ChatGPT vs ChatGPT Plus - Is GPT-4 Worth It?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

When it works 😅

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/unbruitsourd 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2023 🗫︎ replies
As an avid ChatGPT user (it’s my only friend), once I heard about GPT 4 being provided as early access to people who purchased ChatGPT Plus, I immediately wanted to try it. I clicked to buy it but then I saw: Ooh, my bank account might not be too pleased. Yes, ChatGPT Plus is expensive, and I’m sure many of you who are also broke like me are desperate to know if its worth it. That’s why today, I’ll be giving both ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus a series of head-to-head challenges, such as making a Discord bot and solving LeetCode questions, so that you guys can see if it’s actually worth paying for. The major advantage of ChatGPT Plus is that it offers the option to run on the GPT-4 model, rather than GPT-3.5 like the free version. GPT-4 is supposedly much more efficient and accurate; but the most important addition of GPT-4 is that it is **********************multi-modal**********************, which means it can take in images as inputs. This is a game changer; to demonstrate how powerful this is, OpenAI president Greg Brockman released a demo video in which GPT-4 was given a reference sketch of a website, and provided all the code necessary to make it a real website. Absolutely mindblowing. Unfortunately, ChatGPT Plus currently does not support image uploading, although it is coming very soon which I will be covering in another video. In this video, we will be focusing on comparing the performance of ChatGPT Plus’s GPT-4 option against the free version of ChatGPT. I actually had to go make a second OpenAI account using a different email so that I could have access to the free version, because while ChatGPT Plus does allow you to toggle between GPT-3.5 and 4, I have found that it’s version of GPT-3.5 is much faster than the free version, and I want to keep this video as authentic as possible. The way I’ll be comparing the free and paid versions is to give both a series of tests and examine both the speed and accuracy of their responses. 1. We’ll start off with a basic, creative request, just asking ChatGPT to write a video description for me (I’m lazy) 2. Then, we’ll be giving them the more complicated task of building a specified Discord bot, and providing the steps for implementation 3. After that, I’m making both ChatGPT’s prepare for coding interviews by giving them a variety of difficulties of LeetCode questions. And at the very end, I’ll give you my opinion on whether or not it’s worth it to pay for ChatGPT Plus. Without further ado, let’s see how they stack up. While brainstorming the first question to give the ChatGPTs, I thought: “What’s some work that I’m going to have to do later that I can have ChatGPT do for me?” The answer came to me immediately: writing a description for this video Already we can start to notice the major differences between both versions of ChatGPT. ChatGPT Plus is very clearly slower; however, it is also a lot more emotion-invoking, as well as insightful about YouTube descriptions, going as far as to include three hashtags and asking users to like, subscribe, and comment. This actually makes a lot of sense, because as you can see on this graphic from ChatGPT itself, GPT-3.5 is faster, but has worse reasoning. Now, let’s move on to something that puts the I in Artificial Intelligence to the test. To start to really test the reasoning differences between the two, I decided to give them a much more advanced challenge. I’ve always wanted to have a Discord bot for our channel Discord (link in the description) that publishes whenever I’ve made a new video, but I’m too lazy to code one myself. So let’s see if either version of ChatGPT can do that work for me. Let’s first talk about the free ChatGPT version. While it runs on the side here, I’ll talk about how it performed. In terms of speed, it took about 1 minute and 8 seconds to finish the entire prompt. However, it actually stopped before completing the entire set of instructions, which left me on a bit of a cliff hanger. In terms of how well it actually worked, I would have to say it was decent. While it did make a lot of mistakes, I was able to explain the error messages to ChatGPT and it eventually corrected them. The time to get it working took about 45 minutes, which is probably still faster than it would have taken me to read the Discord bot documentation and YouTube API documentation. Now, let’s take a look at ChatGPT Plus. In terms of speed, it was definitely slower, taking almost exactly double the time at 2 minutes and 18 seconds. However, it also stopped just before completing the entire set of instructions. So, clearly it was much slower; is this extra