TOP 17 ChatGPT PLUGINS Ranked! [Don't Miss These]

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there is currently 448 chat gbd plugins that's 56 pages of chat GPD plugins that's too much and I'm like I need to find the best plugins there must be like this Hidden Gem out there but every website is like showing me the same 10 plugins over and over again so for the next three hours I'm going to check out 17 chat gbt plugins and I'm not just gonna talk about them I'm gonna use them and I'm gonna rank them based on how useful they are and yeah maybe we get away with some insanely powerful knowledge here let's begin so we start by going to the plugin store let's test the first one video insights this one works with YouTube I'm going to copy the link can give me transcript and I paste the link okay here we go providing it in this long document it's code here though I don't really like that I want to mention that many of these plugins are not as advertised and I definitely want to show them exactly as they are so yeah it keeps writing and so this one is good except I use this one instead which is a Chrome extension that lets me download and that takes literally about 10 seconds to just click two buttons so in terms of productivity this one is getting a c plug-in number two show me diagrams create and edit diagrams directly in chat I'm gonna ask it to explain how a Car Works using a visual diagram here is the basic diagram driver turns key dignity mission system starts engine Powers transmission rotates Wheels the steering system braking system as a diagram Lover from using it only one time because I'm staying within the 25 messages per three hours limit I really want to test it with making a diagram of all the human systems for now a solid s tier the next one is zapier let's for example turn one of my Twitter likes into a script with open AI so I believe this is the one we want so I'm going to try to make a set that triggers on a Twitter like Chachi video rewrite it and then it puts it into a notion note okay here is a summary of this app we can create Trigger action action you can confirm the creation of this app by clicking confirms app so it actually did it for me zapier can connect with over 5 000 apps and I love it for automation highly recommend checking out pay patreon if you want to know all my automations that save me hours of time here we go trigger when a tweet is liked this is exactly like the other one I have they have an action where we tweet where we send it to that action we just created and then save it in a notion database so yeah this is pretty legit I would love to try to create like a 11 Step automation but since we only got one try zabir is getting an a tier the two main issues that could get it up to an S tier is auto connected to my Twitter account to my notion account all of that and the second thing it is quite expensive so I'm gonna take that into account while ranking them but a solid a tier and obviously I'm biased I love zapier plugin number four is Vizsla where you can create a short video from public stock footage based on your specified topic so I can write create a video about a boy and a girl falling in love but the families are Rivals therefore they run away together send the message so I try this a couple of times in the past and I've been quite impressed there we go successfully created title Love against odds a Runaway Love Story to choose love over family you can view your video here all right you've got a one minute and 15 second video let's see in a small town there were two families who had been Rivals for Generations but Sate had other plans for their children the boy and girl met by chance at a local fair and fell in love at first sight they knew their families would never approve of their relationship yeah I mean that clip there didn't really fit well together it should be like a love story but hey secretly hiding from their families and the rest of the town they would sneak out at night to be together so as you can see it's working it's very early and there's some major updates that could be done to this to actually make it really good better AI voice faster cutting of videos would go a long way but as it stands we're putting it in a b tier plug-in number five chat with PDF now I heard a lot of people using these PDF plugins and they're not as advertised so let's check this one this link here is to a PDF about 1 000 true fans I'm gonna paste the link and we're gonna ask it list 10 core lessons from this PDF error communicating so I don't know if this one is broken right now I mean it doesn't even have an image let's try this other PDF one called ask your PDF I'm gonna do the exact same link and give me 10 okay it's working it read it and now it's writing down the 10 lessons can also ask follow-up questions and it will store the PDF in its Vector database so it doesn't ever lose its memory how to rank this I mean it's doing as it's supposed to do I'm gonna put it in eight here if it could easily do graphs maybe but that's where you can connect multiple things together a solid a I'm pretty happy with that plugin number six is kayak so search flights stays and rental cars all right a rental car for tomorrow June 17th so they have a Bosnia using kayak the date for the rental car June 17th okay issue with a date format let's try again okay I need to go from X to Y from June 17 to June 20th makes sense I found several rental cars what okay let's click on it though economy compact mini you failed to prove that you're a real user come on you gotta be kidding me though here we go some cars here in Bosnia 64 and the lowest is 64. so yeah that's but hey it got me the days that I wanted it got me the city I wanted so I mean it's useful but it's not that good like you can just go to the kayak website nothing big seat here is perfect plug-in number seven speak learn how to say anything in another language with speaker AI powered language