I bought the wrong Mario game

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uh i think i downloaded the wrong mario game oh i don't know this this kind of seems right this is peach's castle let's see maybe bomb battlefield is the same ah this is just normal battlefield except you know mario has a gun um oh god well at least they dropped some coins ah it is i who has the cannon now ba-bomb imagine you can kill them too these guys should just die in one oh they do so in case you couldn't tell we're playing mario 64 but as a first person shooter yeah yeah i know listen alpharet's done it before there's no way i can play through this game without hearing about it so just get it out of the way now head over to the comments section oh god can i kill the giant chain chomp probably not because he's a massive unit it's really satisfying just blowing up the bombs in one shot look just 360 no scope in them you think they programmed in the teleport yes not oh they did okay so this will put oh who what was that where'd you come from monty mole help me hey i noticed you on the way up here can't miss the bright red yeah that's my blood this bozo up here has been waking all us money moles up we asked him to stop and he told us we'd rue the day but then another monty mole called him out he said you don't know what roo means the bomb guy said yes i do so the money mole said okay spell it so that where is this going anyway bomb man was pretty embarrassed and blasted him away with piranha zuka i got these spare land mines it's a side hustle thing seeing as a lot of people want this guy gone if you uh if you know what i mean i decided to capitalize start selling more landmines so here's some mushroom landmines slightly three for the price of four what a deal it's only 25 coins well i have just enough so uh yahoo oh god just carrying an explosive mushroom just looks like a regular mushroom he's just holding a bazooka that's a piranha plant excuse me mario soon you'll be deadio this game's right up my alley okay just place him on the floor come here go step step on that oh god wait wait where's my where's my gun where's my gun okay um i i guess i just gun him down step on this you beat me liking it oh that was easy darn the jokes still aren't connecting mother fly guy i don't know if i beat him with the land mine or if i shot him or okay thank you man this game is strange this one's called koopa the quick scoper he's got a rifle on his back what's up dude what you don't know my tag probably i got banned off mushroom kingdom online from being toxic i was the best quick scoper ever yeah we'll see about that you think you could beat me first the top of that mountain wins see you there oh there's no shooting involved can i just gun him down koopa the quick usually known for busting a move but me mario known for busting a cap you know what i'm not even gonna use the teleporter here because he's just so slow oh oh god oh oh gee oh i died hang on that wasn't fair i want to redo you know i think i will take the teleporter this time he's gonna be like hey you cheated then he's just gonna no-scope me all right now we wait uh coop the quick where are you koopa the quick where is this guy would he stop for gas then he would probably went into the convenience store to look for snacks which usually takes a while so i don't blame him i gotta go find him hey excuse me oh whoops i forgot about that you know maybe i was going too fast for the little fella i gotta slow down so he can see me wait does he just get stuck listen i can't finish my kd is still better than yours your mom's uh here just take the damn star okay so all along i guess i just didn't have to go all the way to the top because he has asthma the goombas man they can take quite a few shots what are you 50 cent so i think i just ground pound this like normal i just do like a normal star thing i'm ground pounding by the way did i did i do it no that didn't work how do i blast these away i know there's other guns in this game so i think i have to get like a rocket launcher you just blow them up i feel like these guys probably sell some explosives hey welcome to bomb battlefield we're at war what's up name's george got hired last week hopefully gonna buy a car soon okay i'll open the jet packs for you hold space to gain some serious height what's space i've said too much he's breaking the fourth wall now he's like this is a keyboard i just hold space to fly okay so i guess this is the wing cap that didn't really do anything all right we're making it we're doing it mom i'm do it i'm gonna die i know i have to go back and finish mario 64 and get all 120 stars but it's the wing cap stars that's kind of holding me back right now don't worry i didn't forget this is open i wonder if i could actually reach that now come on we can make it we can we can do it oh good we made it all right before i grab that so what do you got to say monty i've seen some sparkly things in the sky i guess one could call them secret oh i get what you're alluding to yeah i get what you're what you're putting down this is just an alternate universe where mario woke up and chose violence it's like i've had it with this damn bowser and his minions now the question is can like we last here long enough to get all of these nope oh maybe i have to get a running jump there we go i didn't get the last one did i i missed it see this is fun because i feel like i'm experiencing mario 64 for the first time all over again because i know what stars i have to get is just now i need to figure out how to actually get them alright let's go check out some of the other stages i feel like jolly roger bay will be much more tolerable with a gun can the eel come out and play he's not gonna want