Spending $100+ On The WORST Switch eShop Games

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[Music] you know i love playing the switch in handheld mode as much as the next gamer but i gotta admit sometimes it really wears on the wrist well luckily do i have the accessory for you is that my own disembodied voice are we are we in the middle of a sponsorship indeed today's episode is brought to you by satisfy and their excellent line of zen grips just pop your switch right in and boom absolute comfort level achieved you throw in these little analog grips for even more comfort and that feels nice if you notice the right handle on the zen grip is even slightly adjusted to make it easier to hit the analog stick great touch i genuinely love playing my switch this way and what is really nice is that it was designed to not only be really snug but also safe you got no worries about scratching up your switch or your joy-con's plastic here thanks to these little extra nubs totally secure and if you get one of their bundles you also get a super sturdy case to put your switch in that has some extra spots to put in some switch cartridges and even a space for a power bank so you can always have extra battery life wherever you go this bundle comes in multiple varieties and if you're a switch light user no worries there either you're covered there as well this worked out really well a great switch accessory to go along with a switch video big thank you to satisfy for sponsoring today's episode and if you want to get a grip or a case for yourself use the link down below and use the code and do 10 on checkout to get 10 off your order now with that out of the way it's time to get to the video we're gonna go down a very very dark rabbit hole the nintendo switch is a pretty damn good console i know somebody finally had to say it you got great first party games arguably the most quality third party games of any nintendo console out there and indie games up the wazoo holy cow switch is absolutely my indie game machine it is perfect for those take one trip to the eshop and it's not really that hard to feel overwhelmed super simplistic in design for sure but oh so many quality games just a few button presses and a payment confirmation screen away all it's missing is some cool music the wii u did something better than the switch i'm just saying recent releases coming soon featured all quality ways to spend your time great deals though that's where things get a bit spicy i love checking out the eshop on basically a weekly basis to see what they have on hand and to check out the great deal section you got to admit sometimes you can find some really good stuff for really cheap prices i got resident evil 4 here a portable version of a fantastic game for only 15 bucks that's crazy i needed a fifth copy of this game massive sales have been a thing for quite a while now especially for pc gamers i mean oh my goodness you people on steam you've had it good for a while now but as a nintendo fan i am loving so much of what is getting these price cuts every few weeks but some of you know where i'm going with this bouncy bob two words that strike fear in the heart of switch fans everywhere sorta comes off as a mobile title that was shoddily ported over to the switch but the reason it has any form of notoriety in the first place is because it is regularly on sale for a whopping 10 stinkin cents bad games sold for really cheap that's practically a tagline for the great deal section of the eshop there's so much good you can find on this service but i gotta tell you my morbid curiosity finally got the better of me i just had to see the other side the games featured in this video are going to be solely digital as well as for the most part switch exclusive so only bandwidth space and a couple of joy cons are strong enough to handle these bad boys i know a lot of you guys want to see me talk about garfield cart furious racing but it got a physical release so it's disqualified one day but not today a big thank you to everyone who offered suggestions on my twitter a while back because of all of you as well as some of my own research i spent a whopping 100 plus dollars on some absolute f filth due to the nature of some of these random sales it is kind of hard to put an exact price on everything at the time you're watching this but trust me i dropped 150 on eshop credit and more than two-thirds of that went to the titles in this video i wouldn't lie to you here this is too important of a topic to discuss and then i bought kirby fighters 2 with some of the money that was left over now that's a good game listen the switch eshop has more great games on hand than any previous nintendo digital store before but quality control was never really that company's strong suit here we have jigsaw masterpieces which is probably a fine game for only 9 cents right next to resident evil 4. incredible i know making a video game is hard so my goal here isn't to crap on anybody's hopes and dreams but once these products start asking for money to access them they are ripe for criticism as far as i'm concerned although you can download angry bunnies for free so i guess that nullifies any criticism i could give it if i go by my own rules yep i i got nothing nothing at all to criticize here my morbid curiosity just had to see some of the gold that's been under our noses this entire time hey do you remember when nintendo charged money from mario clock on the dsiware store and that was one of the good ones too when looking through the eshop there was one game in particular that really stuck out to me the game that was kind of the influence for this entire video it's the most expensive one in the entire list of games for this video as well as potentially the most offensive fight of gods a god-themed fighting game okay oh boy when the title screen is preceded with a warning you know you really hit the jackpot you see it