The Lion and The Mouse | Short Stories for Kids | English Story for Children | Fairy Tales Story

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[Music] a lion lay asleep in the forest after a long and hard day a tiny little mouse came on him and he was just in front of the lion's nose [Music] a lion woke up from his nap [Music] and when he saw the tiny mouse he laid his huge paw over the mouse and was ready to have him as of mercy [Music] let the bus go [Music] after some days in the forest while the lion was stalking his prey he was caught in the tangles of a hunter's net unable to free himself [Music] the mouse heard the lions roaring and quickly went to help him up he not one of the big ropes and so the lion was free thank you very much i promise i'll be there for you if you need some help after all this they began to be best [Music] now the lion and the mouse were best friends they enjoyed together playing around [Music] they help each other if they have a chance and we're best friends for the rest of their lives remember these words a kindness is never wasted [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a wolf came along and began knocking knock knock knock rock [Music] and i'll blow your house in [Music] two little pigs were in a fix one built a house with a bundle of sticks two little pigs were in a fix one built a house with a bundle of sticks a wolf came along and began knocking knock knock knock knock little big and i'll blow your house in [Music] one little pig screamed quick quick quick he built his house with a load of bricks one little pig screamed quick quick quick he built his house with a load of bricks a wolf came along and began knocking knock knock knock knock little pig little pig [Music] but he could not blow the house down and the three pigs lived happily in the brick house [Music] once upon a time no wait okay do you want to tell the story no i just like saying that once upon a time [Music] three little bears went out to play and then he took a nap but a mean old wolf woke him up [Music] [Music] and he did and he left with the worst laugh there's ever been [Music] maybe i should have used twigs instead of straw out to play went to little bears my but once again that mean old wolf woke him up i'm a big bad wolf and i see you there open the door little bear he pounded the door let me come in [Music] and he did and he left with the worst laugh there's ever oh i guess we're gonna have to build something that that mean old wolf can't blow down just one little bear and she had to think quick i make my house out of sturdy bricks says the third little bear and just like that she built that house and then she took a nap and can you believe it that nasty old wolf woke her up i'm a big bad wolf and i see you in there open the door little bear beware no oh he pounded the door let me come in and he tried and he tried and he tried again sheesh get a hold of yourself [Music] so did he blow the house in not by the hairs of his chinny chin the bricks were too strong so what happened to the mean old wolf he was never to be seen again wolves are like that yeah they are daddy mom tell us the story of jack and the beanstalk what's a beanstalk is that a kind of soup no silly it's a i don't know well let's find out long ago jack and his mom live their life on a country farm they were poor not enough to eat so they made a plan to make ends meet jack go sell our cow bessie and with the money we can grow more crops on market day jack sold old best to a funny love who is oddly dressed hello young man she politely bowed i'll trade you beans for that milking cow they're magic beans [Music] she cried [Music] the next day where the beans did land a giant beanstalk grew oh man check climb those twisty vines so high and found a castle in the sky [Music] look at that but when he went inside the place a big fat giant with an ugly face came something [Music] three [Music] jack was so frightened that he hid in the cupboard while the giant counted his gold when the big old giant fell asleep jack escaped with gold to keep decided he'd go back up there but first i'd better say a prayer oh please oh please keep me safe from the meat old giant he climbed up to the castle what comes after five [Music] ready or not here i come oh [Music] jack was fast and acted quick he grabbed that fine white little [Music] but the giant came thundering after jack and threw himself on the beanstalk when i got home i grabbed an axe and chopped that beanstalk all the way down and that big old giant went hurtling off never ever to be found with the hands golden eggs jack and his mom could now live a good life jack's mom was proud and made a feast and neighbors came from near and far the heart played songs and sang along chuck you are a shining [Music] so did they make beanstalk soup no but never had a hen that laid golden eggs oh but you could break your teeth on those let's tell the story of the boy and the wolf and the sheep oh the little boy who cried wolf why would he cry whoa because he didn't know how to say wow why don't you pretend to be the shepherd boy and tell us all about it sure i'm a shepherd boy who tends to sheep i try hard not to fall asleep cause sometimes it can get real slow watching all this green grass grow hey i have an idea i think i'll play a little joke on all the local towny folks i'll pretend a wolf came by chased my sheep [Music] it chased my