to whoa hang on check out the water ign be like 7.8 out of 10. okay this remix hits though ow oh mr eel well i feel like shooting underwater probably won't be super accurate just you can kind of like dodge them all matrixy all right he's out he's playing he's gonna get that star i struggled with this in mario 64 and i'm gonna not struggle with it here okay oh there's a toad hey amari you know what dammit why won't you die i was just snorkeling and jrb to clear my mind i was playing mushroom kingdom online earlier oh you got docs toad okay so it spooked me and i bought a shotgun huh got banned for toxicity so i don't really need this anymore oh oh 200 coins oh i don't have that okay we'll have to come back uh let's pay a visit to our favorite penguins lil penguin lost that's his street name all right now hear me out oh sorry little one i think i broke him hey hey get up come on we got to go down the mountain come with me can i pick him up maybe this is how you do it it has to be right there's only one way to get him down the mountain i mean i can't pick him up so this feels very ralph wiggum this is the optimal strategy speedrunners take notes he's still alive though still breathing see nintendo it's okay oh crossing the bridge that's going to be fun because i don't think i can harm these snowmen don't stay on the bridge don't do anything stupid there we go we can hurt them okay that makes things a lot easier he's just doing cartwheels across a rickety bridge oh no oh god oh no no this penguin is absolutely massive he's looking down on me like pathetic welcome to slippery's slidey slide pretty sure it's not called that but okay i love alliteration more than my own mother i think i secretly saw something in that wide wacky wall maybe you can check it out and it'll be a shiny shivering star boy i wish i wasn't deeply down and depressed me too i've done the mario 64 slide so much i've got this down to a science look at this first try it's gonna launch me out over there and then boom easy okay let's try this again there's gotta be an easier way to do this i love this it's gonna be a little bit more careful i mean as careful as you can be just shooting a gun at a baby penguin they throw snowballs is that always a thing oh god don't fall don't fall don't fall don't no well rest in peace bozo my oh my i've lost my prized possession would it happen to be your child wait you've seen her my prized possession please bring her to me i can't live without my mint psa 10 first-gen holographic charizard hey i got one of those not psa 10 though cause then i'd retire oh yeah my daughter got lost around here somewhere too i'll worry about finding her after i find my prized possession so this is parenting good to know i'm learning everything i need to know about child care right here we only got to make it across the bridge and we're home free see it's all about angles here trigonometry don't i'm just standing on her head and just floating down on the upside i'm getting a lot of coins come on no don't don't do don't if i just go fast that seems okay this is the answer just go fast you just turn your brain off everything else works out oh hang on hang on i made i'm safe i'm saying i did it and who said i wasn't good at the fps genre all right let's pay a visit to our favorite womp up in womp's fortress this is too easy look at me just flying through this stage like the mario champion that i am excuse me sir oh wow they fall and get up pretty quick what i didn't know the womps could kill you in one shot there's a way to ground pounds but i just don't know if i can make it happen they fall and they get up so fast i don't know if you guys can i'm i'm afraid to come close to you something ain't right with this womp look at his eyes what goes in your body eventually shows up on the outside damn it hang on i have 200 coins now i gotta pay a visit to mr toad hey mario yeah okay enough of the small talk let me uh let me get that thing we were talking about all right where's that womp now guess i don't have much of a green thumb oh brother uh i i don't even know if it does anything but i'm just gonna go around him all right here he is the womp king i am the womp king i will crush you mercilessly the way you'd be able to stop me is perhaps ground pounding my back three times by the way but i won't let that happen my ai won't let you what's my ai uh prepare to be crushed [Music] you know what i prepared and uh it still didn't matter i'm just gonna sidestep him real quick [Music] oh there we go we just gotta be really fast i i think i did it oh ow watch the lower left crack in my back uh did i did i soft lock the game i i think i soft locked the game maybe he wasn't meant to be beaten all right let's try a different star maybe he's just such an incredibly hard boss fight that the developer never thought anyone would beat him and here i come a professional gamer and on the first try take him down and it just defies everything that people know about video games i mean to say that i single-handedly and pushing the boundaries of video games forward would be an understatement blast away at the wall with with like our shotgun i guess we just have to talk to these guys let's see what do they have to say the dialogue is always fun jet packs you got it i think i saw something on that ledger over there where oh that thing how do i get that i see the star there which is a question of like do i have to jetpack into it to destroy it that's not working something's telling me i don't have the artillery for this mario needs to unlock a kill streak call it an air strike well if there's one thing i know for sure i can at least get this star i wonder if there's any secrets like in the castle like can we just shoot at