SpongeBob: Truth or Square & Creature from the Krusty Krab | Spongey Double Pack

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[Music] you want to see me play two spongebob games you want to see me do it again at this point in the spongebob squarepants video game franchise things are actually looking pretty good yeah if you really dive into the nitty-gritty of things and check every single title it's still a disaster these are licensed games after all but the one-two punch of battle for bikini bottom and the movie game shows that in the right hands we can get some really quality stuff from this little sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea i still can't believe what mrs puff looks like in the original game boy color game ma'am are you going to be okay so today on our continued escapades throughout the world of bikini bottom we have a double header here spongebob truth or square and creature from the krusty krab two highly requested games in the series these aren't the two games that directly followed the movie game however in the grand pantheon that is sponge video game software these are the only other two that follow a similar trend that's right we have two more 3d platformers i am too far down this rabbit hole dude i played battle for bikini bottom and the movie game and my brain was like you like spongebob games don't you aunt dude and i have never been the same since initially these two may not seem all that special but relative to the previous two successes things do get a bit more interesting 2009's truth or square saw the return of heavy iron studios the same company responsible for battle for bikini bottom the movie game and after those a handful of titles based on pixar films as well as ufc personal trainer right after truth or square boy that's what as for 2006's creature from the krusty krab made not by heavy iron studios the only real claim to fame for this one was that it was a launch title for the wii since nintendo apparently showed a lot of interest in using spongebob to push their new console it even got a spotlight at nintendo's e3 2006 press conference what a badge of honor i guess oh no wait breacher from the crusty carb um whoops oh and yeah i'll be playing both games on the wii today but believe me i've heard all the warnings you guys have been giving me about doing so truth or square does have an hd version but i don't own an xbox 360. let's be real here if i wasn't gonna buy one for sonic unleashed i certainly wasn't gonna buy one for spongebob are you kidding me at least sonic unleashed would end up being playable on an xbox one and at this point spongebob can't so don't complain to me complain to microsoft otherwise though it's the same game so that's nice and besides on the wii we can still use a normal controller creature from the krusty krab on the other hand has mandatory motion controls and hey if my man reggie can get behind it then so can i we'll cross this bridge when we get to it there are also some portable versions of these games out there but that might be for another time although truth or square is also on the psp and it's like the same exact game there so that's pretty cool but the other games that's a whole other bag of alaskan bull worms it did release later but considering this is technically the end of the heavy iron spongebob trilogy let's start off with truth or square and put a bookend on the story that battle for bikini bottom started it's the anniversary of the krusty krab and it is time to party amidst all of the preparations mr krabs entrusts the krabby patty secret formula to spongebob bad idea he's gonna immediately forget where he put it isn't he patrick where did i put the formula we could have prevented this here's where plankton comes in to save the day offering to conduct experiments on our spongy hero to poke through his brain so he can remember where he put that slip of paper thanks to all of these micro robots being inserted into his mind and all of his friends getting really awfully nostalgic spongebob travels through a bunch of happy memories in hopes of remembering where he put the formula and considering we literally just saw him put it in his back pocket in the opening cut scene i got a sneaking suspicion i can see the ending coming from a mile away the premise is kinda similar to the animated special of the same name but the whole going through memories thing in the game is an excuse to reference a bunch of episodes from the early years of the cartoon which isn't what happens in the animated special jellyfishing with patrick working the 24 hour shift being afraid of the hash slinging slasher squidward getting obsessed with the krabby patties and getting super thick it is a love letter to the old school fans of spongebob it does take a few creative liberties with how the actual events took place but hey the sentiment is still nice and anyway the simple concept of a video game clip show is pretty cool especially with as many iconic moments from the cartoon as this one which ends up being a big shame because the game itself first off like the entire soundtrack is reused from battle for bikini bottom level 1 jellyfish fields uses the same music as level 1 jellyfish fields i couldn't pick out a single music track that was original battle for bikini bottom soundtrack was fine and all you know it certainly helps that the game was also really good but considering the whole idea behind truther square is calling back to older spongebob episodes on top of having older music it doesn't really give this game a strong identity and that would be fine if the rest of the game was strong enough to compensate for it but sadly that's also not the case stages are super linear there's no room to explore here you're pointed in the right direction at all times there are some enemies or slight puzzles along the way some big battles to finish the stages off on paper it's not too dissimilar from the movie game but there was next to no variety here to keep things interesting the movie