Play Slower, You'll Become a Pro MUCH Faster (And Why)

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play slower trust me play slower and I get it you just receive the ball and either two things happen your mind either goes blank or you just feel extremely flustered and your only goal at that time is to get rid of the ball as fast as possible or the third option you do both option one and option two and that's the worst and I get it you know once you receive the ball that pressure is extremely hard and the ability to make that decision fast is even harder but I'm telling you that if you play slower you will be able to improve so much faster and I'm not talking about improving within a year's time I'm talking about literally improving within your next training session and if you stick to the end I'll provide you a step-by-step system that I personally use that not only helps me make those decisions fast but allows me to play much more slower giving me way more confidence with the ball and the decisions that I make and this channel is about becoming better faster so if you're a soccer player and that pressure gets you this video is for you make sure to go subscribe one thing is I used to play extremely fast and every time I received the ball I knew in my head that I need to make the right decision but that pressure got to me almost every single time to where Not only would I make an absolute awful decision the coach would be watching me make that awful decision and that's when I had to learn how can I play slower in order to make decisions faster but once I learned how to do this I not only improved but I improved way faster so fast that within two months of this type of training our team manager was like Hey like I I know you're improving and some of the players on my team were like dude what are you what are you doing now like how are you improving this quick and it's been a little cheat cat of mine because I've started to see how quickly that Improvement happens and how much it positively affected my play and once you're able to learn how to play slower you'll not only be able to make those decisions way faster but you'll be way more confident on the ball you'll know what's going on and because you're able to play slower you will be able to change the outcome of almost every single game that you play and I don't know about you but if I can be the key player that can make my team win every single time I know that I'll be starting that game so here's the seven reasons on why you need to be playing slower and how playing slower will completely change the way that you play reason one speed versus spasm and like I mentioned earlier chances are when you get that ball your mind goes blank and you just don't really know what to do so when that happens your mind ends up going blank and you literally go like w and the type of decision that you make is way worse than the decision that you would have made if you play way slower now yes I understand that sometimes you do have to play fast because you're in immediate pressure but even then you see Pro players like Sergio biscet moving the ball so slowly even though he has so much immediate pressure and guess what happens he not only gets that ball out of pressure but he plays slower which gives him more of the ability to make a better pass and that's what makes him one of the best midfielders in the world he has that Vision but not only does he have that Vision he plays slowly but when you're playing fast you don't have that time to think and chances are if you don't have time to think you're most likely not making the best decision but if you play Slowly you'll have way more time to make way better of a decision reason two now this reason was one of the hardest for me to learn the psychology of pressure and the stress that's behind when you receive that ball and let's not even say you received that ball let's say you already have that ball chances are you have 20 of your teammates on that field saying ball pass me ball here here here or you have your coach screaming pass there pass there and you have a hundred different people telling you a 100 different decisions now I'm not no psychology expert but that sounds like a lot of stress and when you have higher stress when you're playing that stress forces you to play fast and that type of in-game pressure almost guarantees that you're going to make one of the worst decisions compared to one of the better decisions you could have made and real quick one of the easiest ways to fix this that even I use is playing extremely in the present moment and yeah I know that sounds very like fooo but I'm joking like when you are completely present in what's happening you're able to analyze the game more so by the time you get the ball you'll have a much better understanding of what to do next reason three quality over quantity and not only is this a good reason but your coach will thank you for this reason now let's do some simple soccer MCH in a game if I'm able to get 100 passes off but those passes were extremely fast with very little decision behind it let's be real where do you think it'll go chances are that that decision- making and that pass will probably not be the best pass that you could have done however what if you just did 10 passes during that game but each pass was literally one of the best passes that you could have done crafted to Perfection and not some 60 rated FIFA pass I'm talking like a Tony kro pass a Kevin De bruyne type pass now if you're able to get 10 of those off within one game I'd hope that you'd be able to get a goal from that and that's exactly what's happening when you're playing fast because when you're playing fast you're not able to make those quality decisions and you're not only screwing up how you play but you're screwing up how the whole team plays so when you do play slower you make the those well-crafted passes so good to where your coach is like wao where did that come from and the better part is that team is going to think you guys are extremely good and you only did one thing you just played slower that's it you see even the team that I play on struggles with this where we just play fast way too much we play like we have constant pressure and yes you know playing in the league that we do there are a ton of people that non-stop Sprint and I don't know how they have that type of energy but they literally will not stop sprinting after you but that's okay because you're playing way slower and you're able to make those decisions way better reason for it now this is one of my favorite reasons the ability to control the whole entire game's Pace you see once you play slower you'll not only break the rhythm of the other team but you'll start frustrating them and making them have to play your way and there's probably some crazy people that just love Fitness but I'm not one of them and if you can tell me that I can beat a team 3 to zero and run half that time because I'm playing slower but not only playing slower but I'm playing smarter that sounds pretty fun and don't get me wrong I do enjoy the fitness side of it but instead of me forced to run every single time I get to choose when to run reason five and this is the most important reason is you'll have way greater tactical vision and that's just a fancy word for being able to look over your shoulder and see what's happening you see by playing slower you can better observe the other team's play style and once you understand how they play you can beat them with their own strategy and if you like TV shows that have a lot of strategy behind it by playing like this your opponent's going to think that you guys are a genius because not only did you figure out how they play but you exploited it and you crushed them you see once you understand how another team plays and you're able to use that against them you're not winning just one0 you're winning 3 to Z 4 to Z sometimes even 5 to zero and goalkeepers you can thank me later for your clean sheet feel free to subscribe reason six is the ability to increase your confidence and I get it confidence is one of the hardest things to build on the pitch but once you have it you will almost always be playing in Flow State where it doesn't matter how the other teams playing you because of your confidence will always be a step ahead of them and by playing slower you'll be able to make better decisions you'll also be making way fewer mistakes that won't embarrass you when the coach is watching and yes I've had that time too where you just screw up the pass or you receive the ball during pressure and you practically have the whole entire other team going after you and that pressure gets to you so when you do make that pass it ends up being one of the worst passes that you could have made and that alone is super embarrassing especially when a coach is watching you or even a scout but by playing slower you don't have to worry about that anymore and reason seven which is one of the most important reasons is the improved accuracy that you'll get and the better energy management by you being able to play slower you'll not only be making better decisions like two out of 10 times or three out of 10 times but by playing slower you'll be able to make decisions almost every single time and by having that type of accuracy you're almost guaranteed to have Scouts looking at you and clubs wanting to sign you and because of the speed of play you'll have way more energy to be able to crush your opponents at the times that it matters now playing slowly is one of the hardest things to learn but like I said I I created a step-by-step system that I personally use to be able to play slower but make decisions faster so if you don't take anything away from this video the only thing I really want you to take away is that playing slow will absolutely change the way that you play and you'll be ridiculously good so all you have to do is just fill out the form below and I'll give you a whole entire packet of tips and tricks and a whole entire step-by-step system on how you can play slower and make decisions faster so if you haven't already go subscribe [Music]
Channel: Soccer with Marat
Views: 136,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, soccer player, soccer training, becoming pro, soccer with marat, football, footballer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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