the sun or i feel like we should break that stained glass window let's see oh hang on this is uh hello let me in i know there's a star here island parkour that one sounds interesting man mario would be such a sick parkour artist or i don't know what do they call themselves parkourists parkour doers do i just like jump off the top can't turn your back on these bullet bills for a second oh here we go i was like how do i get there i'm gonna knock this thing over you know i've always enjoyed gymnastics and tumbling but i don't know parkour never did it for me it's like hey do you want to flip off of this two-story building like no thank you i quite enjoy living oh hang on wait we can go into like the basement and the back there's more areas i mean i don't think this is like full top to bottom mario 64. whoa whoa whoa what are you doing here mario you're here that cage over there just gives me the shivers i've pissed myself twice no that just might be the uh dementia i was working on some things in my lab and something went horribly wrong i think breaking bad times 10. i sold you my latest invention would you go in there and get rid of all the ghosts it's only 300 coins oh hang on gotta go get some more five minutes later all right i got the money egg you got the stuff yahoo indeed you've acquired the poultry gus 3 300 coins press q to cycle through your inventory look at it in an alternate universe luigi was too afraid to bust some ghosts all right so i guess we're going on a ghost hunt i don't quite remember i mean i feel like i just did this too climb up the rice crispy treats always a pleasure you don't gotta ask me twice oh hang on i feel like the piano is gonna be way more terrifying in this game oh hello mr eyeball no i guess i can't suck you up ow all right fine i'll deal with you myself i gotta just run in circles around it i should be able to just shoot it just an exposed eyeball okay that works you see the only thing that's confusing about this is oh wait hang on i'm gonna use the poltergust oh that's how you kill them okay you can just like evaporate them oh damn it you know i'm pulling out the shotgun for this one get out of here let my nine-year-old self sleep tonight please it's not working it's not working oh crap i gotta get out of here i'll be back we need what like one more star before we can actually go see bowser alright so that's all the ghosts fortunately there weren't that many here all right so we have 12 stars which is enough to go see our boy bowser and look there he is he's just waiting for us and i got a shotgun who knows what he has oh that's right we have to get there this is way better in first person okay maybe i lied maybe this platforming is not going to be better in first person oh back off i got a shotgun can i still jump on them i feel like that should be something that still works i mean you don't want to take the complete fundamentals out of mario whoa you guys are terrifying okay that doesn't work so just gotta not get electrocuted nope nope nope gotta go see my friend bowser this is so genius it makes you wonder why it hasn't been done earlier or maybe it has and it just hasn't been done this well i mean it's janky but it's fun all right we're almost there make the big jump go up here and in the pipe oh god mario how did you get past my goombas oh it's a health bar someone's getting demoted i'll cook you like scrambled eggs and i hate scrambled eggs prepare to be fried uh it's not doing damage okay so we're not going to grab him by the tail and we gotta shoot his tail that should definitely do more damage this is terrifying he's very big you you are monstrous ow okay we're doing it we're taking bowser down somewhere miyamoto is cringing his life's work just being defiled or maybe he's seen this i would honestly love to know what people like miyamoto think of parody games i mean they gotta have some sense of humor right it's only nintendo corporate as a whole that's a bunch of hard asses where zeke and i was like what's that between his leg that's his tail by the way she'd like to make that known that uh that is his tail his big swinging tail back off you beast this feels very resident evil i feel like mr x is just hunting me down or lady uh whatever her name is i don't know i'm not a big resident evil person but i feel like for choctober this year i'm gonna have to jump in some resident evil games gonna have to do more horror stuff because you guys enjoyed when i played through metroid dread so it only makes sense to expand upon that all right couple more shots he's dead come on down for a nap bowser you're done ouch oh you got me come on please die one more shot oh you think you've destroyed me wonderful well yeah you kind of just poofed into a cloud of blood so you think you've destroyed me once and for all you've only destroyed me once not the for all part once i'm reincarnated i'll be back stronger than ever this is a dark storyline all right and that unlocks the basement door and i'll be honest i don't know if i want to keep playing this game but i feel like i might have to continue playing this game we'll see you next time you
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 100,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gun mario 64, mario 64 as an fps, mario 64 fps white room, mario 64 fps speedrun, mario 64 fps download, mario 64 fps, mario 64 first person shooter speedrun, mario 64 first person shooter, mario 64 speedrun, mario 64, choctopus mario 64, choctopus mario party, choctopus mario odyssey, choctopus mario galaxy, choctopus, mario 64 mods, mario 64 guns, mixmorris, mix morris mario
Id: nIwM9VdEdWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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