We became ANGELS in Roblox!

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we are angels in roblox our goal is to help each other reach the top don't forget to subscribe and like thanks this is our first challenge gate zero stars because that's a golden game i'm ready yup dude i feel so magical today come on we got this help each other to go up and become flying angels cool okay we have to work together today guys it's not a race remember rainbow thank you angel okay clearly this is a competition lunar let's go peter come on hi little angels are you gonna help me oh hi you're a deer you guys guys you unlock blue little jump pads guys you left gold in the dust oh no god guys no i guess i'm not an angel i'll just go down okay i have to help that's the point of the game i'll come down help that's true psych i'm going now funny so what kind of angel leaves other angels be right you're right okay she's guilt-tripping us okay gold fine we help go wait a minute go what i i think somebody has to stay behind no one always has to be left behind there's no [Laughter] okay i have a solution we take turns grab my wings i will sit down here and be an angel while you guys go up those stairs the whole house wow so noble so nice can we get a like for gold being so nice thank you yeah totally um gold you're so noble thank you on the other hand what a deer point point i'm gonna fly to the very gonna get to this tipping top i'm an angel rainbow from down here you guys look like struggling angels no we're definitely feel like we're gonna lose somebody else at once we get higher right there has to be something funny sacrificing he helped me need to be made rainbow is trying to use my head no no we're using way 20 people to get to the top now oh no no i don't like that okay guys let's use teamwork now whoa dude lunard whoa let's go rules how's it feel down there you good she's still down there jumping yeah luna come on luna you got this get on luna come on get to the top i'm too short for this no wait come on we're gonna have to combine jumping to get up that's true we just have to spam jump there you go you got this is totally how you fly this that's the first level i think we need goals oh we're starting to fail this oh two left yeah yeah no a few more just a few more everyone keep jumping oh you got it it's working did it you did it okay okay okay go jump jump lunar jump can you definitely make it to the top of these stairs rainbow you're skipping us what rainbow come out oh why was i so bouncy whoa whoa whoa wait it's gonna do this guys one last one we're gonna help you you're almost at the top go get the boost get the boost come on draco so this game isn't bouncing why don't these wings work if only they actually worked i got it no fly zone what do you mean oh yay we gotta go up way high uh oh what no way come on jump um i think there needs to be more places oh you're flying are we flying oh thank you yeah press the button pass the button press it i got it button does it do anything are you gonna leave us behind oh thank you here we go uh teamwork makes the dream work but but gold but this is thanks to gold we'll get gold when we learn to fly we will just have to touch the top first and then we shall help this is so sad though one angel must not make it is this the highest gate or no i don't think so there is more oh there's one star let's go yeah oh nice are you flying we won one star i am happy now that we all have one star and rainbow and lunar helped gold so they have two stars we can go through the one star gate yes players it says two players this should be easy what wait no please wait does it mean only two players no oh oh wait the gate was just freezing we got 400 for completing this okay i love money let's go wait but what's the point of getting these stars anyways rainbows more stars there's more power yes that means we can fly more oh it's so bright whoa this next one's kind of tricky better angels oh okay how are we going to get to this next platform yes rainbow thank you use my head all right and then we step on this wow teamwork i love this come on we're here we need someone over here we're going to be the best angels nice use my head again okay and it's very bouncy it's fine draco already hit it good job guys oh wow why two players literally luna come back nice hey this is cool okay so then we need to go [Laughter] wait draco when did this turn into an object come here yeah come here you have to jump on my head and then jump on that okay go jump and then i walk and then i go eat eat and then lunar thank you and i go and then i hit go yes and then dropping you go bouncing no no dude you got this no draco come on i can't jump that high okay wait down here stand here stand up wait it works it works if i jump from here this is a good teamwork let's go what do you guys think is at the top no oh we lost an angel down there hurry get them i'm crying please we're more like frogs next button is over there we must jump on each other's heads jump good job whoa whoa whoa whoa like photo jump on and then i hit this button and then you guys go up fly my little angels [Music] nice oh wait do i hit it again nope oh wait whoa good job yeah yeah let's go and then what's that big yellow button over there bam do you want me to press it whoa a big yellow button what button get up there no i will touch the big yellow button you do it oh okay great we're back to start funny now what i will not fail this game i got this again just gotta jump there you go what does this giant yellow button do bam please be something good what activates all the steps so if you fell you wouldn't have to do it again okay that's actually pretty cool that's cool okay wait that means we should speed run to the next thing and then we can just press the big button oh yes let's go what do we do press on it nice thank you someone please hey you two hey luna button i got it hurry we'll get to the big button no you just want to get to the big bucket speed run what how did wait luna just let me up one more and then i can get to the big button no draco oh yeah hit little yellow thinking of the greater good oh yeah draco smarter this jump is like impossible i got this don't worry i'll get the yellow button for the team yellow button thank you draco was that that hard what yeah