Pokémon Scarlet Egglocke - Hardcore Nuzlocke!

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in egglocke the first Pokemon you find Peru has to be replaced with an egg from a viewer that could be anything they choose it's also a Nuzlocke where any Pokemon that faints is boxed forever so very much of the mercy of you guys I set off on stream to trade my starter for my very first egg which after a bit of running around in Mesa goes up pleasantly hatches into a Charmander a great start but we've also got a tarantula from Poco path to trade for an egg that hatches into larvista and bokarona is an immensely powerful Pokemon but it evolves at level 59 at the very end of the game so right now this thing's basically just making my life harder by hogging a spot on the team luckily though both of our Pokemon are fire type so we have no problem scorching Katie's bug types to claim our first gym badge while I'm around cortando I pick up a squovate that we trade away for our next egg which hatches into a spirit tomb and doubt is this thing even lay eggs there are so many unanswered questions like why did spiritomb walk as if it's a city pigeon when clearly it could just helicopter away regardless spirit tomb is going to be a great backup plan to have since our next opponent brassius seems super easy with his grass types but his sturdy Sudowoodo with a hundred base attack rockstab is definitely a problem before I even reach brassius however I find a couple of new encounters to trade for eggs that hatch into a fomantis and a shark Cadet the big problem facing brassius is that he'll always survive a flamethrower on one HP with sturdy and be able to take us out with a rock throw so to combat that our newly evolved Charmeleon sets up a substitute versus pedall which is never going to be able to break it with mega drainer sleep powder we outspeed both pedalo and small event can easily Overkill them with stabbed Terra boosted flamethrowers this just leaves Sudowoodo and if brassius attempts to try and break our sub with a trailblaze to also boost his speed Charmeleon is actually just faster even after the Boost this way the substitute guarantees our Victory but the RNG Gods decide to bless us with even swifter victory since our flamethrower gets a burn getting us our second gym badge one turn faster than expected from there I pick up another egg to fill out my team of six with which hatches into a drippy you'd be forgiven for thinking that this is awesome just because drippy is a pseudo legendary but that's not really the drip evolves at a ridiculously high level however drippy's also stuck with a worthless move set and some of the worst stats in the game so it would be great if we could just keep this guy's an awesome backup in the box but the way the rules work once we have a full team we don't actually get to hatch more eggs until one of our Pokemon faints and since even fomantis evolved at level 37 half of our team is pretty much just dead weight another rule my chat put in place is I don't get to just let a Pokemon faint for no reason so we're gonna have to work with what we've got luckily spiritomb is completely busted since it's immune to every single move the cloth has it can't be blocked because of its ghost typing which is also immune to normal and fighting type moves and since klopp only has rock smash and vice grip it doesn't stand a ghost of a chance with the first Titan defeated I go and catch a bronzer to trade for more eggs but this actually fills a second function you see by defeating a bunch of bronzers we can pick up bronze or fragments and once we've collected 10 we can visit this man in Zappa Pico that gives us the auspicious armor which turn we can use for a much needed team upgrade by evolving charcutet into Arma Rouge which leads us into the second Titan fight versus bomber deer and with willowisp on my super tanky spiritomb there's no way that this fight was going to be difficult at all so my chat decided to invoke a terrifying rule if I managed to defeat one of the remaining six Gym Leaders without losing a Pokemon chat gets to vote one of my fully evolved Pokemon off the team this was a terrible idea what was I thinking luckily before we Face any more Gym Leaders we have to take on Giacomo of Team star and while armor Rouge is weak to dark we can easily get rid of that weakness by terasterizing into fire then we can take out his pawnyard with a super effective mystical fire leaving him with the real problem is Starmobile however because we're not weak to dark anymore Wicked torque doesn't do too much damage and we can almost KO it with a few mystical fires this does however leave arm Rouge in the red so I'm forced to swap out into spiritomb who can easily deal with the remaining health of the Starmobile with a Nightshade oh boy it's gym leader time as we enter this gym fight there's officially no chance we're getting out of it without losing a