tutor all right okay can you please say this in Norwegian hey what's up I'm from Norway okay it's translated it to Norwegian it actually does the dialects and is creating a sentence on how to use it it's fine I just actually thought it would speak it instead of just translating it with like artificial intelligence voice or something like that so do you need this plugin compared to just saying hey jbd can you translate this for me not really also in terms of learning a language we need to learn how to pronounce it it right so we're missing a bunch of things so B if it's right in there plug-in number eight scholar AI Unleashed scientific research search 40 million peer-reviewed papers explore scientific PDFs Etc let's install it and check it out so I'm gonna try to find if there's any papers on weight loss so 10 papers on weight loss in the time frame 2022 and 2023 okay they actually got top four papers sorted by the number of times they've been cited first one about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease that goes directly to the website look at this entire paper damn paper number two triple glucagon a big one on a carbohydrate restrictions and weight loss and weight regain in mice it actually gave us this paper I don't know how long it will take to find this manually but I would love to ask it even more specific questions I don't know if this is an S tier or an eight here but I definitely need to check it out more to give it an S So based on just one usage I'm gonna put it in an S honestly it kind of did exactly what I wanted to do let's say I wanted to create a video about these topics this plugin would be a huge help plugin number nine web pilot browse and QA webpage PDF data generate articles from one or more URLs obviously this one is a little bit different than the browsing plugin that is built into chat gpt4 the main problem I've found with browsing is that it starts browsing when it really doesn't have to with this tool you can just provided a link and it will read that and we'll keep that in mind or at least that's what I think it does so we're gonna test it out I'm gonna use one of these papers actually that is about the weight loss non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and I'm gonna give it the link so let's ask it about a couple of true statements in this research paper okay right away it starts going into that it's the most common chronic liver disease in the western world and it's actually breaking it down really well and this would be too much data for me to give it like just copy paste so this is a very good use case and I think you can just keep asking it follow-up questions so this one is amazing let me actually ask it like a hard question that's all the way down here like what is reference number 74 and what is reference number 102. let's see give me an exact copy so it seems like it's browsing again and it wasn't actually able to do it I might have to put the link in there save and submit okay what I think happened is that since they are not actually numbers in the formatting you can see that I can't really click on it it might be an impossible task for it to do so it's getting like a B I think most language models will be up to date in the future anyways plugin number 10 prom perfect perfect type perfect to craft the perfect prompt every time so apparently you start by typing perfect and then the prompt that you want so let's say write a YouTube video about the top 10 chattybd plugins if I click enter it's using prompt perfect and actually you can see this is the input and then it just produced this incredible prompt here rephrased and let me read it and see if there's anything really cool yeah look at this thorough overview of each plugin including its features benefits and potential drawbacks and it should be targeted towards individuals who are interested in enhancing their chat GPT experience that is really detailed and then it gives us hey there's plugin name number one plugin name number two and look at this intro hello everyone welcome back to our Channel if you're new here don't forget to hit the Subscribe button and Bell icon and no chat epd is still so bad at writing YouTube videos is crazy but I mean it did what it did and I could have given it way more information chain so I'm pretty impressed by just using this one time I'm definitely going to use this one more I think that there's a huge difference between a good prompt and a bad prompt so this one deserves an S tier now I need to tell you something I've been choosing from the popular tab in the plugin store there's some of these that I just can't talk about because I don't have enough knowledge like notable that creates notebooks in Python and SQL and there's also others that other people have talked about a lot like instacart Wolfram golden but I'm just not gonna include and now we're gonna step into the unknown territory where we click on all look at all these pages of plugins oh my goodness I have to suffer for this YouTube video or maybe it's gonna be cool let's actually click on new and let's see what's happening right here I think that we need a plugin for all these plugins how do I know which one of these are good plugin number 11 stories create beautiful Illustrated stories easy easily okay let's create another story about a boy and a girl where the families hate each other so they run away together okay it started Romeo and Juliet for kids let's click the link it opens on this beautiful website and has the text on the left and they're generating an image right now you can see other people's work here as well you can actually like them so some sort of social media there is no way look at this the entire story plus images generated automatically just like that like this is as close to an automatic storybook as you can but look at this this was the perfect place to start their new life together no way it's like even more pages it's literally 