Pokémon Ultra Sun Hardcore Nuzlocke Fairy Only

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the fairy type is one of the strongest types in all of pokemon and because of this i wanted to see if i could beat pokemon ultra sun only using fairy types but just to make this run a little bit more agonizing i'm gonna be adding on hardcore nuzlocke rules to make it even more difficult with all that being said though let's see if i can do this i start off my journey by picking up my popplio that i named cool who will later evolve into pre-marina which i can use in the run after this i go help out lily on the bridge but to be honest with you i don't know why i did this i literally put my life on the line for a girl i didn't even know regardless i then get taught how to catch a pokemon for probably the hundredth time in my life and i witness this poor poor grub and get smacked by a pokeball at this point i go through some really really weird story and i then am able to catch my first real pokemon cutie fly i name her classic and that means i'm off towards my first trial this trials against gumshoes and yes that's a real pokemon he's pretty easy to beat though as i've just got a spam struggle bug until he and his sos pokemon go down after a couple of turns i get my first z crystal and i then have to move to melee melon meadow where i'm able to catch my next pokemon flabebe my name is sauer and i then remember why i'm in the meadow and that's to help lily find cosmog again thankfully this time i don't have to put my life on the line but seriously lily you have a bag for a reason with her out of the way i'm ready to fight holla now usually this would be one of the hardest battles in the run hall of steam is really good early on in the game but it doesn't really matter if you have fairy types i mean i'm four times resistant to pretty much all of his moves and since very super effective that means that his machop makahita anchor brawler all go down to two training kisses which wins me my first grand trial at this point i'm on to okala island and to get there i've gotta do some mantine surfing which i quickly figure out i am not so good at after getting dunked a couple of times i find myself on akala island once i'm here my flabebe evolves and i get to witness the greatest pokemon of all time miltank sadly miltank isn't a fairy type so i can't actually use him in this run but it doesn't even matter because i get to catch another really good pokemon in this route and that's an eevee this thing took me way too long to find in the grass but i don't even care because i can evolve it pretty much immediately into sylveon with the new team member i'm able to stomp gladion in a battle and make my way towards the second trial in this fight with totem araquanid i decide to lead with sylveon because araquinate is pretty fast he ends up hitting me with a bubble but since it really doesn't do that much damage at all i'm able to go for her draining kiss and pretty much regain all of my hp at this point the sos pokemon comes down and araquinid and dewpider hit me with bubble but they're not really that powerful so i'm able to go for a swift bringing them both down to about half i then get hit with another bubble allowing me to eat my oranberry and go for a draining kiss bring the racquet down to about a third at this point a swift and quick attack combo is enough to take out the araquanid and after this i finish off the dewpider with a draining kiss winning me my second trial with that i'm on to what could be the hardest trial of this run with totem marowak marowak actually really isn't the problem here the real issue is to lazzle that he calls down for help this thing is a poison type special attacker that can pretty much dominate every pokemon on my team before the fight i was looking to see if there was any possible way to beat this thing without losing a pokemon and to my surprise there is so i decided to backtrack and talk to this girl who lets me know what my hidden power is and thankfully it's water now i move back to toto marowak and i challenge him for this i lead with saul as marowak sets up a detect but i don't actually go for an attacking move here setting up a reflect so lazzle then comes down and i need to take her out right away but first she ends up hitting me with a venoshock and i get hit with a flame wheel thankfully i set up that reflect earlier in the battle so i don't take as much damage from that flame wheel as i could have and i then am able to finish off salaza with a one shot with hidden power now all that's left is marowak so i go for a hidden power and he blocks it with detect he then goes for a flame wheel bringing me down to 44 hp as i go for a hidden power bring him down to half at this point you'd think i'd be good but i'm actually not as on the next turn i go for another hidden power and he blocks it again but this time my reflect actually runs out this allows him to get a massive flame wheel off in the next turn bringing me all the way down to 10 hp before i finally finish him off with a hidden power winning me my third trial that battle was actually really close i mean one critical hit could have