Play Kids Game with Steve and Maggie | Best Stories for Kids of 2021 | Speak with Wow English TV

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[Music] two three four five six oh i win again oh hello boys and girls hey do you love board games like me yeah you only won because you're bigger oh maggie i could beat you whatever size i am let's find out wow maggie i didn't think you meant this small yeah come on then let's do this right uh where's the dice here's steve oh maggie you naughty naughty bird oh right come on then let's roll the dice [Music] six yeah what a great start come on then let's go one oh [Music] hey look here comes the train okay i'll get on the train to go up the board [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no one again time for a little muggy magic abracadabra now let's catch the train yay one two oh hey this game is easy oh and look i only need to roll two to catch another train up the board come on give me the dice hey yes is it number two is it number two yeah oh hey it's not number two it's number six and that puts us in the scary cave oh come on then [Music] that means maggie's winning now so come on let's get through the cave quickly yeah six okay what's in this cave then oh look it's a dragon a dragon a dragon with three heads but it's sleeping oh sh right let's get across this cave quickly but shh quietly come on let's go okay oh three [Music] [Laughter] yeah we've made it come on let's go what's that dragon [Music] oh great we're out of the cave oh safe at last your turn oh hey maggie you naughty naughty bird come on let's catch up with maggie [Music] [Applause] oh look maggie i'm right behind you not for long steve look i was really lucky and rolled a two so i'm off on the train oh wow what a lucky bird right let's see if i can roll three to catch the same train okay oh i really hope i roll a three oh i can't look i can't look did i roll a three did i roll a three hey can't you count that's not three that's five and five puts us inside that scary castle okay come on then let's go one five oh what's in here boys and girls what's in here i can't see anything it's too dark oh what's in here oh hold on let me just turn on the light it's a wizard [Music] what's going on oh yeah the wizard miss me [Music] hey where am i this is crazy but we miss me have to get to the other side oh come on let's go [Music] oh yay we made it that's the wizard [Music] what am i doing ah come on we've got to get back to the game to catch up with maggie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i can't believe how lucky maggie is again anyway my turn right i need to roll four or wish me luck yay hey hold on that's not four that's six oh i'm sure it was a four oh anyway six takes us into those dangerous rock stacks oh come on let's go oh six oh hey what's in here [Music] can you see anything oh hey let's take a look hey look it's an ogre with boulders [Music] come on let's get past this oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay okay i need to roll a three to catch the train around that spooky forest here we go yeah three come on one two three yeah i'm going to catch the train really the train hey steve hey steve where's the train you didn't roll a three you rolled s6 no maggie i rolled a six yeah hey i'm sure i rolled a three but it says six something strange is going on here but okay then looks like we're going into the dark dark forest come on six oh this looks spooky doesn't it boys and girls it looks like a witch in his village come on let's go oh i hope we get through without seeing any witches what's that nothing oh no here we go again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah we got past all the witches so come on let's go oh that was crazy okay my turn oh what look what number's that one two three four five six seven eight nine that's impossible ah it's maggie magic maggie's cheating oh oh wait a minute look that train goes all the way to the finish i can win if i just roll a three hey come on let's trick maggie oh i hope i don't roll a three a three would be very very bad for me oh no number three come on then let's go one two [Applause] i win i win again flapping wings you see maggie cheating never works sorry okay maggie let's play again but this time no cheating and no maggie magic we really are a naughty naughty bird [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh hello hello girls and boys wow i love to be here at the park it's great isn't it oh but now i'm hungry let's take a look in my picnic basket what have i got oh wow it's an ice cream oh delicious hey do you like ice cream yes i don't like ice cream no i don't like ice cream i love ice cream come on stay with me i love ice cream i love ice cream i love ice cream oh it's delicious hi steve hi oh hello maggie hey come and join me for a picnic would you like an ice cream it's delicious ice cream ice cream oh no no that will give steve a big fat tummy