40 pages and it just keeps going damn 51 pages to the end wow this is an easy s tier I love when plugins can just blow me away like this cat GPD plug in number 12 open tools AI find the right AI tools for your needs from the largest collection on the web okay I'm asking about turning text into video and listing top 10 tools for that let's see what it's going to do it was really fast tweaked to video converts tweets into videos okay flaky I've heard about this one modal scope text to video wizard vid to text okay I've not heard about these ones yet this is really cool no way these are actually things I've never heard about before even giving me a repository from hugging face wow it actually did it but it didn't actually provide the best answer which I would say is Runway ML and this is also about captioning and subtitling and dubbing actually a lot of them are transcription Services also the website isn't really that popular so I don't know how up to date this one is I would rather use something like Future tools so C tier or maybe even the first D tier no let's do this plugin number 13 questmate forms create forms checklists and workflows we call them quests that you can assign schedule or make public let's test it out so imagine I need a form for somebody that has a business but they now need to automate a lot of their work with AI and this would be a goal on a call form so create a form to apply AI automation into their business let's see making a form now okay it's created a form let's check out the questions click here to access the form okay they're still making it this design is pretty cool though I know which questions that I would put into this form okay here it is okay name email company name company website read the following documents so they actually created some overview documents which is not secure so they don't really like that and it's to a website that I don't own what they need to sign an agreement what is the purpose of the call what is the desired outcomes of the call what documents do you need to bring to the call no I wouldn't include that what questions do you have for the call sign below nope I don't like this the design also looks very bad so if I would send anybody here it kind of looks unprofessional I'm sorry to me this is very much like a C or D tier I wouldn't really use this you know what I'm gonna change it up I'm gonna put both of these in detail because uh we gotta fill that space up too and these have been the worst so far plug-in number 14 World News summarize news headlines you can ask for the latest news from various sources around the world this is very cool let's ask it about AI news that happened today or maybe yesterday give me a list of AI news that happened last two days it's browsing okay it's saying couple of things Google's the AI tool is about making online shopping even easier this is actually up to date from wired researchers from Harvard this is also from two days ago about the EU law ass well damn this is actually working really well I've heard of all of these and I'm up to date all the time it actually found one that happened today so I gotta give this chat GPD plugin a little Applause honestly damn this might actually be one that I'm gonna use to ask about the top articles to the last week in Ai and become a part of my research process so easy s tier plugin there plug-in number 15 change discover impactful non-profits to support in your community and Beyond let's install the plugin let's ask it for non-profits working on restoring Wetlands forests and natural ecosystems I know a couple of these so let's see if they can find the ones that I know or it couldn't actually find that but they're gonna do Environmental Conservation or Wildlife preservation yeah that's fine let's do Wildlife preservation okay here we go number one Wildlife preserves they got Southwest Texas and those were the two I wish it gave me more but I guess that these ones are very specifically created for natural habitats and ecosystems so there might not be that many out there so this one fits right into a b tier plug-in plug-in number 16 yab will create insights instantly any audience any question yabilit let's install so I'm gonna ask it about the audience of people interested in artificial intelligence and now it's a yablin and I've generated a set of questions for our survey and then you can continue down saying like creating custom target audience for your survey Etc they're calling this augmented data that can kind of predict the answers that the audience might have which is very interesting I mean it definitely does what it says it does so I think we're gonna put it in a tier it's between a and b for me plug-in number 17 Robo add your AI powered ad assistant I've heard good things about this one so you can basically give it a website like like the Linus Tech tip store pop a link in there and say create multiple ads and apparently it should do it okay it had an internal server error first okay and now it's creating the ads like the title path description it's very small though I don't know if this is what we want this is hardly an ad let's try FL ribbon instead okay it's creating more ads and it's just very short quality Outdoor Clothing so this one is definitely a c tier or a d-tier even so there you have it did I miss any plugins let me know in the comments below don't forget to check out our patreon and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 65,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt plugins, chatgpt, gpt4, openai, google bard, microsoft, bing ai, midjourney, palm-e, ai, artificial intelligence, auto-gpt, ai news, sam altman, Huggingface, machine learning, meetkevin, google ai, meta ai, ai art, microsoft ai, gpt 4, gpt 4 demo, gpt 4 plugins, gpt 4 coding, gpt 4 vs chatgpt, gpt 4 api, gpt 4 free
Id: cCzrJjn7p7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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