned stoutland then hits me with a roar completely neutralizing my attack boost to send in Kaiba salomon's then goes for fly most likely targeting Gallade as I try to fire off an ice beam but I'm too slow and Kaiba can take out the stoutland with a close combat this of course lowers my defense on special defense meaning there is no chance I can stay in the next turn since I'd just be knocked out by a fly Kingdra comes in and I'm of course forced to swap out of Galley to not get hit by a fly once again going into Metagross to take a little bit less damage from that resisted hit and since I know Dragonite is going to move after Salamence I can Target it with an ice beam to take it out in one quad effective shot this does get one dragon out of the way but Kinder decides to become a huge Threat by setting up a dragon dance at the end of the turn Steven then sends in a thunderous and Kingdra is definitely threatening my Dragonite a lot with Dragon type moves so I decided to swap out into ultimate insect I then decide to mega evolve my Metagross as the Kingdra goes for a dragon pulse into ultimate insect it only does about 25 percent to leave vanity and the thunderous just goes for a charge to boost its special defense Metagross then hits a meteor match but I should have gone for Zen headbutt since water resists steel ingra then once again sets up with Dragon Dance further boosting its attack and speed and this time I do go for the zenhead but dealing substantially more damage to the king draw for whatever reason the thunderous continues to charge up by boosting up a special defense and I go for a leaf blade to finish off kingra's Health finally Steven has one Pokemon left sending in a Lucario and I decide my best bet is to go for an earthquake so I swap out of ultimate insect into blue eyes he then mega evolves Lucario as I fire off an earthquake which of course can't hit either Dragonite or Thundurus and only does about half damage to Lucario because it's a spread move thunderous then continues its boosting spree by raising its speed with agility and Lucario hits Metagross down to just 11 HP with a close combat the next turn thunderous decides to stop being dormant and fires off a discharge which actually picks out every single other Pokemon on the field this means we're down to our last three Pokemon but Steven only has his thunderous left so I send in Ambi palm and Gallade thunderous then continues to boost its special defense by once again charging so I go for a power punch to boost my attack on ambipom which barely does anything a psycho cut from Gallade then leaves thunderous in the yellow as it then fires off another discharge in one final blow to take out monkey board and boost our death count up to 10 before we can take it out with a final psycho cut and with only two Pokemon left to my name that ladies and gentlemen is how I beat a Pokemon Omega Ruby hardcore Nuzlocke with only randomized Pokemon but guys I want to know what you thought of this run down in the comments below and if you've made it this far into the video and you're not subscribed to the channel what are you doing you'll also find an awesome playlist of all my hardcore nuzlocks on screen right now you know you want to click it I know you want to click it you should just click it why are you still here
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 519,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qbnFuXp1n50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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