i've got a better idea yeah i really love ice cream hey my ice cream maggie that's my ice cream [Music] hey come back with my ice cream you naughty naughty bird no ice cream for steve oh no no hee ice cream but hey come on let's give steve an apple yeah that's healthy oh look maggie's coming back what has she got is it my ice cream no hey that's not my ice cream maggie no it's healthier than ice cream an apple yeah an apple but i don't really like apples oh well i'm so hungry it's delicious i guess i like apples [Music] oh pardon me how rude oh dear but hey that apple was delicious yeah and i've got something else in my picnic basket that's also delicious look oh crisps yeah i like crisps would you like one hey what are you eating now crisps would you like some maggie they're lovely hmm too many crisps we'll give steve a big fat tummy i know something better yeah no more crisps for you hey no more crisps for me oh maggie come back with my crisps don't take my crisps away oh she really is a naughty naughty bird isn't she no crisps are not healthy crisps but sweetcorn is better for steve yeah oh look maggie's coming back but she hasn't got my crisps what has she got hey maggie what have you got something healthier than crisps here you are close what's this it's sweet corn the hot sweet corn oh thanks maggie well let's try it it's delicious delicious sweet corn yeah [Music] that sweet corn was delicious oh but there's something else in my picnic basket oh look oh chocolate chip cookies oh i hope maggie doesn't take them away oh i love cookies hey do you like cookies yeah then say with me but shh quietly i like cookies i like cookies i like cookies hey steve yes maggie are you eating chocolate no maggie i'm not eating chocolate [Music] where's maggie no more cookies for you oh she's got my cookies maggie come here with my cookies oh cookies are delicious but let's give steve a sweet peach yeah oh look everyone maggie's coming back but without my cookies oh i really wanted something sweet and delicious this is sweet and delicious steve oh look a peach okay then let's try it it is sweet and delicious oh hey do you like peaches i guess i do thanks maggie [Music] that peach was sweet and delicious so i'm not hungry anymore no but i am thirsty and the only thing i've got in my picnic basket is this fizzy drink and that's not healthy no maggie won't be happy will she i wonder what maggie will swap it for here you are oh water thanks maggie yeah that's a good idea let me have a drink of water [Music] and now i'm full of energy and ready to go back to the playground to play yeah [Music] oh hey listen i can hear something it sounds like maggie and she needs our help where is she oh i think she's up in the tree house come on everyone let's go to help come on no maggie are you okay no my tummy hurts i'm not surprised your tummy hurts look everyone maggie drank all my fizzy drink ate all the chocolate chip cookies all the crisps and the ice cream i'm not surprised you've got a poorly tummy maggie you should eat more healthily like me hey hello boys and girls it's halloween tonight there are lots of scary things around so i'm not going out tonight no i'm not going out oh hey listen oh what's that oh ice cream yeah ice cream ice cream ice cream i screamed [Music] oh halloween is scary isn't it boys and girls [Applause] oh maggie oh you naughty naughty bird come on steve i need your help this halloween abracadabra [Music] he screams at everything oh hey where am i you're in my ice cream van this is maggie's i scream fan yeah i scream you scream we all scream for [Music] come with us boys and girls hey this might be fun this is maggie's ice cream van when i scream you scream maggie magpies ice cream van makes halloween fun oh what's that it's a vampire stop well done steve oh maggie don't stop there's another one so many vampires yeah they're here for their ice creams with blood red sauce what blood red sauce yeah get to work steve the vampires are hungry okay take a cut fill it with ice cream right sauce oh the blood red sauce hey wait a minute it smells like raspberry it is raspberry oh i guess those vampires really are hungry come on let's get to work [Music] okay all the vampires have gone maggie yay well done let's roll yeah oh and remember scream when you see some monsters the monsters this is maggie's ice cream van when i scream you scream maggie magpies ice cream van makes halloween fun wow there are so many zombies good job steve the zombies are here for their ice creams with fingers what fingers really surely not no oh chocolate fingers yeah they're delicious aren't they yay oh steve get to work oh go maggie let's go [Music] [Music] hey you're screaming really helped what maggie yeah my screaming help keep it up let's go okay let's go and remember scream when you see some monsters this is maggie's ice cream van when i scream you scream maggie magpies ice cream van makes halloween oh sorry maggie