Pokémon X Hardcore Nuzlocke Dragon Only

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the dragon type is one of the strongest types in all of pokemon and because of this i wanted to see if i could beat pokemon x only using dragon types but as if that isn't tedious enough i'm gonna be adding on hardcore nuzlocke rules just to make this run that much more painful with that being said though i'm ready to get into the game so i name myself xango and make my way to get my starter before getting my starter though i've got to go through this intro in which i get smacked upside the head by this fletchling i then completely concussed have to go outside and meet my neighbors and this conversation goes so poorly with them that they end up calling me a loser like ouch regardless of that though it's time to get my starter so i use the universal pokemon randomizer to make my starter axio i name him toothless and find out he's got a neutral nature which isn't horrible i then get in a rival battle with shauna in which i absolutely destroy her in the process serves her right for calling me a loser after that i do a little bit of story and make my way towards the first city once i'm here i get axey up to level 10 so that he can learn to move dragon rage and after he does that i'm ready to challenge viola in the first gym she leads the battle with cersket as i lead with axio sir skit starts out by going for a quick attack hitting me for minimal damage as i go for a dragon rage and since it does 40 damage every single time i end up one-shotting next out is viola's final pokemon vivalon and she ends up hitting me with a tackle as i go for a dragon rage bringing her all the way down into the red viola then heals with a potion but it's not enough as i go for another dragon rage finishing her off and winning myself my first gym badge after the gym i go to lumiocity and here i fight the professor and this battle goes really easily i mean i have dragon rage so i pretty much one shot all of his pokemon once i beat him he gives me the option at three different pokemon and for some reason they're not the typical starters there's a trap niche a cyndaquil like like what i ended up just picking trap niche but obviously i can't use him so i just name him garbage and then throw him in the garbage with that i meet this poor poor snorlax sleeping on this bridge and of course we've got to go get a poke flute to wake him up to be honest don't really know why we have to do this i mean he's not that big we could just walk around him either way we end up having to pay a thousand to get in this pokemon mansion which is a lot at this point in the game eventually me and shauna end up finding this for a fruit and then watching some fireworks in the daytime which is not really effective but i digress as we get the poke flute and are able to wake up the snorlax now i move past all that story on route 7 just to make my way onto route 8 so i can catch my next pokemon it takes me a little while to find bag on here just because it's a really low encounter rate but eventually i do and after catching her i name her cloud jumper with cloud jumper on the squad i look at her nature and it's just neutral so that's not horrible and after i do that i make my way to ambrite town and i have to go fight team flare they're not that difficult as again i've got dragon rage so after defeating them i meet this professor in the cave and he ends up giving me a jaw fossil which i can use to get my next pokemon tie run i name him grump and i end up finding out he's got a pretty bad nature as it's defense down and speed up and you never want to see defense down regardless of that though i find myself in silence city and here i'm ready to challenge the next jam grant leads the battle with amora as i lead with grump right away i go for rock smash but sadly i get a low damage roll so i don't end up one shotting as i get hit with the thunder wave grant then heals in the next turn but thankfully i lowered amore's defense so i'm able to one shot on the next turn as next out comes tyron because i'm paralyzed tyron's faster than me so he ends up hitting me with a bite bringing me down to 44 hp as i go for a rock smash doing a good bit of damage and lowering his defense now just to be a hundred percent safe i switch into axio who takes a bite in the switch in and on the next turn i go for a dragon rage finishing off tyron and earning myself my second gym badge at this point in the game i've gotta deal with team flare a lot so after i beat them up in the next round i chase them all the way into geocentre town where they just disappear in geocentowne i fight this wannabe gym leader and of course i beat her so i just move on to the next area with that i head into shallower city and while i'm here i end up taking this stone from tierno and then saying it's my own and for some reason this guy knows i'm lying i don't know why i feel like i'm very trustworthy either way i end up having to fight serena after this serena leads the battle with meowstick as i lead with grump right away miyazaki hits me with fake out flinching me