says the team has no intention of offending anyone but if we watch the trailer right after this really dope jesus reveal you hype him up by saying he's back and he's cross oh my god literally as for the game itself i don't know man i'm not much of a fighting game guy but it does function like one of them you pick one of your favorite gods and do battle with other gods how can i say no to my boy santa here i'm gonna have him destroying others with his reindeer army i couldn't not do that oh hey look at that we got rudolph up in front too that's an attention to detail that i can appreciate is it a solid fighting game with really good fighting mechanics no no of course not as a total goof however i will admit this has been a fun game to show off to some friends and in the pc version unlike the switch version there's actually online multiplayer so if you want to lay the smack down with mr claus with people from all across the globe cause who hasn't had that thought here you go if there was online multiplayer in the switch version i may be singing a different tune but sadly that's where we are oh my god he's back and he's crossed that is a level of cleverness i didn't think was achievable up until now oh my goodness now when i read the title crocs world oh boy i gotta tell you did i ever get excited this is more like it here i loved croc absolute ps1 classic the sequel wasn't half bad either in my opinion oh yeah croc is back baby oh that ain't that ain't the right croc i guess calling this garbage wouldn't really be fair because it does work that's about all i got this is just the most bare bones 2d platformer you could ever imagine ripping off mario like that plumber never existed and coming equipped with a pebble gun much like real crocodiles do the levels don't even have finishes they just stop there's only one song that plays on loop for the entire game there are 30 levels of really really really basic platforming no boss battles of any fashion which to be fair i guess this game having any form of combat is kind of hilarious and only 25 minutes after getting past the title screen all right look at that game finished okay i can't i can't get back to the menu though but i keep changing the background that's kind of weird oh well there's that amazingly enough there are actually a handful of these games this is so weird there are three crocs world games and we only got to croc 2 on ps1 that's an insult similar to bouncy bob this definitely seems like a prime example of a mobile game being thrown onto the switch with barely any effort that's not a practice that's inherently bad i've played plenty of really basic platformers on the switch and they can be enjoyable if they're fun i know that's a novel concept but nah if you got a hankering for a platformer that's crocodile themed go and stick to the original croc instead glad i finally got to say that out loud next up we have nikki also known as nikki the home alone golf ball well right off the bat we already see some character customization this is already looking way better than the last one hi nick good to see you are finally awake now let's get back to business oh oh no i take it all back no other voice has ever instilled as much terror in no time flat like nikki let me give you some advice don't be curious so on paper this isn't that terrible of an idea you use some pseudo standard golf controls and a platformer setting i actually like that it's trying something new our goal is to make our way to a party where all of our friends are at and naturally it is a massive adventure to get there and that quest to get to that party probably gave me the worst anxiety i have felt from a video game in a very very long time this gameplay style is so obviously not designed with fast-paced precision based platforming in mind and sure enough that's what we got oh i remember nikki i remember and stupid old microsoft sam will not shut up and that doesn't do the game any favors after like 10 minutes of swinging myself around in the house mindlessly we finally made it over to the roof one step closer to getting to that party next up we just gotta go across some electrical lines no big deal did a golf ball just cause a bird to explode you absolute maniacs you can blow up birds in this game they put them in your path and it's next to impossible to avoid them so by design you're supposed to blow them up how'd you let this happen oh man this part okay so there's a handful of pipes right where only one is the weight of progression and the others will send you way back in the level where you have to do really obnoxious platforming all over again and the only way to figure out which pipe is correct is by trial and error did i mention this game gave me anxiety but i can definitely say with enough perseverance you too can make it to that party it only took me 576 swings to get there but i finally did it now let's put nikki in smash now i couldn't possibly pass over this next one one of the most common suggestions for me to check out was piano seemed pretty self-explanatory oh finally a video game console that can teach me how to play piano oh yeah i forgot about that thing piano comes with a free play mode so you can anything you wanted whoa anything i wanted i just want to let you know before we dive into this that normally they charge ten dollars for this i really want that information out there real quick okay we're into the game we got two options here we can play the piano or we can learn to play the piano okay well i'm not too good at it so i may as well learn oh man okay i didn't know piano on nintendo switch had my jams we got happy birthday too you london brig is falling down old macdonald had a fram absolute classics oh man in this key layout this is giving me pain how how much does this cost again oh that's right ten dollars that money well spent i guess [Music] that's it that that's the whole 10 piece of software here you