Pokemon be it by iono's hand or yours so I to rationalize armorus and instantly take out a lead watral with a terror boosted mystical fire against her belly bolt we do run into super effective water guns so I've made sure to run an assault vest on Armor Rouge to get more special defense and lower its special attack with a mystical fire so it basically does nothing another mystical fire takes care of the belly bolt sending in her Luxio because arm Rouge is a special attacker intimidate doesn't affect us negatively instead it actually has a positive effect because armor Rouge is holding an assault vest we can't equip it with a person Berry or something to dodge confusion from mismatches so having her attack lowered by intimidate just makes it so that will take less damage if we hit ourselves which knowing my luck is exactly what happens the very first turn Miss Magis then hits a hex powered up by the fact that I'm status however it doesn't even do that much because of my assault best and the fact that we got rid of my psychic type adding a mystical fire to that to lower mismatches his special attack is gonna make it do even less the next turn from there instead of going for another mystical fire I attempt to go for a side shock which I do manage to connect with and because of mismatch's terrible physical defense we can take it out and claim the third gym badge and so because I'd spectacularly dominated the third gym the lives of My Pokemon now lay in your hands you may now vote who are we gonna be voting off the team ladies and gentlemen the results are in spiritomb was a loyal Pokemon it's a rock with 108 Spirits in it but it was my rock and it got me through some tough times but it's gonna have to go all the way in the fainted box I was devastated you guys have just Zapped my spirit tomb into the Afterlife if it wasn't already there in need of a new team member I ran around to hatch an egg and got myself a brand spanking new Riolu so we immediately started washing it to boost its friendship and I accidentally got some on Charmeleon he really didn't like that but ryolu certainly did since it very shortly thereafter evolved into Lucario this thing could be a great asset to our team since it's got a fantastic matchup versus both earthworm and Atticus we just have to do our best to keep it around once I defeated earthworm it was time to take on Mella but she didn't really seem to understand how Flashfire works so it was pretty easy for armor Rouge to just pick up the victory for free meaning that our next real opponent is kofu and because he's a gym leader we're gonna be losing a Pokemon after this fight no matter what happens now even though Lucario doesn't have an obviously great matchup versus beluzza there's nothing really else I can lead with since my Pokemon one are either really really weak or fire types so after setting up a combine to boost my special attack I'm gonna have to rely on Lucario to deal with this since the loser's a psychic type we can one shot it with a Dark Pulse however wug Trio comes in next and is faster and very fortunately doesn't get a confusion with the water pulse allowing us to take it out with a single Aura Sphere once krabominable comes in I to rasterize to give myself as much power as I possibly can with my Aura Sphere which is not enough to take out the krabominable in one hit please kofu we can talk about this don't do it no it's a tough blow for the team but I really couldn't risk setting up any more against voluza without risking being ko'd by iterwug Trio at least after the rocky helmet damage drippy can do the first useful thing of its life and take out chrominable with a quick attack losing Lucario means that Atticus certainly isn't free anymore but at least you guys didn't get to vote anything else off the team so it's Off to the Races again hatching another egg this time into murkrow and because there's a dust Stone you can find right behind the Montana Vera gym we can immediately evolve it into haunch Crow and what follows is a disaster Atticus of Team star would have been a complete and utter sweep if we just had Lucario but instead we have to resort to plan B and plan B of course immediately backfired you see my Hope was that skuntank would go for Sucker Punch seeing that it's super effective against armor Rouge but instead it just goes for toxic which was always a risk I do at least have a Petra Berry to get rid of poison and I can set up a combine to get plus one special attack and special defense but scun tank really doesn't want to play ball and just poison me again the next turn and this time we can't get rid of that poison with a Petra Berry so it's gonna be here to stay but at least we can get up another combine to get to plus two after that I to rationalize just in case it wants to go for a sucker punch but it ends up going for venoshock instead which doesn't do too much despite being poisoned since we're a plus