in the process as in the next turn i go for a bite bring her all the way down into the red as she goes for a light screen now i end up taking her out with another bite as next now comes absol absolute starts off by going for a quick attack doing almost nothing as i go for a dig doing half absol then hits me with another quick attack as i go for another dig finishing off absol and leading me into serena's final pokemon frogadier dragonear is pretty easy to take out just two bites does the trick but sadly after the fight grump ends up going over the level cap so i can't actually use them for this next gym battle it should be fine though because my bag gone evolves into shell gone and i then move on to the third gym where i find out the wannabe gym leader is actually the gym leader and i end up facing her for my third gym badge she leaves the battle with mien fu as i lead with axio immediately i start out by going for a dragon dance as i get hit with a power up punch i then set up a second dragon dance as i get hit with another power up punch and that allows me to eat my citrus berry and manfu to bring her attack up by two with that i set up a sword stance and i then get hit by a third power punch bringing me all the way down to 10 hp on the following turn i end up finishing off menphil with a single dragon claw karina then decides to throw out how lucha next and this is really the only reason i set up my attack so much now i'm able to freely one shot going for a single dragon claw finishing off hallucia and pretty much winning myself the battle hallucia was really the only potential issue so once macho comes out it's an easy one shot and that wins me my third gym badge after the gym karina wants to fight me again so i end up going to the top of this tower and heading to fight her now i assumed i would just easily beat her but instead she gives me her lucario and after fighting with her lucario one time i lose so of course this thing isn't going to be on my team with that i start my journey towards the next gm and as i'm heading over there diantha and professor sycamore both let me know that only 6.4 of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you could please subscribe that'd be greatly appreciated those are their words not mine regardless of that though i end up finding myself in the next city and once i'm here i move on to route 13 so i can catch another pokemon thankfully i run into a gibble so after catching him i nicknamed him hookfang i then take a look at his nature and find out it's quite possibly the worst they could have been it's defense down and special attack up so literally absolutely useless even with his nature being so bad i still evolve giblin to gabbai and move on to fight serena again this fight goes a little bit worse than last time she brings two of my pokemon pretty weak but eventually i end up finishing her off and getting ready to challenge the fourth gym leader ramos leads the battle with fluff as i lead with axio right away jump left hits me with an acrobatics doing almost half as i set up with dragon dance on the next turn i out speed and go for another dragon dance as i get hit with another acrobatics bring me all the way down to 9 hp at this point with my attack up 2 i go for a single poison jab finishing off jump luff and leading me to ramos's next pokemon go go go go gets out sped and one-shotted by poison jab as finally comes weep and bell for this i just go for a single poison jab finishing off weaving belt with a one shot and winning myself my fourth gym badge with the gym badge acquired i find the power plant pass and get ready to fight a ton of team player this takes me a minute but eventually i'm done with them as i then go meet really really tall man and after i do that i'm ready to go challenge the fifth gym in lumio city clement leads the battle with a mulga as i lead with gabite i start out by going for a dragon claw doing half as a molga hits me with an area lace doing about a third i then on the next turn i'm able to finish off a mogul with another dragon claw as next outcomes magneton magneton is four times weak to bulldoze so that's what i go for as i bring him down all the way to one hp now with that clement just keeps on healing magneton until eventually after a couple more bulldozes he goes down and that leads in clement's final pokemon heliolisk heliolis can only really hit me with quick attack so that's what he goes for doing minimal damage as i go for a bulldozer bring him all the way down to one hp on the following turn since he has no more heals i go for a dig finishing off heliolisk and winning myself my fifth gym badge with the fifth gym finished up i end up having to go fight serena and i actually forgot this fight was here so i wasn't even leading with the right pokemon even with that though i essentially sweep serena she's only got three pokemon and they're not all really great her only really good pokemon at this point is greninja and he ends up going down to two hits and after that i move on to go catch my next pokemon it takes me a minute but eventually i run into gumi and after