I Tried Every ChatGPT Prompt and Found the Best 10!

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so you want to get better at prompting when it comes to chat gbt prompts are everything it's basically how you talk to the AI just like how a software developer or coder talks to the computer there are a specific set of instructions that make the ai's job easier to give you back exactly what you were looking for and in this video today we're gonna go over my favorite the top 10 most powerful prompts you can enter into chat GPT I might even add some honorable mentions and a bonus if you stick around to the end of the video before we start I do want to talk about some quick breaking news coming out of open AI They just added a feature that lets users turn off their chat history for people that are concerned with their privacy and their data being shared basically you can be Incognito inside open Ai No matter what you'd search in their chat it's not going to be shared with anybody not even the company itself so before I go over what my favorite prompts are let's go over exactly what is a prompt a prompt is a text input provided by the user that serves the starting point for chat gbt's response generation it can be a question a statement an instruction or any combination of elements the purpose of the prompt is to guide the AI and understand the context and the user's expectations enabling it to generate a relevant and useful output the reason that these are so crucial is because it provides the AI with the context setting it helps to find the expectations it helps Channel creativity and reduces ambiguity this also helps to tell the ad exactly what you want to get back as a result so you got to be specific you got to set the scene you got to provide as much context as humanly possible humanly possible is the correct term you know the emphasis because we're talking to a computer a robot and we got to have that human element but let's start with some honorable measures we're going to give you a little bit more value than just the top 10. these aren't prompts that are really valuable but just wasn't powerful enough to be top 10 worthy number one how about we ask chat gbt how to help you become better at using chat GPT so what I'm going to type in is create a beginner's guide to using chat GPT the topic should include prompts priming and personas include examples where necessary and and I'm going to give it an example how many words I think it should be that's everything I need to know let's listen to the information let's learn let's get better using this as a product second honorable mention especially if you want to get past you know these AI plagiarism detectors what you can do is you can give it a specific style hopefully yours give it a piece of writing and say Analyze This writing style from the text below obviously we're gonna put the text below it and write a 200 word piece on this topic so this you can use for anything basically you train the AI how to write in your tone your style your voice and basically at that point just tell it hey now I want a blog post I want a social media guide I want a 1000 word essay for my History exam next let's make our outputs look a little bit better so I'm going to do that by creating a markup table so I'm going to say I'm going to give it any sort of task doesn't really matter what it is I'm gonna say task analyze according to the instructions of my text output ads you want to tell it exactly how the output is supposed to look only markdown table with columns number Town island country best three dishes and my text is seven best Mediterranean Island towns and their famous dishes this just gets you a lot better looking output which helps me interpret the data better and it can be used for all sorts of things like graphics and everything like that shout out to the homie Boris on Twitter because this is one of my favorite prompts that he's written add rewrite as if I know what I'm talking about to your prompt the way he used it was he gave it a style he said style casual rewrite this as if I know what I'm talking about the Starship exploded at 39 kilometers because and then Chachi BT responded with hey so you know that Starship rocket it actually blew up at 39 kilometers because of a pretty significant issue that happened during the flight crazy huh if we hop over to my mem dot AI you can see chat GPD prompts for writing specifically so I do is I have an initial starting point right says you know you are a writer an expert next subject blah blah I'm not gonna go over the entire thing we give it the research and the keywords but why not take it one step further one step at a time and so what I do is I give it that starting point and then next I go add examples to the text then I say let's think about this from a reverse effective then I say let's think about this in a bigger context then I say let's think about this using analogies from multiple angles from an impact historical standpoint economics and humor risks and downsides so when it comes to writing what I want to do is give it a starting point and then I'm going to say one step at a time let's make it more in-depth let's add all these cool things and make the writing better and it's able to do that especially when you go one step at a time instead of saying Hey I want this perfect article just give it the basis give it a starting point and then go one by one and you'll get a much better piece of content but those are just honorable mentions now let's go into the 10 most powerful chat gbt prompts so the first prompt that I love more than any of them might not be number one but the first one we want to start with is called summarize this all you do is you insert any type of text inside a chat GPT and you say hey can you summarize this but you can even be more specific and say summarize this and I want this output so summarize this into five bullet points summarize this into seven complete sentences whatever you want to get from that piece of information in an old video I have on YouTube right here I did summarize the speech The Show Goes On from The Wolf of Wall Street as a Hallmark card so you can do so many things it could be the type of content and you can do the exact output make it more creative and more easy to understand the second prompt that I really like is to either generate ideas or to help me brainstorming let's go over the prompt for generating ideas first can you give me ideas for blog posts about real estate perhaps covering topics such as buying selling investing or managing property you can even combine one of another prompts that we're gonna use later that act as prompt to make this even more specific we can go over to Rowan Chung on Twitter who said I turn chat gbt into Harvard marketing graduate basically said the act as prompt as a Harvard marketing graduate and skilled content creator guide me in crafting social media content that resonates with AI enthusiasts emphasize uncommon and expert questions to ask so it's combining two things it's generating ideas for basically social media posts but it's also using the act as prompt which we'll talk about in just one second one of the most popular ways people want to use Chachi PT is to write code and write code is a great prompt but again you want to be as specific as possible so you want to really think about the outputs you want hey do you want images do you want subheadings what is going to be on your website do you want an app do you want a static page what exactly is it is it just a Blog make sure you're very specific but you can have a right code you can