Players with THOUSANDS of Hours Vs Few Hours in Rocket League

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did you know gamer's ready has defined exactly how many hours in rocky league it should take to achieve a certain rank well i took that knowledge and completely chucked it out the window for this video and sidenote the word for throwing something out of a window is called defenestration isn't that cool so today we're defenestrating normal hours by selecting players who are outliers and making them face off so i sent out a survey in my distorted and found players at four different ranks who were on both ends of the spectrum once i verified their hours i made them face off to see who's better so we're about to find out if time spent in the game makes a difference in rocket league we're also about to find out who's a real homie and subs to the channel so i can get 300k which happens to be my favorite number and we are jumping into our first match with some plots we've got foxy versus king and king over here actually has 1500 hours in rocket league and he is only a platinum which is actually pretty hard to believe these two players are the exact same rank our van foxy who you're watching right now he is actually a plot with only 50 hours in the game i mean i'm expecting some great mechanics from foxy's opponent here but looks like foxy's actually on the runway gets a goal man the plot with 50 hours going up early in this game all right king king's got the ball here looks like he's going for a flick oh almost gets it over foxy i gotta say what i'm expecting from these guys really is that foxy with only 50 hours and being the same rank as king i'm expecting him to have either really solid game sense or just great talent already to be able to already rank up to platinum so early uh that's that's pretty impressive actually we just started the game and king i'm kind of thinking he might be like a freestyler plot or something like i can't imagine what you spend 1 500 hours doing if not ranking up but no oh what is saved by foxy oh my gosh i thought ting was going there for sure fox's challenges are looking really smart he's keeping the pressure alive on king and king just looks a little bit out of place a little bit awkward hopefully he can dribble this ball should have an option for shots if you can line it up nice gets it past the 50. foxy you can tell his mechanics just didn't pay off there but he misses the shadow king you should have made that i can tell king's overall mechanics do seem better but foxy right now i mean he's just making the right place he's challenging at the right times for the most part yeah looks like it should be another goal there we go king has finally tied up this game and it's a 1-1 game i was not expecting this even though king has 1 450 more hours than foxy i mean that is incredible here we go foxy maybe with a kickoff gold gets it bossy is going to keep this pressure up see how he turns instantly super smart that's big brain plays for sure and there's a goal because of it all that pressure all those challenges are definitely winning for foxy right now sometimes my genius is it's almost frightening it's hard to believe how much you can learn in such a short period of time playing rocky it's actually insane nice save incredible save here a nice challenge takes it around the corner can he score one more looks like he does 5-1 what an incredible game and it looks like foxy just another incredible kickoff he does for an aerial man you can see his mechanics on aerials were not strong but it was good enough unfortunately it looks like king has actually lost that match even though king had 1 450 more hours in the game foxy was just he had great challenges he was playing smart and honestly sometimes that's all it takes all right it is time for the diamond matches coffee which is the blue team in this case has 2 500 hours in rocket which is a ton of time i mean that's more than a lot of grand champs have and he has reached diamonds so far so i'm expecting some great mechanics from copy oh he's already got the flick off that was actually a great flick and that being said i'm hoping bw shows us some great game sense he only has 100 hours in the game so he's been doing well to already reach diamonds so fast with so little time in rockefeller it's actually crazy takes it around the corner doesn't quite make anything happen but he's playing smart he's going he's going off off the wall here it looks like he's comfortable with aerials uh diamonds are typically a lot more comfortable with aerials than plats are but that being said i'm thinking coffee even has even more mechanics just because he spent so much time in rocket league you can tell you can tell our man bw right now his dribble game is not looking strong he's looking a little bit confused a little bit awkward with the ball i think that's just those hours he hasn't put in yet but that was a decent challenge couldn't really get over the top of coffee and coffee takes away another goal right now the diamond with 2 500 hours is looking really solid looks like a flick coffee is challenging early i can tell he seems a lot more confident than bw does puts the ball in the corner very nice shot this match might be proving something's to be said for hours especially in in 1v1 it can make a difference but these players are in fact the same rank in theory it should be a good match but right now coffee is looking really strong vw still a little a little bit awkward but choppy's got possession now goes for pinch no way that was actually a great customer pitch from on the wall how much power that got on now bw for the record has 2 400 less hours than copy which is a massive number it's actually crazy um so i'm impressed that he's making this this game close hopefully there's a goal here oh you know embarrassed this is really embarrassing all right he does that for the ball here his aerial game does not look strong yet it's a decent challenge once again he's really getting in the way of coffee but coffee's just got that control right now and that's really what's making this game work not a great challenge with bw there pretty much no way to win that unfortunately and coffee misses the difference here between these two players is even more obvious than it was in the plot match mechanics are just drastically different but the game since the bw is not terrible i just don't think he has the mechanics to hang right now coffee i've got a feeling to go for a freestyle doesn't get the ball come on bw can you take it away oh coffee is still got control after all this time so it's really interesting in diamond mechanics seem to have made a massive difference i would have