Hiding from EVIL SANTA in Among Us!

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this is the hardest challenge yet santa and the elf must capture the reindeer but the reindeer can be freed by other reindeers subscribe if you like presents we are the reindeers and we cannot get caught by santa everybody stick together all right we gotta travel in singular formation okay let's do our task right here first okay everyone stick together i don't have a task here i'll be the watch reindeer i will scream rudolph if i see anyone wait guys why are we scared of santa anyways why are we running santa wants to capture us and throw us in jail in reindeer jail oh everyone travel right right right through the map [Music] i think i look kind of pretty the point is oh i got cats oh my gosh and the elf is chasing me is anyone where are you guys send help weapons uh gold is delusional right now don't save me you guys run run runs no oh oh i see so much bunny up here funny up here in stores i got you guys let's go let's go oh thank you thank you thank you i mean let's go rangers let's go oh it's right there no santa's really mean run from santa oh no no no draco take a right i'm taking a left or left oh hey hey how hey funny how did you lose santa i think i lost santa he followed jack santa's on the left side there's luna luna get out of here old's being crazy she doesn't want to be welcome you're in present jail yeah we just want to do our task here can you keep an eye out for it i will okay thank you i'm just going to do my asteroid test kind of a traitor reindeer though there's an elf there's an elf they're going to go oh great i'm half glitched hello um i hope santa doesn't go out pop out of this vent yeah me neither please help us storage storage uh coming i'm coming i'm here yes let's go let's go okay so i still have a task in the left area of the map it's really hard to do tasks guys i'll look at cams and make sure santa doesn't chase you down stay away from communication and weapons they like all right it looks like they are nowhere to be found on any of these camps come on come on we can go together and finish our tasks come on reindeer we got this you just gotta be quiet and do our task where's rudolph our leader going with the big red nose our leader is dead rudolph abandoned us oh no oysters what else wait where are you we're in jail we're in storage yeah we're in storage and our our presence is the president is santa there i see a reindeer fellow reindeer please come help us help us please why should i help you hey thank you let's go oh that was involuntary helping go down funny i know the best rude okay i am right off no you're not this way come on i will lead you out of here hey don't split up i'm hiding don't worry oh i try to hide from them i tried my best hey reindeer that's a dog that's wait where's funny i'm hiding no one knows that i'm here i'm gonna sneak over do my task just pulling down the leaves and then i'm gonna go here and hide again guys i finished my task i'm scared i have two more tasks i'm not done mine yeah santa's just passed to me help we're stuck in weapons do you see me i'm gonna catch up hello i don't see anything okay we are sparkling and glistening let's go my hiding spot has been compromised oh where do we go follow me jack are you not really leading us anywhere man no no no no split what do we do is chasing me and my blue dog i'm scared i'm scared for my life i'm gonna lose the elf this is literally like a car chase the elf is fast and watching honey just keep distracting them i'm gonna distract them watch this watch this no they figured it out oh no no oh no please santa and the elves are camping sorry i thought i thought i was uh i thought rainbow was hiking with me it turns out she is reindeer in order to survive this cold winter day we must all stick together as once as i say i am now getting loose you will die by a goose goose the wrath we only speak in rhyme because it takes the time of the year to jingle and eat thyme what no one eats thoughts that doesn't rhyme i mean racist just rhymes with me uh okay that reindeer gold was so excited to rhyme but little does she know that she's out of time oh my god okay she's getting pretty good this is awesome pitter patter gold we know this one is true because they scanned nor did you okay she called her can i do scan i did the thing we should be scared of is rainbow with thee she's trapped she's locking the doors to kill us snow glee beware of anti-santa and anti-elf it's time to finish our task before continue my rhyme you should also continue your own right yeah gold is not how it works i'm trying to count five six seven eight nine ten gold the deer cannot count for her life because she is so sheer dear she is quite the blight i don't know we stick together only to getting bad all the lights of good indeed a lot of people are in blank blank blank but we're not going to say it or else the santa and alpha go get us no then they will flank what we will flank you mean now they will play we flip we flop but we never stop because oh i thought you were gonna say we bopped the bomb we bought the bop and we go this way that's a dangerous one go in there i'm honestly surprised none of us have been captured no right must be the power of rhyme [Music] the power of rhyme is magical rainbow you're doing pretty bad for an elf do you want to hear my elf origin story no