Pokémon Ultra Moon But I Can't Take Damage!?!

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so that's what i do but skarmory actually survives on a minimal sliver of health as i see skarmy retaliating with steel wing i knew i was done for but and a miracle happened pokemon ultra moon is a game that is widely considered to be one of the harder games in the series i wanted to take it one step further though and see if i could beat the game without taking any damage even once i also have a theme for what i name my pokemon so if you can guess what it is leave your answer in the comments below now let's see if i can pull this off i did some research beforehand and decided to choose rowlet as my starter why i specifically chose rowlet i'll explain in just a minute it was then time to start leveling up napoleon which not gonna lie is probably the hardest part of this run i'll have to take out a bunch of wild pokemon without taking a single hit of damage until i reach level 8 at which point i can start to safely take out certain pokemon i gain anywhere between 10 to 30 xp points after each battle meaning i'll have to beat approximately 10 battles hoping that the opposing pokemon always goes for a non-attacking move for a reference that has about a 0.01 chance of happening 61 resets later though i've finally managed to level up all the way to level 8 meaning i can now safely take out level 2 rattata and caterpie after doing so for a while napoleon grows even stronger and can now safely take out higher level pokemon making life a little easier after leveling up all the way to level 15 i feel confident enough to take on my rival howe the battle went a little something like this as i'm leveling up napoleon some more i happen to encounter alediba when this happens so i gotta do it all over again a few moments later i get my rowlet neymar napoleon level her up and beat howe after a long while i finally managed to level up napoleon to level 17 meaning she evolves into a dart tricks on my way to heiah city i decide to take a major risk i went to catch a zorua the thing is if i want to catch him i have to throw a poke ball and hope it catches it on the first throw yo i got a zorro let's go oh let's go [Music] i got seriously lucky there safely catching more pokemon is definitely a problem i'll need to solve soon leveling up weaker pokemon could potentially have been a problem but thanks to the expecia i'm able to level up both caesar the zorua and napoleon simultaneously after a very long session of leveling up my team i take on the totem pokemon raticate who actually gets a defense boost right off the bat i go for pluck hoping it'll one shot and thankfully it does now there is one problem that's been hunting me for a while kahuna hala's makuhira it is access to the move fake out which is a normal type priority move this means that even if my pokemon are faster it'll still hit first this is why i picked rowlet because it's final evolution decidueye actually gains the ghost typing meaning she'll be immune to fake out the problem is leveling up is starting to get real slow i actually realize i can catch a ghastly though so once again i risk it stand aside stay inside [Music] having decided i'm not willing to risk resetting over this i run away after all i randomly run into this oversized smurf and her fur fruit i press pluck and it somehow doesn't take her out to my absolute delight furfoo only goes for growl and so on the next turn i can safely take her out i then have no choice but to level up napoleon all the way to level 34 which is the level she evolves into a decidueye leveling up will definitely be a painful process throughout this run as the pokemon nursery in this generation actually doesn't grant any xp points so that's not an option the only way to level up is by fighting wild pokemon with napoleon evolved i decide it's time to challenge kahuna hala paula sends out his bachop first but withdraws him for some reason and sends out his pro baller this is no issue though since napoleon one shots him with pluck paula sends out as makuhita but just like planned makbid is unable to use fake out so napoleon is able to take him out using pluck last out is machop but thankfully another pluck is enough to take him out winning me the first grand trial i allow myself to save after each grand trial after all the point of this run is not to mindlessly throw away my time but rather solving problems and strategizing it's time to take on the big waves and head on over to the next island so i hop on a mantine and start surfing speaking of which this video is actually sponsored by surf shark surfshark is a vpn service that much like mountain surfing is the absolute best way to travel with surf shark you can safely connect to public wi-fi's overcome location-based price discrimination and best of all access all your favorite sites no matter where you are in fact you can unlock content on most platforms by simply installing the vpn on computers phones smart tvs and more with a single subscription now you might say twigs surfing is way too hard i'll have to take a bunch of surfing lessons and nope it's not surf shark is super easy to install and use subscribe to surf shark using code twig to get an 83 discount on your subscription that's literally the best price you'll get anywhere and not only that but you'll even get three extra months for free anyways upon arriving at akala island i do some research and head straight for the next totem pokemon iraquin it also i actually went ahead and got myself a flanium z for this battle what i am worried about though is that iraq wounded actually has a decent defense stat but according to my calculations napoleon should most likely be able to take it out i press supersonic sky strike and after waiting way too long for the animation to finish i take it out in one hit now upon beating the totem pokemon i can actually catch a more lol this is absolutely huge why well morlal actually gets access to the move spore a 100 accurate move that puts the opposing pokemon to sleep now that's already great but the best thing about this is that i'll