10 BASIC Mistakes That Beginners Make

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[Music] so in football there are certain key mistakes that lower level players tend to make things like not receiving the ball with the right foot or taking too long on the [Music] ball or even not making the right run and they're the types of mistakes that if coaches and other players see them they're going to decide that well you're not good so that's why today we've put together 10 key mistakes that cause players to perform poorly and we'll show you how to fix them and by the end you should know enough that you won't look like a beginner at all you're watching all attack receiving the ball with the wrong foot if you're losing the ball it could be because you're receiving it with the wrong foot for example let's say you're in the middle of a field and you're receiving a pass from the side of the field so if you receive the pass with the foot that's closest to the ball then you're going to end up facing only one side of the field which is a problem if you don't have a passing option in that [Music] direction so that's why Norm normally you want to receive the ball with your back foot or the foot that's further away from the ball because if you do that you'll be able to see both sides of the field and you'll be able to go either direction rather than just [Music] one now look if you have a player on your back then yeah you may not be able to receive the ball on your back foot but if you do have the space then normally this is what you'd want to [Music] do giving up on plays often times inexperienced players or lazy players will see a situation and think that there's no way that ball is coming to me or think that play is over it's done but [Music] then so the lesson here is the play isn't done until it's done you never know when the ball is coming to you so stay alive be alert and be ready when it does yeah yeah not moving to the ball [Music] when a pass is coming their way some players have a tendency to just wait for the ball to get to [Music] them but of course if there's Defenders near enough then that won't end [Music] well so here's how you fix this when you're receiving a pass you need to make a [Music] judgment you got to look at the pass and decide does this ball have enough power to get to me before a Defender does and if it does then yeah okay you can let the ball come to you but if the ball is soft enough that the defender can get to it before it gets to you then you need to be on your toes and ready to move toward [Music] it thinking skill moves are what matters some players think that if you can do fancy skills then you're a good player this is not the case now look I'm not saying that skill moves are bad or that they can never work I mean look you're talking to the guy who made this video but what I am saying is that it does pale importance to the fundamentals of the game so just know that skill moves won't make you a great great player rather they're like icing on top of a cave holding on to the ball for too long lower level players often think that they have time to do things like take multiple touches turn and then look up for a pass but they don't see if you take your time on the ball and you really don't go anywhere with [Music] it then at best you'll slow down the attack and at worst you'll lose the [Music] ball so what you should do is this either pass the ball quickly so that Defenders don't have time to close you down or if you are going to dribble then make sure you're going somewhere fast and ideally that's forward toward goal because if you spend a lot of time dribbling in the same small area or turning different ways then it's just not going to end well not protecting yourself in football you can have all the technical and dribbling skills in the world but that's not going to matter if you get pushed off the ball so that's why in game situations you have to be ready ready to bring your arm up and use your palm and your forearm to hold off incoming Defenders and if you're in a situation where you're mostly still or not running then it's also important to bend your knees lower your center of gravity and keep the ball on the far side of your body away from the the [Music] defender not asking for the [Music] ball when players are first starting football they can often be too shy or nervous to ask for the ball but the problem with that is you'll almost never get the ball oh oh so if you don't want to be ignored then you need to raise your voice and ask for the ball that way you might actually get the ball and get the game experience that you need bad throwing technique now this one may seem like something that everyone knows but you'd be surprised because I've seen a lot of people take a throwi in from their chest or from the side of their [Music] head so for the record the rules for throwin as per the fa are this one you must be standing either behind the line or on it two you must have a part of each foot on the ground three you must use both hands and four you have to start the throw behind your head and release it over the [Music] top and that's it kicking the ground when shooting when beginner players try to shoot with power or with their laces one problem they often have is their toe will hit the ground when they go to shoot so to solve this you'll need to turn your foot so that your toes are pointed outward which will allow your foot to clear the ground now to do this requires practice and muscle growth but if you really want to shoot with full power then turning your foot is what you're going to have to do not practicing on your own and finally perhaps the biggest mistake of all everyone you have to practice by yourself because the hard truth is if you only practice when your team practices you're going to struggle to improve your individual skills because the team is not focused on you they're focused on the team and they'll usually practice what two times a week that's just not enough the players who are becoming great are practicing for hours every day so if you actually want to get better you can't let being alone stop you you have to go out and work on your individual skills then you take that and apply it to your team training and actual games because that that is the way that you're going to get better all right everybody we hope you like that video if you did make sure to leave a thumbs up right down there make sure to subscribe if you haven't and make sure to check out our other videos if you want to learn more about football [Music]
Channel: AllAttack
Views: 354,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, attack, soccer, football, learn, tutorial, education, skills
Id: nP8A1l_qYbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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