Playing 10 Disastrous SpongeBob Games | Hitting Rock Bottom

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[Music] oh son of a mother a few months ago i said this stay tuned i got a lot of cool stuff planned that you're not going to want to miss yeah i wish i could have told my stupid self to shut up spongebob squarepants starve the platforming classic battle for bikini bottom a few other solid titles like the movie game and mostly junk mostly a whole lot of junk well uh this is this is what we've been building up to i guess we've already covered all of the good or at least notable games in the spongebob franchise but anybody who's anybody will tell you there's a whole lot more than just that the few platformers under the sea really set a bad impression of what the rest of the bikini bottom video games have in store it shouldn't really be that much of a surprise though video games based on cartoons more times than not are total train wrecks that's why when we have something good something like battle for bikini bottom it's kind of a big deal that was one of the earlier games in this long running franchise too so it sucks knowing it is all downhill from here i went through every single possible spongebob game i could find and this right here this is most of them and today we're going to be talking about all of these oh barnacles there are honestly still dozens of titles remaining to look at and i just knew looking at every single one of them in one video was bound to fuel my dwindling sanity so for the sake of said sanity we're gonna be avoiding the game boy advance in nintendo ds today don't worry i've already started collecting for those consoles for a future video but we already got like 10 games just for this video let me breathe also we're going to be sticking to just spongebob today there are plenty of crossover games with other nickelodeon characters on top of all of this solo stuff but man i'm just one dude let me breathe ultimately what i got together here is a variety pack of games featured across multiple consoles some old some new just a little bit of everything except mobile games none of those i ain't touching that minefield so no matter what machine you spend most of your time on maybe we'll find the perfect game for you or maybe you're just here to see me slowly hate everything spongebob why are you like this well speaking of battle for bikini bottom there is no better place to start than the pc version no not the pc version of rehydrated the original pc version which is apparently a totally different game luckily i got the game to run pretty easily i'm not too savvy with retro computer games but this one was pretty straightforward the installation process also sent me right back to my childhood dude we didn't need no fancy steam ui back then just a basic grading with simple yellow text and quickly flashing by screenshots gaming will never get better than this it is so interesting to take a trip on the wayback machine to see how computer games used to be man things were different so the premise of the game is kind of similar to the console version plankton's robots begin disobeying their master at the same time spongebob and patrick are wishing for robots and then boom destruction begins however one main difference is the voices for the robots are much better get lost it's sleek yes much much better these character models by the way these are the damnedest things i ever did see man in game totally fine they look exactly how you would expect but these cut scenes oh man poor sponge's eyes are about to pop out of their socket a couple of texture issues here or there but to be honest looking at the spongebob's soul is not too out of the realm of possibility for what i expected today oh but first and foremost before we start the game i gotta dig through the options yeah i'm one of those people okay we can toggle sound music we can toggle the entirety of story mode yeah those are all options we would come to expect oh okay interesting yeah so this isn't a platformer like the game that we're more so familiar with this is actually a point and click mini game collection you pick an area of bikini bottom you got a series of mini games that you go through to get to the end and then you just keep on doing that until you win a lot of quizzes too they make sure to give you a quiz in every single level this is a kids game right yeah man nothing kids love more than quizzes and their video games based on very popular cartoons how many letters are there in gary's name oh yeah not enough definitely i'm so glad this game lets me finally voice my opinions and it's about time too i always thought the word gary was too small gary that that was definitely the way to go you gotta really elongate that name there's really not that much more to this and honestly that's kind of okay it's not fun like not at all let's not twist our words here but let's be real if you're not a little kid in the mid to late 1990s you are way out of the core demographic i played games like this all the time when i was a kid so yeah at the time this seems like it would do the job fine the platformer was always better that is simply an objective fact but this is a completely different beast that clearly a lot of people are very nostalgic for and in fact there are actually three other pc games too the movie game employee of the month and operation krabby patty sadly getting these games playable wasn't as simple as battle for bikini bottom so i couldn't get first hand experience with it but thankfully with the power of internet video we get to see that yeah they are certainly all more point-and-click adventures neat from a historical perspective it is definitely interesting to look back at these since it is highly doubtful they will ever get resold in the modern day market i mean hey employee of the month has naked mr krabs so you know a very specific niche was met with this one but it's just not for me good grief is naked but i was never really a pc gamer anyway you put me in front of a console or a handheld and i am easily right at home and