Pokémon White Two Player Hardcore Nuzlocke - Randomized Soul Link! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone i'm flag on hg and this is the video of my attempts at a hardcore nuzlocke soul link of pokemon white a soul inc is a special two-player variant of a nuzlocke where both players play through the same game simultaneously in addition to standard nuzlocke rules in a soul link encounters for both players on each route are linked meaning that if one pokemon dies then so does the other if one pokemon falls to a silly critical hit then so does the other it's a perilous journey filled with double the risks double the rng and double the chaos a journey that should only be taken by the bravest of souls or the dumbest of fools which brings me to my partner for this treacherous adventure twitch streamer bloody if you've never heard of bloody she's an awesome content creator that kicked my ass at a heart gold map randomizer and even made small ant sweat bullets in a race against him check her out her stuff is linked in the description below for our soul inc bloody played on pokemon black and i played on pokemon white both games were separately randomized the details of which you can check out in the description below if you care but in short wild pokemon trainer pokemon and field items were all randomized and as with almost all of the challenges on my channel we followed my definition of hardcore nuzlocke rules namely no using items in battle no over leveling past the next gym leader's ace before the start of the battle and we're playing on set mode so together bloody and i were determined to defeat this randomized hardcore soul inc and along the way throughout our many trials and tribulations if we were lucky we would forge a beautiful friendship let's get started our journey begins by choosing our starters all of which have been randomized to three stage evolution lines my choices are badou venipede and aeron bloodies are pit of bulbasaur and ironically enough trapinch i go with aeron and bloody goes with trap inch we name them peanut butter and jelly and then we're off given the nature of this challenge i can only focus on the broad strokes of our adventure but if you want a more detailed breakdown of this challenge you should definitely check out my highlights channel for even more souling content anyways we head off to route 1 in search of our next pair of pokemon i get a normal flying bird and bloody gets a much bigger more patriotic normal flying bird we name them chicken and nugget from route 2 i get a squirtle named fast and bloody gets a bebarrel named furious now the funny thing about randomizers is that there is virtually no difference between random trainers and major boss battles other than the size of their party and the level of their pokemon since pretty much any trainer can have any pokemon it means that we have to be paying attention to every single battle so that we don't i don't know lose our starters to a meditate using bide look not everyone can be as great of a nuz-locker as i am i guess i'll just have to be strong enough to lift not one but both of us like i mean isn't that chimchar gonna evolve eventually [Music] okay that's a problem what what he cripped me oh sorry no i might be dead i might be dead here all right let's just do a tactical good small mickey quit me again fast [Music] it's fine we're fine well so do you just go heal every time yeah um there's a bit of a problem are you gonna lose again probably yeah no way i mean not the shanks but i'm intimidated and now i have to fight we don't have another pokemon huh yep i'm dead well that's the game you're dead yep [Music] we have to start over yep oh okay well i guess it's time for attempt two but we learned some valuable lessons well not really but we did bond over failure in attempt two our starters are jello the porygon and shots the tertwig on route one bloody gets fish the mantine and i get chips the clang and on route 2 i catch a dugon named ben paired with bloody's del caddy named jerry at a round where bloody killed our starters in attempt 1 i run into a trainer with a litwick who woke up that morning and decided to be just the biggest piece of i've ever seen in randomizers pokemon just have their level up move sets meaning that at level 7 this little ghostly has minimized to raise his evasion and fire spin to trap me in and do residual damage thanks to some really unfortunate misses litwick is able to raise his evasion and beat down jello to the point where i have to switch out once we're finally free from fire spin this litwick also resists both of ben's attacking moves so even when ben manages to hit a move it doesn't do much damage by the time that ben has fallen into the red this satanic little gremlin is still kicking with about 1 hp chips is our last hope though it's not great that they are weak to firespin fortunately we are able to connect with a thundershock after a few turns meaning that the only thing that i've lost to this fight is my sanity indices start at zero yeah this is attempt number one yes are you freaking kidding me [Music] guess what this trainer has gotta love randomizers from the dream yard we talk to the npc that normally gives you one of the three elemental monkeys bloody gets a dodrio and i get a salamance gotta love randomizers for some horrible reason we decided to name this pair of pokemon pride and prejudice and since bloody called dibs on pride i get stuck with a salamance named prejudice it's not a great look but i'll take one for the team well with the unstoppable power of prejudice wait let me rephrase that with the unstoppable power of a salamence named prejudice i felt pretty confident going into the first gym battle against cress in fact it was a total walk in the park he had a smeargle and a bell toy i didn't actually even need to use my salamance i'm that good meanwhile bloody learned a hard lesson about early dragon rage for those of you who don't know dragon rage is a move that