wait time worth it? The results are in, and the answer is overwhelmingly yes! After asking ChatGPT Plus to continue with the instructions it forgot to finish, I was able to quickly follow each step and get the Discord bot up and working in less than 10 minutes! And incredibly, it made zero mistakes with the code. Comparing the two versions of ChatGPT, the differences we saw from the first test are even more evident here. The normal version of ChatGPT is much faster, whereas ChatGPT Plus is slower, but far more accurate. However, when it comes to overall performance, ChatGPT Plus is far more efficient, as even though it was slower to compute by a minute, it saved at least 35 minutes by making zero mistakes when compared to the free version. ### We’ve determined that both versions of ChatGPT can write video descriptions and build projects; the final step to them replacing me entirely is their ability to pass technical interviews and steal all the jobs I apply for. As many of you know, lots of technical interviews are done by asking data structure and algorithms questions to applicants. LeetCode is the most popular site to practice these, so I had both versions of ChatGPT complete 10 questions in total: 3 easy, 4 medium, and 3 hard. I actually messed up the first time trying to film this because I forgot that ChatGPT is trained on data up to September 2021. So when I gave both versions questions from before that, I didn’t realize it had already been trained on these questions, and both versions got every single question right. To do this properly, I decided to use only questions created in 2022 or later. I won’t show you all of the computations, because that would take forever, but I’ll go over the results and highlight key observations. Starting with accuracy, the free version of ChatGPT got 1/3 easy questions correct, 1/4 medium questions correct, and 0/3 hard questions correct, for a measly score of 20%. ChatGPT Plus, got 2/3 easy questions correct, 3/4 medium questions correct, and 1/3 hard questions correct, for a barely passing grade of 60%. In terms of speed, I didn’t time every single answer, but as you’d expect, GPT-4 was about 30 seconds slower for each question. Now I want to highlight some interesting takeaways with ChatGPT Plus’s attempts to solve. Firstly, ChatGPT Plus always attempts to explain the logic it uses to solve each question, which makes it a great learning tool for beginners who are still trying to learn data structure and algorithm concepts. However, while ChatGPT Plus is very diligent in explaining its work, it is not as diligent in checking its work. In fact, even though it claims that it tested the provided examples and got the right output, when running the code on LeetCode, those exact test cases sometimes fail. This shows that ChatGPT Plus is either not testing the code with the examples at all, and just claiming it got them correct, or it has a misunderstanding of how the code works. Interestingly, you can tell it that it made a mistake, and it will try and correct the code, sometimes even trying new approaches entirely. However, it usually is unable to solve the issue no matter how many times it tries, which might indicate that it has trouble understanding the question. Overall, while ChatGPT Plus is much better at solving these types of problems than the free version, it seems our job prospects are safe, at least for now. ### We’ve reached the end of the tests. Clearly, ChatGPT Plus is a bit slower, but far more accurate than the free version. Now, it’s time to answer the question: Is ChatGPT Plus worth it right now? Ultimately, the answer is dependent on how frequently you code. My answer would be ******yes****** IF you are someone who codes for hours most days, as it will save you a significant amount of time compared to the normal ChatGPT. But if you don’t code at all, or only code a bit, then the free version of ChatGPT is more than good enough, and I don’t think it’s worth the $20 monthly investment to get ChatGPT Plus. That being said, ChatGPT Plus is still in its early stages. Once plugins and the ability to add photo inputs become accessible, it will likely be far more useful to get ChatGPT Plus. Thanks so much for watching the video. This video took way longer than you’d expect to put together, so I’d really appreciate it if you liked, subscribed, and shared it with friends. The more this channel grows, the higher quality videos I can produce, so I’d love your help in reaching that goal. Thanks, and I’ll see you all in the next video!
Channel: Codebagel
Views: 14,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coding, programming, codebagel, compsci, computer science, comp sci, swe, software, engineer, engineering, gpt4, gpt-4, chatgpt, openai, gpt-3.5, chatgpt plus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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