Rolling Hills Asylum - Q+A

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hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed and saw post mortem a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed unsolved which was rolling hills asylum all the questions were answering today came from you guys via our bus we didn't saw a Facebook page and our BuzzFeed unsolved Instagram page as you can see he's back hahaha big thanks to curly for filling in glad to be back uh yeah yeah that makes one of us I mean we're friends Ryan you don't have to you don't have to pretend like you hate me I wish I was pretending this comes from UM Facebook Devin Wilson will the static dog feature in more episodes it's pretty compelling evidence also he needs a name maybe buzz the dog that proves Shane wrong about ghosts is that the full name and that doesn't roll off the tongue we set up a static cam to watch the dog yeah that we don't use the dog again because that was something that was offered by the location and frankly even if we did it wouldn't convince this guy Bologna goes okay you know the dog uses an electromagnetic field around it I think I said static electricity around it in the episode there's an electric fuel around the dog and then when you manipulate that field and you enter it grande town hears from a yo Izzie there was probably a bug on that dog that place seemed like it would have some bugs also are we all sure it wasn't just a psychopath trespasser murdering a rat and leaving it as a present for whomever came by next because my cat used to do that all the time hashtag shamian hashtag granny for the hot dog I guess it could be a bug that didn't even occur to me that's very very possible right well very possibly it would have to be a bug it would have to be a bug that was sitting there for a long time over and over again just hopping up and down because or why this doesn't come off in the video but that disturbance was happening randomly for about 20 minutes so a bug just I don't even know if I could disturb that field if they can ship that dog back out to Los Angeles I'd love to run some tests on it okay sure yeah that's I guess that the impetus is on them now as for the rat yeah I mean the rats a bit of a bit of a reach Wow respectable that you yeah any any time someone is pointing at a thing that a human could easily do yeah yeah so I mean you know the rat could be just some you know vagrant sneaking in or like you know maybe it could just be the rat died or some top shelf below me from Elaina Hainish Shane your German is adorable I could I compiled a few important phrases for you to know you know what I'm gonna let you read the rest of this one the boys are here do Young's in here hello demons it's me your boy hello de mawnin he's been s or your Yuna is that actually correct pronunciation it's probably close yeah didn't you did I know how to read it well you can't say I'd know how to read it like I assume that you couldn't even say anything but four years of joy and all you know how to say about mustard oh you said mustard that was it you said it mustard you didn't say anything about mustard you just said mustard zennith what does that mean mustard well thank you that's something that someone learns when they're visiting the country for the first time and they pop open the German to English dictionary and they go oh I need that mustard since that's all I need to know if I go to Germany since back to grab town be Moreno 15y does Ryan always want to see or communicate with a spirit but then as he is leaving cusses and taunts the spirit as he leaves I'm done with this and if you're in here Matthew you can go [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] out of here see you later peace let's get the [ __ ] out of here boo I guess he wouldn't respond to that would he he doesn't even know his name is Mothman yeah people always accuse me of being disrespectful but I get the feeling maybe it's you now no one believed these episodes end with us investigating the biggest baddest ghoul in the whole the BBG I'm usually communicating with this ghoul and then they are not the best either as a person when they were alive or they're a demon by the time it's over I'm glad I never have to see them again so therefore I will let out any emotion I have oh boy oh thank you [ __ ] God get me the [ __ ] out of here I did it I did it it's bad to keep things bottled up you know that's true yeah yell it goes okay moving on to Facebook Kelly Rojas Ryan you know you asked the ghost guy if he wanted to play a game he said sure then you bounce leaving him there waiting for a game so sad it makes rolling hills even more depressing how could you lol heartbroken why are you here right now No who is it no one huh okay you want to play games sure that's your time I got the sense that whatever was talking to me wasn't exactly the nicest if it in fact was a human why did you even ask I didn't ask oh it's I said oh you want to play games kind of like a Oh getting fancy yeah gonna copy a [ __ ] game good [ __ ] boy and then you said let's go and I was like sweet good out for me to get out of here because I don't want to play a game with whatever this is yeah a dangerous game not the most dangerous perhaps that is man that is man graham town ELISA LJ what's the difference between a spirit a ghost and a poltergeist hashtag bukhara she's asking for some terminology clarification from you a spirit and a ghost refers to something that was once living that is now dead hi and that would be a human entity yeah poltergeist activity is usually like attributed to things moving on their own yeah lights turning off you know I guess tricky I suppose but that could be a ghost or it could be a demon haven't you seen the movie poltergeist it's one of my favorite films isn't there like a demon and that they make people see things they're just tricksters in that movie that seems seems more demonic to me anyway there you go there's some classification for you a read up on watch poltergeist every day like you should yeah that Oh that'll be really good for your mental movie whips ass it does whip ass also infinity war right wow it's good it's talked don't think it needs a plug go support these fledgling movies that need your dollars you know what none of our movie talk ever makes it into these episodes but I dare the editor to include this yeah I think movie corner it's a new thing now we could have like a good minute yeah put a little of [ __ ] graphic up play some fun music yeah yeah yeah yeah that was fun and now it's over and that's when I will accept an animatic after like a popcorn guy oh that's the only time