always does 40 damage meaning that it's incredibly deadly in the early game if you happen to run into one of the select few pokemon that can learn it one of which is gibbel so sadly once again our starters fall now it's very possible that had bloody gone for two razor leafs here instead of two tackles that would have been enough damage to kill jibble before he decided to fire off a dragon rage and kill jello shots but mistakes happen and had gibbel decided to just go for dragon rage turn 1 it wouldn't have really mattered it's also worth noting here that this is only bloody's second nuzlocke ever so she's doing a great job remember everyone makes mistakes and all we can do is learn from them anyways the rest of bloody's battle goes smoothly enough meaning that after roughly two hours of gameplay we've gotten the first gym badge which means that it's time for more encounters on route 3 bloody catches a mill tank named cookies and i catch a whismar named cream in wellspring cave i catch a pit of named fight and bloody catches a prime ape named flight honestly i'd be way more upset about these trash encounters if it wasn't for my freaking salamance outside of pinwheel forest i catch a pacharisu and bloody catches azatu i named my adorable little chipmunk pinky and bloody names her zatu the brian so now it's time for lenora she leads with deerling who gets eviscerated by my salamence since i'm not really supposed to have a salamence this early his moveset is still pretty atrocious but two bites are enough to take down deerling though she does manage to hit us with a sand attack so when lenora brings in her combustion i decide to switch and give fight a chance to shine which was a mistake combustion gets off a focus energy on the switch and then he hits fight with an ember before she gets off the world's weakest air cutter so i switch out to pinky instead of salamance for some reason but it'll be fine pinkie's got this he's a world champ he takes nothing from an ember on the switch then we hit combustion with a spark that causes a paralysis before taking a double kick that activates our held orenberry with that bit of recovery pinky should survive another double kick unless both hits manage to crit which is exactly what happens because of focus energy the odds of combustion getting a double crit are the same odds as landing a single critical hit normally so that one's on me especially because there was no reason not to roast this chicken with salamance but to be honest i don't spend too much time mourning the loss of pinkie and the brian salamence is able to pretty easily take care of combustion with a few cuts which i had to teach him since he's the only one of my pokemon that can learn it but with that we've gotten the second gym badge in pinwheel forest we pick up probably the strongest pair of pokemon yet bloody gets a slay king named michael and i catch a hitmonthly named ike short for eichel now we both have monstrous hawaiian powerhouses on our team though bloodies does suffer from a bit of a weak work ethic we've also both managed to randomly find fossils by this point so with the power of science and the chaos of a randomizer in a cream city museum employee revives a shellmet from my fossil named crash and a magmortar from bloody's fossil named burn these guys are over the current level cap though so they have to go into the box for now and since i don't really want to use a shelmet that's where they'll stay regardless the fact that bloody has a slay king and i have a salamance makes the fight against berg pretty easy for both of us other than berg's polywrath that is who actually does give me a lot of trouble he manages to put my salamance to sleep with hypnosis and the rest of my team is how to put this gently terrible but against all odds fight who has evolved into tranquil is able to finally take out polywrath with a combination of air cutter and quick attack so all things considered it's a fairly easy battle for the third gym badge which means we can get even more encounters from route 4 i catch a vanillite named funnel and bloody catches a mime junior named cake since funnel can't fully evolve until the very reasonable level of 48 this is a pretty lousy encounter at least for me in the desert resort bloody catches a farfetch named duck and i catch a stoutland named hunt that's obviously a great encounter for me but bringing hunt onto the team would mean strapping bloody with farfetch'd since the encounters in our party have to match at all times and i would never want to inconvenience my partner with a terrible pokemon just so that i can have a big fluffy dog on my team i got a oh huge pog anything i got a freaking rk9 oh great what's a mug cargo i mean that's great no it's not we we both got fire types both got equally good fire types yeah well with 121.3 pounds of suck weighing me down i drag myself to nimbasa city where it's time to take on elisa for the fourth gym badge her first two pokemon are pretty unremarkable and go down without much of a problem but her third pokemon is also pretty unremarkable i decide to let flight have a crack at cherum because surely she should be able to beat this tiny flower in a 1v1 how much petal dance do here god tranquil sucks what a pokemon holy crap [Music] holy freaking crap okay i mean cherem did have a special defense boost because of flower gift but tranquil might be the worst pokemon this side of the mississippi i can only hope that bloody accidentally kills flight so that i can bury this useless bird alive anyways yet again salamence is easily able to come in and finish the job netting us another deathless gym badge so time for even more even more encounters we previously skipped the encounters around embassa city so we do those first on route 16 i catch a heat more named howl and bloody catches a mighty anna named oats boxed in lost lorne forest i catch a trap inch who i name bloody and bloody catches a shellos named flagon sadly also boxed then on route 5 bloody