ruined my chances of winning looking back i could have easily just gone back to melanie island and caught myself a car bank it's cool though cause i didn't lose a pokemon and after this i'm actually ready to challenge my next trial immediately this one's against lorentis and this battle is made a whole lot easier when my cutie fly evolves into rabonb this fight only took me a minute to complete so i'm not going to bore you with the details but simply put lurantis gets destroyed after the battle i'm off to go find olivia so i can challenge her to the second grand trial and once i get into the next town i find this guy who says should i risk a broken heart or should i not and live in uncertainty and you can literally just say bye to this guy i don't know it's so cruel either way after i blast by him i find my way to olivia and i fight her for the grand trial of this island she leads the battle with anarith as i lead with classic and right away i go for a paul and puff that almost won shots but anarath stays alive and hits me for some pretty big damage olivia then heals and i finish off anereth with apollon puff and drain kiss she then brings out lilip and i decide to switch into salt against this thing i set up 5 workups and i eventually go for a training kiss one shotting this thing in the process and leading into olivia's final pokemon lycanrock lycanrock moves first and decides to go for a bite for some reason and since that's not very effective i'm easily able to get off a draining kiss finishing off like rock with a one shot and winning my battle against olivia after this battle i then go to the aether paradise i then storm through that place and make my way to oolula island where i kind of go on a catching spree i catch myself a car bank maul while mr mime jr and akamfe i then fight how in rival battle and he's actually a pushover so i'm able to defeat him pretty easily and i then do a little bit more story and catch myself astronautic and clefay with that i'm ready to start the next trial so i capture all the charge bugs including the one that's running for its life and i fight totem togi tomorrow for this battle i lead with schnatic as i get hit for some massive damage with an iron head immediately but thankfully my ability activates and that means togo tomorrow falls asleep this allows me to get off a clean strength zap and that lowers token mars attack by one stage skarmory then comes down so i decided to switch into mall while and because i have intimidate i lower both of their attack stats and since tokudamaru is still asleep i'm able to freely set up three consecutive iron defenses now i can finally start attacking so i go for a crunch on togo tomorrow not doing really any damage at all but i do get a defense drop they both hit me for minimal damage and on the next run i do the same thing this time going for a brick break on toby tomorrow at this point i'm getting a little bit scared they're bringing me too low so i decide a baton pass switch and assault baton passes a move that switches out the user and when the next pokemon comes in it keeps all the stat changes this means that my sylveon is at plus six defense and that means i'm pretty much easily able to sweep the only thing i gotta do to do this is set up a couple of workups and constantly drain and kiss this garm rate once scar mari goes down i turn my attention to torque tomorrow and sadly he calls down for help bringing down it to dene thankfully it ends up being alright but i do get brought down pretty low in this fight and eventually once toga tomorrow and to deny both go down i win my fifth trial i then go to fight guzma and his team is usually really good against mine but since my fairy types basically fully counter him i end up winning this battle pretty easily now i'm allowed to get my mudstale rad pager and as i move on to the next route i catch myself at de dene i named this thing cheddar and would you just look at that cute face definitely a top two pikachu clone in my book anyways i'm off towards the ghost trial and before i get here i just want to say that only 4.6 of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you're enjoying the content please consider subscribing it really helps me out now i'm on to my ghost trial and did this scene scare anyone else as a kid i don't know i just remember being absolutely horrified of this scene i really don't remember why either way after i get a quick pick i'm ready to fight mimikyu i leave this fight with mall while just to get off an intimidate and immediately i decide to switch a new cheddar cheddar gets hit for some huge damage here bringing her all the way down to 59 hp and on the next turn i can't even get a move off before i get finished off by a play rough that's the first death of the run but to be honest it doesn't even matter because we just lost the sorry pikachu clone so i don't even care so i switch back into mall wild to set up another intimidate and i then start to set up iron defenses so i can baton pass sadly i get hit by a curse so i feel forced to switch right away so i baton pass into pre-marina i didn't actually know this but apparently the curse stays with