Train Alone, You'll Become a Pro MUCH Faster (And Why)

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train alone trust me train alone I'm here on Sunset Boulevard one of the hardest places to even train it's literally concrete streets houses everywhere no team no nothing one thing I've learned is that training alone can dramatically improve how you play at a much faster rate than training with a team and a lot of people might think that hey you have to train with a team in order to become better but I'm here to prove that wrong you can get way better without having to go to your team practices every single week multiple times a week and if you have trips if you're busy that won't matter anymore because once you know how to properly train on your own you'll not only become a much better player but you'll become a better player faster and after you realize the importance of training alone and how much it can improve your performance faster at the end of the video I'll provide exactly how you should be training on your own with a step-by-step protocol so rather than you having to figure out how you should train on your own I'll cut that guess workout and do it for you and this lesson kind of took a while for me to learn because I thought I'd always have to train with people I'd have to train with my team I'd have to train with a coach in person and then I realized that I've been wasting my time just not training at all because I Ed that excuse of having to wait for those practices for that coach training or for whatever it took just to be able to make sure I could get better so if you're trying to become a better soccer player and one of the hardest parts for you right now is finding a way to train or having that team atmosphere at a much more consistent Pace then this video is for you because I know I can become a better player and I know that training alone will be one of the fast ways for me to get there and I'm extremely positive that it's going to be one of the fastest ways for you to get there so if you haven't already go subscribe because this channel is about becoming a better player faster now I'll be honest with you and just like most dude I just got zipped by a beat between you and me and most likely you can agree to that yes training with the team is way more fun way more enjoyable and you learn how to play and become better with the team but chances are you may have practice two times a week three times a week and you have four to five other days that you're not training with anyone else and that's the difference between the pros because they don't train three times a week they don't train four times a week they don't train five times a week they train every single day and yes they do have rest days but that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about not touching a ball and chances are out of all seven days of the week there's probably one day of the week that you don't touch a ball and with that comes the excuse of you don't have a team to train with and that's what this video is for so here's eight reasons on why you should be training at home on your own so the first reason you should be training alone and it's a pretty obvious one like a given and that's personalized Focus you see you probably know what you're not good at and if you don't you can ask your coach ask your teammates on what you're not good at and they'll help you determine what you're not good at so by you being able to understand what you're not good at that personalized Focus will allow you to focus on exactly what matters so if that's dribbling if that's shooting if that's your vision even something as simple as stamina by training alone you'll be able to personalize your training and focus on what matters the next is the ability to maximize your touches clearly the more that you touch the ball the better that you become but in a training session with teammates you have to pass the ball you have to run drills and you have to do set pieces where you're maybe not touching the ball as much as you should however in a Solo session that completely changes and I don't mean like three times change I don't even mean like five times change with the solo session you're getting over 10 times the amount of touches than you are in a team session and I'm not a mathematician but if you're able to get 10 times more touches within the same amount of period that just seems like a recipe for Success now side note clearly you want to focus on the right touches you want to focus on the touches that you want to improve on the most let's be real if you're getting 100 touches or if you're getting 5,000 touches which practice session you think's better right the third is being able to set your own pace one of the hardest parts about training is burnout now being able to train on your own you're able to set your pace see how hard you want to work if you're able to work harder you can work harder if you need to go slower you can go slower and that's important because at a team session chances are there's some people that are willing to work harder and there's some people that are just feeling a bit fatigued but in a Solo session if you're feeling fatigued you can take a light if you're feeling ready to go you can go the fourth reason is developing mental toughness you see most players struggle with the discipline of training on their own but that's not you by you consistently training on your own and working step by step rather than doing seven days in a row starting off with just one day a week going on to two days a week going on to 3 days a week consistently at a rate that allows you to be consistent develops a whole lot more mental toughness than the player who can't even train on their own and now I know as a soccer player like one of the hardest parts is even just getting yourself to be able to do training on your own when your teammates aren't there and on those days you just really don't want to train but I don't want you to be like that and I hope you're subscribed to this channel because these are the type of people that I want you guys to be around people that have that mental toughness to say hey this is hard but I can still do it now if that's you I hope you're subscribed and if that's not you I hope that through these videos you can develop that mental toughness and become a whole lot bigger and better of a player than you've even thought of now the fifth reason and this is one of my favorite reasons is the ability to be flexible with your schedule one of the hardest things is when you're in school when you're training if you have a job or whatever it is most likely you don't have a schedule similar to your friends and if you do great but if you don't the ability to work and train at your own rate at your own time and having that flexibility is extremely important now for someone like me I like training in the morning but I also like training extremely late at night and then there's some days where I enjoy training more in the daytime so by training alone I'm able to be flexible and train whenever I want wherever I want now if I had to train with the team they're strictly set to one specific training field and yes yeah you may have more training Fields but that's not the point the point is that you can train and be flexible with your schedule wherever and whenever the sixth reason is probably one of the most fun reasons of training alone and that's the ability to be as creative and experimental as you want see I know there's probably a lot of different tricks that you want to try in front of your teammates but if you mess up you don't look that good and I get that but by training alone and training on your own you're able to perfect that Master it in a judgment free zone once you're able to master it or even just perfect it in a way to where you feel confident to bringing it to your teammates they're going to be like wo where did that come from and yes I've had many of those moments even a goalkeeper did this insane trick yes a goalkeeper chances are that he didn't even practice that trick in front of all of his teammates he practiced that trick on his own and then out of the blue he just did it in front of everybody and we were all just like hold up you're a goalkeeper how it what and that's one of the best parts about training on your own is because you're able to experiment and be as creative as you want and play your style now I get it you may be extremely confident where it doesn't matter if you're with teammates and you're trying stuff and that's awesome but there's other people that lack some of that confidence and need that judgment free zone and if you're trying something extremely hard it sucks getting judged so whenever I try tricks that I just don't want to be judged for and want to perfect training alone is one of the best ways about going about it the seventh reason you should be training on your own is because you can be extremely Mindful and a whole lot more focused on just you you see when you're training with a team they already have the drills set out for you and you have to do whatever your coach and your teammates are doing because that's the drill but when you're training on your own you can work on what you want and you can be a whole lot more Mindful and focused on that spefic specific tactic approach or skill that you're trying to work on and I'll be honest you know playing on a team I don't really think too much about how focused I am but when I'm training on my own it's a whole different ball game I know exactly what I need to focus on I know exactly why I'm messing up and because I'm training on my own I'm able to perfect that faster and the final reason you should be training on your own is for Progress tracking and feedback chances are your team has a vo or some type of way to record your game so then you can review games but they don't do that for practice but you're different you see you record your practices you record your solo sessions and you study why you're doing good and why you're doing bad so you know what to focus on which allows you to advance your performance faster now I don't know about you but when I first thought about training on my own at a much more competitive rate I knew I was supposed to train on my own but I was like what exactly do I need to focus on I understand what I'm bad at but what are the best training protocols to optimize my performance as fast as I can so like I promised I have a form below what I want you to do is fill out that form as detailed as you can and give me maybe about a week or two to review your form and create the best training protocol for you so that you can improve faster and a quick little bonus for you guys who stayed this far I'm not going to be the only person that's building that protocol out for you in fact you see just for you guys I'm bringing on a coach who's literally coached and trained professionals from when they were little all the way until when they play and compete on the world stage so if you want the best solo training protocol fill out the link and make sure that you subscribe
Channel: Soccer with Marat
Views: 90,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, soccer player, soccer training, becoming pro, soccer with marat, football, footballer
Id: Ec8jfJQRlE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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