Super Smash Bros. Mods & ROM Hacks | Every Mod Is Here!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] well i think we're playing smash alright everyone here we are we're playing the ever famous adventure mode from super smash brothers melee we got mario here for this one of course my main and you know the one thing i always loved about adventure mode was the fact there was a whole lot more than just fighting we got full on platforming dungeon crawling aw yeah collecting red coins on the r wing that was always my favorite part oh and yeah how can i forget about the beating up pikachu's bit you can't forget about the beating of pikachu's bit that part's great getting into the blue falcon and driving along big blue doi wait a minute this isn't melee this is a rom hack i really should have known this part here really threw me off [Music] but yes today we're going to be taking a look at rom hacks and mods for super smash brothers but as you can clearly tell this goes far beyond just smash this was actually the hack that inspired this entire video adventure mode recreated in super mario 64. such a cool idea given the nature of how that mode was done the levels within really lend themselves to the movement options possible in sm64 it can be stressful too man there's a time to brinstar escape like you would expect and wow if we ever needed a reminder that precision platforming wasn't really this game's strong suit this would be it but you may be saying what if mario isn't my main well no worries there we got a whole slew of extra characters to play as you got luigi fox ness and even captain falcon each with their own little slight tweaks the only real issue though is falcon isn't fast enough to outrace samurai goro's vehicle on foot and admittedly that would just be kind of cool big shout out to the creator of this one pasta power man such a cool idea and it was done so well and as an additional bonus they went ahead and hacked in not only fox but also falco in the base super mario 64 as well these basic little character swap hacks are such a simple pleasure in life man they're so cool oh man you move so fast when you're carrying king bo bomb too this is great alright king i'm done with your shenanigans let's go done with you you're grounded we're through god damn it not really sure where this is going but i'm excited oh this is incredible hyrule temple from melee the infamously huge stage with nooks and crannies aplenty it is not something i've ever thought of before but with some creative liberties it does kinda make for a really fascinating platformer stage and in banjo-kazooie no less ah it's so refreshing seeing this after playing as many mario 64 hacks as i have this is no simple drag and drop of the source stage either all of the set pieces are definitely here but there was a lot more added to make this feel as fulfilling as an actual banjo level we got 100 musical notes and eight jigs to collect you gotta make that ride really enticing you know yeah you know this area at the very bottom that is definitely familiar but scaling this mountainside to check out the top of these castles super cool idea and it makes sense within the level's context and my favorite part by far was the secret door that led to zelda 2's title screen oh i loved that a lot to be totally frank here half of the excitement was just playing a banjo hack you don't come across these very often and it looks like the creator kirko mods is just hacking this game left right and center it's really cool so guess i got some more hacks to check out in the future but okay you clicked on this video you saw the title you very clearly want to see some actual smash i know it's rude to assume but hey i can't help it the problem though is the modding scene for smash is a bit complicated at the moment we have six different smashes and technically modding is overflowing for all of them yes even the wii u and 3ds versions the thing is though most of what i found were either balance patches to tweak how the game plays and texture hacks to simply make characters or even stages look like something totally different adding in detective pikachu to smash 3ds fighting on sky sanctuary from sonic and knuckles over the kid icarus sky world stage replacing duck hunt with the donkey from shrek oh and don't get me wrong here all of this stuff is definitely neat and the future is totally exciting but those familiar with my rom hacking escapades know that i am looking for something a bit more substantial the two obvious contenders that have the most interesting stuff going on are of course smash bros brawl and more recently smash 64 but not too long ago a mod released for melee that i have to say i'm a big fan of well then this character screen looks oddly familiar doesn't it this is melee 64 a mod that transforms what you remember from melee into something that more so resembles smash 64. character portraits reminiscent and even pulled from that original game all of the models are much more low poly something i've been championing for years and the stage selection oh man this stuff is great not only does everything have low polygons and worse textures something which once again big fan of but we have locations spanning so many more games of that time that rarely if ever get any sort of representation pokemon pinball goldeneye the town from satellite view something that most people outside of japan have no idea what that even is and of course we gotta have the best super nintendo game tetris attack gotta have that one there's even some echo fighter equivalents now with some extra costumes like daisy young link with his oracle design even some fire emblem characters from games that never got localized fan service is what smash is all about in my opinion but we all know there is so much that will never show up in an official game so something like this is easily the next best thing mechanically speaking yeah this is just more melee but hey this is a really fun way to experience the game that many of us have put so much time into over the years though there is also this hybrid gameplay style which is supposed to implement mechanics based on smash 64 but i'm gonna be totally honest with you i really can't tell that much of a difference i'm no expert when it comes to the inner workings of smash so don't take my word when it comes to anything like that it's fun that's all you need to know melee 64 is a huge standout but i would also be remiss if i didn't bring up the 20xx training pack basically a tool to practice against more talented players the computer ai is programmed so differently here it's pretty neat getting to play against some techniques that you wouldn't see in the base game the thing that i'm a big fan of though are the cosmetics they are a big thing here