can either play the piano mindlessly or have the game tell you which notes to press in a specific order without a rhythm to it so the songs that you're trying to replicate doesn't sound right anyway ah what is totally bizarre is the company that published this sabic has way more eshop games than i ever could have anticipated holy cow well i guess saying games is kind of pushing it but i digress there are too many to choose here i had to go for one more one more just to please my weird morbid curiosity let's let's get tennis go because in the back of my mind i would be playing mario tennis aces on the same console and think no no no no i want a bad tennis game and if you're like me then boy this is the title for you it's tennis to the game's credit this is normally one dollar less than piano so for only nine dollars you get to play singular games of tennis with a handful of different skin options zero unlockables that's it how how does this company keep pumping these games out and charging so much for them and clearly getting away with it it's because normally these games are a whole lot cheaper these are the games that are on sale all the time so by the time you're watching this they may not be nine or ten dollars but even for the one dollar you might find them for yeah absolutely not worth it savik more like these games make me sad ick i got nothing but if we're talking about nintendo switch e-shop garbage we can't forget about the grand daddy of them all vroom in the night sky releasing all the way back on march 3rd 2017 in japan and europe that's right everybody this is a launch title room in the night sky became infamous right out of the gate and honestly i avoided it for so long as a result everyone said it was bad why would i give it a shot when there are so many better options now that i've finally given it a shot myself yeah yeah i can see why it's not good fly through the rings there you go that's the whole game it's about as bare bones of a superman 64 styled game as you could possibly imagine but the dialogue that pops up every now and then this is what i'm interested in let's see what they have to say here for the deep plot i'll never lose what are you saying is here a camel there i've never seen here tut magical girl is a comfortable job did you there is only one tree that's how it is and people say this game is bad i mean come on to nobody's surprise the game is not fun absolutely not room in the night sky isn't fun to play in the slightest but it also features some of the greatest dialogue i've ever seen in my life so credit where credit's due this was kind of worth the money i've never been fall over that's how it is that's how it is another title that was released really early on that i thought was pretty dreadful was woodla tree adventures this is a great jumping noise for a platformer game there's not even much to talk about here it is simply a really really boring and incredibly flawed 3d platformer having a more limited art style is fine i guess i mean even having this fall guy looking chunk of wood is kind of cute but fundamentally this is just oh oh wait okay i like this guy this guy's kind of cute doing a little dance yeah screw that guy [Music] i'm sorry sir do you have indigestion attacking with your leaf doesn't feel good the platforming and the weight of your character doesn't feel good this one guy doesn't like being hit and before i have a chance to grieve with him something else kills me and now i'm at the beginning of the stage fun ah there's definitely something here but oh man this ain't it but to my surprise there's actually a sequel woodletry 2 deluxe okay well i'm already way too far deep into this rabbit hole why wouldn't i try it out okay so there's actual cut scenes in this one that's kind of cool they were practically non-existent in the first game so that's a plus right off the bat the life has been taken from all of these special trees so you gotta go save them simple enough okay first and foremost whittle is a lot chunkier now so this sequel is starting off great is is is this a proper hub world we got shops with items to purchase with collectibles what what that wasn't the thing before either wow the game even controls so much better too all of this platforming we got going on and i'm able to handle it with ease that's surprising and this world is genuinely huge and you can explore it at your own pace what so as bizarre as this is gonna sound woodle 2 unlike the first game takes a whole lot of inspiration from zelda breath of the wild listen as somebody who spent over 100 on the games for today's video would i ever lie to you i may come off as incredibly unstable but i would never lie to you you know how in the start of that game you can see the world below you and realize you can go anywhere well artistic parallels do pop up in the most mysterious of places you're definitely pushed in a main direction for sure there's these pathways on the ground that constantly tell you where you need to go next but there are multiple dungeons to explore with enemies and puzzles to conquer you can kind of do them in any order you want and there are collectibles around every corner and there's no loading screens this is crazy how is this the same developer the disparity between both woodle games is incredible now don't get me wrong this isn't going to be a game of the year contender or anything like that but i actually didn't want to put the controller down when i was playing it as opposed to the first game where i wanted to chuck my controller through a wall look at this you can get on your little leaf and skate good game and you can also have the little guy hold a flower and wear a mask as a costume color me impressed whittle you have redeemed yourself my main objective with finding all of these bottom of the barrel games was to show off some prime examples of really poor game design as well as expose just how low the