he was complaining that was going to be hard that was that was because you had the power of my jump boost halo no it's not your jump boost it's annoying oh giant yellow bun hit that guy you got this don't write it anymore no we need it what if we fall drop yeah yeah it's just for the bottom it's not permanent you know that right what oh i just noticed i'm gonna come back i'm not gonna luna do not fall just walk back carefully and we could just make it to the top together let's we're almost there we're 75 nice next yellow button bounce up that's funny and then jump boost let's go extra jumpy jump nice jump yes let's go over here and hit the yellow button for the team [Music] no no no no no no what [Music] you guys did for not going down the house oh this is painful to watch oh thank you whoever did that you're a true agent better not leave me behind and we're sending the rest of them up this is like an elevator but not really broken oh we have there goes our wings no fly zone more like uh lunar arraignment just press the button yeah yes can someone please oh no luna it's up to good job rainbow good job good job okay let's get to the top now thank you for the mega jump boost nice now we collect the star we deserve all right rushing zoom hurry up zoom up what are you trying to do right now i'm gonna push you off hey this is not a race guys do you see that tower over there where what is that what is the one on the left i don't think we can climb that i don't even think it's climbable well let's just collect this star ahaha yay two stars haha right no three this one requires three stars this shouldn't be that hard one thousand dollars oh yeah that's totally worth it let's go this is easy it's just stairs how can stairs be possibly hard come on very very skinny stairs we got this and we just hit it yes simple enough oh this is very tight one of you dropped down for you go up now you wait yeah teamwork guys one at a time we're not gonna get through this level with no teamwork whoa oh my god let's go yeah thanks lunar yeah we can beat them we can beat them okay oh yeah they said they did say it's just for two players yeah does it look like we are two players thank you luna yeah team lunar and funny let's go go fly how are we supposed to go oh what happened to your team sweet sweet sweet karma sweet sweet karma do you need a partner it looks like you have to come back down and help me no stay here i'll wait for the next partner it's easy while i wait here i can just do some cool dances wait any day now guys i don't know if you know this but this ain't easy oh excuse me ma'am any day now we're kind of partners oh should i help yeah these angels need some help thanks and then snakes and use them for evil [Music] yeah thank you no thank you thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you say thank you yeah how did she double jump whoa whoa her angel powers are now too strong no oh that was cool okay rainbow push me up or i'll push you okay okay thank you that was cute what's wrong draco and luna don't look so good yeah all the she's being toxic rainbow go rainbow go we can make it rainbow as the only other four star angel i propose you go down and help me slowly pushing oh i a good rainbow i'm a four-star angel because i'm evil i was trying to push you off okay this is this is oh i'm angered angel i angered um okay i guess i gotta go help lunar and lunar i'm coming all the way back wow this game actually can uh teach you if you're this game is about teamwork teamwork not about shellfish yeah let's go how are you yeah this game's pretty uh this is rage inducing yeah i didn't think it was gonna be rage inducing i was so happy before [Music] come on draco oh look at them i see them do you know why [Applause] [Music] i hope they both fall like no please drain off the power no just fall both of them look like you're pushing each other fall now fall die die die you salty i'm watching i'm jinxing because i'm okay wait go jump down to the bottom and use the launch pad to get back up maybe you'll get like bye but yeah almost there careful don't fall okay just don't fall just don't fall hey funny can we get a little help down here please oh yeah sorry i'm watching those two i want to see them fall out now time for triple team now we just got to be very careful okay yeah these are very they're not wide they're very thin stuff very careful okay got it got it get up go bounce yes we can do this all together [Music] you're lucky you're a bouncy one i am very bouncy no no please can we stop i'm tired oh no i'm gonna go get her go get her oh no please please okay so we figured out you almost fell off the perfect side okay you two just do it okay just just jump all right because it's duo's luna because if we do triples we'll just fall off and it's not worth it we got it we have to catch up golden draco come on just go jump jump please careful buddy i'm not going high enough come on no we can't just stop stop stop stressing us okay stop stop okay good good okay all right one more up nobody falls this is this is equivalent to climbing everest okay okay good job i guess i can help no choco thank you thank you wow you're so kind today thank you thank you thank you okay better let us up gold gold gold gold let us up please just use your wings gold you're right beside the button let us laugh it's fine you go do it yourself no that's your fault okay i'm running to the top i think make it to the top i need to click the button ah draco i need more stars chinese and i have more stars wow possible please only four though can we get more stars so we just keep keep going that's three stars can you buy stuff now yeah i'll have six we can move on to the next level i can finally be a jump angel oh i should actually waste my money um yeah i'm gonna buy the jump angel too now i also have the jump angel which makes me jump a little higher wait you're saying we could have made this game easier the whole time yeah what but that's what games are wait wait wait wait it's kind of cheap i know it's not just give me a second give me a second um [Music] rainbow halo it's too late i already bought this one okay let's go see what this is i'm not doing it whoa whoa that looks cool wait where did she go show us how high you can jump though whoosh what that was kind of that