These Pokemon Gym Badges Don't Make any Sense!

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exploring the latest Pokemon regions catching the wild Pokemon and training them to grow strong challenging the gyms to eventually reach the Pokemon League and become champion [Music] stop right there wait I need how many badges eight yeah and I've got five six seven did I skip the gym in Saffron City again oh this is like my 14th playthrough Gym badges now you might think like whoa hang on how is this guy going to talk about gym badges for that much time they're even to explain like it's the boulder badge from the rock type 2 shaped like a gemstone colored Like a Rock because gems are rocks like what four is there and that pretty much sums up the boulder badge I mean you could also mention that it's in Pewter City and pewter itself is a very silvery gray color too but that's just one badge and it's a simple one but now why is the soul badge the poison type one and then the marsh badge is psychic and it looks like this and why does the grass type Garden living gym leader Erica give you the rainbow badge instead of like a leaf and then Giovanni gives you a leaf I have questions and I have answers so let's go in order now shall we after you beat Brock the rock with a B you head to the water type gym in Cerulean City led by Misty to get the Cascade badge it's a water colored water droplet go figure but like the city it's Cerulean the color which is really just a fancy Taco fancy blue now it's called the Cascade badge because that word describes waterfalls the water Cascades down the Cliffside to Cascade means to pour downward rapidly and in large quantities so yeah waterfalls which themselves happen to be very Misty next is the thunder badge clearly the electric type gym ran by Lieutenant surge but this badge design doesn't really scream thunder or lightning now does it sure it's yellow and orange Vermilion even that's also the name of the city it's Pikachu and Raichu colors which is fitting but what's with this design it's like a flower why Lieutenant surge doesn't exactly strike me as the romantic type his attraction value is currently through the roof like oh my God beefy man in uniform he doesn't need to be romantic I've gotten sidetracked again this should help this video is brought to you by Helix sleep have you seen how tall Lieutenant surge is to look him in the eye you gotta like Bend and throw out your back which then makes sleeping a pain on an old and worn out and not even good to begin with mattress but Helix sleep wants to help they make premium mattresses customized to fit your needs by taking their quick and easy online sleep quiz they can match you to the perfect mattress based on you and a partner's body types and sleep preferences side sleeper back sleeper face do you prefer firm or soft and how about your significant other are they hot or cold sleepers are they extremely tall and then it shipped right to you all packed up nice easy to set up and even easier to sleep on because you know there's a 100 night sleep trial to make 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maybe the badge is like a gold star gold is commonly used in finer Electronics like computer chips and being a gold star would be fitting of his military theming after all golden stars are used symbolically in many militaries across the world for things like medals and rank insignia eight-pointed ones too but sticking to America where Lieutenant surges from the closest there is is this eight-pointed if you count the stem Leaf star looking thing it's what Lieutenant commanders in the Navy use which is fitting enough I suppose but Serge specifically mentions being in the Army doesn't he which would mean he uses the Silver Leaf unless he's actually a major uh well he also mentions flying airplanes a lot and that's like Air Force stuff so I feel like he wasn't designed with any specific role in mind just sort of gen generic U.S military guy it was gen 1 after all they weren't thinking that deep and specific about these kinds of things let's move on to Celadon City now and face Erica for the rainbow badge but why is it a rainbow for once the color of the city is named after doesn't fit it Celadon is like a smooth light green it works for this being a grass type gym but not the badge well at least the badge itself looks like a flower with rainbow colored petals and flowers can be basically any color of the rainbow so this is like a bunch of flowers in one and also plants absorb lights and turn it into energy via photosynthesis and light is what gives us the whole color spectrum plus rainbows occur when there's lots of water particulates in the air and most plants love when there's extra moisture in the air and typically when there's lots of plants in one area they actually create more moisture in the air themselves that's why rainforests are the way they are and why cutting them all down is drying out the entire planet also note that Rainbows are seen as girly and as the creepy old man in front of the gym used to say me this Jim is great only girls are allowed here uh Officer Jenny arrest this man the soul badge for koga's Poison type gym in fuchsia city is another weird one it's kind of like a heart shape and a lot of poisons and Venoms Kill by messing with the organs right paralyzing the heart is the deadliest thing a poison can do plus consider that this gym is run by ninjas assassins who often poisoned their enemies sneakily rather than attacking head-on and in media the best ninjas and sneaky dudes often do the whole control your heart rate and breathing sing to be asked and Silent as possible Batman even does this wants to stop poison from killing him and I guess the heart and soul being so interchangeable in spirituality and aphorism makes it not too weird that it's called The Soul badge some say that's where the soul is located at your core the heart but I still think it would have made more sense to call it the heart badge although this badge isn't shaped like a perfect heart by any means rather it's a flower petal specifically from the plant the city is named after the fuchsia they are most often pink or purple and purple is the color of the poison type too so there you go as a flower fuchsia symbolizes intuition and liveliness specifically in a more spiritual sense passion love Anger from your innermost being your soul next up we have the marsh badge in Saffron City which is the psychic type gym badge what do marshes have to do with psychic stuff well hear me out for a bit nope nope what I looked at this script you go on for two solid pages about bug bodies only for me to pop in at the end and give you a one sentence answer which is much more likely uh so what is it in English the gym leader is named after Sabrina the Teenage Witch very popular character at the time of the first games and where do witches normally live