That time Arsenal & I DOMINATED an SSL 2v2 Tourney

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yo what's up dijon who is that is that an actual person no what's up guys how's it going bro the intro are you kidding guys you guys just let me know yo [Laughter] yo what's up guys welcome back wait is that a voice changer inhaling helium in a matter of seconds well welcome to a brand new 2v2 ssl big dub tournament let's go heck yeah heck yeah subscribe let's go [Music] my custom rocket league map doobie looking kind of fire though oh i'm so mechanical oh monkey and osmo oh we're i guess we're vibing what is this an ssl tournament yeah i think so okay i mean all right easy pinch what you think no not both of you and yeah i mean we're starting off making it look we're vibing we're vibing very very very kind of current very good start wow slam dunk keep going oh top right oh wait top left oh top left oh it's actually one [Music] that actually threw them off really hard that was a good shot there's no way there's no way both these guys are ssl oh my gosh that guy's sso [Laughter] disgusting play you want to slam it up one more time for the slats yep i mean top right come on man you didn't see the play no no i'm spawning i'm spawning i'm spawning i'm here wait he down with you wait oh oh wait i saved that wait no no no it was like it was like fully in the net for like a good two seconds no like oh look at the clamps oh wait uh nope no clamps yeah i'm going to net i'm internet already okay yeah two did i just ruin your play no no i don't even want that gold oh well they got it trolling a little too hard sorry [Music] what nice what faking faking oh i'm already internet man when i'm sorry wait what wait that's a good pass yeah score it oh no oh no we're losing not gonna lie zero is in the tank zero that's fine wait it's wait it's it's just wait oh no oh okay i actually pulled my pants last second bro oh no no you you were you actually worried i was terrified yes what are these team names man we got sucked but we gotta wait for the game between pinios and pee pee poo poo oh pinios and pee pee poo poo that's incredible wait look how fast my wpms i'm gonna say you stink uh uh close simp all right let's go inky v stinky winky stinky winky and and tipsy wait i got that loose why because i'm up oh that's that don't show him the speed pure speed yep go back to myself is he gonna go wait open oh my god what are you doing he said cringe goodness gracious mate look at the recovery from this oh so quick swim dog dog swim have you ever seen a further pass on that wait wait actually hold on you score that but he's a cat oh he at least landed on his feet oh wait where are we on the top left bang you're faking okay yeah actually oh my gosh wait pop that out wait oh my god they want to leave so bad oh what is happening just like yeah i mean he's just he's writing an essay one more one today where i want that tattoo yo wait that's actually a dime oh well that was kind of that was kind of that's kind of lame i just flew from like really far away where'd you go again more tattoo i didn't get a tattoo but oh i'm planning it like you know i gotta talk to the guy make sure the shop is right make sure everything's right i'm gonna get one i think i'm getting a rocky ball my freaking forehead [Laughter] i'm about to get a finick on my left cheek bro call it today that's all we need it's up to me wait you're on goalie i can't play it i can't play right now oh wait don't score no no no um [Music] wait we're going to brazil them yeah we are we literally are bro you know brazil has the word like bra raw yeah really oh my god where oh what is this game right now i don't know yeah let me just match party wait you gonna stack me yeah get on top of me yeah just sit like this like this hey no no he's bumping me i'm doing it how long okay no wait oh he's trying to sit on my face beautiful ah wait okay all right well this has been fun yeah yeah i'm here [Music] that was this is almost scuffed game i don't know what that was let's move on wait what is he saying ting my pants slow key but it's all good oh oh oh oh wait oh oh oh wait is that um is that toronto slang left we have to be in sync oh we're not in sync we're about to get we're actually getting scored on okay wait okay they you know we should we should score like at least once before we travel yeah like at least a couple times like not even once because these guys aren't like completely poopy poop i have no boost actually just just yeah there you go all right i'm just gonna put it high let him go wait look wait okay okay okay okay okay okay we surprised that's fine he's not even anywhere close you have any boost i have no boost oh my goodness wait we have to get this mid or we could just like not score and just win off shots wait wait left buffa care wait no that's