sheep we're all a feared oh dear oh no oh no that's bad oh my we better run and help the villagers came out to see the boy and sheep were quite carefree the boy just left i was kidding guys this was not a fun surprise shame on you for making us all worry we thought you and your flock were in trouble oh it was just a joke can't you take a joke the next day passed and night dragged on the boy made a plan in early dawn again today so i'm not born [Music] oh dear sounds like trouble so once again villagers climbed the hill to see the sheep were fine i was kidding guys i think you better apologize yeah say you're sorry you tricked us again that's just not nice you lied to us it was just a joke the villagers were not happy but the shepherd boy thought it was funny that he once again tricked the town's people one fine day while with his flock a wolf appeared the boy was shocked he cried out to the village folks help me please this is not a joke would you like another cup of tea don't mind if i do but no one paid attention then thought it was a joke again they ignored the shepherd's plea just relaxed and drank their tea hi this is not funny help me help me a wolf appeared it's chased my sheep we're all feared but sadly no one came the shepherd boy realized that no one believed him anymore the boy came running into town everybody gathered round he's the one who made us mad i'm sorry i behaved so bad i really am i've learned my lesson and i'll never lie again story time everyone how about little red riding hood i want to pretend that i'm little red and i'll be the big bad wolf oh i'm not sure wookie likes that idea everyone ready yeah there once was a girl all dressed in red who went to her grandma's sickly bed she's not feeling well so i'll cut through the dough and visit grand for a short little spell now remember don't talk to any strangers i promise mama gave red some special teas grandma's very favorite cheese but in the woods a wolf stopped red well hello my dear you're going well he said um you're a stranger right i'm not really supposed to talk to you but i'm off to grand she's sick in bed i've brought some cheese and fresh baked bread then red took off but the wolf was smart he knew the way to grands by heart i'm smarter than the average wolf the wolf sneaked into grandma's place i'll hide you so there's not a trace he locked her in got into bed with granny's night cap on his head help me before granny cried why come in dear white grass red red and she walked right in i've been wondering how you've been i'm okay but she sounded weird granny since when do you have a bee oh granny has a beard [Music] the better my dear to eat you will little red riding hood and a huntsman bursting from the woods he broke the door and he grabbed that beast why i'll give you a pow to say the least you're a big bad hairy a little red just blurted out i talked to a stranger i've learned my lesson now she said she learned her lesson now she said wow that big bad wolf sure learned his lesson and they sent him away and he never came back see what happens to big bad boys indeed now what's the moral of the story never let a wolf know if you have fresh baked breads [Music] okay whose turn is it to tell a story it's my turn and i'm going to tell the story of the lion and the mice don't you mean mouse not this time because you're all gonna be the little knight a mighty mighty lion lie sleeping in his lair three little mice came creeping by and stare one accidentally brushed up against the lion's paw sorry mr lion there ought to be a law oh sorry i hope i didn't hurt you the lion drew his paw back and dropped it on the mouse the other mice were frightened and squeezed i thank you mr lion kindly hear my plea i promise to repay you if you lonely set me free oh [Music] well i guess i could say yes but only just this time now scatter with your friends and i'll pay you no money oh thank you mr lion i'm forever in your debt i guess not every lion is really such a threat go away you're swell so the great big lion let the little mouse go phil that was scary but that wasn't the end of the story oh do tell yeah go on [Music] [Music] very loud that the three [Music] i mean lions we're coming to the rescue captured [Music] well what do you know these little mice have now become my pride [Music] i always keep my promises and that you can depend the lesson here is friendship mr lion see friendship is a gift that always sets you free [Music] so so is this a story about lions that get trapped no silly it's about friendship and and kindness it sure is it's about always being there for your friends [Music] i think it's my turn to tell a story okay but can we be in it sure i need three billy goats archie yeah tell us the story of the three billy goats grub three billy goat scruff set off to the hills to eat green grass and get their fell they ate sweet grass all day long they ate and ate till it was gone across the river the little goat spider field of grass on the other side cross the bridge and you pay a toll not with coins you feed the trolls the three billy goats gruff were very scared of the troll but they were also very hungry little billy goat gruff just couldn't wait any longer so off he went i may be scared but i'm hungry too and look at all the grass that snow i'll cross the bridge to the other side he may be small but at least he tries but as the filigo trip trapped by the troop popped