Impossible Who's That Pokemon Catching Challenge

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we're playing impossible who's that Pokemon and whoever catches the right Pokemon gets a point who is that that looks like Gengar but we've done this before and I know it's gonna be some other nonsense I can tell you for sure that is not Gengar I'd be shocked if we get it right I'll be shocked if we get any of them right the last time we did this you got a single one right and I got none flashback and a flashback yeah for that reason this is not gonna cover the JMC it's a bonus episode we're just seeing if we can get any of these right if you want to see the rest of the JMC subscribe to the channel so you don't miss it when it comes back but for now I have a very good bad idea Mikey okay the first viral video I ever made I actually talked about how Gengar is the shadow of clefable I need to go for clefable you have to go for a Pokemon it's gonna take forever for you to freaking find what if I'm right what if I'm there is no way it's that obvious come on I feel like it's got to be something that has at least a Spike oh I went to Cerulean cave I insert meme of Mikey that just says I am dumb boy hail yeah did you say that it couldn't be clefable I didn't think it could be clefable but last time it was Clefairy and Clefairy has the little baby wings that wouldn't protrude like Lafayette I think they're trying to pull the ultimate joke Mikey I think you're dumb come on what are you getting uh I'm catching hip now I know The Drowsy meme is the thing obviously this is not the same and also I thought maybe it's like a Hypno that's like looking up and also very fat I got it are you ready it is hey that's actually so clever it's so round I mean it is a very rotund Cyndaquil I think we knew it was going to be rotunda no matter what why is this so perfect I'm not mad I'm sure that will last who's that Pokemon oh I hate how that tail works with how round the top of it is I feel like you could fit like any Pokemon there oh 100 and especially knowing that like there could be an arm Reaching Across the middle of that that we just will never see I'm upset I'm upset because I know that I have no chance decided on something and it uh is in a game that I don't have in my switch right now sorry I'll be right back wait a second wait a second perfect time to sneak in a game of Pokemon unite and video is actually sponsored by the Pokemon company International the Eevee Festival in Pokemon unite is happening right now and I've been having way too much fun with it what is going gone I just can't stop playing the Eevee of heel-orama mode and with Mikey gone I think I can sneak in a quick win with my pal Sylveon I can't find it not only do you get to play as Evie in one of its Evolutions in this quick battle mode but you also have a chance to obtain prizes such as unite licensed puzzle pieces for Sylveon glacion and Espeon and considering that those allow you to unlock the license for those Pokemon I've been working hard to make sure I unlock Sylveon before the event ends I'm the best Sylveon here we all know this it's too easy way too easy Umbreon is also available now and Leafeon will be available on June 8th I don't know where it is adorable checkered style holloware for the Eevee evolutions is available now which is perfect because you can't just be running around Pokemon unite without any Hollow air on when I eventually unlock Sylveon I might have to get that haul aware but the night style also looks pretty cool so maybe I'll grab both of them so make sure you click the link below and get unite today which is free to start on iOS Android and Nintendo switch back to the drawing board well I mean I I just can't use let's go Pikachu that's my only limitation see this is a competition that's really going to expose how highly we think of ourselves of like do we really think we can do this now I'm worried the Pokemon I wanted to guess is just not here um calling an audible are you okay are you falling apart I'm flustered man I don't know where my games are oh yeah I can go back to playing in uh gen 9. I can find my classic shiny I didn't even tell you when we were talking before the video I found a shiny what what was it it was a slithering that's a very cool one well anyways I can tell you what I got you can't get it you're not allowed I got pile of swine oh but that's my friend I'm a home wrecker there's nothing you can do about it it's not what happens where that does anything but hurt my feelings if this thing explodes and doesn't get into the quick ball it can't be held responsible for the things that I say you're just an old Willy wall all right Mikey are you ready to be shocked and Amazed by my genius no [Music] we should have known it's the same animal no it's the same animal Hatchery Super Size Me who is that Pokemon oh whoa what if it really is what what if one of these is just the Pokemon that I'd be piss no I know what this is I have false confidence I'm running towards it I'm running too and in fact I'm already in battle with it what is fight next to the fly point and the call worked look at that all right now I get to sit relaxing all cool and play some b-ball outside the school nope there's not a couple of guys that are up to no good started making trouble in my neighborhood I'm still trying to figure from what what in like five seconds the key to my happiness in this video recording is for me to just go with the first thing that pops into my head and expect nothing this is your mistake this is when I swoop in I'm gonna get 10 of them right Mikey 10 of them just then why is it what are you doing I'm getting the winning Pokemon are you in let's go looking for Edo king or Neato clean possibly yes we're doing that I already caught Nidoking what about noodle Queen okay well then go to the crown Tundra I never want the expansion pass on this news oh that makes me feel better about not knowing where my freaking let's go cartridge is do I buy it or do I just really go for something crazy go for something crazy man I'm not gonna wait for that to download I am quite upset how this is gone because I felt like I didn't answer very quickly and then you add the same one because I'm not that special what did you get I went with Haxorus they like to make all the Pokemon a little portly so maybe it's just sportly Haxorus no