the baton pass so i end up getting brought down really low right when i switch in even with this though i still decide to stay in on the next turn and go for a sparkling aria that finishes off the bayonet and breaks mimik's disguise i end up getting brought down to 14 hp before switching to sylveon with sylveon i set up a workup and go for a shadow ball that brings mimikyu down to half as mimikyu did some pretty big damage to me over time mimikyu calls jealous in down for help and i can't risk switching out so i decided to staying with sylveon and i get hit for some pretty big damage by play rough bring me down to 23 hb as i go for a shadow ball finishing off mimikyu now all i gotta do is survive a water pulse and i do surviving at five hp and with that i can switch into schnatic and finish off jealousy winning me my sixth trial now that i've won the trial i can actually head back into the supermarket and catch myself a mimikyu this is amazing for my team and after i catch mimikyu i name her chili after i catch mimikyu i've then gotta go fight guzma again and this battle goes even easier than before so guzma you're not even worth the screen time i've then got to fight the grand trial of this island and i actually walked into this battle by accident i wasn't paying attention and i clicked yes so the battle started this means i'm a little bit underprepared and a little bit under love with going into this fight regardless of that though i lead the battle with sylveon as he leads with celluli and right away he hits me with a fake out and then a shadow ball but since they don't really do that much damage i'm able to heal all of that off with a draining kiss on the next turn i get hit with another shadow ball but it really doesn't matter at this point as i finish off the sableye with another draining kiss krugerrock comes out next and goes for a swagger right away confusing me but it really doesn't matter as i'm able to finish him off with a single moon blast last out is persian and all i gotta do here is get through the confusion and thankfully i do pretty quickly and with that persian goes down to a single moon blast winning me my third grand trial now i've got to go to the aether paradise and the only reason i'm here is because i've got to save lily and her cosmog for about a thousandth time in the run to do this i've gotta fight lily's mom which is kinda weird and i then find out lily's mom freezes pokemon in blocks of ice which is also kinda weird regardless of all that though i've got a battle lucamine and this battle is kinda hard the first half of the battle really isn't hard but as soon as we get to be where a problem comes up this thing hits like a truck most of the pokemon i send out on this thing get brought down to half right away so i can't even stay in for more than two turns eventually though i send in classic who gets hit with a zen headbutt and it doesn't do half so i feel safe enough to go for a dazzling gleam i instantly realized this is a pretty bad decision as beware only has to go for a takedown to finish off classic i decide to take this risk and i bring b-wear down really low as i get hit with a drain punch for some reason allowing me to stay alive and go for another dazzling gleam in the next turn finishing off beware and winning me my battle against lusimane after that fight lusamine fully goes crazy and decides to jump into an ultra wormhole for literally no reason her doing this doesn't really affect me though so i just decide to go to pony island on this island there's really not that much to do so after i get my sun flu i immediately go to challenge totem como 0. i start this battle off with a typical intimidate strategy and i then decide to switch into sylveon at this point komo is down to attack so he's not really that big of an issue anymore so i decided to go for a training kiss which doesn't do that much damage because of the berry but on the next turn i'm able to finish him off with the moon blast before i finished him off though i ended up getting hit for some massive damage by a poison jab just because my defense got lowered by that noivern now for noyvern all i gotta do is switch into mimikyu and go for a single play roughly winning me my seventh trial now after all that i witnessed what's probably the coolest cutscene in all of pokemon and i've gotta fight ultra necrozma this fight is almost impossible to win with brute force so i decide to not use any brute force at all i leave this battle with mimikyu and immediately my disguise gets broken by a smart strike but it really doesn't matter as all i need to do here is set up toxic with my toxic setup i'm able to play this really really lame strategy of throwing in all of my bad pokemon and just spamming protect until i win this fight with that my death toll raises by two and i'm ready to challenge the final trial of this run this fight is against tony marbonby and for this i decide to lead with moaile right away i set up a toxic as rogonia sets up a quiver dance on the next turn she calls down a pelipper and they both decide to set up as i go for an iron head and we're bombing doing about a third roboby makes a really weird