up from under the bridge and said who's that trip dropping across my bridge you won't get by me because i am going to eat you i'm a hairy troll with yellow eyes horrid teeth and claws i leak you up if you cross my bridge with my rotten jaws it's only me a baby goat i'm skinny as can be i really wouldn't taste that good but little goat what do you see very well i'll beat it kid [Music] [Applause] there's a tasty chop i'm a hairy troll with yellow eyes horrid teeth and claws i'll eat you if you cross my bridge just because who's that trip trapping across my bridge you see no fat on me at all you'd really like my brother see he's a butterball oh okay go i wait for big brother so the troll let the middle billy goat gruff cross the bridge and waited for his tasty big brother this is not good so over the bridge the philly [Music] who's that tramping on my bridge it's big billy goat you hairy monster hey that doesn't even rhyme i'm a hairy troll with yellow eyes hard teeth and claws i'll eat you up if you cross my bridge how about [Music] my horns will charge your shoe and with that the big billy goat charged the troll with his big pointy horn and sent him tumbling backwards over the bridge never to be seen again [Music] what do you think come on joey tell us the golgi lock story again i want to play goldilocks this time because cause okay that'll be funny out for a walk when goldilocks in the woods she saw a house i'd like to go in and see what's there i'll be quiet as a mouse oh that's three bears right through the door when goldilocks and what did she first see a table full of scrummy food porridge one two three oh but the first one was too [Music] [Music] yummy [Music] goldie locks are three bear chairs inside the family room oh i think i'll check them out and sing a little [Music] but the first chair was too big [Music] and the second one was too small [Music] [Music] she plunked into the chair it broke into a million pieces oh my look what i did oh well this adventure has made me so sleepy i think i need a nap goldilocks climb the stairs to a bedroom with three beds wow look at that i think i'll rest my don't mind if i do [Music] but the first bed was too lumpy and the second one's squishy too [Music] snored away the three bears came back home the front door was wide open oh dear it looks like we're not alone oh my [Music] hmm someone's been eating my porridge someone's been eating mine too and somebody's finished my every drop that was mine thank you oh dear someone's been sitting in my chair someone's been sitting here too oh guess what my chair is broke and that was good bamboo i think i hear something upstairs someone's been sleeping in my bed and wouldn't you know it mine too and someone's been looking she's in my bed [Music] thanks for everything goldie raced into the woods and hid from everyone the bears [Music] did that really happen no it's just a fairy tale oh but where are the fairies [Music] [Music] such a fun story to play alice in wonderland let's have a fun adventure today alice was a girl who loved to dream she sat and read her book by a river stream then she saw a rabbit white and quick she laughed at the site and ran after it i'm late i'm late for a very important date i really must go down this rabbit hole [Music] down the rabbit hole alice fell to the floor into a room full of doors on a table she found a key unlocked a little door and took a peek oh my so nice there's a garden in there but i'm too big to fit it's really not fair [Music] alice found a bottle that said drink me so she took a sip and turned tiny she shrunk down to size and fit through the door now she could find adventures galore there's a caterpillar on that big mushroom i wonder if he's nice or if he's rude hello little alice you're here at last i'm a wise caterpillar let's have a chat you're really quite pretty and very smart but stay away from the queen of hearts stay away from the queen i can do that hey look there's a big old smiling cat hello little alice how do you do there's something i really must tell you everyone here is crazy and mad that means you too now don't be sad i really don't think that i am mad who's that over there with a big tall hat [Music] i'm the mad hatter would you like some tea we're all having fun can't you see i love to joke i love to laugh i love to do my mad hat or dance oh my oh my what a strange guy i don't think i'll stay i think i'll walk away alice found herself on a park that is green and there she saw the crazy queen i'm the queen of hearts and i'd like to play a crazy game of crochet [Music] oh no oh no i wish that i could go the queen of hearts is mean i need to leave this scene alice closed her little eyes when she opened them she was by the riverside she shook her head looked at the stream i just had the strangest dream was that all just a dream [Music] such a fun story to play alice in wonderland let's have a fun adventure today [Music] ready for story time little twins yay how about jack and the beanstalk perfect jack lived on a little farm he did his chores and worked so hard one fine day his mom had found that they ran out of seeds what shall we do what shall we do we need more money for seeds and food jack you need to go to town to sell our favorite cows [Music] i've got a deal for a boy like you you can buy my magic beans magic beans what do they do you plant them and they'll grow so huge [Applause] plant them in