catching her i name her rumble horn i then look at her nature and find out it's neutral which is just really sucky regardless of that though i evolve both goomy and axe you and move on towards the scary house once i get here i'm not really scared so i just move on towards the sixth gym in this fight with valerie she leads with mall while as i lead with toothless i start this battle off by setting up with dragon dance as malwale sets up with iron defense i then set up a second dragon dance as i get hit with a crunch really not doing too much damage is on the following turn i go for a dig finishing off maul with a one shot with that mr mime gets sent in and is immediately pulled back out after getting one-shotted by poison jab and at this point valerie's on to her final pokemon sylveon sylveon has outsped and one shot at it by a single poison and that wins me the fairy gym fairly easily now i go to the pokeball factory to deal with the rest of team flare and while i'm in here i evolve my tyra into tyrantrum after getting that evolution serena wants me to battle these team flare members with her and i don't really like serena that much so i just leave her i move on to the next area as i'm moving through the frost cavern there are a lot of ice types and if i'm not careful i could easily get swept by just a random encounter so i have to be really careful to use all my repels as soon as possible eventually though i end up making my way through the cave saving this obama snow i guess and then moving on towards the seventh gym so once i'm finished riding this mammoth wine i find myself in anistar city where i battle serena again this is the easiest fight we've ever had as i end up sweeping her with just one pokemon tyrantrum with that i go inside the gym and prepare my team to battle olympia she leads the better with sigilif as i lead with tyrantrum right away i go for a crunch then ends up one-shotting sigileth as next outcome slow king with my ability being strong jaw i do so much damage with crunch and that allows me to finish off slow king with a one shot as that leads me into olympia's final pokemon meow stick myosiq starts out by going for a fake out and that's the only damage i'm gonna take in this battle as in the next turn i go for a single crunch one-shotting her in the process and winning myself my seventh gym badge with that badge acquired i kind of go on a spree of evolutions i ended up evolving my fracture into haxaris gabite into garchomp and my sligoo into goodra this was all in preparation for my first fight with lysander and the reason i beat him is because i have thunderbolt on goodra with that i go further into the team player hideout and i end up evolving my shell gun into salamance i'm then going to go fight this weavile and i actually assumed this fight would be a lot more difficult i ended up killing weavil in two hits as she did minimal damage to me after that battle i get the elevator key so i can move up the team flare hideout as i'm going up i encounter so much story and at this point i'm just tired of it so i just press a random button and i end up activating the most powerful weapon in callous that could destroy all of cows i mean my bad with that i've got to go fix my mistakes back in geoscencetown and i have to battle lysander again this battle goes the exact same way it did last time as he didn't really make his team much better after that i go towards the box legendary and instead of fighting it i just throw a pokeball because why wouldn't i it's a fairy type with that i get in my final battle with lysander and he leads the battle with menshau as i'm forced to lead with xerneas obviously zernius isn't a dragon type so i just throw pokeballs at menshi out until xerneas is taken out now i'm moving to toothless who's supposed to be starting this battle and right away i go for a dragon claw and menchie out one shotting in the process as next out comes pyroar i go for a dig avoiding a hyper voice in the process as on the next turn pyro goes down that leads into lysander's second to last pokemon haunch crow and for this i set up a sword stance as i get hit with a night slash on the next turn i set up a second swords dance as i get hit with another night slash and on the following turn i finish off hansgroh with the dragon claw with my attack up four lysandre sends out his final pokemon mega gyarados the reason i set up so much was so that i could guarantee one shot gyarados here but i forgot that intimidate was the thing so when my attack went down by one stage i got really scared at this point i've gotta try to one shot so i decided to go for a dragon claw and thankfully it ends up killing as that wins me my final battle against team flair now that i've righted my wrongs i start my journey towards the final gym and i end up catching a noibat while i'm going there i knew him stormcutter and i find out his nature is literally the best it could have been finally we get a good nature in this run with that i immediately evolve them into noivern then move on to fight my rivals for the last time but the only thing interesting about