game was also linear but stages were a lot larger there were these sliding and driving levels to break up the platforming and there are plenty of side challenges to tackle as well here in truth or square most of the sages play off exactly the same and it makes things pretty boring and monotonous you walk in a straight line you mash the attack button a bunch to deal with the enemies you get told where to go endlessly even though the levels are still mostly straight lines so just let me figure this out for myself game it's just nothing interesting happens and it's very disappointing until spongebob gets fed i guess the main gameplay element that's trying to keep things exciting are the power ups you'll often run into an item that powers you up for either a time limit or until you take damage they not only allow you to deal with the overload of enemies that get thrown at you a whole lot easier but they're also the only way you gain control of characters that the previous games gave a lot more time and attention to so it simply feels like a downgrade there's no dedicated patrick or sandy gameplay to allow for different styles of challenges you just play a spongebob except for the times you play as someone else for like five seconds just to go on a rampage at least we can play a squidward though so you know that's more than we can say for the last two games that that's a bullet point on the back of the box i guess oh wait it turns out there actually are extras to go for however to access them you have to go back to a stage after it's already completed why are we introducing backtracking to linear levels just to pad the game out some more i mean i guess so because the game otherwise is less than 3 hours long less than 180 minutes from the title screen there's the credits at the end you take down a huge plankton robot spongebob remembers he kept the formula in his back pocket the whole time called it and it turns out that's not even the formula mr krabs had it in his pocket the whole time but he forgot about it and the last three hours of my life feel relatively wasted but at least we can get a few costumes so hey that's yeah i got nothing spongebob squarepants truth or square isn't bad but it's boring and uninspired it sucks because the premise is still really cool heavy iron studios may have been involved but it is not the same team we wanted it to be on the bright side though the in-game cutscenes are pretty nice you know the lip syncing and the animation totally on point here a lot better than these stock animations of the previous games and even rehydrated when i think about it the models are nicer for sure but truth or square is definitely a whole lot more me handle animated now i'm good thank you for the offer though so yeah i guess there's a reason why truth or square is never in the same conversation as battle for bikini bottom or the movie game despite being done by heavy iron studios but i mean again if you take a look at their entire lineup it's really unremarkable so it's not a huge surprise the fact that they worked on a game called fat city is the best thing that they've ever done that name is amazing i don't know if it's licensed or whatever but fat city oh man fat city just a city full of fat maybe breacher from the crusty carb is gonna be better sure there are motion controls in a wee launch title it's worth being terrified over them but maybe with a new developer at the helm blitz games we can expect a fresher take on the franchise the wii banner is shockingly bare bones and man hyping myself up is gonna blow up right in my face isn't it the story begins with our heroes in the middle of sleeping spongebob's bed turns into a car he revs off into the distance and it looks like we're gonna race [Music] excuse me you want to run that back i feel like i just went blind yeah sure okay spongebob is absolutely horrifying now thankfully we only see him from the back during the race that's nice you stare at this for too long and you'll turn to stone piston patching oh i hate it i hate it so much i like to imagine all of these young spongebob fans getting a fancy new nintendo wii and a new sponge game for christmas greeted to this man i really feel sorry for them oh and uh real quick do you want to see mrs puff in a really tight fitting corset i had to see it so you all had to see it as well honestly the game's premise is pretty weird there's like no overarching story for the most part at least nothing is told to you outright spongebob patrick and plankton are all in the middle of dreaming each one tells their own little mini story and then you kind of just piece everything together from that knowledge spongebob after a few races drives into an abyss which turns out to be the alaskan bullworm which is where we find old man jenkins and his airplane that we use to escape from it meanwhile patrick is the superhero starfish man in pursuit of the evil dreaded patrick which eventually leads him into an evil space layer to destroy an evil ufo and once the evil deed is done he returns to earth and then we have plankton well he's evil of course and wants to take over the world that's about what i expected this time though after escaping from a huge crabby patty he turns very large yeah why not it's his dream makes sense but yeah that's kind of everything that happens there's no real major plot point that ties everything together aside from things are just happening but the real interesting thing is all of these dreams end up coming together at the very end somehow for a big final encounter in which the box art has been inadvertently spoiling this entire time whoops that's kind of fascinating i guess it makes absolutely no sense but sure it's like spongebob is taking a cue from a classic square enix rpg that's a very bold move except when you take down plankton that's not the end there's one more race segment where you can either play a spongebob or if you collect enough trinkets throughout the adventure patrick or plankton and then after that one race which