decision here and decides to set up a third quiver dance instead of taking out my while on that same turn pelipper ends up doing some massive damage to me but it doesn't matter at this point as all i gotta do is get off another iron head on rabonbi and the toxic damage is able to take her out with that i switch around a little bit and eventually i'm able to take out the pelipper with a giga drain now i decide to backtrack quite a bit so i can get myself a miracle seed this miracle seed is extremely important in my fight with hapu and she decides to lead with golurk as i lead with sour at this point sour is fully evolved so i'm able to set up a calm mind as golurk hits me with a stealth rock not doing any damage on the next turn i set up a second call mind as goerler hits me for some pretty big damage but it really doesn't matter as i'm able to heal most of it off with a giga drain on the next turn one shot and go like in the process now here's the real problem mudstale the reason i set up two combines is so that i can one shot this thing and i did the damage calcs and with two combines if i got a low damage roll i can't actually kill it but with a miracle seed i 100 can and that's why i got that earlier oh feels good gastrodon is should go down to a one shot here and i sweep baby a sweep moon blast to kill this thing and that's it hapu is done final grand trial done with that i head to mount lanakili and catch myself my final pokemon alolan vulpix i name her sour because i'm running out of nicknames and i then evolve it into alolan nine tails with that i find that crosmage is lying here and i'm not gonna battle him it's a nuzlocke so i just move past him and find myself fighting kahili in my first elite four battle kahili leads the battle with braviary as i lead with honey bravery hits me with a brave bird as i go for an iron defense and this same cycle happens two more times once i'm at plus six bravery hits me with an air slash and i decide to move out with baton pass i decide to switch into sour instead of a nasty plot as i get hit with a scary face lowering my speed a ton at this point i can't really restart the process so i've just gotta stick through it and i decided to go for an ice beam on bravery one shotting in the process how lucha is sent out next and he hits me with a poison jab but it doesn't actually do that much damage because of all the iron defenses i set up and with that i'm able to one shot him with an ice beam mandibuzz is sent in and thankfully i'm able to one shot her with an ice beam as well two cannon goes in and he could do some pretty big damage to me but thankfully i'm able to get off an ice me before i get hit by him meaning i'm able to one shot oricorio is last and i just go for a single ice beam winning me my first elite four battle next up is acerola and for this battle i lead with sylveon as she leads with bayonet bayonet hits me for some pretty good damage but thankfully i'm able to get off a shadow ball in one shot next out comes frost last and i get confused by confused right here but thankfully i'm able to get through it and almost one shot for us less with a single shadow ball acerola heals and this kind of puts me in a weird position so i decide to go for a calm mind and thankfully i get through the confusion again frost last ends up confusing me again but thankfully i'm able to get through it once more and with that frost less goes down delmas gets sent in and i end up hitting myself twice in confusion and getting hit with two consecutive slams bring me all the way down to 51 hp so with that i decided to switch into classic and i'm able to finish off delmas with two bug buzzes once palestine comes out i know i'm gonna get hit by a z move and since none of my pokemon can tank that z move i decide to stand with classic and go for an energy ball this energy ball does half the palace and and thankfully palestine doesn't use the zemu for some reason and ends up going for a shadow ball that brings me all the way down to 8 hp with that palestine gets finished off by another energy ball and driftloom is sent out last after a couple of turns drift bloom goes down and that means i want to my next elite four battle with olivia she leads the battle with armaldo as i decide to lead with honey i set up two iron defenses as armaldo hits me with two crush claws but it doesn't do much damage so i'm able to baton past switch i move into nine tails so i can go for ice beam and i end up doing half with one as armaldo misses a rock blast so on the next turn i'm able to take him out with that olivia sends in her next pokemon gigolith and i immediately go for an ice beam here that actually freezes but sadly giggling thaws out right away and hits me for an iron head so i'm kind of scared to stay in and i decide to switch in a while with my while i decided to set up three consecutive iron defenses as gigala fits me for minimal damage now i baton pass switch into cool where i'm able to do some big damage to gigalith one shotting him in the process with a sparkling aria cordalli comes in and is able to do some pretty big damage to me with energy ball but eventually i am able to take her out by