be able to put wild pokemon to sleep and safely catch them thankfully one nest ball catches him without fail and so i name my moral genghis i head to the very next patch of grass to do some leveling up and after a while caesar actually evolves into a zorro arc i then make sure to train genghis until he evolves into shinisek and eventually learns spore this is huge because i actually need to catch someone for the next totem pokemon alolan marowak the problem is it has detect if it uses detect straight away it'll be able to call for an ally on the next turn this is a huge problem since i don't have any moves that can take out both pokemon at the same time so as i was saying i need to catch someone that someone being a rock broth i chose rockruff because he gets access to rockslide which is a super effective move against totem marowak at this point in time i also thought he'd get accelerok which would be extremely useful i only later realized it's exclusive to lykan rock day form anyway i found a rockruff and here's how it went i didn't realize its ability could be vital spirit that could have gone very wrong and i definitely need to do some more research in the future i decide to still throw an ultra ball since i really want ruckroff and thankfully it stays in the ball i name her meiji now next up i'll be facing a huge problem i didn't even think of before i started this challenge the battle royal dome for those that don't know it's like fortnite but less cringe the battle royale is a mandatory battle where i'll have to fight three other trainers anyone can attack anyone so this might actually be a run ender for me after doing some research apparently professor kaku is ruckruff usually goes for protect so that won't be a problem for me i have to hope that gladion either attacks someone else or goes for a non-effective normal type attack as napoleon takes out house breon it's definitely risky but it's all i can do just like planned rockruff goes for protect napoleon connects with leaf blade onto brion and i got so lucky there i then train up my team until meiji evolves into lycanrock and learns rockslide this took me several hours after putting on a show for me totem marowak challenges me to a battle he actually gets a plus 2 speed boost so i'm a bit worried that he'll out speed expecting a detect i press rockslide but to my surprise marouak doesn't go for detect i outspeed connect with a 90 accurate rock slide and take out marowak in one hit well that was stressful i then bump into coleras who says i've had quite the curious requests paid to me by a couple of most oddly dressed strangers says the walking jukebox i then take on the last totem pokemon of akala island lurantis i actually have a minus attack nature on napoleon so before i do that i make sure to properly level everyone up other than that this should be fairly straightforward as i know while outspeed and the calculations say i should always be able to take her out so i press spirit shackle and it takes her out finally i'll have to battle kahuna olivia this battle should be fairly simple napoleon takes out anarith with spare chuckle olivia sends out her ace like a rock but before he can do anything napoleon takes him down with a zed move just to be safe finally napoleon takes out olivia's leap with a leaf blade winning me an easy battle before we get any further into the video i keep noticing that only seven percent of my viewers are actually subscribed so subscribe it honestly helps me out so much since i beat the grand trial i finally get to save my progress i arrive at ulaula city which is also where i'll find my next encounter on route 10 i can catch a pancham this is great because pancham has the mould breaker ability meaning it disregards abilities like sturdy or disguised which is imperative for beating a run like this one i successfully catch her and neymar augustus the next totem pokemon is going to be a token of maru at first glance it might not seem too bad it's just a little pikachu rip off right well it is but it also gets a defense boost and has spiky shield this means that even if i use a super effective z move it might very well not be enough so i do the only thing i can do and start xp grinding in the process augustus evolves into a pangaro after having done a decent amount of training i decide to battle the totem pokemon i'm certain together will use spiky shield so i use protect to stall it out the problem with this is that togenimaru calls for an ally now together most likely won't be able to use spiky shield so i go for my zed move which thankfully ko's as i suspected skarmory initially won't use any attacking moves so i'm in the clear for now i cross my fingers and hope that a brick break will finish off skarmory but it doesn't and to my horror skarmor uses tailwind meaning it will out speed from now on my only choice here is to go for bullet punch so that's what i do but skarmory actually survives on a minimal sliver of health as i see skarmory retaliating with steelwing i knew i was done for but then a miracle happened i press bullet punch one more time which takes out skarmory i have no idea how i managed to make it out of this one the previous battle made me realize that i seriously need to do some leveling up if i want to beat this run so that's what i do cue the training montage [Applause] feeling ready i head down to melee city once again to challenge bug catcher gus his golisopod does have first impressions so i use protect to counter it on the next turn napoleon's sucker punches glycopod which is enough to activate emergency exit guzma sends out masquerade next but despite lowering napoleon's attack with intimidate one spirit shackle is still enough to take it out golisapod comes back out so napoleon uses sucker punch once more which is enough and wins me the battle next up in the island challenge is totem mimikyu it has the ability to disguise which in this generation lets the user take the first hit without losing any health luckily i do have augustus with mule breaker not so luckily mimikyu is insanely fast and even gets a speed boost so the only choice i