oh yeah swamps bogs marshes and there you go hi Mouse well I still want to summarize the bog body stuff basically Bronze Age folks in Europe sacrificed Kings to appease the gods by putting them in bogs to be mummified as bogs and marshes were viewed as liminal or sacred places perhaps then the same kinds of places that one would meditate at psychic type stuff in Pokemon is fairly Broad in what it pulls from but it is heavily linked to real world practices that have to do with magic and or sacred stuff even if the people who practiced those practices didn't necessarily think of it as mind or psychic stuff so I guess there is that but what's especially curious though is that in Japanese it's called the gold badge actually most of the badges originally are just named a color gray blue orange pink green gold but gold does symbolically work here have you ever wondered why Psyduck whose yellow evolves into gold duck who's blue instead of gold we have a whole video here that answers that question in significantly more detail but it has to do with what gold represents symbolically in things like Alchemy and mysticism gold was seen by Alchemists as the perfect union of Mind and Spirit or the soul as it were it's a metaphor for people becoming Divine and More in tune with the mystical and or metaphysical powers of the world gold represented the Sun and all of the Magics that it invokes on our plane and even today the crystal healing crowd will tell you that gold is very conductive and regenerative it balances the auras and energy fields and attracts positive energy it's identified with Yin energy and amplifies self-confidence will and helps us recognize the positive qualities of others through our minds gold can also be used in combination with gemstones to help increase their own mystical energies too and again the psychic type has a lot to do with just general mysticism but the badge being a circle within a circle is reminiscent of the alchemic symbol for gold and Sun and then consider the city the gym is in Saffron City like gold one of the most expensive Metals the plant it's named after is the most expensive spice in the world which despite being a reddish color itself makes a goldish yellow dye and makes whatever food you cook it in a warm goldish yellow color which itself is very important in both Hinduism and Buddhism for many reasons tied to spirituality and again spirituality in this case usually equals psychic type in Pokemon so what's next ah this one shouldn't take long the volcano badge it's the fire type badge it looks like flames it's named after the thing that is a big fiery Mountain spitting out extremely hot lava a volcano and it's given to you by Blaine on Cinnabar Island and wouldn't you know it Cinnabar itself is red wow and then they had to go and make things weird again for the last badge here we have the Earth Badge from the ground type gym in Viridian City and it looks like a weird flower Leaf wand thing the fact that the your petals are shiny and gem-like makes sense since gems come from the ground and have been associated with cuthonic deities for eons but then like you see the Earth Badge in the anime and other game depictions and it's just straight up a leaf it's like a fern or something well in a lot of media that involves like elemental powers especially the four Classics of water fire air and Earth Earth typically also includes plants I mean you plant them in the earth they suck up dirt you are what you eat and all but no there is something much cooler and more solid here that took me by complete surprise this gym is run by Giovanni the leader of Team Rocket possibly as like a front or an alibi for him but either way while he's named Giovanni in the English version of the game to further solidify that he's like an Italian mob boss to the Western audience his original name is sukaki common name for Yakuza members in media but also a kind of tree the Clara Japonica or sakaki these trees are considered sacred to those of the Shinto faith and so wands made out of sakaki leaves and branches are one of your classic offerings at Shinto shrines so I guess in a way the badges more from Giovanni rather than from the ground type gym itself if that makes sense but to link it to the ground a bit more sukaki trees are commonly planted in the ground around Shinto shrines too in order to become shinboku trees worshiped as a place where nature spirits and Kami reside and alongside them you'll often find rock formations Steels mounds and iwakuda these shrines are often built on top of large Hills and mounds too so right on top of a huge pile of Earth it's all a part of Shinto's nature and Earth worship it seems especially fitting then that several Generations later the protector of nature Pokemon would be a round Type green hexagon thing too and really what better way to finish off your big adventure collecting all of the gyms through a large and beautiful natural region I mean compare Pokemon's Kanto to the real world Kanto which is mostly urban city it's the biggest metropolitan area in the world Pokemon's Kanto is still mostly nature this badge could then be symbolic of a sort of return to or respect for nature in a way after all these were the first Pokemon games and Pokemon's creators Satoshi Tajiri was inspired by his love of bug catching as a kid which has proven more and more difficult for modern kids to do because of just how expansive Tokyo and its neighboring cities have become throughout Kanto so Pokemon's Kanto is almost like a return to the time when Satoshi was a child appreciating nature that much more or maybe I'm just looking into it too much and it is just because Shinto sakaki wand the Giovanni trying to atone for his sins in his own way I suppose you never know with these kinds of things but what do you think do you prefer your badges straightforward like haldeas or a little bit more mysterious and symbolic like cantos perhaps a balance could be struck like in the middle gems never stop using your Noggin check out our Psyduck video or this one that goes over Giovanni in much more depth trust me it's Giovanni and Team Rocket they are not Mafia thanks for watching I'm falling okay now I'm out of the camera
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 142,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon red and blue, pokemon yellow, kanto pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet and violet dlc, pokemon cards, pokemon gym leaders, pokemon gym badges, pokemon tier list, pokemon gyms, pokemon direct, pokemon explained, pokemon design, pokemon lore, team rocket, mandjtv, original pokemon, every pokemon, pokmeon badge, marsh badge, badge, ash gets the, pokemon horizons, top 10 pokemon, pokemon lets go, pokemon challenges, new pokemon, nintendo
Id: QVe964gVPYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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