the ground and overnight they'll grow all the way up to the [Music] he went sky to show his mom she was very mad [Applause] what shall we do what shall we do silly boy those beans won't do [Music] in the morning what did jack see a huge beanstalk so tall and green it went all the way up to the sky this is a stalk i have to climb he climbed and he climbed and climbed some more through the clouds he saw a door [Music] look at that castle so very big i wonder who lives inside that thing the door opened wide a giant woman was inside she looked at jack and waved him in i'm making something to eat she cooked some breakfast for the boy but at the door there was a giant noise i smell a little boy jack got scared and ran away and grabbed some gold coins on his way he climbed back down the green beanstalk gave the coins to his mom the very next day he climbed to the sky he found a golden egg in the castle up high [Music] i smell a little boy [Music] jack got scared and ran away he grabbed a golden egg on his way he climbed back down the green beanstalk and gave the egg to his mom the very next day he climbed through the sky he found a golden heart in the [Music] jack got scared and ran away but the giant chased him all the way he climbed down the beanstalk really fast and chop chop chopped it down now jack and his mom had so much gold they were rich until they were old [Music] they both lived happily ever after happily ever after jack and the beanstalk yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey do you guys know the story of little red riding hood sure we do and it's my favorite once upon a time in the woods there lived a little girl red riding hood had to visit grandma sick in bed so off she went with a basket of bread [Music] off i go adventure time stick to the path and i'll be fine suddenly the big bad wolf appeared with big sharp teeth and pointy ears well hello little girl and how do you do where are you going can i come too i'm off to visit grandma far away you can't come now i'll be on my way but wolf had a plan and off he ran to grandma's house on the other side of the woods wolfie arrived at grandma's house crept through the door like a little mouse grandma saw the wolf then she screamed and ran into the closet so she couldn't be seen i will wait just right here for little red riding hood to wolf put appear dear grandma's clothes her lovely night dress and glasses on his nose what a clever wolf i am to pretend that i am dear grandma sick in bed i hope red riding hood gets here fast and rescues me this wolf is bad just then red riding hood arrived at grandma's house she opened the door and walked right up to her grandma's bed grandma i am here poor thing in bed i brought you some yummy bread thank you dear i'm feeling sick come a little closer take a look grandma you don't seem yourself what can i do to help i must have a nasty bug climb on the bed and give me a hug grandma what big eyes you have big eyes to see you grandma what big ears you have big ears to hear you grandma what big teeth you have [Music] poor little red riding hood thankfully a lumberjack was passing by and heard her cry he broke down the door and came inside what's going on are you okay i heard you scream from far away hey big bad wolf get out of here and don't you come back it's okay dear thank you thank you lumberjack i hope that wolf won't ever come back where's my grandma where could she be did the wolf find her [Music] thank goodness grandma you're okay [Music] [Music] don't talk to strangers in the woods and always be kind like red riding hood [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey look a scary spider [Laughter] hey quit telling lies mark didn't you ever hear the story about the boy who cried wolf no tell me the boy the boy the boy who cried wolf the boy the boy the boy wolf there was a boy who watched the sheep he'd watch him walk and watch him sleep he was so bored he made a plan i need to find some action man hey everybody gather around there's a big bad wolf in town the boy the boy the boy who cried wolf there was no wolf the boy had lied but the people of the village ran outside we're here to help you where's the beast we'll save the boy and save the sheep the boy laughed until he cried [Music] man this is boring the sheep don't even talk he was so bored he made a scheme i'm gonna make the village scream hey everybody gather around there's a big bad wolf in town the boy the boy the boy who cried wolf once again there was no wolf anywhere but the people of the village got a scare we're here to help you where's the beast we'll save the boy and save the sheep the boy left until he cried you believed another lie the boy the boy the boy who cried wolf the next day the boy was asleep when a real big wolf ran after his sheep he woke up and to his surprise there was a big scary wolf in front of his eyes hey everybody help me please there's a big bad wolf and he's chasing my sheep the village people heard his cry but they didn't move an inch this time that's the boy who always cries he tricks us all with his lies nobody helped him no one cared but there's a wolf really i swear [Music] there is a lesson to this song lying to people is always wrong they won't believe anything you say even if you really need help someday i'm really sorry i tricked my friends all this lying is gonna end the boy the boy the boy who cried wolf the boy the boy the boy who