speak of the devil yes the game boy advance may be off the hook this episode but i said nothing about the game boy color legend of the lost spatula the game that can claim the title of the very first spongebob squarepants video game ever a time before they knew the correct spelling of krabby patty yes such a time did indeed exist not a bad chiptune remix of the main theme on the title screen to get us started here hell even the in-game music is a bit of a gem [Music] we may actually be in for a pleasant surprise am i kidding here i've already made fun of this game in earlier videos mrs puff ma'am i believe you need to go see a doctor please my fish she is very sick boy am i ripped are you though my favorite thing in this game by far is just pressing down when i'm standing still best thing you know what though much respect this is actually kind of an open world game you're basically looking to find a golden spatula to become the ocean's greatest fry cook and to do so you just run around bikini bottom at your own pace finding items to unlock paths and so on on a technical level it is pretty impressive on a practical level though hey it's not very good are you surprised it mostly just boils down to being not fun to control the game takes a lot of jumping to navigate the world properly and you can never tell where platforms are a real recipe for disaster there whenever you jump you move faster than if you were just walking so you're actively encouraged to jump all the time which means you're gonna get hit a lot and then you're gonna die all because he ripped his pants ooh i found a treasure chest what's inside april fools i think i just passed out for a second but hey it is the very first spongebob game after all surely they will iron out the problems in no time maybe they'll try this 2d platformer thing again perhaps on a home console that plays cds called the playstation oh hey look at that spongebob super sponge was pretty surprised to find out this is on the ps1 it eventually got ported over to the gameboy advance and that's how i played it back in the day but now that we're on home console i get to finally see the true way to play this game super sponge definitive edition spongebob wants to get patrick a signed photo of mermaid man and barnacle boy however the heroes want something back in return in the form of having you do random things for them all of which are completed by platforming of course wouldn't have it any other way compared to the lost spatula this one is definitely a lot more familiar it is a purely linear set of platformer levels with a bunch of trinkets to collect that is more like it and i do really like 2d platformers on the ps1 so maybe maybe this is the one for me but is it just me here or is spongebob a bit too animated something here simply doesn't look right when you press up he just changes a few pixels but when you press down it gives us the smoothest animation of the game i'll admit this makes me very uncomfortable okay jellyfishing net get grab a jellyfish throw it back out as ammunition [Music] oh i hate this we do got some decent references though i mean there's a whole level where you platform on the hooks that start pulling you up towards the surface that will kill you you know that's that's that is a reference all right you eventually get to travel to sandy's tree dome too which apparently is a million miles tall to be fair vertical platforming is something you really don't see every day but you know what would make it even better if you're constantly on the verge of death by not having enough water so you have to stop what you're doing stand in water for a few seconds and then continue platforming it's a lot of fun also if the controls were good then maybe it would be better because oh my god this sucks this sucks so much awesome death jingle though i gotta give him credit to that much better than mario's i guess one of the main gimmicks with this adventure is every world is going to introduce a new gadget for you to play around with because soon you gain access to the coral blower oh no i think it makes spongebob even more slippery to control oh no i just don't understand what they're going for here most of the stages are the standard linear affair with platforming that is platforming alright but i got to this point where this one level wanted to be all open world and maze-like you got to grab ammunition with the blower so you can break down a few barriers but why though this level is designed terribly there are branching pathways left right and center and unless i just got lucky by falling down the correct pit that led to the end the level is only open for the sake of it assuming you would be in favor of combing every nook and cranny for every single collectible when it ultimately means nothing man i can't even say the game looks good some of the sprite work is pretty fine but this weird mishmash of 3d and 2d sprites and everything kind of looks flat and 3d at the same time it looks so ugly perhaps 2d platforming just isn't the way to go for our adorable little sponge here i know that's what most of the gba and ds games are like so maybe my opinion can be swayed when i eventually get to those but hey after these two games know i'm gonna go into those with the highest expectations possible but now let's think outside the box maybe you did in fact enjoy the games i've talked about thus far but there was one thing missing from your oddly specific list of requirements vehicular combat oh well we got the game for you spongebob squarepants boating bash oh man the story for this one let me tell you it really breaks the mold you're never going to believe this spongebob fails his driving test oh my god this time is different though introducing seymour letting spongeboy me bob know all about his drive course destruction recklessness impairment velocity and escape spongebob's about to go on a killing spree isn't he [Applause] for the bulk of this game here it kinda just feels like bumper boats drive around and crash into things that's the whole package you got the typical last man standing