going for a couple of moon blasts i'm now down to 64 hp when lykan raw comes out and i don't want to switch out so i decide to go for a sparkling aria as i get it with a stone age doing minimal damage allowing me to one shot like and rock in the process with that olivia sends out our final pokemon provo pass and this isn't really an issue i can just switch into sylveon and take this thing out and that means i beat olivia with that i'm on to what could be my hardest battle of the run with the steel type elite four member melane mullen leads the battle with klefki as i lead with sylveon klefki starts off this battle by doing some pretty big damage with the flash cannon as i decided to set up with a calm mind on the next turn melane sets up spikes as i decide to set up another call mind melane then sets up a second spikes as i decide to go for a shadow ball doing about two-thirds because of my leftovers i'm basically at full hp at this point and i then decide to go for a reflect as there's no way i'm surviving any steel type moves that are physical while i'm setting up reflect i end up getting paralyzed and on the next turn thankfully i'm able to get through the paralysis and finish off left key with a shadow ball we'd love to see it we'd love to see it with that reflex setup this metagross i don't think it can one-shot me i don't think it can kill me i gotta hit the shadow ball he missed two it missed two it missed two yes moon blast ah that's gonna hurt that's gonna hurt later in this battle that's gonna hurt a lot with this magna zone i'll just go for a shadow ball if if it wants to go for a screech i'm fine come on come on get a crit it's not gonna quit but it's fine just don't kill yes yes now malaine's on to his final pokemon doug trio and i've got to make a sacrifice here sadly this is the end of the run for sylveon i end up having to sacrifice him so i can get a clean switch and a cool who one shot stuck trio and that wins me my final elite four battle now all that's left is the champion and for this battle all i have to do is hit a bug buzz on this riot shoe right away and if i'm able to kill this thing with a one shot i'll be able to win the fight i only need to get on it all once too i need to get off a single bug buzz before he hits me and i win that that's how this fight will be won if i hit this bug buzz and kill it's grits i won i s i'm saying this really early and i'm kind of regretting it because now i'm a little bit scared it's cool though because i mean if he's gonna use inferno overdrive now i don't know why he did that that was stupid that was really stupid i guess i'll just switch into pre-marina this is 100 gonna kill so there goes incineroar i'm up one right now i'm up one uh probably gonna go for a leaf blade should be fine to switch into sour here wow that did a lot more damage than i thought it was going to doesn't matter though i assume should kill should i what should i do here this thing has got a good moveset you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna babydoll eyes i think that's best play at this point in the fight i switch into pring marina and i go for a sparkling aria that finishes off taurus with a one shot after this house sends out for abominable i just gotta i just gotta kill this thing with a moon blast i'm faster than it so yes last pokemon noivern come on this should can this thing kill me it can i get it's got to hit me for a lot of damage though please please please if i flinch i i think i survive one more but i can't flinch again i can't there's no options if i flinch again i lose i can't flinch again it kills god i i didn't know i was gonna kill that flinch man that flinch really hurt me i might be good i might still be good if i if no even can get avoided oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is this is so bad this is so bad oh no oh my god this is horrible i just have to hit i have to hit one i have to hit one please come on no oh my god dude please please please please come on man dude i just need to hit it i just need to hit it one more time please yes yes yes let's go oh my god dude dude i saw it get to a sliver and i thought i was done i thought i was over oh my god yes it was a low damage roll i'm so happy about that i thought maybe oh that's yes god that was such a good run man it really was that was that was probably my favorite run of all time i love this look at the team too this team is insane that run was difficult oh let's go i i only won that because of sylveon and ma while really did only when that because of salviana my wife that was that was probably one of the funnest runs i've ever done just in total in everything funnest run i've ever done right there i really really had fun doing that i was that was amazing it really was all right right that was that was an amazing run either way the video ends here if you guys like the video please consider subscribing it really helps me out and with that being said this was my attempt at a pokemon ultra sun hardcore nuzlocke using only fairy types
Channel: Zango
Views: 127,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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