Train ChatGPT On Your Documents For Free (In 5 Minutes)

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all right so if you think that building a custom AI chatbot is difficult um you need to pay for an expensive platform or you need to know python then with this video I will try to prove you wrong um this is going to be probably the easiest uh fastest and the most cost efficient way to create an AI custom chatbot and I will try to do that in under five minutes so let's go all right so this is the path we will be creating um I've uploaded a long research paper about caffeine and its effect on sleep model and we are able to have a conversation with it without looking for any information uh now obviously you can upload any data to this model we want for example you could even upload your business website copy and it could act like an AI customer service assistant for example so first we'll need to have a server where we upload their application on my choices because it's free and easy to use you'll find the links in the description uh next you need a GitHub account if you don't already have one then when you registered go to the flowwise repository you can find the link description and just Fork it uh now let's go back to create a new web service connect your GitHub account with render and connect your flowwise Repository the name the app however you like and set runtime to node now you can start the installation then go to your dashboard and when you see it deploy succeeded text then the installation is done open up your application turn on dark mode and click on Marketplace and search for conversational retrieval q a chain so this is essentially chatbot created from your document I will go over all the details of how the system works in my next video now we need some API Keys Next open the fourth Link in the description leading you to open AIS website and register once you're in the dashboard navigate to the top right corner of the page and click on view API key here create a new secret key name it whatever you prefer and copy it using the green button on the right return to your application and paste the open AI API key into these two nodes now the final piece of the puzzle for this application is a vector database we'll use Pinecone a user friendly platform that is also free click on sign up and follow the instructions once it's ready you can create an index by clicking on the relevant button name it as you want but ensure that the dimension is set to 1536 click create index and once you see a green ready message Continue by clicking on the index then copy the index name paste it into your app in the pine cone index input field copy your environment name into your app as well and navigate to your API Keys page on Pinecone and copy your API code by clicking on the icon go to the plus button on the left side open the document loader. drop down menu and find the PDF file loader upload the lengthy PDF about the effects of caffeine on sleep that couldn't be uploaded to to chatgpt due to character limits now return to your application click on upload file and select your document next set the chunk overlap to 200 and connect these nodes if you're curious about the reasoning behind this and how this works stay tuned for the next video set the temperature to zero to avoid the bot making of the information and click on additional parameters where you can instruct the bot on how to behave and save these changes now your schedule is ready now the easiest way is by clicking on the chat bubble on the right side to start chatting but most of you might want to embed it into your website now you can do this under the embed tag by pasting the provided script onto your website I'll show this whole process in the next video and but for now let's use the share chat bot option to copy a link into a browser for immediate use open the copy Link in another browser and begin asking questions as you can see it works smoothly and I hope you found this tutorial easy to follow if you run into any issues feel free to ask in the comments or respond to all the queries well immediately this chatbot has its limitations it's slow lacks memory and PDF files aren't always ideal still in just five minutes we have created a functional app which I find impressive so if you're interested in making it faster enabling it to search Google perform calculations remember past interactions or even fetch data from a website subscribe and look out for my next video coming up in about a week until then take care
Channel: Gustav
Views: 20,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HfinB8OMuuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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