why wait you're wait what are they doing what what are they doing what is this game right now yeah i'm actually so good yeah i mean all right reading i'm up oh we saved it dude this is the weirdest game of broccoli oh we're almost there already i just farted bruh stinky stink hey hey my fart stink stinky stink bro are you like those intolerance or just me wait it's the best of three yeah it is let's go hey hey we're gonna pull up you guys to sell it's actually he's helping you he's helping you [Laughter] oh yeah come here oh yeah how are they going to counter this i i don't know look at this look at this play i'm on top of it how could how could they ever figure that out i'm scoring part of my plan my master plan tip for them i told you i'm scoring i'm scoring no yeah bro i i you thought i had a doubt like i just knew it like i knew it kept going yeah if you didn't touch that right there i was scoring it was on it you almost got dunked into the net no i didn't almost almost yeah almost only counting horseshoes hand grades and poop in your pants you heard that before saying meet him yeah around him dude i'm already back i'm gonna lose my mind [Music] [Laughter] i'm already back i'm so oh no score that please score that scoring oh my god beautiful you know whatever man whatever you would try you were trying to do too much so i had to let you know top right okay you can't show up the pro right no yeah yeah yeah watch this watch this pro pro fake why is how you just pooped yourself i'm trying to make that i'm turning into you all right i don't pull myself like you know just because i'm lacking totally intolerant black and white black and souls flag and toast up up and turn yourself around and that's what it's all about yep perfect hey what i'm getting i'm i'm i'm dead oh oh oh one more oh oh oh imagine that was a horrible angle wait [Music] what i bet you're gonna put it in so i can watch it i i guess i should have huh oh yeah i mean you just gotta see actually more good good good first game yeah i mean yep wait i forgot this is the best thing i was ready to go honestly i don't know i'm capping so hard wait [Music] who kind of killing my vibe right now okay oh yeah there's the five sorry trickster man that sucks no yeah i mean he he he he's easy to go for that yeah yeah there you go all right in the finals yep that was an ssl round too so we're probably ssl for the for the remainder here but you ever thought about watching anime i thought about it dang man it's so good anime so good wait tna wait what the server is called tna wait oh team tournament tournament north america okay i got you i got i got five titans go yeah that was close he got he actually got so confused he passed nice i'm actually terrified no don't be just got ariel right here and we're good yep yep why in the booth spawn i don't know it's crazy can we open what does you know what is this great finals dude i already know what's going on like look right here i knew this third man was gonna be push-ups too far so i just third man yeah i mean i don't know where the third man is i'm looking around i can't find him i mean you gotta put in three stars because i am a threes player mid let's score that again speaking of mid kerry there perfect shot realized boy arsenal too saucy uh i'm not go i did not mean to do that i swear i swear that's like you're scrolling or something i swear i did not even mean to do it like that like you know you could say oh for the video like that that's not even me doing that for the video i'm like oh boy arsenal too saucy gonna throw it away yeah i feel like i left the whole team down the whole squad all the viewers yeah all the other are some years guys so low boost that's in all right we're we're keeping it i don't want to go three games man i don't want to do three games yeah i don't either my eyes are dry like i need some water for my eyes are you gonna pour it what yeah yeah you know when you're like swimming and water gets in your eyes i yeah i like that feeling sometimes though you know like yeah wakes you up weirdo no no but you don't do it in like chlorine pools you're doing like salt oh oh yeah like salt water like salt water yeah yeah that's actually more psychopathy that goes out with you oh wait good pass hold on contact you about your insurance you ever get those calls all the time no it's so annoying maybe like okay big challenge oh wait wait don't be worried i died for you open no no it's not open oh wait you want to give this to me as a present wow i'd kindly accept your donation this guy follow me man this guy like me or something yeah i think he does oh my you wanna know what else i like it's awesome it's awesome oh big sauce that was the most bought air dribble i've ever that's why you scored that's how rocket league is nowadays because i tried to like look at his face look he