catches a blitzle named thunder and i catch a meta type named thighs once they can both evolve this will actually be a pretty great pair but for now they too are boxed but then on the driftville city drawbridge i find a sceptile and bloody finds a gardevoir easily the best pair of encounters that we've had so far uh we're gonna one ball hg this sucker no [Music] it teleported well that's rough our consolation prize is that in the cold storage bloody gets a frillish named creepy and i get a wurlipede named crawley maybe not as good as sceptile and gardevoir but once they both evolve this will be a pretty great pair ghost types tend to be phenomenal in randomizers because a lot of pokemon just can't touch them with their level up movesets the final encounter pair for now is on route 6 where bloody catches a tiertouga and i catch a lunatone yeah we can name them moonblast moon blast is this something that you normally do yeah i normally do that voice in moon blocks yeah okay um do i want to do an impeccable fly gun impersonation you ready okay moon blast i think you need more mickey mouse in your voice like you can't just raise your your your pitch you gotta you kind of have to have that like nasally like pluto you know like that kind of thing like oh oh like oh i i don't know how to explain it so you know okay okay okay moon blast wait sorry go again i wasn't listening well i thought that was a great one i just wasn't listening oh that's good that's good that's good sweet i like that yeah really getting it yeah i should open a school and with that it's time for the showdown against clay creepy and crawly have replaced ben and jerry but other than that the teams remain the same for now clay ends up being probably the biggest pushover so far his first two pokemon randomized into bulbasaur and scraggy bulbasaur is a clean knockout with a single return so that's not a problem scraggy does manage to survive a return and get off a swagger into salamance so not wanting to hit myself in confusion i switched to crawley who has fully evolved into scolipede easily one of the coolest bug pokemon he tanks a payback no problem and then a bug bite finishes off scraggy so all that's left is whatever clay's terrifying exodrill got randomized into well chips is able to come in and pretty easily kill shuckle with a few gear grinds but in doing so i violated the number one rule in pokemon i filled with shuckle and as is stated in the sacred text i will have to suffer the consequences it might not be today it might not be tomorrow it might not even be the day after that but my fate has been sealed and one day soon i will pay for freckling with shuckle but for now we've gotten the fifth gym badge now up until this point i wouldn't begrudge you for wondering how this randomizer is even remotely difficult we have some of the strongest pokemon in the game on our team and our opponents have largely had a rotating roster of pip squeaks but from here on out the game is going to get pretty difficult because our randomizer has been set to fully evolve every pokemon at level 30 this means that every single trainer is a potential threat endanger lurks around every corner or at least danger will lurk around every corner once the trainer's pokemon are above level 30. the folks in charge stone cave are still slightly below level 30 so we can still relax for a little bit before fit hits the sham while we're here i catch a pikachu named shock and bloody catches a mylodic named ah great at the end of chargestone cave i have to face off against n who has an incredibly deadly team comprised of mother mime jr clink and clam pearl i promise the fully evolved teams are just around the river bend i contemplate leaving hamburger in against clam pearl to free myself of this horrible burden but that would leave bloody without arcanine and she's already going through it on her end because instead of mautham her n leads with a wobba fett probably the most deadly thing you can run into in a randomizer lobby that's scary okay i i attacked first faint attack any one shot can i one shot oh i did not one shot while if it used counter oh no oh my god are you gonna die no oh my god that'll do it [Laughter] i'll mention a couple things here assuming return is at max power which it should be at this point return with stab does much more damage than super effective fain attack so that might have actually gotten the kill on waba fett but more importantly in this situation the correct play is to always go for yawn with michael so that the waba fett falls asleep and can't use counter so that was a bit of an oopsies but that's how you learn and losing a pokemon to a boba fett in a nuzlocke is sort of a rite of passage anyways r.i.p michael and michael you were the best of us thunder thighs replaces michael and eichel as we get the last few encounters before skyla from route 7 i find a c-dot let's cut to bloody's live reaction of her encounter because it's going to be important later okay let's see what pokemon do i get a granble okay well i'm glad it wasn't super good so you're not forced to have a seat hot we named this pair deez nuts because deep down were just two immature children well honestly it's not even that deep down in celestial tower bloody catches a sawsbuck named forrest and i catch a pseudo-wudo named gump that's not a terrible pair of encounters but we're just gonna stick with what we've got as we go to take on skyla and she's pretty underwhelming her team of swellow garbador and jinx are easily dispatched so there's no reason to spend much time here to be honest some of the fights in celestial tower against random trainers were way harder than this battle but that's sort of how randomizers tend to shake out unlike skyla though cheren has become a bit of a problem for me since his pokemon have now fully evolved his starter dratini is now a full-fledged dragonite by this point though i fought charon approximately 800 times so at least i know what to expect but that