have is to significantly level up augustus until she outspeeds mimikyu after way too many hours of leveling up augustus it's finally time to battle mimikyu i send out augustus and go for my zed move right away which takes down mimikyu the battle might have lasted less than a minute but so much time and effort went into making that minute possible after having dealt with that roadblock i somehow end up in poton which is completely occupied by team skull they even charge you for using the pokemon center but chokes on them i don't even need to heal my pokemon after way too many cutscenes it's finally time to battle kahuna nanu this is a big one because winning it would mean i get to save again i lead with genghis against nanu sablai and use protect to avoid fake out after that a moonblast takes it down with ease nanu sends out persian next so i send out caesar and go for protect once again to avoid fake out after that i use my zed move to absolutely obliterate the blow to cat meaning none who is now down to his last pokemon i send out napoleon and after a single leaf blade i've defeated the third kahuna so i saved my game i then realized i can actually get myself a mimikyu which would be absolutely perfect for this challenge so i head back to ulaula island and catch one i name her huang resuming my progression through the main storyline i head over to the aether paradise for some more cut scenes i am then challenged by guzma again he sends out golisopod so i once again use protect to avoid a potential first impression and then hit him hard with sucker punch golisa pot barely survives but emergency exit activates pincer comes out next but napoleon is able to one hit kohen with spare shackle masquerade is out next so i decide to use my zed move after waiting maybe an hour for the animation to finish masquerading gets knocked out golisapod comes out again so napoleon uses sucker punch for the ko last out is vikavolt so i switch into huang i press player off which to my surprise only takes it down to about a half i pray that another 90 accurate play rough will connect and so it does there was a fair chance i would have had to reset there not gonna lie having taken down guzma i then have to battle lusamine who i'm now noticing has hair that defies all laws of physics this one's fairly straightforward napoleon takes down clefable with leaf blade augustus thankfully outspeeds and takes down low punny with brick break but where is out next so i switch into genghis and take her out with moon blast napoleon once again takes down myletic with a single leaf blade and last out is liligant so i go for my zed move which easily takes her out i head on over to vast pony canyon next where i happen to find a mian phil having one could definitely be useful as i'm lacking some special attackers and would need another fighting type for later as you'll see i decide to catch it and name him hadrian i venture down further into a vast pony canyon where i happen to find the next totem pokemon what a coincidence being a pseudo legendary kamao may seem like a major threat but i happen to have the perfect counter huang so i challenge the totem to a battle to ensure the kill i use my zed move which is absolutely hilarious by the way this easily takes out the totem como i put my recorder skills from kindergarten to good use and summon linola big mistake nekrozma shows up and fuses with linola and now i gotta deal with that mess i send out caesar and go for a quite effective zed move which takes out the legendary pokemon in one shot next up is probably the biggest challenge of the run ultranecrosma it really is a major challenge because of its brutally high base that total and the fact that it gets an omniboost right away by the looks of it it would appear that my run ends here but turns out there's a very simple solution to this though which one clever viewer pointed out in the comments on my previous ultrasound video zoroark has the ability illusion which changes its appearance to the last member in your party this means that if i put hadrian at the back of my party caesar turns into him and will now be seen as a fighting type by necrozma this should hopefully be it to use photon geyser which doesn't affect caesar so i put all my trust into a youtube comment and challenge necrozma to a battle here's how it went [Music] turns out that whether it's a toxic 12 year old on pokemon showdown or a light consuming deity they all fall for good old illusion resuming my island challenge i go back to pony island to battle totem rubambi this is actually an insanely hard battle as rubambi receives a double omni boost right off the bat making it insanely fast i need to level up my pokemon to be able to face this beast i decide huang's my best bet since apparently nothing will out speed ruby even after having leveled up all the way to level 90. rabambi goes for an attacking move busting huang's disguise right away i use my zed move hoping desperately that it's enough all that's left now is challenging the kahuna so that's what i do hapu leads with golurk but caesar takes it out in one shot mud still is out next but napoleon one shots it with leaf blade i send out huang to deal with flygon and use my zed move this easily takes it out last out is gastrodon but napoleon takes it out as well and so i've cleared my island challenge allowing me to save my progress one last time on my way up maulana kila i'm challenged by edgelord gladion he leads with crowbat which i managed to take out with night slash now i'm faced with some severe mind games gladion has a zoroark himself so i can't know for sure what he'll send out next i decide hadrian is my best choice and as it turns out it was the real silvally after all this doesn't really matter though as hadrian still won shots with aurospear the mind games continue so i decide to send out huang as gladion sends out lucario my gut tells me it's zoroark though so i go for x scissor and wouldn't you know it my gut was bright last out is the real locario but using my zed move i easily take it out as well as i'm ascending mount lanakila i happen to stumble upon necrozma