two special defense I next fire off a flame charge this is to boost our speed so that we can out speed the next turn with a mystical fire taking out the skun tank and our Newfound haste is gonna be completely necessary in order to out speed the rubber room and take it out with a mystical fire so far so good but as Atticus sends in muck arm Rouge is starting to get pretty low on health and if we take this muck out we're gonna go down to poison or at least that's what you might think however in these team Star Fights whenever you knock out the second to last Pokemon the storm mobile comes out no matter what without any end of turn effects in fact even if you're not choosing to play on set mode you don't even get the option to swap Pokemon and while that means arm Rouge doesn't fall to poison we're still in big trouble armor Rouge is also the only Pokemon we have that can deal super effective damage so we are forced to make a sacrifice here and even though we get to switch something in for free now we are not faster than the Starmobile with any of our Pokemon so things are looking very Grim with The Morbid realization that everything is most likely lost I start shuffling through my Pokemon and realize that night star actually has String Shot getting the Starmobile to -2 would allow arm Rouge and Charmeleon to out speed but haunchko would be out of luck I'm gonna have to take the shot without even knowing if Larvesta can even take a noxious torque which it ends up doing so I managed to fire off my String Shot lowering the Starmobile speed by 2 which of course means that my Vesta is gonna have to bite the dust with four Pokemon remaining all of which being one or more speed brackets below this thing I was desperately scrambling to try and find any means whatsoever to try and deal some damage so I send in drippy and wait a minute it seems to me like the storm mobile doesn't see a KO with any of its moves going for spin out which actually harshly lowers its speed setting it at -4 I then follow up with my idiotic strategy of infestation which of course isn't gonna damage the snowmobile over time because it's immune to status effects my next mistake is going for the one HP of damage by using quick attack which activates toxic debris so now all my Pokemon are gonna be poisoned on top of that rubber room goes for Flame Charge boosting its speed one stage and even though at -3 we can still out speed with all of our Pokemon things are very quickly falling back apart but we still have three Pokemon and if I'm gonna go down I'm gonna go down trying and while there's no way for armorous to get out of this alive at least it out speeds when the Starmobile is at -3 and we can get a hefty chunk of damage before it goes down to a noxious torque which means that we're down to our final two of Pokemon punch Crow being a flying type it at least doesn't take any damage from toxic spikes and I can start firing off acrobatics which does about 15 after that the storm mobile goes for a Flame Charge boosting its speed further which means that haunchcro can no longer out speed and noxious torque is a non-negotiable two shot so once another acrobatics gets the snowmobile into the red I use a sucker punch with priority which just barely falls short of taking it out this leaves us with only one Pokemon but it is one of the two that can out speed the snowmobile at -2 meaning that from the very edge of defeat I somehow managed to pull off this win with only one Pokemon remaining oh my poor team my poor team the one Saving Grace of this being that now we get to hatch a whole lot of eggs first off getting us a Dunsparce my favorite Pokemon followed up by satitan Scyther Don dozo and chudle and once I pick up an ice stone in dollies off a passage we can actually evolve most of our Pokemon into their final forms meaning that we're now a lot better equipped than we ever were for what's to come and come to think of it being very well prepared is not always a great thing you see having a defensive Steel type like Scizor with access to Swords Dance and brick break Larry is a completely free fight and because Larry is a gym leader something's getting voted off the team and since all of our Pokemon are fully evolved anything could be under Fire also since twitch polls only allow for five options I rolled a six-sided die to see what pokemon would be immune from being voted off so after rolling a 1 and protecting Charizard despite me you guys decided to vote off the evolution of my favorite Pokemon listen I'm willing to forgive this Injustice all you gotta do is subscribe to the channel you keep coming back to these videos anyway so you might as well be subscribed with another Pokemon voted off I of course hatch an egg into Magnemite a fantastic encounter it's got some amazing matchups in this game and on top of that we can immediately evolve it into magnazone and if one Pokemon getting voted off wasn't