cried wolf oh guys this time there really is a spider [Music] well done for telling the truth mark yep no more crying wolf wow what a great big lion and look at that tiny little mouse i wonder if they're friends let's tell the twins the story of the lion and the mouse [Music] [Music] one day there was a mouse walking through the woods she came across a big lion what are you doing in my neighborhood the lion grabbed the little [Music] tell me why [Music] you think you can help you're a silly tiny little mouse okay i'll set you free [Music] wow you sure are brave the next day the lion was running oh so fast [Music] then he stepped on a big old net and was caught in a trap help me oh help me won't somebody help [Music] knew just what to do she called her friends they ran to the [Music] [Music] wow you saved me even though you're small i should never have laughed at you at all [Music] understand let's just be friends are we cool my man the lion and the mouse the lion and the mouse the lion and the mouse yeah the lion and the [Music] mouse and they've been best friends ever since that day [Music] brother brother can you read us your story please sure baby brother is that three little pigs i love that one me too okay gather round everybody three little pigs three little little pigs decided to build a house [Music] one pig had something to say i'm gonna build my house out of hay so he gathered all the hay he could find and built his house in record time hey hey hey i'm gonna build my house out hey the second pig was pinking quick i'm gonna build my house out of sticks so she gathered all the sticks she could find and built her house in record time dicks sticks sticks i'm gonna build my house the third pig didn't like those tricks i'm gonna build my house out of bricks it's gonna take a lot more time but the strongest house will be all mine bricks bricks bricks i'm gonna build my house out of bricks suddenly a wolf appeared so into their houses the pigs disappeared [Music] [Music] and i'll blow your house down [Music] then i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your house down oh [Music] no [Music] and i'll blow your house down the house of brick was sturdy and thick it didn't blow away don't you worry my piggy friends will all be safe the wolf climbed down the chimney but the pigs lit a fire [Music] get out of here you mean old wolf three little pigs three little pigs three little pigs lived in the brick house okay twins it's story time how about the story of goldilocks and the three bears [Music] once upon a time in a house in the forest there lived three bears who loved their porridge they ate it every morning and every night papa's was hot mama's was cold babies just right [Music] bears the three bears decided to go get some honey to put on their porridge so off they went into the woods right across the woods lived a little girl with golden hair and lots of curls everybody called her goldie locks off she goes into the woods oh look i found a little house i'll knock knock on the door no one's home well that's okay and in she went anyway little did goldilocks know she had just entered the house of the three bears wow look over there a table of food great cause i am in the mood for a big bowl of porridge just for me hey there's one wait there's two no look there's three papa bear's porridge that's too hot mama bears porridge that's too cold baby bears porridge just right after goldilocks had eaten her fill of porridge she was feeling full and wanted to rest her feet papa bear's chair looked much too hard mama bear's chair looked much too soft baby bears chair was the final one let's see oh wow this one's just right but goldie was too heavy for baby bear's chair and so it broke oops now she was feeling really sleepy so decided to go upstairs to lay down her golden head papa bear's bed looked too hard [Music] hmm [Music] one's just right [Music] just as goalie fell asleep the three bears returned home to discover they were not alone [Music] someone's been eating papa bear's porridge someone's been eating mama bears porridge [Music] the bears were not very happy at all they went upstairs to find the intruder someone's been sleeping in papa bear's bed someone's been sleeping in mama bears someone's been sleeping in [Music] who are you goldilocks and who are you we're the three bears you ate my porridge you broke my chair you slept in my bed and that's not fair sorry goldilocks realized she wasn't a welcome guest and the three bears chased her right out of their house [Music] she ran all the way home and never returned a very good lesson she had learned again the bears home was filled with laughter and they lived happily ever after the end [Music] you
Channel: Kids TV - Fairytales & Children's Stories
Views: 94,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lion and the mouse, lion and mouse, lion and mouse story, the lion and the mouse story, stories for kids, story for kids, nursery stories, lion cartoon, animal songs, songs for kids, songs for babies, songs for children, videos for kids, kids tv, fairytales, mouse, kids stories, stories, english story, story time, lion and the mouse, kids story, stories for children, baby songs, short stories, storytime, animated stories, story english, cartoon stories, kids education
Id: eaBS0-RrcIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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