type mode there's one where parts fly off of damaged vehicles that are up for grabs and the most points wins and even some more traditional racing stages and i'll be honest it ain't bad my big concern going into this would be the controls on a home console boating bash is a wii exclusive so i fully expected motion control shenanigans for the whole thing but luckily no just pop in a nunchuck and drive i'll be damned it actually controls decently how did the driving game on wii get controls right but the platformer didn't though you can just use a weird mode if you wanted to the game is wii wheel compatible after all it's just a hunk of plastic it's compatible with everything the story mode is pretty decent too just a means to throw a bunch of different driving styles at you and sprinkle in a few cutscenes along the way there's a bunch of playable characters vehicles out the wazoo all with different attributes i'm pretty surprised here these developers took an idea that didn't seem like it would work on paper and actually put a lot of love and care into it it's not great you know spongebob wasn't gonna dethrone mario kart anytime soon but for what it is it's okay pretty bare bones but not a bad time and hell you know what i'm still in a bit of a wii mode here let's check out another game for it spongebob squiggle pants now one look at the box art and i know what you're gonna say what the [ __ ] is a you draw what are you a normal person who doesn't know what a u-draw is you silly jellyfish it was a peripheral that had a square on it that you can draw on top of using a built-in tablet to interact with the game going on on the tv you just pop the weir mode in on the side and then boom a wii u gamepad prototype how could you have gone through your life not hearing of dude's big adventure before this for what it's worth it definitely works you see look you gotta shake it to wake up patchy the pirate when the game starts money well spent and hey why not leave it to way forward of all companies to figure out how to get a spongebob game out of this oh god it's a warioware clone the maniacs that made shantae contra four and would eventually go on to make the smurfs 2 game made a warioware version of spongebob wow will jiggle me handle spongebob they actually did it it's presented exactly like a warioware game every set of mini games has a new quirky art style for the most part the tablet works really well there are multiple different gestures that the game asks you to do and they all pretty much work only being an issue in a couple of the games and there's even an art studio so you can finally make the drawing of your dreams and throw spongebob on top of it i call it bold and brash um this game is actually pretty fun i gotta admit here i am totally stunned that i just said that it's nowhere near as good as any actual warioware game out there but let's be real can you name a clone of the warioware games probably not it is hilarious that spongebob is the one to take that title interestingly enough while the you draw tablet was not exclusive to the wii spongebob squigglepants for the u-draw was so point to the wii i guess but if for some reason you're not interested in scoring a you draw tablet of your own surely there's one of you out there well the game was also released on the 3ds so there's your next best option spongebob squiggle pants or warioware gold hmm okay we're on a roll here we're on a roll i want to stick to the wii train for a little bit longer you know the pioneers just to ride that baby for miles and i want to do the same but we need a little bit more power let's take a look at plankton's robotic revenge for the wii u uh did did the game freeze oh no the title screen is a static image oh no plankton creates a new robot and decides to seek out his revenge by stealing the safe containing the krabby patty formula plankton's robotic revenge they managed to sum up the entire plot right in the game's title that is very impressive alright so the premise is pretty simple here with a character of your choice you're running around different locations of bikini bottom slapping around some boxes and enemies shooting guns wouldn't trust squidward with a gun but here we are there's some really basic platforming you get to do this this is one of the most boring games i've ever played wow man what happened here clearly and i mean clearly right this game is primarily set to be a multiplayer title for kids by keeping everything super basic and simple while still giving you a consistent path to progression by upgrading your equipment this definitely seems like it's just meant to be a distraction for children and nothing more if you have the wii u version though i will give that one extra points i guess because thanks to the gamepad you can play five player multiplayer rather than four kinda neat don't think i'll ever get to experience this though i asked all my friends if they wanted to play with me and they all said no i know i'm as surprised as you are so this game released in 2013 i seem to remember around this time in the early 2010s these sort of simplistic co-op beat-em-up shooters whatever you want to call this genre had a bit of a trend going on didn't disney have a game that was kind of similar a few years before this matter of fact i also played a decent amount of ratchet and clank all for one which released around the same time as that disney game and yeah look at this they are both very clearly going for the same thing here maybe it's just me you know i don't really think games like this are my thing but man just take one look at ratchet you can at least see they still wanted it to feel like a ratchet game i played plankton's robotic revenge for an hour and not only did the gameplay never change not only did i have to hear squidward repeat the same lines over and over and over again driving me absolutely insane take this robo-loser take this robo-loser not only do you fight basically the same plankton boss battle multiple times over with barely any differences but the level themes never change the time of day