doesn't help much if hamburger decides to be utterly unhelpful the one time i give him a chance to shine because of dragon rage i have to switch so i go to fight who remains useless despite having fully evolved she does tank a dragon tail though which brings in crawly we're able to hit dragonite with a poison jab as he goes for agility though some of that damage is recovered from the hell leftovers that sharon randomly has here dragonite now at speeds to hit a dragon rage before another poison jab brings him into the yellow after leftovers brings dragonite back to just over 50 i switched to salamance which is a little risky but at the very least we get often intimidated i get really lucky here that dragontail misses it definitely wouldn't have killed salamance without the crit but because he missed it means that we're able to stay in dragonite hits a dragon rage on the next turn so salamence is able to fire off a rock slide which leaves dragonite with his sliver sharon doesn't heal and instead just goes for another dragon rage so by the slimmest of margins we're able to take him out with a dragon breath and win the 79th fight against sharon but that was pretty close charon gives us the tm for surf here so we're able to backtrack and get a few encounters from around the map in driftvale city we find a cast form and a curlia i guess i slightly underestimated fight here because a quick attack one shots the cast form robbing bloody of her second chance at a guard for oh well on route 17 bloody catches a vaporeon named wet and i catch a totodile named wild we skipped the p2 laboratory encounter because i didn't know it was a separate encounter location but on route 18 i catch a darmanitan named bed and bloody catches a huge power azumarill named breakfast that's two back-to-back really solid pairs the bloody is now swimming in water types then we head to mestralton cave where i catch a prototype of quacksley named birds and bloody finds a joltik named the bees i just know that at some point i'm gonna get stuck with two shitty birds aren't i on our way through twist mountain bloody accidentally crit kills a wild poliwhirl before i can even find an encounter that isn't a dupe so no twist mountain encounter but once we've made it through in one piece we get to iciris city there bloody gets an agron named kevin hart and i catch a burme name the rock gotta love evenly powered encounters from outside of dragon spiral tower i catch a deliberate named nadi and bloody catches a glamio named nice somehow this randomizer continues to one-up itself by giving me progressively shippier birds on route 8 i catch a gulpin named upset and bloody catches a charmeleon named tummy and then in the more of i serious i catch a lee vanie named poison and bloody catches a toxic named ivy those are all the encounters available before it's time to take on bryson's gym trainers and here's where bloody learns about yet another nuzlocke threat arena trap dug trio between bide on meditate shadow tag wabafet and now arena trapdog trio she's really getting a crash course on what to avoid in nuzlockes here's another thing you should avoid in nuzlockes 95 accurate attacks i mean in a way it's reassuring to see that i'm not the only person that gets unlucky sometimes but a critical hit into a 95 accurate miss is pretty rough to see with hindsight knowing that doug trio had no way to one shot hot doggo the right play was to double extreme speed but that's a pretty nice out and even if i tried i couldn't care less about losing hamburger so really i should be thanking doug trio here with the death of our beloved hot doggo and also the other one we decided to restructure our team a bit as we head into the fight against bryson i can't say i love having upset the swallet but relationships are about compromise so if bloody wants to fill the arc and dna-shaped hole in her heart with another gen 1 fire type then who am i to stop her bryson leads with torterra who has a pretty bad match up into my go-to lead especially after the intimidate drop two dragon breaths combined with rocky helmet chip from torterra's subsequent bites are enough to bring torterra down to a sliver so bryson heals with a hyper potion he then also connects with a leech seed meaning that this could start to get pretty annoying pretty quickly so i switch out to upset with held black sludge he tanks a bite no problem i also taught him ice beam so torterra goes down pretty easily relicanth is second for bryson but it's at this exact moment in bloody's battle against bryson that she finds herself staring down a mr mime with ivy detoxicrope mr mime has pretty terrible physical defense so it's somewhat surprising that he manages to survive a sucker punch with a sliver but it does mean that ivy is very very dead this means that poison is also dead but i do get to keep using her until the end of the battle so at the very least we can give her a warrior's send-off she comes in and dodges a rock tomb letting her kill relicanth with a leaf blade bryson's last pokemon is bayonet so we hit him with a shadow claw that puts him in the yellow bayonet then retaliates with a willow wisp but even with the burn poison is able to take out bayonet with a second shadowclaw on her last turn alive winning us the battle and getting us the seventh gym badge from here we have to head to dragon spiral tower to stop team plasma and now that every single grunt has fully evolved randomized pokemon we really get put through the ringer here but everything ends up working out fine someone that's been completely absent from this playthrough so far is bianca and it's not from a lack of effort on her part like with jiren we've had to fight her like 65 times but battle number 66 on route 8 is where she really starts to turn up the heat she starts with a wheezing and i'm leading with thighs i go for a thunder punch for basically no damage and then wheezing hits a clear smog for even less damage then i switch to chips who is immune to