New Orleans Axeman - Q+A

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- Hello and welcome to another edition of Buzzfeed Unsolved Post Mortem, a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, which was the Axe Man. All the questions we're answering today came from you guys via our social media accounts, and our Buzzfeed Unsolved Facebook page. You can see all the links for that here. They probably already showed. How you feeling about this one? - Oh, it was a, it was a, oof, titillating. Right? That was good. - I'm just smiling because we got past that part. - Oh, shit, I forgot! - Nope, let's move on! - Ha, ha! - Alright. - I win! - Actually, before we start, we did get a nice gift from our post-coordinator. - Oh, we did. - A lot of you pointed this out too, after we pointed it out in the episode. - We received many comments about the fact that there were true crime trading cards. - Yeah, yeah. - So, our wonderful porst-- (laughs) Porst-cudinator. Post-coordinator, he got us this nice gift. - It's true crime serial killer trading cards. As mentioned in the Axe Man episode. - [Shane] What do you got? - Look, there's a checklist. You could collect the whole set! (laughing) Oh, my God! - [Shane] Right off the bat, someone good? - First card. - [Shane] Oh, shit! - Axe Man of New Orleans. - [Shane] Perfect. - Oh, my God, they got little stats on the back. - [Shane] How many kills? - This feels wrong, but right at the same time, right? - Well, thank you for all the notifications about those. We know they exist. (laughs) - And with that, let's begin. - Ha! - Ha! - I'm the Count. Here's from Instagram, from ilikefish8377, "What if Esther Pepitone was the Axeman?" - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - There's no head turn in the question, he did that on his own, that was impromptu. - "Or Axewoman. She killed Mumfre because he was the witness to the murder of Mike Pepitone. That's the only evidence I got so I have a 90% chance of being wrong." Well, at least they admit. "This is dumb theory, so ignore it if you want to." We're not gonna! - Yeah, we didn't, we did the opposite of that. We featured it, it was the first question of the episode. - Holy shit. - She thinks that Esther Pepitone is actually the Axeman. I will admit, there are some things about Esther's story that strike me as odd. - They're fishy. - She saw two people at the scene of the crime, in the original killing of her husband, Mike Pepitone, and she stuck to that in her story to the cops. - Yes. - Fast forward to a couple years later, her new husband goes missing, and she blames it on this Joseph Mumfre character, and conveniently says that he's the Axeman, that's why she shot him to death. But, it glosses over the fact that there were two people at the scene of the crime at her former location. - It's all very convenient. - Maybe she just needed an explanation for shooting someone in the face, and she isn't the Axeman. I think maybe she just murdered somebody. - Yeah, 'cause shooting someone in the face, as soon as that happens you sorta have to-- - Now I've got a bit of a mess on my hands, literally. - Oof, Jesus. - And I gotta sweep it up, so, maybe that, maybe-- - You could probably mop that up. - Fair. Swiffer, at the very least. - It's gonna be a lot of that this season, folks. (laughing) - This one is also from Instagram. This is from hpym2101. - Catchy. - That's like a Stormtrooper name. - (laughs) Yeah. - "I have a theory that the Axeman killed the Lizzie Borden family, then fled to New Orleans, due to some similarities. Or, Lizzie Borden is the Axewoman. Just kidding, but what if? By the way, you guys are great as usual." Thank you. Thank you, appreciate that. - Thank you. - Thank you! - Thank you! Fun, fun, someone's havin' fun with it. - I feel like people start to think of serial killers as they would the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (laughs) - Yeah, like H.H. Holmes is sort of like the, he's like the Tony Stark and he meets a young-- (laughs) He meets a young Charles Manson, and is like-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - "I'm gonna train you." - And then he meets, and then Jack the Ripper, who's old at this time is the new Nick Fury. - Yeah. - He's gathering them all together in his lair. - In the compound in upstate New York. - Yeah, exactly. I don't think that's the case. But, maybe they-- - No. - Shit, now I'm going back. Maybe the Axeman did kill the Borden family. - Like he just, was on vacation, and he was like, "Yeah, a quick one while I'm up in Massachusetts." - (laughs) Yeah, exactly. - Here's a question from Facebook, from Rachael Merritt, "How did the Axeman cut a section out of people's doors without them hearing? And wouldn't the section be too small to fit a large man? Also why did the Axeman stop doing this?" Ah, well there was the insane theory that he shrunk down to the size of a little ant. - [Ryan] That's one of the weirdest details of this case, that the bottom panel of a door was knocked out consistently. I don't understand why he did that, that was-- - He did that every time? That's how he got in? It's not quite as threatening to imagine like, a guy trying to-- - Doggy door his way in to a crime scene. - Yeah. - I think-- - Like in Home Alone. - I mean, this guy was obviously into theatrics, so maybe it was just one more calling card to let people know. This one is also from the Unsolved Facebook page, it is, "Is it possible that the Axeman really enjoyed Italian grocery stores and anytime he felt