way but sure come on [Music] we're on the right track a gen one bipedal spiky armored thing if I just stayed and let's go no because it would have been hard to catch there anyways let's go the only place could I literally have not caught it okay I got a hold of my girlfriend's let's go Eevee so I can catch let's go Pokemon now [Music] from True belief that I got it too that could be anything here we are we just need to believe I got it it's a cup of cake I can see that it's a cupcake but there's no cupcake Pokemon you buy me a cupcake I eat the cupcake okay um Mikey this could literally be anything order online there's the double bunklet Tower is this food yeah are you trying to poison me yeah no I know I mean no way I'm going to kill you um custom message card I am a dumb boy am I supposed to be finding my Pokemon throughout all this oh no the minimum order value for delivery is 24. I'm just gonna get you a cake does this mean I don't get to find out what appointment is I'm giving you the double buntlet Tower and the cake hold on my credit card's downstairs I always said the JMC was a long con to get a free cake out of him so I'm glad it's finally coming true I'm getting so sweaty I'm glad you didn't hear what I just said your delivery is confirmed it won't get there till uh tomorrow anyways uh my Pokemon um see it was a cupcake and then it turned into a bunt lit and then it turned into a cake and then I said you know what I think it's a fortress all right uh I have spent entirely too long doing this um I'm catching a Rattata just because it's nearby why party five caterpies and a Hypno that says more about you than it does about me okay Mikey if this Fortress blows up on me okay I do have some confidence in this gas but all right I'm ready I almost went with gasly I almost went with gasoline I feel like we're learning we always need to catch ghastly at least once I I I'm so upset I thought ghastly I'm so sorry oh is that Pokemon whoa what the heck how do you make something look like Charizard yeah light its tail on fire and uh tell it to take to the skies got a pretty fearsome creature it's got to be winged part of me wants to go catch Gastly and live with the consequences they're not gonna repeat I have an idea hold on to that optimism John Pokemon coming all shapes and sizes Mikey I'm just catching some with wings I don't feel confident and for some reason that's making me feel more confident because every time I'm confident I'm wrong every time you're wrong just no matter what well let's be nice let's be nice not no matter I mean some I it's like once I got mine I'm gonna prove you wrong yeah and then you're going to eat a crow I caught a crow I caught corbinite it's weird that you said that specific thing when I caught a corvinite I got Dragonite okay it's it's an adorable guy and I don't want it to change but it just may have lost a few pounds and that's okay I consider Dragonite but I was thinking like oh what if the Charizard's horn is now a bird beak oh what is this are you kidding me I kind of respect it from a lower standpoint I also respect the weird amount of people who are lying in the comments saying they got that right you didn't who is that Pokemon all right I'm so angry it's gonna it's gonna be Voltorb somehow this is the most specific silhouette you're not gonna trick me to catch a voltor but I'm like strongly considering wow you really are broken I really thought about Gastly on the one that turned out to be ghastly and I'm quickly realizing that might have been my best shot there's a reason we're not having this officially part of the JMC John us finishing zero zero is not only impossible it is probable I caught toads cruel I had a thought and I don't think it's necessarily a great one Socrates once said bugs Ketchum Socrates shut up not like you said and that's my my boy Socrates so I'm gonna catch the bug and it's tarantula instead of the the web in the back or just the the spindly spindly yarn being spherical it could be cubicle so instead of tarantula a square Chilla it's a rectangular neither of ours were good let's yeah we'll okay we can't even catch Mewtwo why are we catching things if there's gonna be Pokemon in this that we can't even catch no sword and shield uh the dead race oh yeah let me just go for the the freaking you could have put anything in that box how could they do this [Music] Katie gave me the answer to this the other day like are you cheating or she just guess we were watching the Pokemon anime together as friends do and she told me that she always thought ho was something else and when was the last time a child was wrong about anything how do I word this correctly like the most recent point in time at all times what is the most incorrect thing the first Pokemon game you played what was like the the thing you were most incorrect about you know how in the games if it's a Pokemon you've caught before it has a little Pokeball emblem on its like HP bar I remember noticing that for the first time playing Ruby for the first time being like Oh that means this Pokemon was abandoned oh no which is fully incorrect obviously in the first episode of the anime Ho-Oh flies across the sky it was gen 1 back then so it couldn't be a hoe it had to be a pharaoh Katie is correct I caught mine I caught Hawlucha I just went to area zero and caught the first bird I saw the Hawlucha with a really long neck I'm realizing right [Music] what's upsetting me most is you catching the first bird you saw was the right strategy they just took squawka Billy and made it legendary who is that Pokemon I'm furious I'm already Furious because I look at that and I see Star you oh I think the same thing but what if it is Staryu okay well we have to decide who's gonna go get it now well I have let's go and you don't I do have it now that is true okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot what did you put scissors oh well look at that I put Rock good luck getting Staryu what if it's just like a cack turn from above wait a minute or like something else that has some kind of star pattern on its head like uh why can't this just be bronzor right why not us I think my brain is short circuiting so why don't you long circuit it I caught the stereo because I won rock paper scissors fair and square okay well what about uh what about quilt are you serious I'm catching the quill fish Mikey