oh i love oyster all right so here you have to rhyme here's my story of why i became anti-elf on christmas eve it was because i was butt and elf on a shelf and i was left on that shelf for a long time because i thought you did was wrong and now they're all dead ho ho ho my name is funny cloth and this is my elf hamster elf oh no riding and whoa because i'm going to shut all the doors why would you do that santa because santa doesn't say no sabotaging santa i'm not sabotaging i'm just locked that's a big yes against the rules santa no it's not okay you're gonna tell santa how to run the rules in this place yes and you aren't even sad you're evil santa no one listens to evil santa well you're my reindeer and you must guide my sleigh tonight or i will kill you no i'm rudolph and i'm your vip you should not disrespect me oh you're the vip hello reindeer rudolph hi were you running rudolph where you going i'm scared bye bye bye bye bye bye see you later lunar easy win i see someone scanning i touched them and they gone these reindeers will be captured for a very long long time oh you're not rhyming anymore i don't need to rhyme because i'm santa claus you don't have enough cookies anyone in the specimen room i i only ask of one thing for christmas santa is before you turn me into a present oh no i saw a reindeer a reindeer was taking a bath hey no wait wait i have something santa baby don't you want presents that was one cringe from me that deserves to be captured it's true hey elf weren't you doing anything watch the doors make sure no wait santa santa let's make a deal let's make a deal no what's your deal she's done her tasks i'm sure i will become your rudolph no you could stay locked in that room see i lost it because you're sorry you're not allowed to lose the room that's illegal don't tell me what's illegal or not i am santa claus and i shall do what i want you're a fake a phony thank you sneaky sneaky you know funny claws just doesn't appreciate some good old christmas songs funny ain't funny claws she's a phony claws here here to christmas cheers come on where are you going where are you going no coming from the event oh hi goodbye i asked one thing for christmas i said funny cause what was it i would like to tell a joke before i get captured do you want to hear the joke do you want to hear the joke hey funny claws come back bunny claws wait what oh the rangers keep running in here and i'm watching the door you cannot leave because i've shut the door shut the door your face will meet the floor stay captured here's the here's the joke i don't want you a joke nobody wants to hear my great holiday joke i'll hear it i'll listen to it in prison tell me the joke okay all right what's the reindeer's favorite snack white bye-bye yeah and ho ho ho hey hey hey santa come back i love you no hey santa why do you come out of holes in the floor shouldn't you be coming out of chimneys there is no chimneys wow look at everyone they're just captured in here hey hey hey hey do you have a present for me do you see what i just did have i been a good reindeer you have lost wait i have lost you have lost we have watched yeah i lost no i won santa's home oh wait is it draco come on with his elf helper lunar moon have you been good children i've been great i've been so good oh my gosh you've been good yes we've been really good we're the best reindeer really you've been good yep and don't meet us on the left side of the mat you're on the left side of the map huh yes yes reindeer follow each other gold are you scanning reindeer sticks it's rainbow are you gonna scan okay no no no no santa hey oh santa look we're good is that the cash say something yes i've been a good re-reindeer i'm scared can you move okay oh thank you thank you santa thank you luna you get out of you camping elf lunar wait will you give me a good present if i get out no camping give out elves love sugar remember that if you don't give me a good present i'm gonna go back there and touch everyone okay everyone as long as we give lunar elf a great present she will now get rid of us please someone help us we're in communications yeah there's like ten thousand of us in inside to get out of here you camper wow what a party do you have any cookies for me no you lied to us i don't want to look at your face cookies is in specimen room i see a good old reindeer coming from the south side here to save all the cute little rings right here go split wait hold i just got released from prison just give me a break you think that's gonna please don't capture me okay funny please tell me where you are so i can get off of my back no i will not say where i am please okay i am in specimen room just excuse me one second please please i also have a gift for luna oh you have a gift what's the gift in specimen in specimen she said just yeah [Music] why would you think we're lying well too late they got me out come on ranger we can do this come up here hide hide hmm i heard something in here i heard hey i'm sorry you're writing you're not even gonna listen to what i have to say pitter patter no chatter oh no go slide hide oh she ran right into me i have taken one of your reindeers up draco how dare you get rid of gold oh no luna found was that you no it wasn't you promised me a present and i never got it yeah i'm a liar that's why i lie yeah that's why you stay here just stick someone's saving me thank you elf