wronged by one of the grocers they became his next target?" - So this would be like, if anytime I was at Whole Foods nowadays. - Yeah, yeah. - And someone gave me a snide remark, or wasn't-- - If you murder them! - Yeah, just follow them home, see if they have a nice corner lot, and break in their door and bash their brains in. - (laughs) I guess. The Axeman seems to have very strong opinions, and he is very willing to enforce them. - By enforce, you mean-- - Like, kill people. - Yeah. - I mean, he loved jazz so much, he threatened to kill an entire community. So, it wouldn't surprise me if these were all just people that slighted him at grocery stores, to be honest. - Here's another one from the Gram, from mysteriousity, "My theory is that Axeman was multiple people and that the crimes committed was some sort of gang or mafia initiation." Plausible. - Plausible. Very plausible, yeah-- - I almost jinxed you on that. - Yeah. - I was gonna say plausible. - We could've both stamped it at the same time. Plausible! Yeah. This one is also from Instagram, this comes from peytonbaize, "The letter could've been anyone, don't you think? Like, they may have done it as a joke. I definitely think that this was done by a human." I agree. - Yeah. I think so too. (laughs) Well, of course it was done by a human! What do you think a ghost sat down at a typewriter? A ghost can barely lift a tube of toothpaste, as far as we're concerned! It's not hacking out, and goes, "Ooh, I gotta go buy some stamps at the grocery store, I guess I'll just lift them out of there!" Hey, there's stamps flying through the grocery store! That's strange! Must be a ghost mailing a letter to the Picayune! From @skanderlous, "Wait, how did Anna Lowe accuse her husband of being a Nazi spy when the Nazi party only became active in Germany in 1920?" - Yeah. - I didn't mean to drop my phone. - Yeah, was that like a-- - My hand just stopped working. - Good point. The Nazis didn't officially exist until, you said, 1918? - I think there was a precursor party in the eighteens. - Our research says that she said that, so either she's full of bologna, or-- - When did she say that? Was it post, was it after-- - This was in the investigation, so it was either 1918 or 1919 when she said that. - Oh, weird. - Obviously, there was a German spy ring, around that time. - Yeah. - And that's why they suspected him, because they found the letters that were written in Yiddish. - Or maybe she just had the vision, and was like, "There are going to be Nazis." - Like, she was a psychic? - Yeah. - Of some sort? - She was trying to warn the world about Nazis. - The last question we have here, I've been getting this a lot, this comes from Instagram, from soelianee, how would you say that? - So Elaine. - So Elaine. - So, Elaine, "E". - Oh, so, Elaine. - So, Elaine. What's the question? - (laughs) It says, "Are we still Boogaras, or are you gonna change it again? #Boogaras #Ryantists." And possibly, we could've included #Ryanosaurs there. That's a lot of names. - Yeah, I feel sorry for your crowd, you know, us Shaniacs, we've been-- - Okay, here-- - We've been here since day one! - That's because your nickname was created as an accident, it wasn't created like, "I need a nickname!" I had to think of a name, which was, I feel like much harder, much more pressure on me. Obviously. - Yeah, a lot of pressure. - Fuck you. I personally think Boogaras is the best one. - That's a good one, it's the best one. - It does make me giggle. - Especially if you say it, "Boo-garas"! - "Boo-garas"! - "Boogaras"! It's better than Ryantists, which is-- - Ryantists was pointed out to me that it sounds too much like Ryantits. Boogaras, that's the answer to that question. - Shaniacs, you don't have to deal with any of this. You're welcome! - I think that's it. - Yeah, but you know, hey, buckle up, gotta whole season comin' your way, huh? - Oh, yeah, the next episode! - Oh, shit! - Next is about an unfortunate thing with a box. - It may or may not involve John Travolta. - Definitely doesn't, I can promise you that. That's a red herring, for sure. That has nothing to do with the episode. - You never know! - (laughs) Okay. We'll see all of you guys next time on the next Buzzfeed Unsolved Post-Mortem, after the episode airs on Friday. Make sure to ask your questions at the Buzzfeed Unsolved Facebook page, you'll see a post there to ask the question. So, that information is right here. - And here comes Axeman Santa! Here he goes, whoa! - At least you had the courtesy of citing a creature we already created. - That's true, what a jolly guy. (crashing sound effect) - Super dumb. Was that him crashing into the wall? I heard a crash from the right side. - I don't know what the was. (light electronic music)
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 1,873,590
Rating: 4.977087 out of 5
Keywords: Axe man, BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed unsolved, New Orleans, SffZ, answer, axeman, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeedblue, case, cold case, cold-case, creepy, creepypasta, crime, criminal, demon, detective, detectives, eerie, ghost, haunted, investigate, investigation, investigative, killer, monster, murder, mystery, neworleans axeman, post mortem, postmortem, question, recap, scary, serial, serial killer, spooky, strange, theories, theory, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mystery, weird
Id: sJnhrdsiQVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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