enough we have to risk another getting voted off by taking on the sixth gym leader rhyme and this double battle has the gimmick where if you to rasterize you gain a whole bunch of stats at the end of the turn which we can use a lot better than rhyme who starts out by just hitting my Dreadnought with a couple of priority moves as I set up a substitute with Charizard and break the disguise of mimikyu with a crunch from Dreadnaught you do get additional boost for taking out Pokemon but you can only get one special gimmick boost at the end of the turn so I opt to just to rasterize to get my Omni boost for both of my Pokemon we're now very much in the driver's seat as Banette fails to take out my substitute with a priority Sucker Punch and I can damage the mimikyu with an air slash Dreadnought can then finish off the Banette with a crunch getting ourselves an attack and special attack boost at the end of the turn mimikyu does manage to break the sub with a slash but we're not going to be needing it anymore anyway in comes houndstone but because we're now at plus two special attack Charizard immediately sends it back to the cemetery with a fire blast followed by a crunch from Dreadnought taking out the mimikyu leaving rhyme only with her final Pokemon toxicity but because my stats are now more inflated than a wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing Tube Man the fight is decisively over and because I didn't lose a Pokemon my fate once again rests in your hands I did roll with three protecting satitan from being voted off which means that you guys voted off Don dozo which I'm pretty bummed about since I've never gotten to use this thing by the way we moved to alfornata to take on the next gym where my next egg hatches into a komala a surprisingly interesting Pokemon since it can't be statused now at this stage in the game we have two routes we can go we can either take on the great Tusk Titan or the next gym leader tulip which does involve the guarantee of losing a Pokemon however we have multiple decent counters to Great Tusk on our team so I decided to take on tulip first and for tulip psychic types we've got Scizor which is actually the perfect counter since the Steel type resists her psychic type moves and we can deal super effective damage with our bug typing it really isn't rocket science but it meant that we were once again gonna be losing a Pokemon of your guys's choice and much like after Larry I once again roll a 1 protecting Charizard from being voted off which started a war on Charizard in the chat but because Charizard was safe you guys kicked out Scizor with the reasoning that it had given me way too many free wins so far so I reach for my next egg and you guys certainly didn't disappoint with a quack slay but not just any quaxley this one has its hidden ability Moxie which is a completely broken ability to give a Pokemon with a speed boosting signature move by the way we have a great test to take on and my strategy was simple I was gonna to rationalize to get rid of my fighting weakness with Dreadnought and then start setting up my defense and Dodge any incoming critical hits with shell armor immediately forget to rationalize this almost costs me my Dreadnought leaving it at just 14 HP allowing me to hit a chilling water to lower great tusk's attack but there's no chance we can stay in here so I'm forced to swap out sending in Charizard this backup plan works out exceedingly well since I can resist a brick break and just one shot the rest of the great tusk's health with an air slash and for the second phase of the fight I actually remember to to rasterize and my plan works like a charm go figure this means we have one final gym to take on versus crush on his ice types before we can take on the Elite Four and would I be me if I didn't immediately make a huge mistake I should have immediately just taken this Frost moth out instead I go for a substitute after I to rationalize thinking that that would let me survive a blizzard but that just lets Frost moth set up a tailwind and out speed the next turn taking out my substitute anyway with a blizzard this does allow me to take Frost moth out with a flamethrower but the Tailwind being up means that his incoming bear tick will out speed and since I've gotten rid of my flying type I am very weak to an earthquake so I swap and just a Titan and satitan is a bulky boy able to shrug off two earthquakes with 100 HP to spare and then lower bear Tick's attack with a charm and while Tailwind is now over we can't exactly do a lot of damage in return with body slam but earthquake is now doing basically nothing so after slamming into it enough times we can take bear tick out anyway third is grush's owns the Titan and since we're now at pretty low Health in the red we have to swap out deciding to swap in quavo and this mother Ducker has not come to play after taking a liquidation I can go for a low sweep