How I Set Up My AI-Powered Second Brain in Obsidian (ChatGPT, Search, Assistant, Plugins, Tools)

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what if he could have a personal assistant in your second brain that could show you any information you needed from the Internet or from your notes in this video you'll learn how to use chat gbt from inside of city and for free have a chat bot to search anything from your notes and lastly get suggested smart connections to related ideas in your notes this is the first video of a three-part series on how I use AI in my second brain in the second video I'll share the prompts and workflows I use to integrate these AI tools into the entire personal Knowledge Management process and in the third video I'll share a real life start to finish process of me using it everything I talk about in this video will be available and ready to use in my ultimate starter vault which you can learn more about in the description without any further Ado let's level up our second parade let's start with the basics and create a window to access chat gbt from within obsidian to do so we'll need to download the custom frames Community plugin a plugin that lets you embed any website into obsidian so we can head to settings Community plugins browse and then search up custom frames install and enable the plugin it does require a Reload of the app so we can just open the command palette and type in reload also going to make the UI a bit bigger if we go to custom frames we can create any frame we want for any website we want to add into obsidian so for now we'll just create a new custom frame and in the settings we'll change the name to chat GPT we'll change the icon to bot you can if you want a custom icon you can just search on this website for one I typed in robot and it show up with this one which I'm going to use and next is a URL I actually have this memorized off the top of my head chat Dot there are some more settings you can modify like if you wanted to add it on the ribbon icon bar here but yeah that's all I'm going to do for now so I'm going to hide the settings go back and then try to search it up right now it still isn't loaded into the Vault so we just need to restart it one more time and now if we open up command palette and search up Chad gbt we can now see it here custom frames open chat GPT so if I click on it it shows up on the sidebar here you will need to log in to open AI but I already have so there was no need for me to do so if you have chat GPT plus you can now switch between 3.5 or gpt4 you can even use the plugins if you feel like this window is too small you can always move this over or you can just add it as a tab in your note workspace just like so for now I'll keep it split here just so you can see it better but usually I keep it on the sidebar so now that we have it set up we can just start using it for example now I can use it to summarize an input node I have I can go to my notes on how to take smart notes collapse both headers that contain all of my notes and highlights and I can just add an initial prompt saying please summarize the main ideas of the book in 500 Words or less and this ends up actually taking each of the headers I had in my highlights and writing a little summary for it so now I can actually just turn some of these headers into notes themselves and there's just so many ways you could use chat GPT for your notes because then I could just copy this entire summary create a new header and just paste it in there I can also ask it to reduce it to even less words can you please reduce summary to 100 words this one is a bit long so I'm going to get rid of it one thing to note is that when you try to click any buttons that say like copy this the copying will stay only on the browser that it's embedded in so you'll have to manually paste whatever you copied so yeah now we can pull from the internet as our data source but now it's time for us to learn how we can enhance our obsidian Vault notes themselves for the more personal AI features in our second brain we're going to need another plugin called smart connections so I'm going to go back to the community plugins page and search for it right here install and enable this one will cost you money to run since we are using our own API key so to actually get it to work it's not like Chad gbt where you can just use it for free so if I just go back here and go to smart connection settings we need to get our own API key and we can just do so by going to this website right here account slash API keys as you can see I have lots of other keys I'm using for different things but we can just create a new one by clicking on this button I'm going to name it smart connections test and then we create the key make sure to copy and finish it and paste it into the settings we can test to make sure it works by clicking on test API key which it says it's valid so we should be good aside from that two new panes show up in our sidebar one for chatting and one for files but first i'm going to talk about files so over here on the right you might get this error where it says embeddings files not found so what you need to do is just click on create embeddings Json and let it load for a little bit so if I just click create embeddings there we go once it's all loaded you should be able to see a screen similar to this if you're curious about pricing in my own Vault that I just started recently it cost me around 17 cents us to upload 460 notes with 160 000 words in them which I think is really cheap just a heads up all the data in your Vault will be sent to open AI so if you care a lot about your privacy I would just stick to using chai gbt to actually choose what you want sent to them but I personally don't mind having my data mixed in with millions of other people's for the sake of efficiency so I'm willing to take the risk before I show you any features I'm going to explain a bit on how this plugin actually works so you can use it to your advantage first all the notes in your Vault get broken up into different blocks based on their headings so if we go back to this note on how to take smart notes this header would be a block this header would be a block but then this entire header since it's a level one header would also be a block so because of this it's important to use your headers effectively to section off your notes the content of the header is also used in the calculation so be sure to keep your headers descriptive as well next to determine the relevance of each block each one gets sent to open AI which then generates an embedding for that particular block embeddings are a set of values that describe its characteristics across different dimensions in this case it's around 1500 366 dimensions so then once all the embeddings are calculated they all get stored into a hidden file in your obsidian vault which we can just access by going to the root folder of the system Explorer and finding this node called smart connections so when you're asking the app to find similar connections to a certain note it will first get the value of all the dimensions of that specific note and then go through all the other values of all the other blocks in your Vault to see which ones are most related it's like plotting all your notes on an XY graph