Breathe VO2, You'll Become a Pro MUCH Faster (And Why)

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you're not breathing correctly in fact not only are you breathing incorrectly but if you're huffing and puffing every time you sprint I can fix that for you and it's called V2 Max training and it's one of the easiest fixes that you can do as a soccer player that will not only help increase your stamina and endurance but it'll allow you to become faster for longer so in this video I'll not only teach you what V2 Max training is and why it's important but I'll give you step-by-step actions that you can take immediately to help you run faster for longer and this Channel's about about becoming better faster so if you haven't already go subscribe now I struggled with this a lot I'd get the training I'd put my cleats on I'd get my stretches in i' do a little bit of running and then once I had to actually play and Sprint literally after my first or second Sprint I'd be extremely gassed meaning I could barely breathe because of how fast I was running and how little oxygen I had to be able to run so of course when you don't have too much oxygen and your sprinting it's a whole lot harder to go faster for longer and I know a lot of you guys probably struggle with this where you sprint a few times and then you just get super tired after you're done and that's okay because that's not only you but that's a whole lot of other people but I'm here to change that and this video is about teaching you why V2 Max training is so important and what you can do to not only train it but destroy your opponents in the process because once you have it and they don't it's game over so what exactly is VO2 max training and how can we use this type of training to make you faster for longer do2 Max training is a specific training that involves exercises aimed at increas inreasing the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during intense physical endurance meaning how much oxygen can we create and store in your body to use every time you breathe and this type of training Works to increase that because when your body and muscles have more oxygen to use during an exercise you're able to be way faster for longer so here's four reasons on why V2 Max training will change the way you play within an extremely short time and I'm not talking like a couple months or even a year I'm literally talking within your next month reason one and this is one of the main reasons that people do this type of training V2 Max training will unleash unmatch stamina now I know you know out of all the sports you played you somehow decide to play soccer where you have to run 90 minutes straight which is wild and I've tracked myself with my little like stat sport little tracker thing and sometimes I'm running 7even eight miles during a game while if I played football or if I played some other type of sport you're barely even cracking a mile of a run think about even baseball right you know you're running just a little diamond so having endurance is extremely key to becoming a better player because if you can't run even 45 of those minutes good luck being able to play at a much higher level now how do we even increase that type of endurance to be able to play for that long at that high of a level is by doing the2 Max training because by incorporating the2 Max training you'll be able to increase the amount of oxygen that goes into your lungs so that you can run longer so you won't be extremely gassed and you won't be extremely tired after a few couple sprints because in soccer you don't just run consistently like a long run you run and then you sprint and then you walk and then you sprint and then you run and then you sprint and then you run again and then you w and one of the only ways to increase that is by doing V2 Max training so if you've ever been tired playing soccer this is one of the best ways to be able to fix that oh and by the way you're welcome because this changed the way that I played reason two and this is one of the hardest reasons for me to understand but once I understood it it made me realize how big of a cheat code that this reason was V2 Max training will help you master oxygen efficiency and yeah I know that sounds a little confusing but just think about it like this your lungs carry oxygen allowing you to breathe now what if I told you that instead of having two lungs that can carry oxygen I gave you one more so now you have three lungs that carry oxygen while your opponents only have two and that's exactly what V2 Max training does because it helps add more oxygen into the lungs that you already have so yes you're not having an additional lung and by the way if you have three lungs you might want to get checked up on that but it allows you to have way more oxygen stored within your lung so by you having more oxygen within your lungs meaning the volume of oxygen you practically will have like a Third Lung giving you way more air way more oxygen and way bigger and better of a chance to start running faster for longer and reason three and this is one of my most favorite reasons because when I was able to start doing this it shook everyone that I was playing with because of how fast I became and how I never became tired after getting that fast and yes you're going to get tired if you're consistently sprinting for a much longer period of time but I'm telling you that whatever you're doing right now by doing V2 Max training you're going to be able to increase that dramatically so reason three is rapid recovery Powers because when you're sprinting and you're huffing and puffing it may take your opponent a minute or even a couple minutes to be able to recover from that but for you you will be able to recover a whole lot faster because your lungs are able to provide you way more oxygen allowing you to breathe less and recover faster and one of the reasons again why this is one of my most favorite reasons is because after or during the end of a game your opponents are extremely tired because like I said you know you've been running for 90 minutes straight but in those end moments because you're doing the2 Max training you are able to surpass them beat them and destroy your competition every single time at the end making your team a massive threat at the end of a game so if you're down a goal if you're down two goals at the end of the game but you have the2 Max training that other team they better watch out and after these Reasons I'm going to tell you exactly what to do so you can start training this immediately after this video so reason for and this is one of the most important reasons V2 Max training will make you Outlast and outperform your opponents every single time because not only are you going to be able to dominate your opponents because they're not able to run faster for longer but because you're doing V2 Max training your level of performance will be dramatically better than your opponents because when you're doing do2 Max training your lungs are being able to work at a much more efficient way that