bar could potentially be to get some of these games on the nintendo eshop plenty of these games definitely fit the bill but for the most part honestly a lot of the garbage i found can just be summed up in two sentences so it's time for a lightning round splat the fruit there's this weird-looking orange thing you gotta use the tools at your disposal to get it splatted it controls terribly with an analog stick it was clearly meant for a mobile phone and on the tv it's just the worst it's just the worst and the fruit makes terrifying noises i hate this toy stunt bike tip tops trials i am totally scared of this thing you know diddy kong never showed up in mario kart 8. looks like this is the reason why it's just one of those really simple physics based biking games also using that very stock gradient that's been around for like ever now so it's kind of okay i guess the best part about this is you can rag doll yourself off the bike whenever you want easily the best part of the whole game preventative strike a shooter with a really bad frame rate where things are coming at you from every single angle with like no way to properly take them down yourself meaning it is a losing battle every single time and the game is so loud oh my god i can't hear anything crypt of the serpent king a pretty good idea i will admit randomly generated dungeons where you gather keys and take down enemies pretty cool stuff but hey don't get too surprised here when i say this it controls really poorly also by default it's stupid dark oh my goodness i get it atmosphere and whatnot but you can barely see what's going on there you go now that the brightness is up i can finally see what i'm doing oh goodbye then okay it took long enough but i finally have all the keys to level one what is behind the magical locked door oh look at that a guy rest in pieces the bullet time of revenge just this massive ridiculous cluster of a third-person shooter that uses stock assets from the unity engine an asset flip as it's called that is pretty damn shameless if you ask me pizza parking a park the car simulator i guess not the worst thing in the world all things considered it controls decently and there's also multiple vehicles so the variety is definitely there [Music] is that is that is that what i think it is [Music] you you put you put in the final fantasy jingle i don't know if that's legal and the culmination of all of my travels came with one hell of a grand finale and i know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but sometimes you can't help it ladies and gentlemen say hello to pooplers i am not coming out of this the same man as i was when i went into it am i listen let's be honest here if this comes across your screen when you're searching for games to buy you gotta have some form of curiosity here no matter how morbid it may be let's see how they try to sell the game here there is a trailer to check out rated m blood crude humor and violence what what what the listing says e10 but the trailer says m how how how did that happen okay yeah now i have to play it oh yeah absolutely first things first we got to keep the fart volume at max i am here for the full couplers experience don't you forget it oh finally baby customization exactly what i wanted to see a make games great again head oh oh my fight of gods you know i guess i'll give the developers credit there are a lot of options on hand and a few different arenas to play in that's kind of that's kind of cool they really wanted to give this game a lot of replay value i'm sorry i couldn't say that with a straight face i can't wait to i guess see what this game is like this is taking a shockingly long amount of time to load though you know i know some switch games have some loading issues but i figured this would at the very least oh no okay so the objective is much like splatoon keep pooping your own color around the floor and whichever one of you has the most amount of poop coverage wins it is exactly like splatoon now you may think it's an issue that all this poop comes in different colors yes one word of advice though you got to avoid the mother absolutely she is not too happy about what's going on oh no not about all the poop that's fine it's the babies being out of their crib don't be foolish that is the thing we gotta stop stop it i guess if the babies are in their crib then they can't poop right that's how that's how babies work oh oh oh we got an item here full speed poop and let's go gotta shoot for number one am i right oh yeah when you grab the meat you do double double size poops i mean i guess i guess that makes sense after what feels like an eternity my baby as expected reigns supreme wouldn't have had it any other way i am the champion of pooplers just another word of advice don't look into the mouth of the baby for too long it's a portal to an alternate universe pooplers and people say there's no more original ideas in the world of gaming alright i did it i talked about a whole slew of bad games in one video for the internet i finally did the thing i finally did the youtuber gamer thing do i do i get a prize i'm sorry i see you're starting a new game of pooplers i am going to beg you to not do that i am going to cry [Music] you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 519,845
Rating: 4.9346862 out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Review, Video Review, Game Review, Worst Games, Worst Switch Games, Worst Nintendo Games, Worst Nintendo Switch Games, Pooplers, Vroom in the Night Sky, Woodle Tree Adventures, Crypt of the Serpent King, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch games, Fight of Gods, Bad Nintendo Switch games, switch garbage, Nintendo Switch eShop, Switch eShop games, Worst Switch eshop games, Bad Switch eShop games, Terrible Switch eShop games
Id: _G-psYjCbTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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