but uh i i can't see any halloween monsters here because you need to scream what maggie ah a skeleton yeah good job keep going steve keep going okay um [Music] a skeleton another one wow so maggie what type of ice cream do skeletons like chocolate ice cream with knuckle bones knuckle bones yeah knuckle bones oh shall i try some boys and girls yeah okay it's popcorn yeah oh steve get to it okay let's get to work right here we go [Music] oh maggie this halloween is great isn't it it's fun to scream for ice cream come on maggie let's go yeah this is maggie's ice cream van when i scream you scream maggie my ice ice cream van makes halloween fun not this time oh no no no oh delicious [Music] hey my ice cream hey oh you naughty naughty skeleton so boys and girls i guess we now have to scream for ice cream you can scream with me come on one two three [Music] [Applause] the witches are here for their ice creams with spiders with spiders yeah with spiders oh jelly spiders mmm it's delicious okay let's get to work yay here we go [Music] so all the witches have got their ice creams yeah what's that maggie oh it means there's only one ice cream left in the machine so it's for you oh an ice cream for me oh well then i'm going to have an ice cream with oh lots of blood red raspberry sauce oh yeah chocolate fingers lots of knuckle bone popcorn and a jelly spider on top oh this looks delicious yeah oh come on steve what maggie i'm trying oh maggie oh say with me boys and girls you naughty naughty bird where's steve where is he [Laughter] [Music] oh you got me oh hey hello everyone we're playing tag it's a great game isn't it right let me tag maggie okay where is she can you see maggie yes where oh over there she's hiding on the bouncy castle let's go and tag her but oh we'll go slowly and surprise her there she is she doesn't know i'm here let's tag her oh no i missed her but hey i'm on a bouncy castle come on let's bounce look at me look at me i'm on a bouncy castle look at me i'm on a bouncy castle yeah look at me i'm on a bouncy castle come and have fun with maggie and me can't catch me oh that's maggie where is that naughty naughty bird can you see her oh there she is on top of the pirate ship let's go and tag her yeah oh great maggie hasn't seen us so shh look it's a pirate ship it's a pirate ship it's a pirate ship come on let's go and tag maggie yeah up the cargo net into the crow's nest to tag maggie almost there shh oh maggie that's not fair oh i'll catch that naughty bird on this pirate ship just to watch [Music] [Music] hey maggie's not here where is that naughty bird can you see her can you see maggie you can where oh over there on the helter skelter come on then let's play tag hey where [Applause] you is i'm going to tag maggie no no you're not yes i am you can't keep maggie [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] no i didn't tag maggie again oh but the helter skelter was so much fun let's do it again yeah wow look at me i'm on a hell to scale to hey look at me i'm on a hell to skelter yeah look at me i'm on a helter skelter that was fun let's do it again look at me i'm on a hell to skelter hey look at me i'm on a hell to skelter look at me i'm on a hell to skelter come and have fun with maggie and me yeah that was great fun you can't catch me oh that maggie is a naughty bird isn't she where is she now can you see her can you see her you can where oh over there by the trampoline okay let's go but this time keep down low and quiet oh we're definitely going to tag her come on oh sh look look there's maggie let's go on one two three oh [Music] oh no she got away again oh but look i'm on a trampoline look at me look at me look at me i'm on a trampoline oh look at me i'm on a trampoline yeah look at me i'm on a trampoline come and have fun with maggie and me yeah you're too slow oh yeah i'm too slow it's time to be really really fast let's tag maggie maggie i'm gonna catch you i'm going to catch maggie of this merry-go-round this merry-go-round this i is catch maggie i'm not fast enough i have to use my brain bye-bye steve he can't catch me steve steve [Music] no returns maggie no returns i win yeah hey boys and girls i hope you had fun playing too with steve and maggie yeah maggie you naughty naughty bird [Music] oh hey hello boys and girls i'm lost in the forest and a bit scared oh maggie told me to put on a costume and meet her somewhere near here oh what look at that spooky castle oh i don't want to go in there no no no what do you think should i go in and look for maggie what yes well okay then come on let's be brave and have a look in the castle yay oh hey what's that there oh it's a witch there are more witches how many can you see let's count them one little two little halloween witches three little four little halloween witches five little six little halloween witches off to a halloween party oh they went in the castle what do you think boys and girls should we go and