to take out half of satitan's Health as it opts to go for an ice spinner this is grush's fatal mistake since I gave quavo a snowball ball boosting its attack when I get hit by an ice type move this means that once I take out the Titans remaining Health with a low sweep my Moxie boost gets me to plus two attack way more enough than I need to take out his final Pokemon alteria in one shot with a super effective low sweep and since you guys now get to vote off another Pokemon Charizard gets absolutely obliterated it's not even close and so you'd once again left me with no choice but to hatch another egg this time into clauncher which leads us to what I told you about magnazone earlier before we can take on the Elite Four we have a couple of Team Star Fights to face and the final Titan but two out of these fights are just free for magnazone the first of which being Ortega the man in his fairy types just aren't prepared for a Steel type of this caliber granting us a very easy Victory which we can just as easily claim vs Don dozo meaning we only have one terrifying fight to face before we can officially challenge the elite four but I came in with a plan one that could be potentially foiled if Toxicroak managed to poison me but after setting up a bulk up the first poison jab doesn't get the poison so I'm completely safe to set up a second bulk up the next turn since no critical hit can take me out and amazingly the second poison jab doesn't poison me either so I get a free third bulk up and I don't even get poisoned by the third poison jab at this point however we are in crit plus poison range so I reveal my secret weapon and use rest to put myself to sleep and regain all my health after which I can wake up by using a chesto berry it actually wouldn't have been the end of the world if we got poisoned off of this final poison jab but luckily we don't even have to deal with that and can take out Toxicroak with an aqua step getting us a speed boost and a Moxie attack boost before she sends in persimian once again it's essential we go for aqua step here to take it out to further boost our speed so that we'll eventually be able to out speed the Starmobile annihilate is a very bulky Pokemon and could potentially handle an aqua step even after all these boots so I take it out with a full power acrobatic since we've used up our chesto berry final before the storm mobile she's got Lucario but it doesn't matter what move we take it out with since we're not gonna get a speed boost from Aqua Step at the end of the turn or a Moxie boost because of the way the storm Mobile Works and while that's frustrating we now have more than enough speed and attack to take out the storm Mobile in one hit with a super effective acrobatics which means the team we're bringing into the Elite Four consists of a saltfest Kamala with U-turn trailblaze wood hammer and body slam choice scarf Mega launcher Cloister with dragon pulse Ice Beam water pulse and Aura Sphere Rocky helmet shell armored dreadnaw with rock polish liquidation iron defense and body press Focus Moxie quackavo with bulk up acrobatics close combat and aqua step magnet pole magnazone with flash Cannon volt switch magnet rise and Thunderbolt and slush Rush the Titan with ice spinner charm ice Shard and body slam with our team ready to go it's time to take on the first of the Elite Four member Rika and her ground types and facing whiz cash we've got the perfect opportunity to introduce the power of komala because while a quad effect of trailblaze isn't enough to take the Wiz cache out look how well we tank this stab critical hit Earth power with that assault vest and can take out the whiz cash the next turn boosting our speed to plus two in comes camera up and with my assault test I have nothing to fear from this camel seeing as a fire blast barely does anything allow me to retaliate with a second body slam to take it out this means we've already picked up two Kos with Kamala as Rika sends in Don fan where we can go for a U-turn to break it sturdy and swap out even getting a critical Hit And since quackable actually has pretty decent defense we don't even take half from an earthquake after which we can just take out the dawn fan with an aqua step effectively granting us a Dragon Dance after the speed boost and Moxie in comes Doug Trio but we don't fear Sucker Punch at all and just take it out with a single Aqua step granting us a second dragon dance and it's here that I make another huge mistake by just not paying attention to a small detail you see I clicked aquastep and Rick is Claude sire Acts actually has water absorb but of course she just uses protect leaving me completely unpunished after a totally fatal mistake letting me swap into the Titan and easily winning the fight with an ice spinner which means that with a completely undeserved team of six we take on poppy of the Elite Four and because of crackable's fighting type we have