and then trying to see which ones it's closest to but instead of just two Dimensions it's a thousand five hundred and thirty six this is really powerful since it can find similarities in Dimensions that we might not even be consciously thinking of allowing for even crazier connections so yeah based on that explanation the quality of these connections it finds is still based on how well your notes are organized so by keeping your notes organized via Atomic concept notes and highly comprehensive writing it will enhance the power of the plugin this is under the smart connections files pane which is the one that shows you well the smart connection for each related block it will show a percentage on how relevant it is unfortunately some of these connections can be very obvious since my application note on how to take smart notes will obviously be relevant to the book but if you look it also has a link to building a second brain and the zetel cost and concept note I have it'll also show the contents of the note inside but it's a little bit narrow here so it might be better to switch it and split it yeah this looks much nicer but the best part about all of this is that you aren't just limited to finding what's related to a certain note you can literally just ask it questions or whatever text you choose if we go back to the top there's a search icon right here which we can use to type something we want to find related ideas for so we can type how to use a zettel costume and similar to how the process works this text itself will get its own embedding and it'll find all the notes with similar embeddings as well I guess it makes sense that you know the note that is on settle costan will have the most connections but if we keep on going we can find related headers that include zetel costin it'll include parts of how to take smart notes since that talks about zetel constant method and it'll also mention times when Zelda constant is linked this one doesn't even have zettel constant included but since we also had how to in the search it was also looking for more actionable things we can do and this will only be more powerful as you create more notes if you wanted to make this search permanent because you really like the connections that it found here you can just create an embedded code block to store the connections that it made we can just add three back ticks add smart connections and then we can paste the thing we use to search now if we exit we can see all the connections here this is useful if you want to keep a certain search query as well since when we switch to a different node it automatically switched to the connections related to that if you want we can also just make a note called how to use a zetel costume [Music] to remove everything keep this in there and I'm going to drag it to my side folder that is a bit too compact so I want to expand this a bit tada so you just keep this pinned on your sidebar as you start maybe exploring these different notes or just you know working on maybe like a blog post so yeah this is already massive on its own but now we need to combine the two together to make our own personal assistant just like chat gbt but for our own notes and to do so I'm just going to move everything back I'm going to delete this we can head to the smart connections chat pane which will give us a chat box to ask questions to we can also ask general questions which will use the internet just like Chad gbt but I prefer to just use the chat GPT embed since it saves me money when he wanted to answer based on the content in our vault we need to use a self-referential pronoun like I me my or a plural one like we or our so we can try that out we could say based on my notes explain what a zetel constant is that is a massive response that's going to cost like almost a cent but this was actually pretty accurate and I'm pretty sure it just takes from different things like my Zelda Costa note out of curiosity I'm just gonna see where I got these notes from so I'm going to copy a bit of it and then go to the search bar search by line nope doesn't work search by content wow so there's no exact match for necessarily this content it literally just learns from the data in your Vault and then synthesizes it into a response that best matches your question you can then continue asking it more but let's say you want to do it later so you can just save it by naming it learning what a zetol cost in is we can then create a new chat and ask something like based on my notes what is a second brain we can also name this one learning about a second brain and then save it wow much shorter but very concise and accurate maybe I want to switch between the two chats and I can just click on this chat history button and jump between the different ones I will just add a warning and say that the more messages in history there isn't a conversation no more words you'll have to send to open AI at a time since in the request it will include all the different messages and content which means you know more money if you maybe want to customize what you want to be able to make connections to you can go to settings and go to smart connections and there's lots of settings here to determine what you want to exclude maybe I don't want to include any daily notes from this year I can just do something like 2023 or maybe for folder exclusions I can just get rid of all my daily notes by adding my folder daily notes and for path only for this last one header exclusions we'll just remove will just prevent any headers from showing up in the smart connections so let's say maybe in your daily note daily template you have a reminders note and you don't really care on if a certain reminder from like two years ago is that relevant so you can just add the reminders tab I mean reminder's heading in here the other settings aren't too important one thing I found cool though was being able to group the connections by file if I turn that on and I go to how to take smart notes instead of having each block separated based on relevance it all gets grouped based on the total note content which I kind of prefer since it makes things less messy so yeah that was a lot to cover but I'm super excited to continue experimenting with these features in My Vault next is time to learn how to use these AI Tools in your day-to-day life through prompts and workflows which you can learn more about in my next video on how I use AI for my second brain if you're watching this early and the video isn't up yet just be sure to like And subscribe to stay tuned you can keep up to date on any new things I learned on My Weekly Newsletter but yeah this has been John Maverick stay mindful
Channel: John Mavrick Ch.
Views: 33,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obsdian,, obsidian note taking, obsidian app, obsidian notes, obsidian note, obsidian review, obsidian tutorial, obsidian workflow, obsidian tips, obsidian templates, obsidian zettlekasten, how to use obsidian, note taking app, note taking,, obsidian vs notion, best note taking app 2021, obsidian ai, ai note taking, ai notes app, ai second brain, ai prompts for productivity, ai learning, chatgpt prompts, ai zettelkasten
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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