does shift around but that's about it this sort of sandy clifftop design for the entire hour i played this game this was the only theme that i got to experience maybe later on things do change up a little bit but i have no reason to believe that i don't know maybe a pseudo sequel can make things better maybe one where all the spongebob characters can turn into superheroes and a game i get to play on the playstation vita so i can finally show this off on my channel my lifelong dream realized spongebob hero pants similar to truth or square this did release on xbox 360 but no i don't own one like i've said before and i'm not buying one for a couple of spongebob games i have some remaining dignity that i have to uphold please don't laugh i'm gonna be honest these hero designs i feel pretty uncomfortable i was way out of the loop with this franchise by this point apparently this is all based on another spongebob movie from 2015 sponge out of water which i haven't seen so not only is this game kinda similar to plankton's robotic revenge gameplay-wise but it's also based on a movie that's based on a cartoon which once again i have not seen a recipe for a masterpiece if i've ever seen one alright well yeah you know the camera may be kinda different and we may be lacking guns this time around but yes this is kinda more the same as plankton's robotic revenge just this mindless affair pushing forward pressing the attack button whenever something dare step in front of you maybe doing a couple of puzzles with the heaviest air quotes around that as possible the big thing now though is we can turn into superheroes that's horrifying thank you game there's honestly not much more to talk about with this one it's really that simplistic it's just so so not good this is also the only spongebob game to grace the vita that's why the console failed clearly the higher-ups the people who are responsible for getting spongebob games to even exist in the first place took notice after plankton's robotic revenge and hero pants we wouldn't see another spongebob game on consoles until battle for bikini bottom rehydrated in 2020. oh thank goodness the story had a happy ending we are nearing the end of the finish line here so i figured we should talk about these two next to the surprise of nobody at least i hope not we got some mini-game collections as well i figured we should start off with lights camera pants so many people have wanted me to check out this specific one i must have been passing up on some massive hidden gem all this time because so many people seem to be really nostalgic for this i'm excited to check it out oh okay right off the bat i can see exactly what you're all talking about these guys are out here advertising cross saves of all things all the way back in 2005. spongebob was unironically way ahead of his time so the premise here is pretty cute the producer of the adventures of mermaid man and barnacle boy tv show is looking for some new actors so of course leave it to spongebob and friends to compete for all the different roles on offer that's mostly it for the plot but that is one of the most sound stories for a mini game collection i think i've ever seen and as for the minigames themselves well yeah they're they're pretty good there's a bunch of four player ones all of which are pretty straightforward get more points finish in first place jam out better than anyone else really good stuff the two v2 ones though this is where the game shines in my opinion in a more typical mario party fashion both parts of the team will often have different roles but in order to win both sides have to be good at both roles since you will be swapping part way through it totally goes against the mario party quick mini game mentality for sure but for competition's sake that is a great way to encourage as the kids would say getting good i genuinely enjoyed my time with this game more than i thought i would but if anything the thing that is stopping this game from being better than it is is the number of games available only about 30. there is definitely something here something that could be built on for a future minigame collection but for this initial one the lack of replayability means that while it was enjoyable i probably won't be returning to it anytime soon but even still definitely one of the better spongebob games out there which admittedly is still a whole lot more than i can say about this next one atlantis squarepants did i did i die and go to bikini bottom heaven oh of course not no i i am definitely in hell let's see if you played light's camera pants and thought it was just ah just just too much fun well hey maybe atlanta's square panthus is the game for you similarly we have a bunch of minigames tied to a story this time about our heroes getting to and eventually escaping from atlantis like hero pants i can't say i've seen the source material that this is based on but i do hear this is more or less the same plot anyway so i'm well versed in atlanta squarepants i guess now the mini games though wow they are so mindless and they drag on for so damn long the first thing you have to do is guide a tank around and shoot a bunch of obstacles that's it but it is so so slow no challenge whatsoever and it takes like seven minutes to get through but it felt like 30. then you got this sort of single player co-op puzzle stage in a cave where patrick and spongebob got to work together and bounce off each other to get through all of the hazards that are blocking them and this one actually took 20 minutes but it felt like 40. the concepts that they have you play through are pretty enjoyable on paper and for the first minute or so it can be fun but by the end you are practically falling asleep on your controller lights camera pants really did this so well man you got to make sure that you're invested and having fun at all times once the moment-to-moment gameplay feels like an absolute slog you have failed point blank you have failed i was kind of taken aback because i feel like i had a bunch of requests for this one too but actually i found out that