a great matchup versus her but I don't actually think we need to use it if we start out with satitan and lower kaparaja's attack with charm the kaparaja in turn only sets up Stealth Rock so we get off a second charm before it even gets to attack us with a super effective heavy slam and at this point we've lowered its attack so much that it's barely doing anything allowing us to freely swap into Dreadnought and as you know it's got shell armor which means it can never be hit by Critical Hits which means that no matter what we're gonna be getting more Health back from leftovers each turn than this elephant can ever do to us this gives us near infinite wiggle room to set up a win condition so I start by raising my defense followed up by setting up stealth rocks and maxing out my speed with rock polish this means we'll be faster than every Pokemon on Poppy's team and we can break the sturdy of magnazone to easily take it out in one shot as well as all her other Pokemon not being able to get crit is a super overpowered ability in a Nuzlocke that can easily win you fights like this one this means we next have to worry about the third Elite Four member Larry but if we play this right I don't think we should have to worry about this at all the man leads with Tropius quad week to ice allowing us to easily take it out with an ice spinner the very first turn granting us a Moxie boost that's gonna be very important since his second Pokemon will be star Raptor lowering our attack back to base because we don't want to get hit super effectively by a flying type move I to rasterize to shed my fighting typing and an ice spinner is almost enough to take staraptor out which it ends up doing itself with the recoil from A Brave Bird this unfortunately means we don't actually get a Moxie boost at the end of the turn but fortunately Larry's next Pokemon is alteria quad weak to ice meaning that we can collect that Moxie boost and proceed to just take out oricorio and flamigo for an easy Victory now as you might imagine a barrage of ice Spinners would be incredibly effective versus hassle but a plus one ice spinner isn't actually enough to take out haxris in one shot the reason I was so Keen to play around this is that haxris is the second Pokemon in his team order but in reality I didn't actually have to play around this at all I do however need to terasolize to shed my fighting type and not get hit super effectively by an air slash so I can use Aqua step to boost my speed and follow that up by a bulk up the next turn to boost my attacks I'll have plus two when I take out the Noivern in reality however the bulk up was completely unnecessary since when I take out this Noivern with an ice spinner hassle's gonna send out the Pokemon that has a super effective move against me and not actually as Haxorus this means that both dragalji with Thunderbolt and flapple with seed bomb would always come in before Haxorus granting me at least plus three before it comes in meaning that extra bulk up was completely unnecessary and the acquisition of the speed boost from aquastap was the only required boost with my entire team of six having survived and decimated the Elite Four aside from a minor mistake on my part we're not quite out of the Pokemon League woods yet since we still have to face Champion Nikita and she is certainly no pushover with a diverse team of six she's got a few Pokemon that do cause some problems for us so we're gonna need to make a few strategic decisions the first of which being to give my assault best to clawitzer so that we can easily tank a Lumina crash after which we can take out the aspathra in one shot with Dark Pulse this brings in Gogoat and we don't have any super effective moves to hit it with but we can at least swap in our perfect counter magnazone because even after boosting itself with a bulk up this thing only has resisted moves to hit Magazine with and we can take it out for free with a few flash cannons this baits in avalog and unsure if I can take it out with a single flash Cannon which most likely was the case I go for a volt switch for some massive damage to swap out into my clawitzer which actually has pretty decent defense allowing it to tank an earthquake and take out Avalon with an Aura Sphere this also perfectly positions us to take on King Gambit with a quad effective Mega launcher boosted or sphere of course taking it out in one shot Gita then sends in valuza which is a very weird Pokemon for the devs to give her since we've already faced it versus kofu but at least we can one shot it with a mega launcher boosted Dark Pulse leaving Gita with only one final Pokemon her ace glamora and I really didn't want to risk anything swapping into an earth power here so unfortunately I have to let clawitzer go it's not ideal but quartzer had played its part taking out most of gita's Team allowing me to send in Dreadnought and to rasterize to not be hit super