Christmas Tree for Kids from Steve and Maggie | Free Stories with Wow English TV

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[Music] [Applause] hello look what is it it's us no okay Maggie help me finish the snowman snowman is finished yeah but wait a minute what's missing up here on the snowman's head yeah okay let's give our snowman no that hat is silly change the Hat please Maggie look a nice yellow hat with me what is it it's a yellow hat yellow hat yeah it's a yellow hat yellow hat yellow hat yeah so great our snowman is finished snowman [Applause] the snowman's wearing a jacket but what color is it it's yellow he's wearing a yellow hat and a yellow jockey no change the color of the jacket Maggie is changing Maggie's hey what is it trousers okay Maggie give the Snowman some trousers the trousers are changing stop Maggie stop what color of the trousers yeah green they are green trousers stay here with me what are they they are green trousers green trousers green trousers green trousers come on what's are they they are green trousers green trousers green trousers green trousers hey what's a crazy snowman hey Maggie Maggie snowball fight [Music] is it oh oh hey boys and girls it's nearly Christmas and I'm looking for my Christmas tree because it's that time of year again that we put up a Christmas tree I can't find mine can you see it aha I think it's there behind the sofa oh yes here it is [Music] well I found my Christmas tree it's a bit old and dusty but it'll be okay for one more year let's put it up I've got a new Christmas tree it's better than his old Christmas tree that's better hey do you like my Christmas tree yeah no no it'll be better when we put some decorations on so come on let's get the decorations out do you love Christmas just like me yeah okay can you see the Christmas decorations yeah come on let's get the decorations how do you look Christmas just like me oh where are the Christmas decorations now ho ah are they in here oh what's this oh is this for Christmas no it's a snorkel for my summer holidays where are those Christmas decorations ah are they here what's this oh it's a pumpkin is this for Christmas no it's for Halloween oh where are those Christmas decorations aha look yeah what's this hey it's ten sold yeah this is for Christmas I found the decorations but I better tidy this mess first what a beautiful Christmas tree and I've got the decorations out [Music] and this ball ball goes here Hey look at my Christmas tree now it's good isn't it look there are lots of baubles what so bauble this is a bauble look yeah come on say it with me what is it it's aa bauble it's aa bauble what is it it's aa bauble yeah and hey what's this here yeah it's a bell oh say with me come on it's aa Bell what is it it's aa Bell what is it it's a bell yeah and now I need to put on the tinsel hey this is tinsel say it with me come on what is it it's tinsel what is it it's tinsel what is it it's tinsel yeah my Christmas tree is going to look great [Music] [Music] do you like my Christmas tree yeah well I've saved the best for last what goes on top of a Christmas tree yeah a star come on let's put it on the Christmas tree Porter stone look at my Christmas tree I've ruined Christmas Maggie look I've broken the Christmas tree I'm sorry but we've got to surprise a surprise yeah Oh a Christmas surprise look at the Christmas tree it's perfect it's decorated with tenses thank you Thank You Maggie let's sing the song you know it don't you it's that time of year again that we puts up a Christmas tree decorations out do you love Christmas just like me decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel bells and lots of Christmas presents now time to wrap the last one not now Maggie I'm busy oh hello boys and girls I'm about to wrap my last Christmas present but I've got to be careful I only have a little bit of wrapping paper laughing look what that naughty naughty bird has done Maggie look what you've done to my last bit of Christmas wrapping paper no sorry Steve but hey we can use a little Maggie magic to find some better wrapping paper what do you mean oh it's great what can you see yeah snowmen lots of snowmen hey can you pretend to be a snowman like me here so what are we we are snowmen what are we whoo Oh snowmen what are we Oh snow burn yes I'm a snowman - oh great let's take a closer look hey do you like this wrapping paper with these snowmen look look at his little hat and his carrot he knows it's great Hey look this wrapping paper what can you see here lots of Santa's it's great hey pretend to be Santa like me with a bag of toys and walking quietly to deliver the presents so what are we whoo Oh Santa's what are we we Oh Santa's what are we we are Santa's oh well done come on then let's take a closer look come on let's say hello to Santa hey hello Santa say hello to Santa Wow this is lovely wrapping paper - what can you see what are they yeah they are snowflakes hey pretend to be a snowflake like me so what are we we are snowflakes or Zowie we are snowflakes what's that we we are snowflakes ei let's take a closer look hey let's be careful and oh look at this snowflake oh wow it's very pretty isn't it yeah oh look at this wrapping paper Hey what are they yeah they are Bells can you be a bell like me Big Dawg ding-dong so what are we we are bells ding dong ding dong we are bells ding dong ding dong great let's take a closer look and listen to these bells come on let's listen to the bells look what can you see on this Christmas wrapping paper yeah they are candles hey pretend to be a candle like me oh it must be Maggie magic so what are we we are candles what are we we are candles what are we we are candles yeah ok that's better come on then let's take a closer look ok we have to be very careful with the candle but look the candle is really nice isn't it yeah let me put it back hey carefully hey stay which is your favor Wow Maggie I like them all Wow this Christmas wrapping paper there are snow I can use this wrapping paper to wrap the present myself wrap yourself hey naughty naughty bird not me the Christmas present table better okay hey are you excited about Christmas I hope so [Music] the last bell goes Oh perfect oh hello boys and girls hello are you excited about Christmas I am and I'm decorating my Christmas tree with tinsel bells and baubles all of these are decorations hey say with me what are they they are decorations they are decorations they are decorations yeah and they make my Christmas tree look great oh wow do you like my Christmas tree yeah then say with me what is it it's aa Christmas tree what is it it's a Christmas tree what is it it's a Christmas tree yeah but hey something's missing what goes up on top of a Christmas tree I'll show you it's here look hey what is it yeah it's a star it's beautiful come on say it with me what is it it's aa star what is it it's aa star what is it it's aa star yeah and it goes up up up on top of my Christmas tree here we go up up and put it on top of the Christmas tree this isn't a Christmas tree cost you yes it is fell over trying to put the star on top of my Christmas tree thanks Maggie Hey look the Christmas tree looks great with a star on top it's decorated with baubles bells and tinsel tinsel tinsel tencel so much tinsel hey it looks great Oh Maggie I know a song about a star I'm sure you know the song sing it with me if you can come on twinkle twinkle little star twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you got another idea let's draw what we would like for Christmas twinkle twinkle little star [Music] like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you okay I finished my picture let me show you look I would like a new hat gloves and a scarf for Christmas what's about you Maggie oh look Maggie would like a new doll well we'll have to see what father Christmas brings hey Maggie I've got a Christmas present open it now we have to wait for Christmas Christmas do you like Christmas present yeah hey did you like that yeah then please like it if you love it you can subscribe just touch here go on if you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip touch here yeah thank you
Views: 9,084,239
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Keywords: christmas for kids, english for kids, steve and maggie, free english, steve, wow english tv, english stories, maggie and steve, english stories for children, english lessons, english stories for kids, speaking english, stories for kids, stories for children, english words, learn english speaking, learn english, speak english, christmas songs for kids, learning english, english story, esl english, wow, english lesson, english for children, learn english kids, fairy tales
Id: XPU7soLNncU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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