patty Golka can you include longer conversations with the EVP right after you get an answer instead of following it up with more questions you guys cut to the next part of the video and it's a very irritating cliffhanger I love the EVP and when Ryan actually got a conversation going in the portal room Shane just had to interrupt and cut it short sad face emoji followed by another sad face please do more EVP yeah when that did happen I turned to Ryan I said you know what's really gonna piss off Paddy Golka check this out if we provided an uncut version of this show by the end of it there'd be maybe one person watching yeah I mean if it's a long time and we aren't getting responses we're not going to include that obviously yeah and that's that's just honest you know we give you the razzle-dazzle no we just give you the evidence here's from another obscure account Shane my dude were you doing well when you film this episode you were rather quiet ghosts respect aside love you all PS you're dancing to the opera music was amazing I was i quieted this up soon he ain't quiet the rest of the season I'll tell you that I didn't want to like go away and be like well [ __ ] you guys oh you were real Paul sure ya don't wanna install tefillin giant-man next one comes from Mika underscore dot chin there's gonna be a time when the spirit box says quote hey it's me how you doing I'm a ghost hit me up end quote and Shane is gonna say nope if we ever hear that phrase I will hand to God believe in ghosts this week's episode it is I think we can we can disclose it is a demon episode probably one of the more fun episodes we've ever done and the spirit box evidence I've teased this I teased it before the season on Twitter it's it is significant in terms of our canon there is beer box before this episode there's beer box after it's certainly a challenge to me I'm really gonna have a lot to grapple with on the next post mortem that does it for this episode make sure you watch the episodes this Friday and send in your questions to the various accounts the bus people install Facebook page and the bus gonna follow the bus we don't solved Instagram page and maybe you'll be featured on the next post mortem that that that's that that's that and now we're we're back baby our weekly Q&A concluded I now welcome you to the part of the show we call the hot dog a hot dog saga commissioned by and starring Ryan Steven Bergara written by Dickens I mean me and adored by every single viewer and if you don't like it Yahoo can kiss my buns previously on route to procure a bernoulli converter and travel back in time to save their friends the crew of the starship minestrone crash-landed on Toma zero planet of the gentle puffle thrown far from the crash Maisie was apprehended by the pleople Zend after pleading with goblet the elder puffle and the venerable doctor gunas she was tossed into a subterranean prison where she awaits trial by combat meanwhile the starship minestrone sits silently in the wilds of Tohmatsu row looking a bit worse for wear but still in one piece from the bush apple plop one big one for us and once more from the bush Apple mmm yes Wow Wow Wow yes yes good big one for us big one hello as the Popples climb about the starship the minestrone 'is computer system lumbers to life greetings I am the starship minestrone ah no no no big one docks I'm kind of messed up but I await your orders captain ah what wait who the hell are you where's captain Mike sue I am I told who I am I to both clubs exploded what the [ __ ] was that whoa clean-up on Aisle weird alien planet holy [ __ ] that's funny gene is that from something is terrible from the inside of the ship a beautiful french fries and a very reliable can of super merge it's Jean and Mike captain good to see you're alive and Jean too seriously was that clean-up on aisle weird alien planet bit from something nope I just said it well in any case like any soup worth its salt we've got to assess our circumstances here minestrone my wonderful starship who I actually love like a wife systems check I love you too captain systems are fine despite those chilly pirates roughing us up I gotta take a nap or something though sleep my darling spaceship bother powering down gene yes captain and he's signed up Maisie in the immediate vicinity no corn here she's tough as turkey jerky though and doesn't have any internal organs so she likely survived the descent excellent analysis and why is that wing it sexy blue peach about to attack us from the sky a scream a horrifying wing at level bares its teeth its talons poised to attack well I can't die I'm beloved suddenly a hooded figure pounces from the brush and gestures to the sky beast ba shot Anna chuffa to the hooded figure who holds out an offering and the wicked creature appeased flies off who almost got yourself into some hot water there guys Wow who are you put its fear Oh grace this is a [ __ ] Chris Walken character oh hey there my name is Garth I'm a plop oh oh I'm gene and that's Mike we've got a whole story do you have control of the sky beasts Garth oh no I just paid him to leave long story but I want to contest and now I'm on the money so I got as much of it as I want here have some pleople bucks well thanks well question what the hell's going on oh okay yeah oh hey so I heard you talking about Maisie wait you know Maisie oh for sure yeah last I saw her she fell down a pit and you know that stinks but hey I got a hunch I know where she is happy to take you guys there soup I'm a best shot we've got I suppose lead the way pleople but if you do anything dumb I will kill you with my hat will Jean and Mike find mazey will Maisie face trial by combat under the orders of dr. goon des will the crew of the starship minestrone procure the bernoulli converter they need to travel back in time and save their friends why is Pam little find out this season on the hot dog escape from the Planet of the poles [Music] you know it's really hard for me to describe just how sad I am [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 1,091,197
Rating: 4.9716263 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed unsolved, Q+A, Rolling Hills, Roy, SffZ, asylum, case, cold case, cold-case, creepy, creepypasta, crime, criminal, dance, demon, detective, detectives, dog, eerie, ghost, haunted, hot dog, investigate, investigation, investigative, monster, mystery, opera, paranormal, questions, scary, spooky, strange, supernatural, theories, theory, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mystery, weird
Id: _PgWto3hJhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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