build an entire website for you this next prompt number four is probably my favorite in the entire list it's basically turning chat gbt into a prompt generator itself so you're going to do is you're going to type in chat EBT you are an AI designed to help insert profession it could be helping marketers generate a list of 10 best problems for yourself The Prompt should be about and then pick your topic so you can say how to grow a social media account quickly and boom then chat gbt starts spinning up the top 10 prompts and things could be great for marketers trying to grow social media account quickly like number one or the most effective tactics for quickly increasing followers on social media platforms what are the best ways to collaborate with influencers blah blah blah blah blah next we have act as product which is where we're going to have chat gbt become an expert in a certain field and then ask a question that an expert in that field would know so what I said is hey act as a 20-year bourbon connoisseur it's just to me the top five Bourbons under fifty dollars with the most complex taste and cheers to that chat GPT and then look even at number four very specifically it says Buffalo Trace this award-winning bourbon is known for its balance complexity known to toffee vanilla and a hint of leather it's priced around 25 to 30 dollars and it's so good that it actually picked the exact bourbon that I'm drinking so I just found this one today and I haven't tested it yet so let's test it live together right now this is called the multi-purpose super prom okay so we're gonna tell Chachi PT that you are an expert level chat GPT prompt engineer with expertise in various subject matters throughout our interaction you'll refer to me as blank a collaborate to create the best possible chat GPT response to a prompt that I provide we will interact as follows number one I will inform you how you can assist me two then based on requirements that you'll suggest an additional expert roles you should assume besides being an expert level chat GPT prompt engineer basically this is going all the way through step 21 and saying if I agree for the needed changes refer to your previous response make the required adjustments and generate a new prompt repeat steps 15 through 20 until I'm content with the prompt so basically this is as detailed as it gets let's see what happens help me write the best YouTube title for this video about top 10 chat GPT prompts and I'll tell it to proceed so right here then it asks me a clarifying question basically saying hey can you differentiate between what this video is actually going to be about is it simply a guide to creating top performing chat GPD prompts or there's a video ranking in the list of top 10 chat GPD prompts itself then I answer the question the idea that it gives me is the 10 expert tips for crafting high performance chat GPT prompts basically what I want to do from here is make the title a little bit more specific and shocking so I'm just going to tell it to do that took a little literally it said the word shocking inside of it and said 10 shocking secrets for creating chat GPD prompts that will blow your mind I don't really like that one but you get the gist one way that I like to use chat GPT is this next prompt where it helps me be better at crafting prompts to create AI images whether it's on Dali or mid-journey so the prompt is please generate a clear and detailed description of an image that represents topic or concept the description should include information about the scene objects colors and any other relevant details the description should aim to provide the AI model with enough information to generate an accurate and Visually appealing image the response should be structured and focused including headings and bullet points and should aim to provide a complete comprehensive and detailed description that can be used to generate an image to start please let me know what topic or concept you would like me to describe let's do a sun goes to his first baseball game with his father cartoon style what it's first going to do is going to spit out a scene characters actions and objects and colors and then from there you can tweak it to be like hey this this specific output that I like to see from mid-journey you can give it an example and it'll tweak this exact information into that style my most used is probably this next one explain it like I'm five how can you take a complex subject and understand it even if you're you know not an expert can you explain nuclear physics I don't even know if that's a thing to me like I'm five years old and then it gives you this really cool output specifically talking to a five-year-old Nuclear Physics is all about a teeny tiny thing called atoms they're so small you can't see them with your eyes you could also go one step further which is what I like to do I normally like to say can you explain Nuclear Physics to me like I'm five years old and use a lot of analogies stuff like that make sure to be more specific tell it other things that you like to see to make things make more sense next I like to use Chachi petite to summarize books for me basically I don't want to read the whole thing let me skim it first see if I like it I normally take it one step further and I try to get it to explain it to me in a bullet point list and I take it one more step further I try again to explain to me like the specific character and this time I said can you summarize Atomic Habits by James Clear in five bullet points as if Gary views the narrator habits of the building blocks is Success small improvements made consistently over time could lead to Big results Breaking Bad Habits requires identifying the cue creating response and reward that drives a behavior finding ways to enter that cycle so as you can see I just did an entire book report in one second I'm going to give you one more bonus problem because that was 10. here's number 11 that's bonus basically I want to create 10 business ideas for a specific industry so I say is please generate 10 unique and innovative business ideas for the AI sector the idea should be original practical aim to solve a specific problem or address a need in the market you can read the rest of the prompt here and here's the response because I wanted to specifically learn about the AI sector AI powered personal shopping assistant content creation cyber security financial advisor language translation take everything you learned with AI chat gbt and go make a business out of it I hope this video was enough to get you really jumped in make you learn a lot more about how to wield and harness the power chat GT a little more effectively if not go watch my next video my first big one that took off talking about Chachi BT beginner to expert in five minutes but I think this is all you're going to need there's been plenty more videos just like this so like the video subscribe to the channel and I will see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: CodyOnChain
Views: 79,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, Dall-E, artificial intelligence, AI, Microsoft buys ChatGPT, prompt engineering, prompt engineer, create custom chatgpt, create hypnotist ai, therapist ai, sam altman, openai founder, chatgpt founder, sam altman chatgpt prompts, summmarize this prompt, how to summarize using chatgpt, autogpt, agi, self improving ai, GPT 4, ai agents, best chatgpt prompts, chatgpt prompts, top 10 ai prompts, get better at using chatgpt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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