a sludge wheezing then decides to just self-destruct but with the help of an evil light chips tanks that no problem this brings in artillery i start by hitting her with a charge beam which doesn't do much but does give us a special attackers artillery then uses focus energy which is pretty scary given that she likely has sniper an ability that makes critical hits do triple damage instead of double i decide to stay in and hit another charge beam which brings the dangerous calamari into the yellow and also gives me another boost but then artillery hits an octazooka which does indeed crit so chips falls i didn't realize until a bit later in this battle that it's also raining on this route so a rain boosted sniper boosted critical hit octazooka has just massive damage output i guess i could have switched to wild the for alligator who resists the octazooka but i don't even know what he would have done once he was out rough all around r.i.p fish and chips thighs is able to revenge kill artillery with a thunder punch so next is carnivane i hit her with a poison jab which leaves her in the red but she just goes for a stockpile bianca uses up a full restore here so a second poison jab just brings her into the yellow and also manages to poison and then one final poison jab seals the deal so last is clefable which is a pretty ideal match up for thighs we hit her with a force palm which leaves her with what appears to be nearly one hp letting her get off a minimize bianca then heals and we miss a force pawn okay well i go for a poison job since another force palm won't kill and i don't want to trigger another heal but that misses two letting clefable get off another minimize i switch back to force palm which fortunately connects leaving her with a pesky sliver but also getting the paralysis clefable does break through the full paralysis and use another minimize though side note here i had no idea until reviewing this footage that starting in generation 5 minimize increases evasion by two stages i don't know how i never knew that but that's completely ridiculous it means that clefable is now at plus six evasion so on the next turn we obviously miss another force pawn lefable now goes on the offensive with metronome which pulls bubble beam which is boosted by the rain and therefore does a good chunk of damage that's a pretty solid metronome pull but not as solid as pulling mother freaking hyper beam on the next turn well that sucked fortunately wilde is able to connect with a waterfall on the next turn and win us to battle so bianca managed to only kill two of my pokemon maybe i could have played the artillery better but that clefable was some high quality premium bullsh that's randomizers for you though after licking our wounds and putting our shattered team back together we head to route 9 to catch a new pair of encounters and they turn out to be pretty damn good honestly we could use a win here since we've gone from three deaths to seven deaths in a single stream i catch a starmie named like and bloody catches our kunk elder named subscribe a bit on the nose but whatever we bring like and subscribe onto the team and then we head into the eighth and final gym but there are still a bunch of mandatory gym trainers before we're able to take on draden and iris oh hey look bloody's fighting a grand ball let's see how that goes rainbow's got high physical defense thunder okay oh oh oh are you kidding me okay well i'm glad it wasn't super good glad it wasn't super good glad it wasn't super good glad it wasn't super good respect the dog bloody respect the dog okay well make that going from three deaths to eight deaths in a single stream let's hope that our fight against draeden and iris go okay things start out well enough with iris leading butterfree surprisingly my giant dragon isn't able to kill iris's tiny butterfly with a single return but that actually ends up being fine because she just sets up a tailwind and then iris wastes both of her hyper potions meaning that by the time that butterfree does go down to a fly from salamence her tailwind has expired and we've taken zero damage though butterfree was able to set up a safeguard i guess iris brings in heracross next so that's pretty chill since we easily kill her with another fly meaning that last for iris is porygon z which is a really terrifying pokemon though at least they don't have a stab move at this level i hit them with a return for almost 50 and then take a huge chunk from discharge we're dead to a crit here and i'm not interested in risking the pokemon that has basically carried me throughout this entire run so i switch to upset as porygon z goes for an embargo then porygon zoo uses magnet rise so upset is able to get off a toxic for free this puts porygon z on a timer in case he starts firing off critical hits well would you look at that unfortunately sludge bomb and toxic damage leave pz with a sliver so i switched to crawley who tanks one last discharge before pz succumbs to toxic damage that wins us the eighth and final gym badge that just leaves a few mandatory fights before it's time to face the elite four victory road in black and white is much shorter and much easier than in black 2 and white 2. believe it or not we make it through without any problems we also get a chance at 2 more encounters on route 10 i find another salamence stupid species clause okay i find a cherub yay but bloody accidentally kills the sharpedo she finds so i can't catch cherum oh no in victory road i find a tangala and bloody finds a pony yard not a bad final pair of encounters because it's our last encounters of the game i flippantly use my master ball to catch tingala because why not there's literally no downside we named this dynamic duo mac and cheese but they just head into the box which means it's time to build our final team and take on the elite four after some back and forth we settled on these six pairs all leveled up to level 50 to match the aces of the elite four members we