effectively by an earth power while simultaneously boosting up my water type moves to allow me to take out glamora in one single liquidation winning us the Elite Four All Things Considered I'm perfectly happy with those results but there are still plenty more difficult fights in this game so we're gonna need to hatch a new Pokemon this time a Sandile and having a second Pokemon with Moxie is gonna be incredibly used useful particularly since the ground type has a great matchup versus one of our next fights we now have to take on the final boss fights for each of the three storylines in the game and I decide to take on Arvin first I do this because I figure I have the most obvious match up since crackable is already a great option to take on Arvin if it's your starter but with Moxie it begins to get ridiculous I begin by taking out credent with an aqua step to boost my speed since the only Pokemon I'm slower than on his team is the one that's the biggest threat which is of course his Toad's cruel but now that we're faster than it from aquastap and we've got plus one from Moxie a quad effective ice spinner is incredibly effective to take it out and from there a combination of acrobatics and close combat is super effective against all his remaining Pokemon meaning he never stood a chance especially after all those Moxie boosts and while this does tie up the path of Legends storyline quack of all almost over levels so I'm gonna have to box it to not risk it growing to level 68. this is gonna make things a lot more difficult when we take on clavel since we've just boxed the best possible counter for his Hound Doom another Quirk about this fight is as long as we can get Kamala in versus Poltergeist we've effectively won the battle so everything we do needs to lead to that outcome but first we have to deal with whatever other threats this man sends our way before he sends in his polti guy starting with his lead or in Guru we should fall just shy of one-shotting this thing with a crunch from crocodile so I equip it with a life orb to guarantee we take it out in one hit this also grants us a Moxie boost which won't be too useful since clavel's next Pokemon is Obama Snow which with the new snow mechanic would survive a quad effective plus one firefang so I'm forced to swap out and I decided to take advantage of the snowscape myself by sending in Titan that also gets the boosted defenses I then use charm to lower Obama's nose attack but the real strategy here is to try and max out our special defense with amnesia this way once the Houndoom comes in we're going to be able to one shot it with a liquidation without fearing being taken out by a fire last and so once I've maximized my special defense I use a couple of ice Spinners to knock out the Obama snow which means we're now perfectly equipped to take on the incoming Houndoom so this Houndoom is gonna hit us with a fire blast if this crits um I was gonna say if this crits were in for a bit of trouble um yeah so that's very bad so my plan didn't exactly work out so we're gonna have to settle for the second best option to get a safe switch into crocodile and just one shot the Houndoom with an earthquake which unfortunately of course requires the sacrifice of the Titan we're not even in the clear yet though since clavel's next Pokemon is amunga so we definitely have to swap out of crocodile I decided for send in magazone to resist the gig at rain but even better we just dodge the toxic with immunity and can then set up a light screen before we get hexed from here magazine can barely touch this amungus and it can be put to sleep by Spore so I decide to swap out into Kamala which because of its comatose Ability Counts as a sleep so it cannot be statused this means we can't get hit by toxic or Spore or hex because we're a normal type leaving amongus with only one option in Giga drain and because of that light screen and our pretty decent special defense the amungus stands no chance forcing clavel to send in Poltergeist which is Checkmate the reason this is fatal for clavel is because he can technically hit me with marker punch but I can just stall him out of it by going for moves like bulk up to boost my stats easily just stalling out his measly 5pp and if he decides to boost his own stats with something like shell smash he can't even hit me with Shadow Ball or status me with Willow Wisp meaning that once we've stalled him out of sucker punches and set up our stats enough to where we feel comfortable all we have to do is take the Poltergeist out with a trailblaze which has the added benefit of boosting our speed now making us faster than quackleball and allowing us to take it out with a single plus six stab body slam however because we lost a Titan we do have to hatch another egg this time hatching into water Tauros a monstrously powerful addition to the team especially with that intimidate ability giving us way more options remember