have a closer look yeah okay then come on let's have a look oh what hey where's the door oh hi boys and girls listen something's going on in the castle but i can't find a way in oh and hey her something's coming look halloween pumpkins oh wow come on let's count them yeah one little two little halloween pumpkins three little four little halloween pumpkins five little six little halloween pumpkins off to a halloween party oh they jumped over the wall hey shall we try and have a look over the wall yeah come on then come with me let's go what's going on at the castle [Music] look it's a vampire oh i don't like vampires and there are more vampires coming how many are there come on count the vampires with me one little two little halloween vampires three little four little halloween vampires five little six little halloween vampires off to a halloween party oh i'm not sure i want to go into that spooky castle oh come on come on let's be brave we need to find a door there must be a door somewhere around here um oh there must be a door somewhere around here a castle with no door that's crazy oh look look look boys and girls we've found a door but it's not the front door no it's a secret spooky door into the castle should we go in yeah come on then let's go oh hey something's coming they look like skeletons spooky halloween skeletons but hey how many skeletons oh count them with me boys and girls come on yeah oh look oh one little two little halloween skeletons three little four little halloween skeletons five little six little halloween skeletons off to a halloween party well if they're going through that door to the halloween party so am i come on let's be brave and go through the spooky door spiders oh i hate spiders [Music] i hate spiders oh oh look boys and girls look a door a big door this must be the main entrance to the castle and listen i think there's a party going on in there so come on let's go and knock at the door oh no something else is coming now they look like ghosts but how many ghosts come on count them with me one little two little halloween ghosts three little four little halloween ghosts five little six little halloween ghosts off to a halloween party there's definitely a halloween party going on in there so i guess the only way to go in is like one of those ghosts here we go oh hey [Music] oh open up i don't want to miss the party the door's opening the door's opening the doors are opening up look there are monsters everywhere oh where's maggie i don't think this is her halloween party is he hi still hey is this your halloween party yeah let's dance [Music] happy halloween come on sing and dance with us that's with us with us [Music] hey hello girls and boys i'm really excited because today i can show you my new house here it is come on boys and girls let me show you around let's go [Music] this is my kitchen this is my living room [Music] this is my bedroom this is my bathroom [Music] oh oh my bottom oh that's why you don't run on the stairs oh phew hey so do you like my new house i do but hey there's something missing isn't there what's missing yeah everything all my furniture oh here it comes now okay back okay back okay back and stop okay oh no where is that lazy boy he's not strong enough to move this furniture like me i guess i'll have to put everything in the house oh such a lady hey lazy bones what did maggie say did you hear her she said i'm not strong enough to move the furniture i'll show her yeah the wardrobe is in the house so i'll just put it here and go and get some more furniture yeah not strong enough not strong enough look at my muscles boys and girls hey show me your muscles oh wow hey maggie look at my big muscles they're not real now get to work steve yeah okay come on boys and girls let's get to work not strong enough not strong enough oh just a light lamp maggie i'll show everyone how strong i am oh this is heavy oh oh oh hey boys and girls look what's this oh what is it so boys and girls what is it yeah it's a bed it's a bed it's a bed it's my bed oh hey let's sing a song yeah what is it it's a bed yeah what is it it's a bed and where does a bed go don't worry steve i know i know put the bed in the house boys and girls what's next oh look boys and girls hey what's this what is it yeah it's very smoothly but yeah it's a toilet hey let's sing our song about my toilet yeah what is it it's a toilet yeah what is it it's a toilet and where does a toilet go don't worry steve i know i know oh great thanks maggie put the toilet in the house thanks oh this is heavy oh look at me boys and girls oh hey what have i got what is it yeah it's a bath come on let's sing our song what is it it's a bath yeah what is it it's a bath and where does a bath go don't worry steve i know i know where is he that lazy bones no great thanks maggie yeah put the bath in the house i know what's next oh this is very heavy oh look boys and girls what is it oh what is it yeah it's very