ChatGPT Plugins: 7 most powerful plugins (make your life easier)

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Google recently unveiled Bard an Innovative AI tool equipped with fascinating features such as interacting with the internet performing Google searches exporting responses and even supporting voice activated prompts truly it has altered the landscape of artificial intelligence openai immediately fired back with a strategic move releasing chat GPT plugins to all chat gpt4 users these exclusive plugins were previously only available to selected users only could these plugins supercharge the functionality of chatgpt4 can they help open AI retain its leading position in the fiercely competitive AI Arena and most importantly how will these plugins make your life easier in this video I'll walk you through seven of the most powerful and popular chat GPT plugins we'll cover a wide range from internet interaction mathematical problem solving intuitive diagram generation and even finding money-saving coupons before we test out these plugins you need to activate the plugin feature first you must be a chat GPT plus member to do this do you see those three little dots next to your account name in the left hand corner click on those then go to settings then select beta features enable the plugin you might also see an option browse with Bing you need to enable this one for web browsing now let's delve into our first and the most popular plugin in chat GPT video insights this plugin allows you to interact with platforms like YouTube or Dailymotion to extract important information such as summaries metadata transcripts and much more to enable video insights you need to install it first under gpt4 select plugin beta then you will see this downward Arrow here click on it then scroll all the way down until you find plug in store then find the video insights it is under the popular section once you've located video insights click on install then close the plugin store then you need to enable this plugin remember chat GPT can only have a maximum of three active plugins at a time as I currently have three plugins enabled I'll need to disable One let's disable this one then click on video insights to enable it let's try out the video insights for instance I'm interested in Apple's Vision Pro which was announced at the recent WWDC event but I don't have time to watch the announcement I can simply copy the URL of the video and ask chat GPT to please give me a detailed summary using the video insights of this YouTube video and paste in the YouTube video URL instantly chat GPT uses the video insights plugin to generate a summary of this video and I can understand the video's main points in just seconds and I don't have to watch through the entire video the summary generated by video insights and chat GPT is pretty good it also provides additional information such as the length of this video how many people has been watching it how many likes now you may be thinking chat GPT accessing YouTube is impressive but what about internet access I'm glad you asked open a has indeed heard our call chat GPT can now surf the web leading us to our second plugin browsing just a reminder you'll need to enable the browsing feature in settings you also need to select chat GPT for browse with Bing here whether you're hunting for a fresh recipe interested in keeping up with the latest tech news or simply intrigued by a major event chat GPT is your go-to with the ability to access the internet it delivers the information to you right at your fingertips for instance I'm interested in Apple's recent WWDC event but I can't spare two hours to watch the full announcement video so I can ask chat GPT to please give me an update of Apple's WWDC 2023 here you go chat GPT presents you a summary of the event's key announcements as you can see here chat GPT says Apple unveiled Vision Pro a new VR slash AR headset Apple also announced a partnership with unity the company also showed off new Macs including a long-awaited update to the Mac Pro The Vision Pro will cost 3499 and debut in early 2024 the response is pretty solid you can even prompt chat GPT with what's your thoughts on Apple's Vision Pro chat GPT says the Apple Vision Pro represents a significant move for Apple into the VR AR Market an area of technology that has been growing rapidly however the high price point of 3499 dollars is a noteworthy aspect this places the Apple Vision Pro in a much higher price bracket than other consumer VR AR headsets another aspect to consider is the requirement of a wire connecting to a battery pack overall the Apple Vision Pro represents a significant step in VR slash AR technology I would say in terms of the quality of generated content chat gpt4 is truly impressive but when compared to Google's Bard in term of speed chat gpt4 is much slower and doesn't provide you the sources of the information or links for further research this is where plugin number three Wolfram comes to the rescue before we dive in if you're finding this video helpful so far don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe Wolfram elevates chat gpt's intelligence significantly Wolfram can access to real-time data such as weather information but its capabilities extend far beyond that the Wolfram plugin also excels at executing complex computations resolving intricate mathematical problems and tapping into curated knowledge through Wolfram Alpha and Wolfram language again you need to ensure the plugin is enabled when you see a check here it is enabled let's put Wolfram to the test with a complex computation let's ask it to plot the 3D graph for the equation Z equals X cubed plus 2x squared plus 3 plus y Square as you can see it