Legend of Spyro Trilogy | Spyro, but Darker - AntDude

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[Music] the parallels between crash and Spyro go much farther than the original trilogy after both franchises massive success on the PlayStation one new developers came through and ruined all of our hopes and dreams there's like at the same time two was pretty impressive but then something new was created to spice things up and after fans reacted with all right not bad BAM Wow well half what happened what did you do to our poor boys well since we've already gone over the weird life in times of Crash Bandicoot post ps1 I guess now it's time to take a look at Spyro and give him the same treatment did someone say Crash Jordan fringe from the YouTube channel Jordan fringe what a coincidence what do you want well see is how I just got done talking about Crash Bandicoot on my show nerd static on my channel I figured I'd stick around and talk about it with you since you're clearly talking about it you were not given permission to do so but okay we are not talking about crash today we already did that we're talking about Spyro actually and given the circumstances I think I think you still fit in don't you have a couple of Spyro tattoos you know it hey what Spyro games are we talking about today huh is this a reunited trilogy video hmm close very close but no actually we're gonna take a look at the Legend of Spyro trilogy instead people were asking me to cover this for a while and it always seemed interesting like it's one of the more infamous things about this franchise Jordan that's not a good sign is it The Legend of Spyro also known as what if we gave Spira a giant forehead so I've said this before but I was a fan of a hero's tale it's not an amazing game but it's not entered the Dragonfly bad either the reviews at the time however we're a bit middle-of-the-road so I guess it was time for a full-on series reboot probably explains the whole new beginning thing the goal here was to completely rework the origin story of our little purple dragon here and they certainly did that I could I could say that much this of course led to a trilogy of games this time with a fully interconnected plot now like I said this is like my first time really diving into this games all I really know about them is that the fans of the franchise and more so the originals tend to choose to forget these games existed and it's very easy to go into this video expecting all three games to be crap and then I just rant for 20 minutes bada-bing bada-boom we're done but I'm gonna go into this with as open of a mind as I possibly could I also went for the whole each game on a different console thing I like to live dangerously oh wow okay you know what not a bad first impression Chrome Studios the developers have ty the Tasmanian Tiger okay I like those games quite a bit I am now very interested to see what I've missed out on all this time in the heat of the Dragon ha prophecy foretells that every 10 generations a purple dragon will be born a dragon that will become very powerful that dragon is now here in an egg in a special temple however that resting spot goes under attack and in order to protect the egg the elder dragon ignite us floats it down a river it eventually reaches a swamp and is then discovered by a family of dragon flies and Spyro is then raised under them alongside sparks seeing and catching are two different things a bacon boy oh god no he talks I mean he did he did talk in a hero's tale - but oof is not not good voice acting going on here why do they think David Spade was a good idea like who was watching Joe Dirt and was like oh yeah he can be a dragon fly anyway after getting into a battle to protect sparks from enemies Spyro discovers that he can actually breathe fire and he is in fact not a dragonfly but just a dragon you know I would have thought that at this point in his life he would have questioned the whole size difference body difference the ability to walk a lot of things by now but okay sure eventually the duo run into ignite us who informs our hero that their lands have been overrun by the dark armies it's a bunch of a bunch of apes okay yeah sure why not I've given up the fact that this has nothing to do with the original games it is then up to Spyro to travel to different locations to save the other elder dragons and stop the evil head honcho cinder before it's too late and that's it for the story it's very simplistic there are a bunch of interactions that happen along the way with a handful of brand new characters for sure but for a game opting to take an established bright and colorful world and make a storyline that's more dark and serious to have really bare-bones story progression kind of surprised I just feel like the idea of maturing a cute and cartoony character never makes sense these are not games that need dark and gritty reboots need I remind you of Sonic oh six that's the obvious one don't even get me started on what they did to poor Bomberman so you know how the previous games were all about free exploration and platforming to collect a bunch of shiny gems yeah that has been completely thrown out the window what we now have is a beat'em up that is so incredibly repetitive that twenty minutes into the game you've basically experienced the entire thing oh man look at those sick combos you do get different breath abilities throughout the story each one being slightly different than the other that is one of the better ideas that enter the dragonfly introduced into the franchise but it really doesn't matter all that much since now you'll be prioritizing close combat instead the different breath abilities that sort of help Spyro be unique as a character are now more so just for crowd control and every time you unlock a new one they force you into such a long and drawn-out tutorial that's one thing this game has going for it my god it drags on essentially what we're presented with here is a non-stop string of linear rooms that sometimes just stops your progression by tossing a ton of enemies at you they often try to block your path with optional enemies too I skipped as many these things as I could really now why would I waste the time I ain't getting any younger here you do get these special gems that you can power up your abilities with but even with skipping basically every optional battle I still did pretty okay there is barely any platforming here and what is here is very simplistic there's only a puzzle here or they're very very sporadically to complete and I would hardly call them a puzzle anyway and any true sense of challenge is non-existent because if you die oh you can just come right back into the battle where you left off no worries bro there's like this flying section that shows up before the second chapter look at this are you are you not excited I could probably just pick a corner and stay there