heavy what is it boys and girls yeah it's a fridge hey let's sing our song what is it it's a fridge yeah what is it it's a fridge and where does a fridge go don't worry steve i know i know great thanks maggie put the fridge in the house oh girls and boys we've really got to get moving come on let's go [Music] phew fantastic we've finished now we can go to my new house and relax come on hey boys and girls welcome to my house ow hey i don't remember there being another door oh hey what who put my wardrobe there i can't get into my house oh but there's a window oh i can't believe i have to get into my new house through the window this is crazy oh at last boys and girls i'm here in my living room i can sit down and relax hey what's that smell is it you is it me no what's that it's a toilet a toilet in my living room that's crazy hold on if there's a toilet in my living room what's in my bathroom oh look what's that yeah it's a bed in my bathroom so hey what's in my bedroom let's find out what what what that's not my wardrobe that is a fridge in my bedroom oh and if a fridge is in my bedroom what's in the kitchen i don't believe it look what's here in the middle of my new kitchen yeah a bath that's crazy this is where my table and chairs should be i think maggie knows where they are where is that naughty naughty bird maggie where are you maggie maggie oh where is that naughty naughty bird hi steve maggie what are you doing on the roof with my table and chairs it's dinner time oh maggie this is mad but wow what a fantastic view oh maggie sometimes you really are a naughty naughty bird oh dear hey boys and girls wasn't that a crazy way to move house yeah that was a crazy day moving house this way oh maggie you're a naughty bird such a naughty naughty bird oh maggie oh hey maggie what did you do with my toy dinosaur boys and girls did you see my toy dinosaur yes no oh hello boys and girls look at my toy farm oh wow look there are horses yay cows and so much more isn't it great yes steve but i can make it much better what do you mean maggie what's this [Applause] hey where am i i'm on a life-sized toy farm with pigs yay and cows oh and sheep come with me come on look look look look at this sheep oh isn't he cute yay what an amazing place hey what should we play with first hey hey steve look at these toy cows oh yeah maggie wow look at this toy cow it's so big it's life-sized yeah wow i like cows do you hey come on say with me what is it it's a cow it's a cow it's a cow yeah that's what cows say don't they they say well done yeah i like these cows but hey here's a question for you what do we get from cows we get beef and milk well let's see if we can milk one of these cows yay okay i need a bucket and come with me let's look for the cow's udders look these are the cow's udders let's see if we can milk this cow yes i can like this this is how you milk a cow wow oh wow horses i like horses do you boys and girls look they're through here come on come on wow look at this beautiful black horse oh we can brush it's mane there we go horses don't have hair no they have a mane oh isn't this horse lovely yeah hey what do horses say they say don't they yeah wow oh and look over here look there's a brown horse and over here oh a chestnut colored horse and another brown one oh these are great aren't they look life-sized toy horses yeah come on boys and girls say with me what is it it's a horse yay it's a horse hey it's a horse yay hey i've never ridden a horse have you maybe i can ride one here yeah but which one i think that beautiful black horse come on let's go okay let's ride this horse yeah but how do you ride a horse i don't know but let's give it a try come on help me count to three and i'll go for it ready one two three oh no that's not right is it no okay let's count to three again ready one two three oh yeah now [Music] i'm very bad at this aren't i last time come on count to three one two three oh yeah hey wait a minute what's gone wrong where is the horse's head oh it's there i'm sitting on this huge toy horse backwards right i need to turn around okay here we go wow i did it yeah i'm riding a horse yay giddy up giddy up hey steve look at this funny little horse what maggie hey what's in this little stable let's find out come on hey who is here oh look it's not a horse it's a donkey eat more eat or eat oh wow this toy farm is amazing yay oh hey steve look at these pigs they're great that's what pigs say isn't it oink oink yeah oh look at these pigs aren't they great hey come on say with me what is it it's a pig it's a pig oink it's a pig yeah oh i love pigs yay it's a sheep sheep don't say oink oink do they no what does sheep say you're right they say yeah so hey come on stay with me what is it it's a sheep it's a sheep it's a sheep yeah look at this toy sheep isn't it great yay right where's maggie now come on everyone let's try to find her maggie maggie oh where is that naughty naughty bird i