generates this very nice diagram here that could have been quite challenging to perform manually the beauty of this plugin is that it accommodates follow-up questions to modify the graph for instance I'll ask it to please represent the same equation as a contour plot the result a completely new graph offering a different perspective on the same data the implications for students and researchers are profound they now have an easily accessible tool that can handle complex computations and mathematic problems making it easier to absorb the vast amount of information available not only can chat gpt4 generate graphs but it can also now create diagrams let's explore another intriguing plugin the fourth in our list to show me show me can create diagrams instantly right within the chat GPT for instance if I'm curious about how a large language model like chat GPT functions I can ask this tool to please create a diagram illustrating how the large language model works and guess what it uses this super handy plugin and creates this incredibly visually appealing diagram right here for me and the best part I can edit this diagram I can tweak it right here online isn't that amazing but show me doesn't stop at just visuals it also presents me with a concise summary a brief overview of how large language model works having this kind of visual representation of the topic you are interested right at your fingertips is just invaluable this visual aid serves as an effective tool for understanding complex topics it can be applied to virtually any subject that can benefit from a diagrammatic representation making it a fantastic tool for learning but what if the information you're interested is in a PDF file no problem there's a plugin for that too this brings us to fifth ask your PDF this plugin can unlock the power of your PDFs dive into your documents find answers and bring information to your fingertips when I was a master's student at Harvard I had the privilege of publishing a paper for a prestigious data science conference ACL this is me wigili I'm going to ask ask your PDF to summarize that paper for me to do this simply copy the PDF link then ask chat GPT to please summarize this for me and paste the link and there it is an impressive and concise summary of my paper generated by chat GPT we can even dive Deeper by asking specific questions about the paper like what conclusions were drawn in the paper and there you have it an accurate representation of the paper's conclusion nice now all the plugins we've discussed so far have been about productivity or work but what about Leisure let's move on to the sixth plugin Expedia this tool is your virtual travel assistant helping you plan trips discover exciting places to visit and find the best hotel deals to save money on your travels let's say if you want to go New York this summer all you have to do is specify your dates the number of guests and your preferred Hotel star rating for instance you might ask chat gpt4 to find the best hotel deal for a three-star or above hotel near New York's Times Square for two people from July 3rd to July 5th 2023 then Expedia will initiate the search on your behalf as the plugin links to Expedia it searches the platform for the best deals and presents them to you in an easy to follow format with clickable links while it doesn't directly book the hotel for you it offers all the essential details like price rating description of the hotel and location it's incredibly handy plus it even provides images of the hotels and direct links to make your booking acting like your personal travel assistant the Expedia plugin helps you make informed decisions and save money isn't that wonderful now let's say you've spent quite a bit on your travels and you're looking to make some savings well chat GPT has got you covered as well introducing our seventh plug-in Cooper this plugin searches for the internet's best coupons from thousands of online stores if you want to shop at Walmart online store you can just ask Cooper to find some coupons for Walmart for you and it lists out many available coupons making your shopping experience that much more economical isn't that super so far I have covered seven most powerful chat GPT plugins please let me know which one is the most useful to you in the comment with the new plugins chat GPT is much more convenient than before the content generated from chat GPT is always amazing however a few limitations do persist first chat GPT can only support up to three plugins for each query so if you want to use different plugins you'll need to initiate a new query this is still not so convenient when it comes to speed chat GPT lags behind Google's bot this is likely the reason Sam Altman said they are not working on gpt5 now but are instead striving to optimize the efficiency of chat gpt4 also you can't export the response the Microsoft Office yet but with the anticipated release of Microsoft Copilot this limitation is likely to change in the near future if you enjoy this video and want to help it reach border audience please click the like button and subscribe thanks for watching and see you in the next one I don't know
Channel: JackGPT
Views: 17,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, ChatGPT-4, OpenAI, AI plugins, Google Bard, Bard AI, Google AI, Video Insights, Browsing, Wolfram, Show Me, AskYourPDF, Expedia, Coupert, AI technology, Artificial Intelligence, AI competition, AI updates, AI features, AI comparison, AI productivity, Machine learning, Deep learning, AI tools, Tech news, AI analysis, AI review, Future tech, New AI features, AI performance.
Id: KLkgcH62-38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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