and I would make it to the end but you know what I will give the game some credit the couple times that it chooses to not be stupid dark it is kind of pleasant to look at so that's nice but really now The Legend of Spyro a new beginning is a premium example of a game that is purely about padding to fill out the gameplay length the combat is here as a force to stop you on your quest but the combat is not fun some new enemies do have these unique strategies that you got to think about but it's really just a matter of when to button mash them until they die yes skipping them is a lot faster but mindlessly walking forward isn't funny either I was at least hoping that the bosses would be interesting they're the big ones man these are the things we're fighting towards but nope they all sucked too and even though I said this before I cannot reiterate this stronger this game moves so damn slow at times I am honestly flabbergasted look at this this is by far the slowest elevator I've seen in my damn life it is insane to me to think that they thought this was the best way to move Spyro forward the thing is though the developers at Chrome Studios did the ty the Tasmanian Tiger trilogy which is another series of games that had platforming elements and beat-em-up elements and those games aren't bad how did they screw this up the story is conceptually kind of interesting but the gameplay is so mediocre that it is now worth playing through it too perience it coming from someone who did play through it eventually spiral runs into cinder and after a couple of battles one of which takes place in space I guess also jellyfish cinder who was actually transformed under the dark masters power returns to her normal dragon self Spyro then saves her before the realm collapses on top of them Sparks tries to be funny which honestly is a common theme throughout the entire game credits man this game blew I know I skimmed through this game like it was nothing that's the thing though this game is nothing the only part of the entire adventure that I actually liked was like okay early on you see like these gems right my instinct at first was to immediately hit it and get what was inside it but then sparks asked me why I did it and then spires just says I just had to and a power of a thousand suns filled his body like what that's that's pretty good okay wait wait no no I take that back actually the best part of the game were these randomly generated enemy names I don't know who thought that was a good idea but all man it is funny goober doom grin rift uh Buell streak wanderer Brown shoot wood beard fist II war Laura fisty okay oh never mind don't don't like that one bit it seems like a neat idea on paper you know let's give Spyro a female counterpart sure this that's a bad video game and you may be asking well did people really ask for a sequel no I'm pretty sure no one asked for a sequel but really who cares what we want because a year later we got The Legend of Spyro the eternal night more like I wish for eternal rest I did choose the Wii version this time around because I figured hey if I'm going down I'm going down swinging that's the best you're gonna get out of me this episode let's get the game started oh man the icon is so it's so stretched I I'm already dreading this the game begins with a retelling of the last games ending what save the Beast has been trying to kill us alrighty then two games in and they couldn't manage to keep the same voice actor for one of the main characters that's a good sign now it's Billy West sounding exactly like fry from Futurama therefore it's impossible to imagine anything else read so cinder feeling grief for causing so much trouble last time runs away believing she doesn't belong at the dragon temple spyro goes after her yeah yeah that's the story you go after cinder again and naturally he of course no longer has the powers that he gained last time he apparently lost them all during that last battle uh sure you got to find out some way to give us another long and drawn-out tutorial at the start of the game but then the gameplay starts up and I gotta tell you it's the same exact thing as the first one I am actually very impressed with how similar it is it's just another overly repetitive beat'em up the level design sometimes now provides some more chances for platforming that's kind of cool I can appreciate that you can now slow down time for some reason they explain it in the story but but why why does Spyro slow down time and thankfully despite picking up the Wii version motion controls are totally optional that was like my one saving grace now in terms of combat the first game wasn't super easy but it was incredibly forgiving now in eternal night the battles are more difficult I would go as far as to say sometimes they're downright challenging and they do penalize you for dying nothing quite says punishment like having to re-watch pre-battle cutscenes making more challenging combat does sound like a good thing on paper but since the game is still so button mashie the difficulty here comes in the enemies getting out of there stun a whole lot faster so they have more chances to attack you mid combo they do change up how the Elemental breaths now play out so that's that's kind of refreshing some of the boss battles even playout sorted differently as well you know what the game does actually have some ambition shining through oh wait the boss just healed itself never mind this went back to being bad my favorite part of what I played in this one they acknowledge the whole sparks eating butterflies thing that was pretty funny [Music] never mind so guys I actually have a confession to make I I physically could not bring myself to complete this game the first game was already such a struggle to play through and now the second one is just more of the same but with incredibly cheap difficulty I got to this fight with these two scorpion things and this was the final straw I was stuck on these things for like 20 minutes they're nearly impossible to hit if they hit you you'll be stunned locked and then just hit again sometimes these cannonballs get shot at you and you take even more damage if you weren't already having a bad time I was already not liking the game but this was my breaking point I just I kind of just feel like nothing when playing this game arguably that's how I feel at all times but playing this game increase that feeling drastically maybe the story picks up if I were to play it more I've heard that a bunch but I'm not gonna force myself to play a bad game just to experience a couple cutscenes at that point I may as well just read the Wikipedia article okay we're almost done here two games down one to go this one made the jump to HD consoles we got The Legend of Spyro dawn of the Dragon so this third game here is actually not developed by Chrome the developers behind the last two games well damn okay