not expected that but this was another great game and the exact opposite of last match so i couldn't have predicted that at all alright alright we are on to our champion match this is a massive difference in ours if you thought the last match was crazy hours wise this is even more insane malik right now has the ball oh wait he actually takes it away this is our player with less hours in the game when i say less i mean a ton uh malik only has 200 hours in the game and is the same rank as shaq oatmeal over there uh he actually has 4 000 hours and that's our player we have right here so i'm expecting some great mechanics from shaq once again i'm expecting kind of a similar match to our plat match where where malik has really solid game sense and shaq is gonna have the mechanics but it looks like it's like malik's got control here challenges well shaq doesn't doesn't seem comfortable right now he's challenging kind of at the wrong time i'm actually impressed with malik's mechanics so far having only 200 hours in the game he does look pretty comfortable with these recoveries especially but shaq scores and this is a 1-1 game let's see what happens now maladops for the fake kickoff that's some confidence that's the big brain play for sure this big brain time and that's another goal it's hard to believe that the difference between these two players is 3 800 hours i mean that is like more time than most people ever invest in any game ever and these players have actually ended up in the same break and this is turning into a really good match right now shaq is taking the lead uh his challenges have been very aggressive he can tell he's an aggressive player but he's consistent nice takes at the wall see okay that was smart not to go for an air dribble and just take control of the ball here unfortunately shaq had another great challenge matlin gets back i don't know what shaq was doing for like freestyle or what but malik had time maybe goes for a pinch here nope goes off the ceiling i don't think shaq was expecting that saves his boost man that was a solid play challenges on the corner shacks control great challenge by malik taking possession of that ball does it again really keeping the pressure high on shaq gives up a goal nice shaq is going up for this goes for an ariel looks like he passed it to malik malik could have scored there but that shows you that consistency uh he only has 200 hours in the game and it's just not always the most consistent nice challenge to save that goal that was close good job malik with the control touches he only has five boosts left in his tank he is really good at conserving his boost that is a trait of higher level players for sure shot going up great save by malik actually incredible he's gonna put that away nice i cannot believe he has had a massive comeback uh malik has just held his cool this whole match and is really just showing up here his his head is in the right place and that that's why i think he's ranked up so fast our player with lower hours won that match entirely off of game sense so that match really showed how just playing smart makes a massive difference especially as we get up into the higher ranks we are on to our final and most intense match yet right now players with less hours are actually in the lead as far as winning matches i did not expect that at all but the game sense is really showing up from these players right now your perspective is on wayne zord who is a gc with only 750 hours so less than a thousand hours in rocket league and has already achieved grand champion which is incredibly impressive these two players are both grand champ one so i'm really interested to see how this match goes good try on the challenge by wayne zord but a hard grand champ with 5 000 hours takes away the first goal kind of same thing that was a great fake challenge by by luke there actually takes away the goal wow that was an awesome play i'm wondering if if at this rank game since might actually favor the the grand champ with more hours rather than the one with less i think we're we're gonna find out for sure windsor with a great touch here gets a reset those mechanics are incredibly solid great challenge once again by luke he's looking incredibly solid with this first round windsor is going back for a boost he probably could have kept a little closer to that ball and luke's going to go up nice challenge by wayne jordan that was actually a great touch you can tell his control with the ball is incredibly strong but winsor's making some solid challenges he's staying in this game for sure that was a good try you can tell his air dribble skills are not quite as good as luke's but i'm still expecting some good challenges yeah his saved game is incredible his defense has been really solid and just a good touch that's gonna go in all right looks like luke's going for the ball there gets a nice challenge beats out wayne zord might have an open net yeah that is going to be a goal and gets the demo just for fun he's actually got a chance to be offensive here maybe not the best air dribble in windsor loses the ball as luke challenges super early he might be able to get a goal here nice touch by wayne zord i don't know if somebody would follow that or not no not quite fast enough and lucas just lucas playing all out right now so at this rank the difference in hours is really showing you can really start to see the mechanics develop i mean if you put 5000 hours into grinding rocket league you were hopefully going to have some pretty strong mechanics and look at that gets the fake loosened challenge early i guessing that's a goal it's got to be there it is and once again luke right this game is pretty much a total blowout we've got a brazil on the board luke does have four thousand two hundred and fifty more hours in the game than wandsworth does so i guess it's not that surprising but overall i'd say all players have been represented really well it's been really interesting the difference between each rank how hours play a role that was a great match uh luke really pulled away and that actually makes this even for the series entirely it's safe to say that playing smart will get you far but spending thousands of hours practicing freestyles is also pretty cool
Channel: Striped
Views: 423,143
Rating: 4.9382219 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League, RL, Grand champ, GC, Supersonic Legend, SSL, Striped, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Champ, Free to play, Gold with 10000 hours, hours, rocket league hours, rank battle, rank vs rank, players vs players
Id: f_oKFxFSF0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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