is not difficult in the slightest and has no bearing on the story whatsoever then the credits roll what oh and it turns out that gary was actually dreaming all of the other dreams the whole time oh my god [Music] and then spongebob dies at least in truth or square there was a plot that tied everything together the stages may have been telling individual stories but there was still an overarching narrative that made sense maybe to creature from the krusty krab's credit it's kind of nice that every single stage does do something different but rather than feeling like there's a whole lot of well thought out variety here a more so comes off as the game has absolutely no idea what it wants to do you got platforming combat racing side scrolling on rails airplane segments causing mayhem with giant plankton random minigames that kinda pop out out of nowhere all the time that oftentimes have absolutely nothing to do with what you were just doing before them creature from the krusty krab does do a lot of things but it doesn't do any of those things necessarily well i guess i could argue it's kind of a better approach to just playing as spongebob in truth or square but neither of these approaches really leave that much of an impression like the very first thing you do is a race but there's no opponents so you just keep driving until the course ends oh but even when opponents do start popping up it's still just a matter of getting to the end you're not actually racing anybody as if the main challenge is to simply stay awake oh maybe that's why the main gimmick is dreams oh and yeah that's right we got motion controls on top of all that to deal with again we got the wii version here for all of the driving stuff it's fine you know you tilt the weir mode to lean in the direction you want that makes sense but once we get to the platforming and the combat the special attacks are performed by shaking the nunchuck oh god why oh and in case you're wondering yeah it barely works half the time so that's cool all right we gotta turn this winch to open the door hold the weir mode vertically and move it round in the air got it [Music] the motion controls of the wii version can be very hit or miss why the hell are you playing the wii version of creature from the krusty krab i wish you good luck for playing the wii version oh god not the wii version three hours later fine all right creature from the krusty krab gamecube edition let me just see something real quick and uh okay good it's normal i'm still gonna stick to a full playthrough of the wii version just for morbid curiosity but it's at least good to know that there is a normal version of the game under all of this garbage perhaps the game is simply too linear for my liking i know plenty of people out there are super nostalgic for this one but this is my very first time and i don't know man it's not great nothing in the adventure is particularly challenging the level of hand-holding going on constantly pulling you towards the next path is kind of ridiculous and some of the stages go on for way too long things just drag on for no real reason some of the concepts here are admittedly pretty cool but the gameplay is not strong enough to match that potential sure truth or square wasn't all that exciting either but you at least had some more tools in your arsenal to make the moments moment gameplay just a touch more interesting in creature from the krusty krab while the platforming is decent the combat's okay more so in the not wii versions and everything else it's a total crap shoot there's an objective screen on the pause menu why you only ever do one thing at a time you know i take back what i said earlier saying this is a platformer really wouldn't be accurate it is a story based mini game collection with a couple obnoxiously long platforming stages sprinkled about and with that understanding i guess some of the gameplay becomes more inoffensive for the younger players out there but we are clearly going further and further away from what made spongebob games so interesting in the first place i do like this dude though this guy's all right by me what the there's a music mode you pick an instrument each one has unique controls to play the notes oh my god spongebob did we music before wii music that's incredible okay you know what this is honestly the most fun i got out of this entire game the harmonica this is my favorite one you can play a whole range of notes by inputting a bunch of different button combinations it's pretty cool you can actually make some recognizable music [Music] i guess if anything check out truth or square i enjoy this one a little bit more the box art is absolutely terrifying and it's also on xbox 360. so if you want some easy achievements that'll be the way to go but even on the psp the entire game is on that console as well so if you want to take spongebob and put them in your pants you can do that right so we're like five games down and about two dozen more to go i really got to start picking up the pace on these stay tuned i got a lot of cool stuff planned that you're not going to want to miss until then though i'm going to go take a nap and if my body just starts to turn into this horrendous form i'll let you guys know but keep me in your thoughts jiggle me handle spongebob oh that's disgusting [Music] you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 509,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Review, Video Review, Game Review, Spongebob Squarepants game, Spongebob Truth or Square, Spongebob Truth or Square game, Spongebob Truth or Square game review, Spongebob Creature from the Krusty Krab, Spongebob Creature from the Krusty Krab review, Spongebob Squarepants Truth or Square game review, Spongebob Squarepants Creature from the Krusty Krab game review, Spongebob wii game, Spongebob game review, Truth or Square review, Creature from the Krusty Krab review
Id: dOqiL665wic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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