guys come on we're all saved oh i'm done no no no run from luna everyone no no no no no no no no no how how appear up here what'd you say nothing all right where's my present you better be leaving to the presents oh yeah this is where we stay reindeer if we're done all the tasks this is safe i'm the last reindeer you guys you must protect gold stop being dramatic there's a bunch of more a lot more reindeer one more task come on it's me i am the ranger that will save christmas night can you hurry up and stop chitter chattering i am prancing my way down the hall no [Music] why hello what does that mean santa babies it's me you stop calling us santa she keeps saying santa baby okay this is the rule around here you sing you sing the best songs for me or else i'll put you to jail but all songs are copyrighted don't you ruin my holiday spirit you hear that i am jolly ho ho ho rainbow follow me you i stopped your hands oh the cam oh wait sammy i don't see them on the couch i'm sorry look i heard there's a little naughty reindeer on the left side of the map no this is a horrible spot to hide it's so dark in here rudolph where's your shiny nose i'm my favorite bright i'm your elf shine the light for my pathway we can see your dog's tail shh okay there i fixed it you can see your handsome ball all right i lost you it's one luna okay okay they're not in the cam's room my dog dog stop fine stop find them for me oh my gosh i got ears i don't got a big nose let me tell you something santa if you approach me draco dear you will be met with my rear smacking whoa what was that did you guys see that you're gonna smack me with your rear bad reindeer don't worry santa i will find let's just say you guys just crossed us twice without knowing we are okay they're really good at hiding and you are really bad elf i might have to fire you wow santa i guess you're not a great duo huh santa we see your rear wait wait uh we've been good this year you shouldn't capture us capture draco he's been naughty help help all right that one's really annoying let's go to jail and see where she no one can hear you help all right so this is the deal you zip your trap and you know they're not gonna come save you luna oh yeah we're totally saving you lunar totally i'm in weapons yeah i am i'm totally going there right now and gold sandy claws is camping on the left of it there's three of us free me is gold camping still yup i'm not camping i'm drinking hot cocoa in my uh hole she's lying she just went to the right of me from the exit door wow we got to feed in you sack oh oh finally i want my milk and cookies right elf oh i thought i was gonna sabotage santa for a second i was thinking of evil things gold got demoted excellent it's good that you are thinking of evil i hate being an elf as evil as i am we're going to go fast i just want to say we're just reindeer how do you expect us to give you milk i agree like it's kind of unreasonable you know you will make them with your hooves ew why would you want that you know we step and poop with those hooves wash your hands that one is a disgusting reindeer continue our way i agree i i will ignore that reindeer because that reindeer does not deserve it oh hello oh hey hey guys hey hey hey what you doing i just want to don't try to cross our path santa santa and elf you came just in time i was going to show you this cool new technology what is it for you yes step on this you know what to do here up and you scan and down oh no so dumb they think they can beat us right elf holds the door just secretly opens this way the door opened gold i did that in there oh i smell it someone's in here so did you smell that yeah i smell it wait where'd they go it's this it's panting i could feel it in my little tinkly bell it's here draco you can't hide from um please i'll be good i'll do a dance for you don't you like my dance why do you hang out everyone likes dancing don't you like my dance hey don't you know how to applause when funny claws walks through the doors down get down in there get okay okay i see gold is being good elf go okay ready applause for funny claws you don't have to apply that gold you ready for the ultimate play stand here gold okay so you stand in there i'm gonna lock the door and when they come in you capture them got it gold got it you chase him here no all right somebody go help you scent stop opening the door you dumb elves yeah i mean you dumb thank you i hope the other reindeer don't fall for it alf elf don't you got something better to do yeah don't you have anything better i have no life i also have no life you wanna you wanna know what i heard the other day what what santa said that they were thinking of firing you no he couldn't yeah you should go you should go ask sam because santa baby's sweet my god i i don't know why like she was all telling gold to stop but she refuses she loves sex it's a song it's a winter song get out of here then [Music] wow see the ultimate power team easy we saved christmas
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,923,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among uis, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, among us retexture, among us new mod, new mod among us, among us santa, among us modded, among us mods, op mods, among us op
Id: 616mMAutTQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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