we got a bunch of new costumes for every single fighter some of these are some really major deep cuts man like burn from spirit tracks never thought i would see this guy again and there's also a handful of additional stages that all have really simplistic layouts but utilize designs either from other games or from other melee modes like mushroom kingdom from adventure mode you can also just play on a flat gamecube i don't know man it's basic but that's perfect 100 this is definitely less exciting but still it is undoubtedly a helpful utility but i will never be tournament competitive for smash i can tell you that much you could have simplified this mod by telling me it features the ice climbers cosplaying as fox and falco and i would have wanted to play that immediately but alright big elephant in the room here you can't talk about smash modding without thinking about the granddaddy of them all it's time to jump into smash brothers brawl and talk about of course project m honestly the legacy behind project m kinda speaks for itself and i was actually a bit nervous about the idea of trying to do this mod justice it's basically a secret to nobody but brawl was never really a fan favorite when it came to how it played content-wise top-notch mechanics the physics were weird the gameplay was slower paced tripping dear god the tripping sucked so due to the we being so easy to hack into to develop whatever your heart desired leave it to a bunch of dedicated fans in the early 2010s to not only satisfy the needs of the competitive scene but also go above and beyond with extra fan service there are some really simple changes like separating the pokemon trainers pokemon into their own character slots uh you know you can throw in a full costume swap like mr l and shadow queen that's really cool all the way up to fully adding mewtwo and roy as new characters playing just like you would expect them to despite being totally cut from the original game oh man and i hope i don't get annoying raving about stage selections but this one this one is so good too there's a bunch of new layouts for stages that typically had gimmicks that you couldn't disable to having something entirely new like bowser's castle this stage is great for years for an unfortunate long time i thought this was just a balance mod you know when you really dive into the mechanics there are definitely a lot of changes but i kind of thought that was it and like i said i already know i am not qualified to properly show everything off here there are so many things that make this an overall better gameplay experience but coming from my really simple brain here using the phrase better than brawl is the blanket statement that describes this the best it feels a whole lot better for sure but all of those extra fan service options really push it over the edge which makes it all the more of a shame because back in 2015 the project m team announced it would stop development of the mod leaving the future of the brawl modding scene completely uncertain oh what you thought we were done here oh no of course not when you have something as popular as project m was being dropped that obviously leaves the door wide open for more dedicated fans to come in and pick things right back up with project plus releasing in 2019. in essence this is kinda just more of what the original pm offered a much cleaner interface so many more stage locations like a corrupted hyrule castle yoshi's cookie wario land oh my god seeing anybody remember wario land gives me immense joy each stage on the selection screen has multiple options selectable which is really cool so many more costumes dude like so many holy cow pig ganondorf that's amazing the music selection is so much more diverse with a ton of great remixes that fit in perfectly and much more defined different move sets like charizard having thunder punch wario having his fist slam from shake it dude knuckles holy cow knuckles is a playable character in here and he feels great looking into the history of this mod it turns out that knuckles was actually in development hell when project m was still around so seeing him finally released in a great way in project plus it's really cool to see i feel so foolish man for assuming these mods were mainly for competitive purists and nothing more that could not be any further from the truth now that i've put in a few hours to both of these i would go as far as to say these may as well be considered an entirely new smash game i know many people already do that but hey now i'm saying it and i couldn't recommend it any higher and hell a lot of the same things can be said about brawl minus too which set out to do a lot of the same things just a lot more memey yeah man why not nothing like a good old trip through lavender town the scariest place ever to really get my blood flowing you know i mean look at sonic go here oh he is definitely excited again a lot of the specific changes are totally lost on me but hey pichu is in this that's really cool and when you do a down special it basically explodes big fan oh god waluigi is playable in this too oh no never thought i would see this day this is still a really good time in my eyes this is not as exciting as project m or project plus but this definitely fills in a need for a smash game that's more nonsensical and i can always get behind that if only if only we can get a little bit more nonsensical [Applause] [Music] oh dear god oh man is that playstation all-stars menu music oh man when that plays you know you're in for a good time do you remember all of these super old pictures on the internet of these huge fake smash rosters well clearly someone saw that as a challenge dude okay geno dragonite crash bandicoot bomberman dante scott pilgrim goku what is happening this is a real thing so many extra characters too as costumes for other characters do you ever thought you would see clank alien lip and rusty fighting on battlefield well luckily smash infinite has fulfilled your oddly specific dreams oh and a big pikachu is here thank goodness oh oh no what's really absurd about all of this is for any of the new characters on the roster they actually kind of have original move sets all of them what did you think crash would just be a simple clone of mario or something like that no doesn't really play like you would expect him to but no he is still a totally unique character this is all incredibly incredibly cursed but there is a stage based on the minish you know the minish from a minish cap that was a great game so i really like having a stage here that is bound to give this mod a perfect 10 out of 10. i did not have fun playing this like not not at all morbid curiosity that kept me experimenting for like two hours and ultimately had a good time absolutely but i