it might not even matter looks like everybody who's been hyping up atlantis squarepants has explicitly hyped up the ds version instead almost as if the console version doesn't even exist well damn okay don't worry fans in the future i will definitely try to do your game proud not today but one day so on this adventure we have seen many highs and many lows well okay we've seen a couple of highs and mostly just a whole lot of lows if i were to tell you that most spongebob games are not good i feel like you wouldn't be shocked to wrap this journey up i figured we should take a look at one more game another platformer that i haven't talked about until now one that released right in between super sponge and battle for bikini bottom oh that's exciting and it really makes you think you know if bfb was so fondly remembered what does that say about the platformer that released only one year earlier on all the same consoles it really makes you wonder spongebob squarepants revenge of the fly huff spongebob accidentally unleashes the flying dutchman from the bottle he's been contained in and then seeking revenge for said capture he starts hypnotizing different citizens around bikini bottom to join his crew leaving the absorbent one to save the day another game where the entire plot is basically summarized within the title truly the sign of a work of art also i may be misremembering but i'm pretty sure the flying dutchman isn't a magical genie not really sure where this whole releasing from a bottle business is all about but okay this game has always mystified me because in essence it is still a collect-a-thon 3d platformer what did battle for bikini bottom do so right that this game failed at well the graphics are certainly part of the problem sweet king jellyfish this game is ugly i get it you know it's the very first 3d spongebob game on consoles i understand but man it is really hard to go back to this bfbb released only a year later meaning it was being developed around the same time right that's how game development works well we clearly know where the effort went so okay pretty typical layout here there are multiple objectives to complete in each level and doing so will get you a nice new shiny thing this time letters that spell out the word spongebob and yeah you know just you just keep doing that until you inevitably fall asleep chances are that'll be pretty quick running and jumping feel incredibly sluggish combat feels like you're never actually hitting your target when you want to and progression feels totally aimless i honestly got lost multiple times because i had no idea what i needed to do to get to the next level trying to figure out how to get sandy to come out of her cave so i can go follow her and then fight her in hand to hand combat that took way longer than it should have i just wanted to beat her up race squidward to the krusty krab ah okay that's kind of funny he's walking slow because he doesn't want to go to work that's that's pretty funny i'll give it that ha sucker i win oh he was here first and they don't even refer to the fact that we were just racing okay the game is functional enough so i was able to get everything i needed to unlock level 2 and progress totally fine but once i got into level 2 well one of the first things that you requested to do is deliver food to the citizens of downtown bikini bottom you know this big city that you've never been in before that's really dark and you gotta find apartment numbers on top of the doors and just hope that within the time limit you get it right how did they think this was okay i have no idea where i'm going my favorite thing is you not only need to have the number right but you gotta make sure you're on the correct street too when i tell you i found the right number but i was on the wrong street oh i was thrilled ah the ui is terrible too what's with this unfiltered yellow text over the gameplay is is the game even finished man not even the music is worth talking about you know maybe the soundtrack is overall fine you know that could be a possibility but for most of the time i played this game you're better off wearing this jellyfish costume because yeah there's a costume mechanic in this game even though it doesn't really add much of anything but when you do wear the jelly fishing costume it forces the same jolly song on you the entire time you're wearing it why even have a soundtrack at that point the most curiosity i had with this one is simply seeing what the different stages were all about so i put in a few hours just to entertain said curiosity and once they said spongebob could explore sandy's tree dome without a helmet on because of a couple of leaks that made the floor wet and one of the tasks is to plug up said leaks which would i don't know eliminate his ability to breathe that's when i knew this game was an absolute lost cause also when i walked into sandy's house my game restarted itself for some reason and i lost all my progress so yeah that's the end of that oh i really put myself on a path that i am not proud of spongebob squarepants video games are the mixed bag to end all mixed bags but i now know that you super fans are going to be asking yourself one final question when is aunt going to be taking a look at the gba and ds games there's like 20 titles left to look at oh son of a [Music] you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 385,170
Rating: 4.9420819 out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Spongebob game review, Spongebob Squarepants video games, Spongebob video games, Spongebob Squarepants games, Spongebob video games review, Best Spongebob video games, Worst Spongebob video games, Spongebob games, Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom PC, Spongebob Legend of the Lost Spatula, Spongebob Squarepants Supersponge, Spongebob Boating Bash, Spongebob Squigglepants, Plankton's Robotic Revenge, Spongebob Hero Pants, Revenge of the Flying Dutchman, AntDude spongebob
Id: EzuqjDxT8r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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