Plugins make GPT 4 WILD

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Welcome to The Ultimate Guide to supercharging your life with gpt4s plugins revolutionize your daily routine and watch your productivity saw discover a world of infinite possibilities that will turn gpd4 into your everyday life set for your convenience I've added all the prompts listed in the description below let's get started so I'm going to start off in a new gpt4 plugin with playlist Ai and we're going to say create me an AI playlist that has the top songs from 2000 it's going to say oops we don't understand that but here are some suggestions and then I'm going to say can you create me a playlist for my Spotify account and I've connected my account through and as you can see here it's now listing these songs out in a Json file and it says great news I've created a playlist and now if I go over to my Spotify account right now you can see this was created by the AI just a few seconds ago and it's already in my Spotify account how crazy and I've been listening to this playlist and it's a cool playlist also provides a URL for the playlist so I can open it on the web version as well this is very cool I'll definitely only be using this to create different playlist styles from different artists and genres that I'm wanting to listen to and now I'm using the get your guide plugin I'm saying play me some activities for my travel in Sydney I'm going to be there for a week I'm dividing Dubai on the 25th of May I want to have as much fun as possible I don't like wine but I do like beer and I don't want to be anywhere near a zoo let's see if we can figure that out for us so again let's put it into Json format and then it's saying sure here's a couple fun activities you can do in Sydney the Sydney three hour craft beer and brewery tour the city and the Rocks three and a half hour tour and then I'm saying plan me 10 more activities for me to do and put them in table format so I can easily add them to my calendar include the link price how long the event goes for all I should wear what I need to bring and is it for one person or two people and my girlfriend doesn't like the cold but will be wearing winter clothing but it's going to be interesting to see how the AI interprets this information so spitting out its Json format here it's chucking it into a table for us and as you can see it's giving us different amounts of data here it's giving us the activity the link to the event the price per person the duration what to wear comfortable clothing and shoes winter clothes what to bring personal necessities and is it for one or two people I said there's going to be two of us so I had hope all of these activities would be for two people now I want to demonstrate how we can give GPT for data and it will generate us visual graphs we can use in our presentations and here I'm going to generate some fake Twitter data so here I'm just getting some random Twitter data like the followers last login username of some users and I'm going to say use this data and create diagrams which look really professional for my presentation so now it's using the show me plugin here it's putting it into a Json file and it's going to spit out these graphs for us it didn't create all the graphs I want so I said create me flowcharts sequence diagrams class diagrams State diagrams and again chart with the starter and now it's going to Chuck that into these jsons and spit us out the results here's our flowchart here's our sequence diagram so again this stuff would take you know 15 20 minutes to do but it's just spat it out for me straight away which is kind of amazing uh class diagram didn't do it but you can go online to edit it and then we have this date diagram so again these diagrams are for different use cases I just put generic data in but if you had a specific use case I'm sure you would be able to find a way to use this data better and there's our Gantt chart so you could put in a project management Excel spreadsheet and get your timeline sorted automatically over to our next example I'm going to be using the stock and crypto portfolio plugin which we can use to analyze our portfolio so here I'm just telling it what's in my portfolio give me some suggestions to improve and put it into table format so I can look at the current market data so here it goes it's spitting out all this Json files and as you can see we get an AI assessment here so it says your portfolio has scored 410 out of a thousand a 12 month affected return of your portfolio is 12.8 percent it's given us a risk adjusted returns and a downside action rating says your portfolio's current risk level is Extreme and that's obviously because of all the crypto in the portfolio and it says here are several areas of downside protection that need attention there are several areas of downside protection that need to occur so inflation over risk interest rate risk Holdings diversification your portfolio has critical risk to individual concentrated reporting risks that's going to be the crypto then it's given us some recommendations like I said decrease the Holdings of the cryptos like LTC Adda and xrp sell stocks like Nvidia apple and Splunk to protect from downsides surprises in liquidity conditions and sell Securities like Microsoft hack and Bitcoin and now I'm going to ask should I buy more to video or apple what is your opinion as an AI so I want the ai's opinion on this it's using the portfolio pilot plug-in and it's giving us a little run down here so in a video expected returns 12.9 percent has a bit of volatility which is expected and apple bit more of a stable company expected return 8.4 percent it's giving us their current prices and the volatility expected and that has given us a little run down here both companies have strong AI sentiment scores indicating positive sentiment in recent news and social media discussions Nvidia has higher expected total returns however apple has a lower volatility which makes it a much more safer choice for risk adverse investors which is totally understandable as it's a much more Stable Company overall pretty good advice from the AI and lastly I'm going to use the edx plugin to find me the top 10 subsecurity and AI courses available for me right now and we're going to Chuck that into table format so it's giving me the course name the skills covered the course publisher the short description of the course and the course URL and it's even going to put it into nice little neat clickable boxes we can click on here and we can go straight to the web page for these courses so as gbt4 comes out of its 13 beta this is going to be absolutely amazing we'll be able to search the Internet Straight from gpt4 and it will be really native and really awesome hope you enjoyed that little demo appreciate the support like subscribe see you later
Channel: Kaya Rezende
Views: 9,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IT, ai, chatgpt, gpt4, gpt, openai, openai gpt 4
Id: 8tE3Il9T980
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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