have pride and prejudice creepy crawly forrest gump like and subscribe bed and breakfast and upset tummy these six pairs give both of our teams a decent amount of coverage so that we're hopefully ready for whatever randomized threats come our way let's see if we've got what it takes we start with chantelle she leads with dawnfan and i lead with salamance i hit donfan with a dragon breath which ends up critting and putting her in the yellow then she just hits a scary face chontel uses a full restore so it's time for some more dragon breaths but at this level don fan can only hit my flying dragon with fury attack and assurance so it's pretty safe to stay in and take don fan out with a few more dragon breaths golem comes in next but this beefy lady has a move set of earthquake stealth rock bulldoze and self-destruct meaning that the only thing she can do to salamence is set up stealth rocks or go boom so i switch to gump as she does indeed set up stealth rock then i switch back to prejudice on an earthquake which is kind of annoying because he takes 25 from the stealth rocks but at least he's immune to earthquake now golem has to go for self-destruct so i switch to gump who manages to tank a self-destruct even though it crits that brings in raichu who will actually do pretty gross damage into my entire team with thunderbolt for example upset gets hit hard by a thunderbolt on the switch especially after stealth rock chip the paralysis here sucks too but we've got another more pressing issue namely bloody is staring down a gardevoir that's managed to set up a calm mind in front of creepy gardevoir goes for an imprison on the next turn which would have given bloody a safe switch but there was no way to know that that's what you would go for instead creepy just hits another soft ominous wind bartivore then goes for a monstrous psychic that leaves creepy with just three hp letting creepy fire off a third ominous wind that leaves her in the red but this also lets bloody switch in forest as chantal heals with a full restore forest has a choice band so hopefully she's able to one-shot gardevoir here but unfortunately a faint attack doesn't quite do it a return might have since 102 base power stab does quite a bit more damage than super effective 60 base power but oh well mistakes were made and forest goes down but for what it's worth even if forest had survived i'm pretty sure i would have needed to make a sack to deal with this raichu anyways with gupp dead at the end of this battle i can just use him as a safe switch to bring in bed these stealth rocks kinda suck raichu decides to throw by going for a tail whip so we're able to easily kill her with a fire punch but not before getting paralyzed by static miss maggias is last for chantelle but she has a horrendous level up move set so it's perfectly safe to stay in and hit her with a fire punch though it does end up missing out on the kill because she used growl so chantel heals and then miss maggias goes down to two more fire punches winning us the battle next up is marshall he leads with a float soul the worst thing that he can do to prejudice his crunch so a few returns take him out though marshall does manage to heal with a full restore once second is marowak so i switch to like who gets hit by a thrash then a surf knocks out the poor little orphan third is scrafty which is a pokemon that is always a massive pain to deal with in randomizers the combination of fighting and dark type stab has really good coverage so playing around critical hits is tough i switch to upset who gets hit by a scary face we then get hit by a crunch which would be fine if it weren't for the defense drop we also connect with a toxic that instantly gets healed by scrafty's shed skin so that was a misplay we fortunately tank a non-critical hit crunch on the next turn and get off a pretty soft sludge bomb i switched to crawley next who appears to be able to barely survive two crunches as long as they don't crit after stalling for a turn with protect because why not we go for mega horn which leaves grafty in the red letting her get off another scary face so i switch to prejudice to get off and intimidate as marshall uses another full restore then i go for a fly this thankfully connects on the next turn but scrafty is bulky enough to survive in the red so we do get hit by a scary face meaning that we need to tank another crunch which crits but we thankfully survive and kill scrafty so last is hariyama i guess marshall still wanted to be predominantly a fighting type trainer here i switched to like on a force palm which generously doesn't paralyze then i go for a recover in case haryama gets a critical hit with another force palm which he does but since there was no paralysis it appears to be safe to hit a psyshock that unsurprisingly does not get the one shot somehow we managed to dodge yet another paralysis from force palm so from here it's safe to take out harihama though it does require an extra turn because he uses endure to survive with one hp that's two elite four members down third is grimsley he starts with azatu and i've switched to leading with bed zatu uses future sight and then a fire punch just barely misses out on the one shot my enemies pokemon surviving with a sliver is starting to get really old fortunately a second fire punch after a full restore high rolls then takes out zatu in one shot this brings in infernape next who is pretty scary i switch to prejudice who gets off and intimidate and shrugs off a close combat but then a future sight hits hard and brings salamence into the yellow infernape will likely outspeed and a crit from close combat probably kills his move set is fire spin close combat faint and punishment according to cereby punishment is a dark type move that has a base power of 1 but increases by 20 for every stat boost the opposing pokemon has turns out that that is not true at all because like almost dies to a critical hit punishment on the switch punishment's base power