thought you were gonna go high yeah bottom corner like wait what are you shocked sorry sorry zombie zombies will you ever see them memes they'll be like mommy frick mommy frick no i'm not oh you mean like the dude who does that yeah oh summer uh i don't know what he says love it baby but no no no no no no that guy you don't talk about never seen that tick tock yeah i know that guy i don't know i don't know how much time i'm saying i'm not like a rocket league connoisseur or tick-tock connoisseur just gotta watch tick-tock swag okay it's next level entertainment i mean i do watch it sometimes oh man why are they sweating oh yeah why are they actually why are they sweating like what are they doing man what are they doing got one back congrats all right you know we're running off today on a good note they can't hold me like they're trying to hold me but you just can't like i'd be looking i'd be looking i'll be looking at you looking it's middle okay bump them bros gets lost in the sauce wait no i thought you were i i thought you were saving it lost in this i thought you were saving it like look at this stuff that was pretty clean yeah oh yeah it's a good shot for me too though to be fair come on come on never seen ariel before kidding i'm broke i mean wait what pure entertainment purposes yeah um i know you are you are a great player back oh wow you're so are you man yeah back in ice age just know if you're a good player you should know wait wait look at that 50. i thought you were saving it again man what is what with you you're like magnetized to the ball no i'm making sure your placement is on point you're like what you got the measuring tape out like what is this two feet two feet from the ground i'm mid oh yeah right on your car yo hold on and just like just keep doing this yeah just keep aiming for the walk keep getting the boost more nope was saving that if you didn't like something right that was kind of nutty i'm not gonna lie yeah i was looking for my points right now like look i only had to say i thought and that it just i don't know bro did it on purpose i can't get anybody oh my god what if these guys are like redirecting shots like i don't know first of all yeah i just had to i'm gonna go boy mink wow bang bang i'm already here yep oh close you know it was almost red not blue pull up with a shoe you already know what i'm gonna do yeah i feel sick you know i got the flu i i'm just letting you go i'm just letting you go i'm not a not a freestyle rapper or rapper at all so yeah you go let me go you already know let's say i'm fast but he real slow oh yeah can we get a beat for you hey man if you go on go ammo you know it's all right oh yeah that was on me on me my bad okay yeah okay score these right it's going down do you were you nervous were you nervous i was terrified defense first sauce sauce it's off it's off it's off it's all perfect to me to me sick open them yep it's in the net like i'm doing this oh yeah yeah look at this louis look at this content right here pop damn i'm leaving you because i trust you okay um did anyone care to explain the the replay on this one oh you can't see it uh it'll be on the screen it'll be on the screen right danny you've told you got me covered right danny open open it's a good circle open open open open open open open open here i'm here open open open open open i'm here i'm here i'm here i'm here i'm here oh wait that's a beautiful pre-flip pretty flip pre-jump one more thing top corner that's so lucky you're really lucky man real lucky oh what a what an absolute dumb ssl tournament with what americans oh my god great journey guys i hope you guys are on vacation oh my god [Music] which one do you open do you open the all-stars club or they chromatically i got a ball star which one's poster which one's which which one do you open or like do you guys do prospects guys do you do the best one the best one which one's that we don't settle for less well what about like getting chromatic okay oh okay [Applause] yo whoa let's wear both of those oh look at my wheels i got those two this is so well i hope you guys enjoyed that was definitely good whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey there they are look at let's go those are clean well i hope you guys enjoyed that was a lot of fun to play a twos tournament wow what an ssl tournament dub what a dub hope you guys enjoyed make sure to subscribe to both of us until next time we'll be in descriptions hey of course of course of course until next time have a great day and we'll catch you guys in the one
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 372,427
Rating: 4.9635534 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, That, Time, Dominated, 2v2, Tourney
Id: _4s618WEcyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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