don't know if i would use the word fun like project plus from earlier this does kinda qualify as an entirely different smash game but for completely different and some hysterical reasons next time you and some friends want to have a smash bros knight suggest playing this one instead and if those friends stick around hold on to them dearly oh i feel like i'm dealing with sensory overload now is this is this real life well at least for today we are done talking about brawl if you want something really good or something really cursed there's something for you but now it's time to go to something that i'm a little bit more interested in time to go more old school it's time to talk about smash 64. this is in my opinion the most exciting modding scene at the moment as far as smash is concerned simply based on how new it all feels as expected on a bare bones level we do have a few new individual stages there's tetris themed banjo-kazooie bomberman 64. even a brand new break the target stage featuring elements from every main level which is really cool big shout outs to snooplex he does a great job showcasing mods like this and many more and is even responsible for creating a few of these wouldn't have known about some of these levels if it wasn't for him so good job dude like this full hack right here super sonic bros a mod pack that replaces all of the stages with ones inspired by the original sonic the hedgehog with all of the appropriate music attached to them of course they're simple layout changes here we're not dealing with any new gimmicks or anything like that but they all still feel like the stages they're representing and that is all i need to sing and also there's a sonic 2 variant here super sonic 2 bros and i mean come on now sonic 2 is better than sonic 1 so singing those same exact phrases but with sonic 2 themes instead ah this instantly makes this the better hack i'm sorry i don't make the rules gameplay wise smash 64 is definitely less intense than all the newer entries so having stuff like this is a great incentive to give this old game another shot especially since you see most of what these hacks have to offer in a single run of the single player mode a perfect way to experience what these are all about but if you're a long time rom hack episode watcher on my channel you already know that i love when someone can take an old game and completely transform it into something totally new brawl definitely had that but it's infinitely cooler when we get that with something even older everybody say hello to smash remix so you know how a mod like project plus adds an incredible amount of content and customization to brawl well i love that i'm able to say that smash remix does the same exact thing but for smash 64. oh baby this character select menu i love this we got all these melee characters showing up even a couple from brawl and beyond all of these new fighters have new move sets too they play just like you think they would even with the limited options of smash 64. and on all of the returning characters pressing the d-pad in a different direction brings up variations like polygon versions accessing metal mario giant donkey kong even giga bowser and even why not regional variants i do believe this means gameplay differences but the most important change is while american smash goes japanese smash goes that is very important and uh oh man i'm gonna do it again the stage selection holy cow this is so good there's multiple pages oh you get to play on the desk from the opening cut scene and it's called first destination that that is so clever the only real way to describe smash remix is absolute overload enough changes were implemented to make the game feel distinct from the pure smash 64 so with that in mind being able to play with new and familiar characters on stages like mementos from persona 5 goomba road from paper mario a basketball court from nba jam i guess it's probably from another smash mod but i don't know you get to slam dunk your opponents with the barrels that's all i needed to see man the stage is great new challenge levels for all the new fighters a pretty cool 12 character battle mode sort of similar to smash down from ultimate and the best part this hack is still getting updated consistently as i was working on this episode a new version dropped with new items kirby hats for all the new fighters which is great because i was ready to complain that they weren't in the version i was working with before this dropped and the bowser hat on kirby is just so so damn cute and even oh man get this the mad piano from super mario 64 as a playable fighter oh this is amazing he can chomp you he shoots books at you when you taunt he plays a little bit of music this is this is amazing and something else really cool is you can even play this on a real nintendo 64. simply load up the rom on something like an everdrive and boom it's like it's a real game or something sure it definitely looks worse than an emulator no doubt but there is something really cool about being able to play this on an actual console you can actually do the same thing with that banjo-kazooie hack too that's so much fun man the rom hacking scene is so damn cool okay so what did we learn today well we learned that the smash modding community is fascinating to say the least but when you have some really great games out there like melee 64 project plus smash remix even smash infinite we get hacks and mods out there that totally stand out on their own so for instance if you really want to play smash but you're not really feeling like playing pure smash that day this is the route you can take and you're gonna have a ton of fun doing it but you know maybe i'm being a bit unfair here we talked about smash 64 melee brawl even glossed over 3ds and wii u but ultimate i haven't talked about yet despite that game being brand new there is totally a modding scene going around and they're doing some pretty neat stuff so i gotta do that game justice let me see what i can find here there has to be something cool that i haven't checked out yet um oh man that's really cool okay so it looks like somebody modded uh steve's meat back into his victory animation technology's amazing [Music] foreign
Channel: AntDude
Views: 454,147
Rating: 4.9511185 out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Super Smash Bros. ROM Hacks, Super Smash Bros. Mods, smash mods, smash rom hacks, smash 64 rom hacks, smash remix, best smash mods, best smash hacks, AntDude ROM Hacks, AntDude Mods, Project M mod, Project + smash, Melee 64 mod, AntDude smash mods, AntDude smash rom hacks, worst smash mods, worst smash rom hacks, best smash rom hacks
Id: SvHLopctYzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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