is actually 60 not one always double check your sources kids misplays as a result of misinformation always put me in a pretty bad mood but fortunately that wasn't the end of the world i can switch to crawley who tanks another close combat which happens to trigger poison point then we're able to out speed and kill infernape with a critical hit poison jab though i think even a non-crit would have killed thanks to the defense drops from close combat next is stantler so i stay in and miss a mega horn as stantler uses combined so i switch to steamroller which leaves the horse in the yellow as he goes for yet another combined so one more steamroller takes him out stantler did have zen headbutt there so maybe that was a bit reckless the last for grimsley is dusnor i switched to upset who gets hit by a willowism but that's fine because i'm able to encore dust nor on the next turn this lets me toxic dusk noir as he just helplessly uses willows then i switch to bed who's obviously immune to willowis but the encore does end the turn i switch in it was probably safer to stay in with upset and get off another encore before switching but a fire punch does really good damage as das noir just uses mean look toxic damage obviously leaves dust noir with a sliver so grimsley heals but a fire punch plus an overkill flare blitz are enough to finish him off and win us the battle that means that caitlyn is the final elite four member she starts with a gorbis and i've decided to lead with like this time a psyshock does annoyingly little damage as gorbas retaliates with an aqua tail another psyshock puts her in the red as she goes for dive so i go for recover to get back to full hp before tanking the dive caitlyn heals here so i spend far more turns than i'd like to psyshocking this stupid fish caitlyn actually heals again which is more annoying than anything else but with a well-timed recover we're able to finally take out the dumb fish at almost full hp kunkhelder is second so we just keep psi shocking well to save pp i actually finish him off with a surf as komkelder is only able to get off a single scary face third is mr mine thanks to the scary face she outspeeds and hits a psychic but then a surf does over 50 so after tanking another psychic which gets the special defense drop light kills her with a second serf last is hitmonlee whose only attacking move at this level is blaze kick so i switch to bed who resists the attack then we outspeed and kill hitmonlee with a single fire punch winning us the battle with that the elite four has been defeated and it's time for the climactic confrontation against team plasma fortunately in the recesses of n's castle is a pc that lets you swap out your party as well as an npc that will let you teleport to the pokemon league if you want to do more training so we use this opportunity to bring mac and cheese onto the team to replace the now deceased forest gump we also decided to level up our pokemon to level 52 to match n's level cap at level 52 we'll still be a little under leveled for the fight against getz since both of those battles are back to back as we approach n i'm reminded that in pokemon white before fighting n you have to catch zekrom for story purposes killing them isn't allowed so it was pretty stupid to waste my master ball on mac now zekrom does get randomized into a regis steel but they still have a pretty low catch rate fortunately and as those of you who watch my highlights channel already know i'm known in these parts as old one ball hg there ain't never been a pokeman i can't catch with a single ball sketchy all right the true test of one ball hg here we go we're gonna quick ball this mother sucker we're gonna quick ball come on come on reggie steele [Music] are you kidding me one ball hg [Music] never punished in the interest of full transparency the catch rate is slightly modified in the randomizer to make it a little easier to catch fully evolved pokemon but i still think this is pretty impressive not to toot my own horn or anything fortunately bloody retained her master ball so after dumping our two legendaries into the box it's time to face down n with our arms outstretched across the multiverse hands clasp to symbolize the eternal bond of friendship we prepare for the final two battles of the soul link n comes in hot with their iquasa which appears to be what his reshiram was randomized to that thing is stupid strong but at the very least they sport eight times for ice weakness so i bring in like who mercifully survives in air slash and then we outspeed and snipe them down with a single frozen blast next is raiku i'm not sure what randomized to a second legendary here but whatever fortunately raiku's moveset is all physical at this level so mac is able to pretty easily wall them especially with rocky helmet chip a second crunch does obviously get a defense drop but mack is able to hang on and take out raiku with a few energy balls that brings in muck third i switch to upset on a sludge bomb most of which is recovered with black sludge then i hit him with an ice beam which does very little damage but muck now uses acid armor so we're free to nullify him with encore i can go into like but their only psychic type attack is psyshock which does damage based on the defense of the opposing pokemon this does let me recover for free though as muck's encore ends we can then hit him with a decently strong surf as he goes for screech but since muk doesn't have a physical move at this level i stay in and nail him with another surf as i should come to expect by now muk survives with a sliver and also gets off a sludge wave that manages to poison like so and heals as we get off one more surf before it's time to switch out it's back to upset with black sludge we should have the advantage here even if n decides to heal again we actually end up freezing muck with one of our ice beams and n chooses not to heal a second time so upset takes muck out at full hp jolteon comes out next but this is now