doesn't make you jump higher it makes everyone else around you jump higher cool thanks for the house what is this for oh it's ultimate teamwork time i'll be player one let's go oh okay oh you just keep you just keep going up in a ladder let's see oh whoa oh oh oh nice this is cool there's no way he's gonna pay attention if you fall off we're not coming back it looks awesome yeah and you're gonna i oh salty lunar hi what's up do you remember that we abandoned you yeah teamwork again yeah sorry okay wings you gold's smacking everyone off girl fine i'm back to playing by myself imagine if you had no idea maybe i'll go on the other step yeah cause someone go to step two i think we have too much people on step player one yes luna thank you come back for this pleb oh my oh my all right thank you yes this should be easy this is just like like leaf frog people are already falling off lunar don't worry i made it to the end what this isn't fair loader slow and steady wins the race but we gotta go faster go go this is actually so cool okay go whoa come on we got this luna nice easy you go up peasy and then high no no no gold i would come down there and help you but i'm kind of scared and i don't think i'd make it who's level six right there level six hi you two what may you please just jump on this blue button with your parkour skills thank you thanks with the help of gold i am back wait weight elbow gold yeah that was kind of rude luna gets all gold wait how do i get up here i like helped you all the way up here and you just left me okay those two got it i have to thank you we didn't have to save each other draco why aren't you helping all the angels why are you being selfish up here he's evil okay yeah he's there he's that's exactly [Laughter] is it mine and funny's turn because you know rainbow and luna did theirs uh yeah someone has to go help draco for being dumb we're not doing that that's that's not jacqueline's fault oh no hi dracco do you see us whatever i'm gonna go i'm i'm gonna become a flying angel i don't care what are you gonna watch i don't even need nobody what do you mean wait he's gonna spend all his roblox what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what are you my gosh wait wait you can actually no no no give me dracco stop it i am gonna become the flying angel with the power of robux wait can i actually fly [Music] oh oh nice bye guys i am flying i'm just gonna cheat to the top see you wait it was not infinite wait is it infinite no no no it's uh it's not infinite dummies no we're not can you fly are you are you flying i didn't think so luna no when i fly and i still can't get that this is embarrassing um can we actually not fly to the top come on come on oh they disable it they disable cheating guys let's do this together no no that's what no fly zone means no oh my god oh no flies cheat i just wasted roadblocks oh i'm so cheesed oh hey little there's no fly zone right there oh but it's the jump zone wait how do i jump high hey jump pi is that still talking you need teams no i don't want a team i want to cheat i'm at the top i can see you gotta buy the super jump angel with the power of all the angels i will make it to the top super jump angel okay i just bought a super jump angel it's not that high oh dracco you're making me burn i'm never gonna kill him i need a sister i cannot get up no draco please i got up here please i don't want to go there no come come help me funny you didn't even work to get up there just go help him find i'll go help little sad draco can i even get there oh i can hi dracco i am your guardian angel i will help you for the price no no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die for the price of 20 robux no okay i have to reset three this is painful and this is on cheating and robux you're welcome whoosh see was it that hard yes i'm gonna go collect more stars because i deserve stars i see them struggle draco don't do it again look at them what's happening over there guys oh that's up to robux don't worry i have jump power we could help you guys what yeah you can fly and we invited kf in hopefully they make it across it and they get to our level so then we can use the ultimate power of teamwork time to go rescue the rest of the crew angels thank you oh thank you we've been struggling for the past ten minutes nice yeah this is the power of you are our guardian angels thank you so much [Applause] jaco you help them i'm gonna get to the top top it seems like i can hit more buttons yay let's go oh no fly zone charcoal come on we got this come on guys let's go oh this is what it feels like to fly yeah let's put out our super jump using our combined powers of rainbow halos whoosh i don't have a rainbow yellow oh everyone get off come on just go how'd you make this up by yourself funny fly are you oh did you just like just break the notes how cool i don't know i don't know how i did that let's click the button i think it glitched at this hey it's not working oh there you go it is yes it is oh yeah i cheated the no fly zone what it didn't work there you go come on hey can you press that again let me press it again i'm gonna hit the button i'll press it i have to go touch the beautiful star wow that's a lot of stars so all of kf is here let's help kf get up zero watch we're just gonna cheat your guardian yes yes let's help them let's go prize 300 more like look how easy it's going to be for them everyone let's go stand on some buttons oh some people are at the top here i will help you with the power of robux i let you fly up this is so this becomes way more easier like come on guys let's gather all of them let them go to the tippy top i mean so far we're doing a very successful job making all of kf go i'm gonna bring all of chaos yeah yep there you go we did it guys subscribe and join kf today thank you so much for watching we are the best crew guardians and we see we say bye bye bye great luna [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 6,815,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox krew, roblox funny, roblox angels, roblox angel, angels in roblox, angel in roblox, roblox angel itsfunneh, roblox angel funneh, roblox angel krew, roblox angel obby
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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