you got starfish I got a quill fish together they make the squillfish also explode probably I don't know but it's round like a bomb okay I caught it all right thank God okay let's let's see what this is oh my God I mean it is it is designed to be somewhat reminiscent of a star my face hurts from smiling but on the inside I'm broken [Music] wow wow Mikey how uh beats me I have an idea and I am committing that's not gonna happen for me I don't know I don't what how I keep forgetting this game you only use one hand wait I know what is it I can't tell you because what if what if you're getting it then I'd have to come up with a new idea and I'm too lazy to do that well all right you can say it and if I am going for the same thing I will change delayed nope that was less clapping or high-fiving my brain no worky I need the cake I really wish it would I could get something that would arrive during the filming of the video but instead you just what if I saved it for the next time I saw you and threw it in your face that would just ruin my lovely gift so you're saying if I I bought like a comical like pie I could throw that at you instead yeah that would be different but I bought you a nice cake and you're gonna freaking eat it I caught my Pokemon by the way running running running what was that John what is wow well I think love is different for everybody wrong you dumb idiot the answer is baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more I was gonna say love could even just be a good friendship that means a lot to you oh boy who say something like that yeah I got matcha why as I said I just have to go with the first thing that pops into my head that has worked for you as many times as whatever I'm doing has worked for me so I respect you short Glade short Glades short Glade short Glade [Music] that's wild you got that close can I get a Pity Half Point yeah you can have the pity [Music] who is that who is that oh no oh dude I couldn't even tell what regular Pokemon that was for a second I have the stupidest idea I have ever had in one of these you have never said anything more enticing to me it is so undeniably stupid but I'm going to go for it because on the minuscule chance that it is correct it would be the most legendary guest of all time bad boy here we go I haven't found the Pokemon quick I might switch games to make sure I find it lickety-splits oh come on are you ready to be amazed by my genius my Brilliance uh yeah but first let me tell you mine just because mine's less crazy I just got Gible you see this creature and you see the mouth and the hand and the tail and you focus on all of that but that's what they want you to look at open your eyes sheeple that's a Diglett and around it is the ground and the rest of it could be anything it doesn't matter we don't know what's under the ground with digletts oh my God if you get this I give myself a like a a one percent chance I need to know I need to know John [Music] [Laughter] I really wish it was Diglett man you know the worst part about this is if we ever do a third one there will be a Diglett one and I won't see it coming [Music] that's a ball that's just a ball yeah that could be any of them I feel like I kind of have an idea I have an idea it's not a good one but none of them are ever good Gibble was a good one it wasn't right I found my Pokemon I should catch it because it's low level I'm going Jigglypuff the iconic it's a jiggly puff from above Jigglypuff I think this is a Jigglypuff with its ears down or something it's not a bad idea I was gonna deal voltor but I was like oh no it's got to be a round Pokemon that at least has some limbs I was gonna do Voltorb too and then I said no it's gonna be coughing and the limbs at the bottom will be the smoke coughing is in the Haunted Mansion yes yeah but I think it's a version exclusive well that's gonna hurt my feelings are you seeing grimer and muck I mean there's always certain Shields okay I'm looking at coughing and the gas is kind of surrounding its body but it could put into just downwards I just put into downwards you coughing like the same guy literally no differences those stinky round creatures and weak to drowsy now that I've caught you Mikey the stinky ball let's see what this is I could have been any round thing oh we didn't make the right round thing this actually look beyond the the scary growth on its back that I wanted to get checked out the art actually looks pretty good who is that Pokemon there's no thought in my head I just stared at that thing yeah and nothing came to me I have been broken when Pokemon exist again I don't even have anything clever I don't even have anything not funny to say I got nothing it's gonna go for rough lit and I'm like wait it's got two things on its head can I rely on your intellect and knowledge of Pokemon yes could you help me decipher where uh one petalil resides first place I think of is in Legends Arceus in that flower Meadow in the Wetland Legends Arceus is the play I thought about it for too long and just I caught it I caught a round-ish thing with ears actually pedal is actually an easy Pokemon to catch I can just run up to it and just hug something at it were you wrong skill issue no have I been wrong once this video yes if I Wrong twice this video yes all right let's just see the answer smart guy all right oh come on I respect it I I you know what I I respect it so much its ears do actually look like that that's the one we're gonna go out on soapy so being indeed there's no way he actually bought does that actually say I am dumb boy I still don't know what a bundt cake is and I won't look it up I'll only try it it's pretty good no
Channel: PM7
Views: 456,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pm7, pokemon, whos that pokemon, pokemon challenge, guess the pokemon, impossible whos that pokemon, impossible whos that pokemon catching challenge, pokemon catching challenge, mandjtv, jmc season 2, jmc, john michael cup, john michael cup season 2, pm7 vs mandjtv, pm7 mandjtv, whos that pokemon challenge, hardest whos that pokemon, new pokemon, nintendo pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon scarlet and, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon quiz, mandjtv plays, all pokemon
Id: dnLeGIbxACU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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