i decide to catch it using my master ball as it could be immensely useful for the league i name it wilhelm the first i happen to run into a trainer duo that actually bring a problem to my attention one of them has a tyranitar with sandstream which can deal chip damage i start by taking out the other trainer's pokemon so the focus will be on tyranitar thanks to mold breaker augustus even takes out fortress in one shot despite it having sturdy because i have huang on the field the trainer sends out bisharp before tyranitar for the type matchup so after taking out the bisharp there is only tyranitar left tyranitar comes out but i'm able to ko it on the same turn so i don't end up taking any damage from the sandstorm that could have gone real bad before challenging the league i make sure to properly level up all of my pokemon and get a couple items that will come in useful later this process and any leveling up i've done throughout this entire run took me ages so make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already it's all the support i need to keep making these kinds of videos after preparing and getting everything ready i head into the league i decide to take on kahili first since i usually find her to be the easiest i lead with wilhelm who takes down braviary with a power gem balucha is out next so i switch into huang and take him out with a zed move i send out wilhelm again and take out mandy buzz with another power gem now tukanen does have beakblast which could burn and cause problems but since wilhelm is a special attacker i don't have to worry about that so one more power gem takes him out as well last out is oricorio but a quad effective power gem is far more than it can handle so that's the first battle one next up i take on acerola she leads with banette so i go for a super effective spirit shackle which does take it out asarola sends out frost last next frostlast has ice shard which is a priority move but also has confused ray which makes sucker punch somewhat risky i decide to switch into augustus instead and go for bullet punch which luckily is enough to take it out next up is del mais so i send napoleon back out and go for sucker punch which takes out del mars asarola sends out palo san so i go for my zed move which is more than enough to take it out last out is driftblim driftblim has the aftermath ability which deals damage upon fainting if the opponent uses a physical move thankfully i have wilhelm one power gem is enough to ko whilst also avoiding aftermath i challenge olivia next this battle could definitely be a hard one as she has a giggleth with sandstream after the battle with the trainer duo on mount lanakila though i realized i had to get a pair of safety goggles safety goggles is an item that makes its holder immune to weather chip damage as well as certain moves this will allow me to remain unharmed despite the sandstorm olivia starts out with armaldo so i go for powergem which takes it out without issue olivia sends out lycan rock so i switch into hadrian and take it out with an rsphere next up is credilie so i switch into huang who takes it down with an ex-scissor now olivia sends out a giggleth so i send out augustus equipped with safety goggles augustus uses brick break and to my relief it is enough for the ko olivia sends out a provo pass that actually has sturdy but augustus has mold breaker so another brick break takes it out in one shot winning me another battle finally i challenge melane to a battle he leads with klefsky so i decide huang's my best bet klefki actually misses a thunder wave so i'm able to bring it down to half with a shadow claw on the next turn klefki does connect with a thunder wave but huang has a sherry sherry berry equipped so she's cured and is able to take out klefki with another shadow claw mullane sends out metagross next so i switched to caesar disguised as a mian shao to bait out zen headbutt metagross doesn't actually get a chance to attack though as one night slash ko's instantly the real hadrian comes out now and takes out bisharp with an aura spear napoleon one shots doug trio with a sucker punch and so mullane is down to his last pokemon magna zone with sturdy i send out augustus to take it out with brick break and with that i've beaten all of the elite four it is then time to battle how for the title of champion house starts off with his ride shoe so i send out caesar to take it up with a night slash primorina is out next so i switch into napoleon and take it out with leaf blade house sends out as flareon next and i make a mistake [Music] so typical to start choking right before the finish line thankfully i was able to recover i send an hadrian who is able to take down tauros with an aura spear howl then sends out neuever and so eisen and wilhelm who takes it down with a power gem last out is creminable so i go for my zed move [Music] that was definitely a challenge and a half i loved coming up with solutions to overcome the many problems i faced in this one though it certainly involved an excessive amount of xp grinding with that said consider subscribing as i have an insane lineup of videos coming out in the near future that you definitely don't want to miss out on also leave a like and comment for the algorithm anyways i'll see you soon in the next video goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Twig
Views: 505,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smallant, Pokemon no damage, Pokemon Challenges, FlygonHG, Ludwig, Pointcrow, pokemon no damage challenge, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Ultra Sun, Pokemon, Pokemon Nuzlocke, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, AntlerboyLIVE, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon emerald kaizo, pokemon, pokemon no damage reaction, pokemon no damage run, pokemon no damage run reaction, pokemon but no damage, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus trailer, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond, Pokemon black
Id: UOZ_EgGg0sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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