I may actually have something to look forward to now so the plot with this one starts out with Spyro and cinder encased in crystal in an effort to protect them from whatever happened at the end of eternal night I told you I didn't beat the game I'm just gathering what information I could from this opening cutscene three years have passed and the two have been freed from their prison by these weird looking things they've matured up to I am man Spyro looks even weirder oh cool the first thing we do in this combat my expectations are being met already what the don't let them escape my guy you freed them eventually though our duo of course escaped and hey it sparks with guess what a new voice actor you know little stiff voice keeps changing ha ha rounding off the list of sparks voice actors is Wayne Brady they really didn't even try to get voice actors that sounded similar and the one responsible for helping them escape it's hunter oh ok I thought Spyros redesigned wasn't great but what what the hell happened to Hunter he just looks like a generic cheetah now that's expressed even more so when we enter his village to an entire tribe of them bro it's it's the middle of the day what are you talking about take off your stupid hood if you can't see me okay you know what I know I'm sounding very salty right about now but I will give the game credit the tutorial actually has you do things rather than just locking you into a tutorial room Wow it's like it's like really obvious that new developers were used to this time around things feel so shockingly different for one you can swap control between Spyro and cinder at any time the game can in fact to be played in co-op you two are tethered together with like this magic rope thing sure whatever any excuse to keep the two characters within arm's reach of each other but they can also fully fly now as opposed to just gliding so aging them up actually make sense in terms of gameplay now that they've matured they can fly the game will often change the camera position to keeping things a bit more visually interesting there is some unnecessary button mashing moments here and there as well as some QuickTime events no one likes those but I'm not gonna lie I am kind of okay with this so far and then when you make it out of this tomb you get introduced to the reinvented world of a velar and man this is this is very pretty and all the animations that happen during cutscenes there is a lot more life put into them this is this is genuinely good stuff what we had for the last two games was a bunch of linear rooms strained back-to-back what we're presented with now is actually an open-world where you're totally free to fly around and discover things at your own leisure and as you're flying this sweeping really powerful music plays and it just it just feels nice however as quick as the game was just getting good it takes a nosedive just as fast man the framerate the framerate here is terrible maybe it's better on Xbox 360 or even the PlayStation 2 but on ps3 this game chugs if you're flying too fast and the tethering mechanic sounds fine for the sake of coop but they didn't factor in that the other character when played by a computer will often get stuck preventing you from progressing and making exploring a lot less enjoyable like here I just want to go up this little bridge and start exploring the grassland Spyros preventing me from doing so so okay when we swap to him to get him unstuck and then he says I'm glad dragons are extinct sadly once we move on to the next chapter things fall right back into the status quo mindless button mashing until the game says you can move on it's it's such a disgusting tease every time you think you're done uh-huh not no piers a few more keep pushing the square button you big dumb if the game just simply doubled down on the whole open world thing we may actually have a solid game here but sadly that's just not what we got this one just felt like the worst one to hate I really wanted to like this one it was doing so many cool things and then it just kept fighting me back like I said before I didn't want to go into this expecting to hate all three outright but it turns out that's just what happened it's very low-hanging fruit I went into this trilogy with a fully open mind and I can finally confirm this trilogy sucks to utterly lifeless beat'em ups that made Spyro dark and gritty for no real reason and one game with some genuine promise and just a lot holding it back it's a shame it really is the idea of rebooting this series at that time wasn't the worst if you recall I liked it when crash turned into a beat'em up the first time from what I can gather by researching online the story is what makes these games special in the minds of those who played them when they were younger I hear people tend to be pretty okay with the atmosphere and the characters that the world provides but in my opinion the fact that this was done to the Spyro the Dragon franchise of all franchises I can't help but feel like this effort was all pointless they were really going all out with this idea - they were even planning a movie at some point that obviously got cancelled but ultimately in terms of the gameplay yeah no no it's not happening I'm not playing this anymore it is the job of the game to compel me play through it I shouldn't have to feel obligated to do so and if these games had any semblance of the previous games the ones they made spyro a name in the first place I would have been a lot more interested completely reworking what defines a spiral game that would have totally been possible to do but they failed cuz man you know me nothing quite speaks Spyro the Dragon like find a bucket at least I can finally say that I've experienced what this trilogy is all about and boy we're not even close to done with the Spyro franchise The Legend games were released on portables and as you are all well aware Spyro then transformed into Skylanders so we have planning material to work with over the next year or so however long it takes me but it's 2018 and Spyro is actually relevant again and that is worth celebrating so got myself a somewhat clean bucket and I think next time reignite a trilogy see you then [Music] [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 867,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review, Video Review, Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage, Spyro Year of the Dragon, Insomniac Games, Playstation, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Toys for Bob, Legend of Spyro, Legend of Spyro A New Beginning, Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night, Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon, KROME Studios, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy, PS4, XBOX One
Id: aBY4Rwd9FUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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