can't see her anywhere so i think i'll just sit down and wait for her to find me yeah oh dear hey sorry i nearly sat on this duck wow what a lovely toy duck hey what do ducks say yeah they say quack quack quack quack don't they yeah so come on what is it say with me it's a duck quack quack it's a duck quack it's a duck oh look maggie is in the combine harvester that looks great fun come on let's go yay hey maggie we found you yeah hey boys and girls have you had a lot of fun like me on this life-sized toy farm wow such big toy animals it's been great maggie thank you yeah but hey let's sing a song oh yeah you can sing along come on let's sing a song what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see here look what is it look what is it it's a cow it's a cow look what is it look what is it it's a cow it's a cow i like cows do you like cows i like cows yeah yeah yeah i like cows do you like cows i like cows yeah what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see here look what is it look what is it it's a horse it's a horse look what is it look what is it it's a horse it's a horse i like horses do you like horses i like horses yeah yeah yeah i like horses do you like horses i like horses yeah what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see here look what is it look what is it it's a pig it's a pig look what is it look what is it it's a pig it's a pig i like pigs do you like pigs i like pigs yeah yeah yeah i like pigs do you like pigs i like pigs yeah what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see here look what is it look what is it it's a sheep it's a sheep look what is it look what is it it's a sheep it's a sheep i like sheep do you like sheep i like sheep yeah yeah yeah i like sheep do you like sheep i like sheep yeah what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see on the farm what can you see here on maggie's life-sized toy farm where else can you sit on a cow [Music] hey hello boys and girls i'm going to old macdonald's haunted house maggie is too scared but you're not too scared are you no so come on let's go yeah okay here we go a haunted house oh look at that witch very scary that skeleton i'm not scared at all oh it's just the door okay i'm not a scaredy cat no i am brave oh look it's maggie trying to scare me oh oh what a scary ghost i'm so frightened hold on there are more moving ghosts here so it can't be just maggie oh don't be silly no come on let's be super brave and see more monsters so steve is super brave we'll see watch this i i am brave i am brave yes i am brave i'm scared oh it's just the lights what was that oh i can hear something oh old macdonald's haunted house is scarier than i thought how do i get out of here in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear oh there's a haunted house there are ghosts everywhere come on boys and girls let's get out of here oh great look there's a door we can escape oh no it's locked oh there's another door oh no it's locked too how do i get out of here and the ghosts are coming oh look there's a puzzle to solve two plus two oh five that no oh the door's open come on let's go oh silly's feet he took the wrong door look two plus two is four yeah so more monsters for steve in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear in old macdonald's haunted house what [Music] [Music] haunted house there are monsters everywhere oh i'm not staying here come on let's go oh come on boys and girls hurry up look at the puzzle oh that's easy isn't it look there are three dice so the answer is three three great the door's open come on let's go no it's what is the total on the three dice and that's seven steve's run again south come on monsters yeah in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear oh there's a hero [Music] there here a [Music] old macdonald's haunted house there are zombies everywhere oh i'm scared come on let's get out of here oh come on come on look at the puzzle which shape completes the picture the red one great the doors open come on let's go which shape completes the picture it's the circle isn't it silly steve oh monsters [Music] in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear oh there's a hera in old macdonald's haunted house there are witches everywhere oh i don't like witches come on let's go oh the witches are coming the witches are coming how do we get out of here oh well look it says what does a capital r look like it looks like that great the door's opening oh no the witches are here witches hey we made it out of the haunted house well done hey that's not a witch is it no oh maggie it was you and your friends trying to scare us in old macdonald's haunted house oh you really are a naughty naughty bird oh but it was good fun wasn't it boys and girls put on the blindfold steve okay maggie can you see anything no maggie i can't see anything good keep it on oh hello boys and girls i'm playing a guessing game with maggie i've