4 Habits that PROVE You're an Amateur Footballer

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to make it as a footballer you don't have to be the best player in the world in fact you can make a decent living whilst playing Semi-Pro if you're lucky enough but in order to go from a good amateur player to stepping in the world of a paid professional you're gonna have to take a good old honest look at your game and ask yourself what are some of the things missing from your skill set and are there things holding you back from reaching your full potential purchase four to consider number one you're lacking the awareness awareness is perhaps the number one attribute that make most professional players that step above and it can literally be the difference between just a good Sunday League footballer I'm a fully paid professional one then hear me out whilst we are going to talk about the most basic form of awareness of that little look over your shoulder awareness goes way beyond that and translates to many other aspects in your game so see if you can see where awareness shows up in these next four points that we're going to talk about all right where were we the look over your shoulder it's the simplest and easiest way to level up your game immediately you'll go from making bad judgment calls and losing the ball 90 of the time to now retaining possession for your team and having a full sense of the picture that surrounds you so to train this it's important that you do it with and without the ball to do it without the ball you can set up cones in a random order and going backwards through them looking over and alternating what shoulder you look over not only are you going to improve your awareness you're also going to be strengthening your knees and your ankles so double benefit with a ball you can dribble through cones turning every few seconds when receiving the ball it's important to take a look before you're ready to receive the pass and again when you're about to receive the pass so that you know where to turn number two you're working too much on your weaknesses before establishing your strengths of course we all want to be a well-rounded player and it's important to work on all aspects of the game and when you look at I am Robin or a Lionel Messi both which are very left foot dominant and very rarely use their right foot instead they have focused a lot on their strengths and in turn have become a master of their crafts so to become a master of your strengths you'll first need to identify what they are and then prioritize training them to really sharpen those skills that make you a better player and this should be a lot easier as well working on things that you're naturally good at it makes you feel successful and in turn you're more likely to put an effort is going to require to achieve Mastery of course be aware of your weaknesses and identify which one if any makes sense to add to your game number three the ball moves faster than you do and there's nothing more amateur than a good technical player that thinks of himself before his teammates and we've all played with that type of player hey you might even be one yourself the player I'm referring to is the one that prefers to try and take on the entire team and showcase all the technical skills they have in their locker ahead of passing to a teammate in maybe a better position Messi Ronaldo tyrionry I'm an Arsenal fan could all take on the whole team by themselves and at certain times have done so to great effect however the difference between a good amateur player and a professional is that the professionals they know when to use it as a tool to benefit the team ahead of themselves whether it's the drawing Defenders and create space for others or to be the Difference Maker and added spark needed to open up the game it's a tool they can draw upon when the time is right but ninety percent of the time it's quicker and most effective to keep the ball moving between you and your teammates number four you're just not fit enough aside from the technical differences between the pro players and the amateur players perhaps the next biggest gap between the two levels is Fitness Pro players well it's their job to be a footballer and whilst a lot of attention is placed on the technical aspects of the game pretty much all of the technical capabilities are irrelevant if they don't spend the countless hours per week working to improve their Fitness and if you're looking to level up and give yourself the best chance of making it well then you're gonna have to put in a lot more time on your own to work on your Fitness it's important to work on strength based exercises to build power and resiliency but also on your flexibility and of course cardio to not only ensure you can stay in the game to the very end but to be able to really impact it into the dying seconds of the match Aguero staggering just staggering so with a good Fitness base and a heightened level of awareness of what's around you and a focus and dedication towards mastering the strengths that you bring to your teammates you'll find that you'll have more time more space and more energy to give you that edge that you need over your competition now I'm interested what are some of the things that you've been made aware of about your own game that you're looking to either enhance or get rid of that of your game altogether let me know down in the comments and thanks for being there
Channel: The Football Folk
Views: 1,604,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4 common mistakes that hold players back, 4 common mistakes that are holding you back, 4 mistakes players make and how to fix them, how to improve as a footballer, football, soccer, be a better soccer player, how to get better at football, get better at soccer, how to improve in soccer, football folk, the football folk
Id: GUbuKgIAh-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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