and's second strong special attacking electric type that has a fully physical moveset so upset is able to pretty easily take him out with a few sludge bombs and toxic damage without taking much damage in return fifth is triagonal they set up a reflect which upset locks them into with encore then we hit a sludge bomb which does very little damage but does manage to get the poison on the next turn i switch to bed and then after criagonal takes some poison damage and attempts one last useless reflect a fire punch finishes them off that just leaves zen's last pokemon literally a pile of garbage we stay in and hit a fire punch which activates garbodor's weak armor a sludge bomb does decent damage and bet is now dead to a critical hit since carboador will now out speed so i bring in upset who yet again walls his opponent pretty easily upset was low-key phenomenal into end's team who would have thought a few more ice beams is all it takes to finish off and sentient trashcan and win us the battle but we do have to hold off on the celebrations because bloody is having a pretty tough time in her fight against n his zekrom randomized into reshiram which is frankly just an incredibly difficult pokemon to deal with fire dragon is a phenomenal typing and reshiram hits so hard that unless you have a pokemon that can out speed and one shot them you're gonna be in for a rough go bloody doesn't really have anything that can hit them for super effective damage and nothing on her team resists both fusion flare and dragon breath so she's in a position where all of her pokemon deal very little damage to reshiram who can retaliate with way more damage in return and and can heal it's pretty bleak and a pretty unfortunate randomization i think my team would struggle to handle reshiram as well in hindsight we should have considered how our teams match up into the more powerful legendaries since n was always guaranteed to have one of them but at this point try as we might there's not much that can be done so let's just cut to the bad news restaurant single-handedly sweeps bloody's entire team if you want to see how it broke down in more detail that's bloody's story to tell and you can check it out in the video from her point of view on her channel but sadly this does mean that mere steps from the very end of the game we've lost the soul link in an effort to not end on a sour note though i decide that i might as well try to beat the crap out of getsys he leads with hitmonchan as matt comes in fully healed i switch to like on a fire punch which crits then hitmonchan goes for detect so our attack is blocked but after that a scishot gets the one shot nitto king comes out next which is nice because a surf just cleanly knocks him out thanks gets us third is tentacruel so like is just kinda going on a murder spree fourth is walrain who can't do much to like psyshock manages to crit on the next turn for about fifty percent as we shrug off an ice fang we then both heal like with recover and wall reign with rest so i switched to mack on walrane's first turn of snoozing though he does use snore for a bit of damage then on the second turn we hit him with an energy ball while reign is scheduled to wake up on the next turn so i switch to bed she's able to dodge a blizzard meaning that she's sitting pretty at full hp and we kill wall rain with a super power fifth is metagross which is decently scary especially since my attack and defense were dropped by superpower so it's back to like as metagross goes for agility a meteor mash hits hard but so does a surf metagross then misses a second meteor mash letting us fire off a second serf so after tanking one more meteor mash like finishes off gets us his ace i suppose that could have gone pretty bad had metagross crit one of those mashes but now all that's left is glade so i stay in and go for recover gelade hits a soft faint but it's fine his moveset is pretty underwhelming at this level so i really don't need to be all that clever about how i do this with summer covers to stay healthy a few serfs and scishoks are more than enough to eventually take out glade after ghetsis has finished using full restores so at long last we've conquered the final boss fight and finished the run except not really fortunately the entire point of doing a soul inc is to have fun and we certainly did do that more than any other main channel video i'd really recommend checking out the highlights of this playthrough on my highlights channel flag on hg highlights my editors did an amazing job with those videos and you get to see a bit more of how bloody and i bounced off each other during our adventures and of course you should also check out bloody's video of our playthrough on her channel she also took another stab at anne and gets us but i don't want to spoil that for those of you who want to check it out bloody is just a genuinely sweet and wholesome person and it really was a blast getting to do this with her hopefully the next time we do a collab we don't crash and burn at the end definitely do let me know what other types of collaborations you want to see and as always if you enjoyed watching it'd be great if you could like the video and subscribe to the channel or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and as i mentioned before you should also subscribe to my highlights channel to get highlights of the challenge i'm currently streaming before it's cut down to a video on the main channel and be sure to join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and contribute to future challenges the links to everything including bloody's channel and her video are in the description below stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit [Music] you
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 263,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming, Two Player Nuzlocke, Soul Link
Id: HdSWI2qJyzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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