makes you faster for longer now there's a ton of trainings out there for how to develop your V2 Maps but as a soccer player you really need to know which ones are the most important and can help you become a better player faster so I've taken the guest work out for you and have three workouts that I want you to start doing to increase your V2 Max so here's three effective V2 Max training exercises that can help you run faster for long now all three of these exercises build on each other so if you're doing one of them and you're not doing the other two then there's really no reason for you to start training because you're better than that and you need to be doing all three of them because once you start doing all three of them you will be an Unstoppable force that your teammates and opponents will be scared to play against trust me it works so fast so the first exercise in this three-part training and this is one of the most important and most people don't even do it right because they think of it in a very short term but we do it differently because we're soccer players and that's called interval training now like said you know most people they do their interval training where they're sprinting for 15 20 seconds and then they're walking for a minute or 2 minutes and then they're going back and doing that and yes that's beneficial but not for you soccer players you need to be doing it differently because you're running way faster and you're running for much longer so doing interval training for quick Sprints may work for other sports but for you you got to think smarter so start doing this at least once a week where you're running for at least 2 to 4 minutes at almost your fastest Pace that you can run and you need to repeat this around 4 to 6 times depending on how much training you've already done and yes it'll take some time and it's going to be hard but during those 2 to 4 minutes that you're running you need to run not as fast as you can but if I put it into a scale of from 1 to 100 100 being sprinting you need to run around like an 80% to an 85% meaning by the time that you're done running you're going to feel tired you're not going to feel like you can't keep going anymore but you're going to feel like it's extremely hard and I want you to feel that now after running for 2 to 4 minutes I want you to stop and walk and while you're walking I want you to start recovering and breathing slowly and while you're breathing I want you to really breathe and breathe deep not these little because once you start breathing deeply you will start increasing your V2 Max now reason two and if you're not doing this reason there's no point of you continuing VO2 max training CU as a soccer player endurance matters but you're not going to be jogging on the field because you you're better than that so chances are for most of the game you're going to be running on that field and yes you'll have your jogging moments and yes you'll have your walk moments and as a player who wants to get better faster you're going to be running for most of that time so the second exercise in this three-part training is tempo runs and what tempo runs mean is that you're able to run longer but you're not sprinting that whole entire time you see Tempo runs mean that you're running at a very hard Pace but not sprinting for around 20 to 30 minutes so if you've ever gone on big runs and you've gone fast I Want You To Cut That by maybe 10 to 15% and then consistently run that for around 20 to 30 minutes and this type of pace that you're running running should be comfortably hard meaning you're not dying from running but it's also not easy and by doing this type of training your V2 Max will increase your endurance and increase your stamina allowing you to run faster for longer and you know when most people are doing this you know they're just jogging so they're increasing their endurance for a jog but we play soccer buddy we're not jogging over here so when you're doing your Tempo runs I better see you running and trust me out there if you're following me and I see you out there and you're doing your tempo run and you tell me you're doing your tempo run and you're jogging that now exercise three in this three-part training you're going to hate me but just trust me it's I hate it too and it's literally been the biggest game changer for me and I'm actually going to walk up and show you exactly where I do it sometimes I'm sorry for everyone who's watching this you're going to hate me it's literally the best exercise out of all of the exercises and if you're not doing this exercise and you're doing the other two yes you're going to increase your VO2 max but this will completely destroy every single other opponent because of how much it increases your V2 Max within such a short amount of time I'm going to turn the camera around you ready right there do you see that that's a huge hill and I know you can't really tell from how steep it is but that's an extremely steep hill where you can't even see the ground because you're doing hill repeaters baby so find a steep hill like that Sprint up it for 30 to 60 seconds and I don't mean run up it I mean literally Sprint Drive your knees up push down on the ground and Sprint up it because when you do that Sprint and you're pushing up that hill your V2 Max will increase at an insane amount and once you get to that top of the hill you're going to be so tired but that's the key moment where you got to start breathing correctly because instead of being on your knees and being very tired you know you really got to start taking in your deep breaths putting your arms to your side and breathing correctly and increasing your deep breaths because when you're able to increase your deep breaths you're able to increase that V2 Max and that's the most important part of this exercise and you need to be doing this exercise at least 6 to 10 times depending on your Fitness level now if you're just starting please please please stretch before and like do some Dynamic stretching if you need to do static stretching do static stretching but please stretch before and if you don't stretch you'll figure out pretty quickly so use these exercises to your advantage and if you think this video helped you become a better player faster then go subscribe by the way I left a secret Link in the bio just for you guys who watch to the end when you click that link it will not only send you a full exercise plan that incorporates the three exercises that we covered but it'll have 10 more yeah 10 more for you to choose from that's specifically for soccer players like you but that's only for you guys who stuck to the end because you guys are the true players that are trying to become better faster so if you haven't already go subscribe
Channel: Soccer with Marat
Views: 21,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, soccer player, soccer training, becoming pro, soccer with marat, football, footballer
Id: ls9KBtn1m_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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