these fights is that i fight back to back to back but since none of my pokemon even get weak i'm not even going to go over these battles as now i just move on towards the 8th gym leader wolfray before fighting him i've got to find him in the pokemon village and after i do that i bring all of my team up to the level cap then challenge the final gym of this run wolfrick leads the battle with obama snow as i lead with cloud jumper right away i go for a 4 time super effective flamethrower and it ends up one shotting obama snow as next out comes cryogonal cryogeneal's defense stat is pitiful so i'm able to go for one rock tomb one shotting and leading me into wolfrack's final pokemon avalog avalon's defensive stat is insane but his special defense is horrendous it's like 45 so i just go for one flamethrower and that ends up winning me my final gym badge of this run now with nothing left to do i move on to victory road and here i have my actual final rival battle with serena i start out by essentially sweeping her team i get three pokemon down without even having to switch but then she throws that absol and since absolutely quick attack i've gotta make a switch into another pokemon i make this switch into tyrantrum and two dragon claws later is down leading me into serena's final pokemon flareon tyrantrum is easily able to out speed going for a single earthquake beating serena and winning me my final rival battle at this point i bring all my pokemon up to the level cap head into the pokemon league and start my first elite four battle with malva she leads the battle with pyro as i lead with tyrantrone right away go for an earthquake and outspeed pie roar one shotting in the process as next out comes torquel i hit torquel with an earthquake bringing her down to about a third as she goes for a curse with torkel's defenses raised i'm a bit worried i won't kill with another earthquake but i decided to go for it anyways and i end up finishing her off with twerkle down chandelure's sent out and for this i simply just go for an earthquake finishing off chandler and leading me to malva's final pokemon talonflame talonflame's able to hit a brave bird doing a minuscule 34 damage in the process as i go for a single rock slide one shotting and winning myself my first elite four battle next up is wickstrom and he leads the battle with klefki as i lead with garchomp klefki starts off by setting up spikes as i go for a single earthquake one shot that leads wickstrom into his next pokemon probably pass and for this i immediately go for an earthquake bringing provopass all the way down to one hp as i get hit for a flash cannon for not that much damage at this point wickstrom heals and since i don't really want him to heal again i decide to go for a crunch this crunch breaks provo passes sturdy so on the next turn i'm able to go for an earthquake finishing him off that means i'm onto aegislash and this thing is an absolute tank right away he sets up with kingshield so i can't hit him with earthquake on the next turn he's in defense form so i don't actually kill with an earthquake bringing him all the way down to about a fifth as he hits me extremely hard with an iron head bringing me all the way down to 84 hp thankfully on the next turn wickstrom heals as i go for another earthquake finishing off aj slash and leading me into wickstrom's final pokemon scissor now i really did assume cesaro just hit me with a bullet punch here but instead after i go for an earthquake only doing about half scissor hits me with an iron head and this does a ton of damage bringing me all the way down to 8 hp that was really dumb of me i mean if sizzler got a high damage role i might have lost guard chomp there thankfully though i didn't as now i just switched into toothless and go for a single dragon claw finishing off scizor and winning my second elite four battle at this point i've got two heartedly four battles left and i've gotta make a decision on which one i want to do first siebel's got a gyarados in the middle of his team with dragon dance and ice fang and since i don't really know how i'm gonna deal with that yet i'm just gonna go fight drazna she leaves the battle of dragalgi as i lead with noivern right away i go for a dragon pulse doing a ton of damage as i get hit with the dragon pulse as well bring me all the way down to 80 hp drazna then decides to start spamming fuller stores and eventually once she's out i'm able to finish off her pokemon with another dragon pulse this leads into dresden's next pokemon alteria who's really easy to deal with i've just gotta go for a single dragon pulse to take her down with that noivern sent in and at this point i'm a little bit scared if drazen is able to outspeed she could very well take out stormcutter and maybe even sweep the rest of my team i just have to hope that i out speed so i decided to go for a dragon pulse and thankfully i end up hitting first one shotting neutron in the process and leading me into drazna's final pokemon dreddagon now at this point the battle's basically won i mean all i've gotta do is go for another dragon pulse but