How to Have INSANE First Touch (Quickly!)

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first touch is a must if you want to be excellent at playing [Music] football really doesn't matter what position you play you must have a good first touch whether you're a goalkeeper Striker Center back you must have a good touch for you to actually dominate on the field if you don't have a good first touch you can't really improve any other attribute if you have a good Vision naturally you can't use it if you don't don't have a good first touch because you will need to set yourself up to actually use your vision on the field or passing skills how are you going to pass very nicely if you don't have a great first [Music] touch after watching this video drop a comment and let me know if you're still struggling to improve your first touch or if there's something specific I can help you with I analyze a lot lot of players before actually making this video who have great touches like mesil Riyad mahrez or zinedin zidan what makes these players really good is they have incredible first touch and they also have great vision so if you have a great first touch just like these players you will be able to set yourself up very easily to make your next move that's what football is all about setting yourself up for the next move first thing you can do to improve your first touch is to actually believe in yourself what believing does it gives you the confidence that you're not going to screw up when you are connecting with the ball for the first time if you don't trust yourself that you're going to have a great first touch you're never going to have a good first touch and this comes with fear of losing the ball and I also made a video about fear of losing the ball on the field and you can find the link right up here this all comes with how confident you are on the field to actually have a great first connection with the [Music] ball one of the most important thing when you are playing on the field I'm not talking about a practice I'm not talking about you playing with your friends I'm talking specifically about the game scenarios if you want to be successful if you want to be really good at having a great first touch what you need to do is when you see your teammates is passing to you you always have to make the move towards the ball even if there's nobody around you you need to get used to making the move towards the ball to actually get the ball before the opposition and get yourself used to controlling the ball in hard situations you can never wait for ball to come to you that's why awareness is incredibly important to achieve the perfect first touch you can also improve this ability during the practices playing with your friends every time your friends are sending you balls for you to control the ball always make the move towards the ball and trust me this is a lot harder than you actually standing waiting for ball come to you getting used to this during the practices or playing with your friends is very important so you are preparing yourself for the game if I were you I would do it almost the entire time when you're playing during the practices when you are at the practice or playing with your friends make sure your friends are not sending you easy balls you should always get yourself ready for challenging balls so you're actually prepared for the game scenarios because during the games most likely you're not going to get easy balls ball is either going to be bouncing too much or it's going to be too much in the air or it's going to be coming to weird parts of your body and you're going to have to deal with this during the game not only you but everybody else on the field has that adrenaline when things don't just go perfect all the time always prepare yourself for the bad passes and when you're training at the practices and doing one-on-one passing and stuff like that just give yourself those challenging really hard balls so this will prepare you for game and deal with those terrible passes first touch is not only good when you just get the ball and dead in front of you that's not the case you need to actually prepare yourself for the hard situations and set yourself up for the next move so when you do touch the ball ball doesn't always have to stop right in front of you sometimes you'll have to use the momentum of the ball to actually take off quick to have a great acceler acceleration after your first touch and this is what a great first touch is then we get to the technical part of improving your first touch so how can you improve your timing when you are trying to control the ball well first of all lots and lots and lots of exercises training and always trying trying for the hard situations don't try for easy situations and every time you deal with these hard balls that are sent to you by your teammates this is making you aware this is making you understand and learn the speed of the ball and how quick you're going to receive the ball and when do you have to set yourself up for your leg movement to actually stop the ball this kind of stuff is very important when it comes to improving your first touch cuz anticipating the ball's move is very important for you to actually really improve this attribute there are really fancy ways way to actually improve your first touch but before you actually try these fancy ways you should just be able to simply just have a touch and then either stop the ball or just stop it as close to your body as possible when you are receiving the ball always align the ball as it's coming to you most central part of your body like the hip area or just the in between your legs that depends on the height of the ball this will help you actually not miss the ball in the first place so instead of you stepping to the side and then trying to stop the ball like this what you will need to do is actually kind of bring your leg back instead of you actually trying to get out of the ball's [Music] [Applause] way depends on the speed of course that's something you're going to have to improve yourself at the practices and playing with your friends when the ball is coming to you in the air and and it's about 2 m away from you that's the time to actually open up your leg and then slowly move your leg backwards where this will give the cushion effect to the ball as it connects with the ball to stop the ball right in front of [Music] you so when you are receiving the ball you need to always think of what's next this will allow you to decide the kind of first touch you need to do to actually set yourself up for the next move remember to improve your first touch you need to practice exercise a lot every day for many many hours this is the first thing you need to improve before you actually try to improve or learn anything else about playing football I hope you enjoy this video and you were able to learn something please drop a like subscribe to my Channel with the notifications on you can also find my playlist over here you can become a member to my channel where we can discuss more about your football needs and I have a specific Discord group for that for my members thanks for tuning in I will see you next time
Channel: Football Fundamental
Views: 133,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn how to master great first touch, master first touch, first touch football drills, football fundamental, first touch drills soccer, first touch training drills, first touch for beginners, soccer, how to master great first touch, first touch, how to train first touch, first touch exercises, master great first touch, how to master the first touch, first touch soccer, first touch drills, ball control, learn how to have insanely good first touch, have insanely good first touch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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