got to wear this blindfold hey no peeking sorry maggie right guess what's coming guess what's coming i don't know do you boys and girls oh listen i can hear something something's coming what is it oh is it a car maggie is it a car yes but it's a special car let me give you a clue wow look boys and girls it's a police car it's a police car it's a police car it's a police car oh maggie can i ride along with you in the police car yeah oh hey come on boys and girls this is going to be so much fun yeah oh look i'm in a police car this is great let's go oh maggie can i can i can i can you what can i what can i do this [Music] wow this is so much fun hey boys and girls let's sing a song about being in a police car yeah we are in a police car a police car a police car we are in a police car this is so much fun yeah riding along in a police okay maggie oh hey boys and girls i wonder what's coming next why don't you play along with me and shout out when you know what's coming okay maggie i'm ready oh i can hear something can you boys and girls it sounds like something big oh maybe a lorry maggie is it a lorry no steve but let me give you another clue oh look at me boys and girls i'm all wet oh daggy you naughty naughty bird oh look at me boys and girls i'm all wet oh okay thanks maggie oh look boys and girls look it's a fire engine wow say with me it's a fire engine it's a fire engine it's a fire engine whoa come on let's ride in the fire engine wow this fire engine is so big yeah oh what does this do no no no no i'm sorry boys and girls oh yeah silly me come on maggie let's go and hey boys and girls we can sing a song about being in a fire engine yeah we are in a fire engine a fire engine a fire engine we are in a fire engine this is so much fun oh i can't believe i'm riding along in a fire engine oh let's listen yeah i can hear something can you hear something boys and girls what is it it sounds like another police car or fire engine but that can't be right oh i know let me have a little peek oh i know what it is i know do you boys and girls yeah so what's coming steve oh uh is it an ambulance yeah oh yeah look it's an ambulance it's an ambulance it's an ambulance come on boys and girls let's ride along with maggie in the ambulance [Applause] oh maggie i like the colour of this ambulance to you boys and girls yeah it's great come on maggie let's go and hey boys and girls let's sing our song about being in an ambulance yeah we are in an ambulance an ambulance an ambulance we are in an ambulance this is so much fun oh we're having a great time playing this guessing game hurry boys and girls hey i wonder what maggie will bring next okay maggie i'm ready for the next one oh let's listen girls and boys oh what's that noise what's coming oh i got no idea let me take a little peek oh hey i can't see anything is something coming yeah where oh hey look it's a bin wagon yeah it's a bin wagon it's a bin wagon it's a bin wagon oh i've always wanted to do this yay right on the back of a bin wagon okay maggie let's go amazing hey boys and girls sing along with me about being on the back of a bin wagon yay we are on a pinwheel [Music] this is so much fun oh what could be better than riding along on the back of the bin wagon what's better than riding on a bin wagon riding on a turbo bean wagon [Music] that was crazy what will maggie think of next there's only one way to find out here we go oh i can hear music is it maggie's mobile disco no let me give you a clue come closer maggie where's the clue oh what's that whoa ice cream oh maggie so hey boys and girls this is an ice cream van say with me come on it's an ice cream van it's an ice cream van it's an ice cream van let's go for a ride in the ice cream van yeah oh look boys and girls i'm in an ice cream van oh i love ice cream do you oh be careful maggie hey boys and girls let's sing a song about being in an ice cream van yeah we are in an ice cream van an ice cream van an ice cream van we are in an ice cream van this is so much fun yeah oh oh what have you done you naughty naughty bird look at me boys and girls oh boys and girls hey ice cream for everyone yeah wow wasn't that a lot of fun i hope you had fun with steve and maggie yay [Applause] [Music] you
Views: 545,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve and maggie, magic english, happy halloween, english stories for children, stories for children, english for kids, english for children, maggie and steve, learn english kids, wow english, halloween trick or treat, cartoon story, halloween for kids, learn english, english stories for kids, short stories for kids, story for kids, kids stories, halloween costumes, halloween decorations, speak english, learn english speaking, Stories for kids, board game, dragon
Id: WrL4lhXeeIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 51sec (4371 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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