sadly when i do it ends up bringing dredagon all the way down to one hp as i then get taken out by a dragon tail are you kidding me man i could not have gotten a lower damage roll right there that is the lowest damage roll i could have gotten and then i lose freaking noivern because of it bro i'm so upset about that to a 1 hp dradogon a 1 hp dragon i love norway burn too neutron's probably one of my favorite pokemon and i lost him to a dreddagon man obviously as you could tell wasn't too happy about that one but either way that leads me into my final elite four battle with siebeled he leads the battle with kalitzer as i lead with goodra right away i go for a dragon pulse doing about half as i get hit with the dragon pulse as well doing about half to me i then am able to finish off klutzer in the next turn with another dragon pulse as next out comes starmay starmie immediately sets up with light screen as i go for a thunderbolt getting a lucky critical hit and one-shotting this leads me into siebel's scariest pokemon gyarados right away i go for a thunderbolt doing about half as gyarados sets up with dragon dance at this point there's not really much i can do i mean gyarados outspeeds me and an ice fang at this range will likely kill so i decided to sacrifice goodra and get hit by an icebang but by some miracle though i end up living on 5 hp and on that same turn i'm able to take out gyarados with the thunderbolt this was honestly crazy and now siebel's onto his final pokemon bar barnacle for this i simply just switch into toothless and go for a couple of earthquakes finishing off my barnacle and winning myself my final elite four battle now with the rest of the game behind us i move on to fight champion diantha in the final battle of this run okay here we go um i taught toothless the move poison jab and hopefully that's going to be able to carry us through the through the rest of the fight because i don't really have another way of getting through it i really don't i think i i i genuinely think this is possible except the end of this fight is with mega gardevoir and if we're not able to one shot make a guard of war our whole team gets gets swept easily no it's not a question uh she leads with hallucia and that's gonna kind of allow me to set up with dragon dance here so i'm gonna try and set up one um if not i can set up two it just depends on how much damage how lucha does to me here so i guess we'll see and with my speed and attack up oh halucha decides not to attack that's interesting because it's gonna just get one-shotted because of this that doesn't buy halucha i don't know why why she didn't attack me that would've that would have done a lot of damage for sure i think a single earthquake is probably going to kill here oh what's next gujarat gujar is going to go down to a dragon claw no biggie no big you know smalls now toothless is level 67 tyrantrum also going to go down to a dragon claw i i i really imagine i sweep with full hp if i'm able to sweep with full hp i'm gonna go nuts i'm gonna go nuts because the dragon types are just so powerful and with no items at that i did no items for this and i might be able to sweep with full hp i'm getting ahead of myself though i'm getting ahead of myself dragging oh no maybe i'll just poison jab poison jab's fine okay well it's not super effective because i'm dumb but it's fine it's fine it didn't it didn't really matter i thought poison would be super effective but then gorgeous is ghost too so i guess that's a thing mega gardevoir this is the this is the end i mean if we can't one shot mega gardevoir we lose it is no questions asked this thing has like what 100 base speed and like 160 special attack that is crazy i get swept here if i don't kill so i just gotta hope i can hit this poison jab and insta kill that's that's the only thing i can do oh come on toothless yes baby let's go yes toothless is a champion man tooth is like he carried this run so hard hacksaws is such a good pokemon man truly a great pokemon just dragon types in general bro this run oh i'm actually so happy with that i really am it took me a while to do this too considering all the grinding and stuff that went into it not even just grinding thinking of battles like how to win battles just because like dragon types that have a good bit of weaknesses in this late game oh i don't even care though man this is this was this was good and look at norway burn up there part of the champion team that's great dude that is honestly great i can't i can't help it like like even even though i was using dragon types which are obviously you know super powered essentially um it's still it's still like really rewarding to win a run like this just because i mean it was fun you know i mean it was really really fun but that's the end of the video um if you enjoyed please consider subscribing it does really help me out um and with that being said that was my attempt at a pokemon x hardcore nuzlocke using only dragon types
Channel: Zango
Views: 52,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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