how I told you that ground types have a particularly good matchup versus one of the end game fights in this game well that happens to be versus pneumonia especially if you've got a ground type that can also boost its speed somehow which crooked out unfortunately can't do so we're going to have to settle for boosting our attack and defense with bulk up this is a surprisingly reliable strategy lycanroc loves to set up stealth rocks giving us a free second bulk up and after that drill runs are just doing nothing meaning that once we've set up to plus six attack and defense we can get rid of this lycanrock palmot comes in second and if it gets a critical hit with close combat it can be a huge problem so I start by going for protect just to get myself a little bit of leftovers after which close combat fails to get a critical hit allowing me the chance to one shot the Palm out with a plus six earthquake Goodra is third but it's a special wall and doesn't have the greatest special bulk especially against plus six stab earthquakes earthworm has Earth eater so I made sure to give crooked owl brick break before the fight so that we can easily knock it out in one super effective hit which also goes for to Dunsparce leaving nimona with meowskarata the only Pokemon that crooked out stands zero chance against with a hundred percent critical hit flower trick we've gotta swap out out of there and what better to go into than our dedicated meowska Rada counter magnazone she just doesn't have any good moves to hit magnazone with only doing about 25 with flower trick allowing us to easily get the two shot with flash Cannon meaning that now that we've completed the Victory Road storyline we can head to area now okay yes we need to stop Penny first but then we can head to area zero weed lost 13 of our companions along the way no thanks to you guys and now only one opponent stands in the way of complete Victory that's right we've gotta take on the final boss of the game A.I Sada and it's all up to whether or not the Pokemon that you guys sent me are enough to do the job and because I want an item on quavo it's actually better damage to go for an aerial Ace than acrobatics to take out the Slither Wing Sada then reveals her most exploitable weakness and I wasn't about to pull any punches I first swapped a magnazone to resist the play rough and then pivot out immediately into Tauros to get off and intimidate because for some reason this scream tale only has physical moves I don't know why the developers did this it's got a better special attack stat and its physical attack stat is like in the 60s it's incredibly bad giving us the perfect opportunity to continue sending in Tauros time after time to lower its attack further and further until eventually it's at -6. from there it's time to execute the plan sending in quackable which aside from aerialace doesn't actually have any attacking moves instead our mission is to set up six bulk UPS to boost our attack and defense and three agilities to max out our speed we're then fully equipped to Baton Pass into our savior that's right I fully intend on disrespecting Sada to the max by sweeping her team with a komala I begin by going for fling thinking that flinging a poison jab into this thing would be a poison move but uh that's not actually the case so I have to finish off our punching bag the next turn with a body slam Sada then sends in her brute Bonnet second and I don't know if you knew this but Kamala actually gets access to ice spinner which means we can easily destroy it in one super effective hit fourth out is blood or Main and because it only has attacking moves we can guarantee to connect with Sucker Punch taking it out in one shot fifth we then face Sandy shocks an electric and ground type which makes it a victim of another ice spinner which if you've been keeping count leave Sada with only one final Pokemon her Ace roaring Moon and while we could simply out speed it and take it out with a single super effective ice spinner that kind of Mercy is not disrespectful enough instead the type of everlasting humiliation that I have in mind requires a sacrifice one side secured a safe switch in for my focus sash dreadnaw nothing could save Sada from humiliating defeat oh and so a month-long journey of streams had come to an end and I defeated a Pokemon Scarlet hardcore egglock and what a journey it was I'm already planning on doing another one this summer so make sure to tell me if you want to see that in the comments below and follow me on Twitch if you want to catch it live and make sure you've got the Bell notification on to get notified whenever I start stream or whenever I post new videos but until next time
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 330,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3iMpS8RvKOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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