Halloween Ice Cream Van for Kids with Steve and Maggie | Halloween Pirate Ship | Wow English TV

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it's steve and maggie [Music] it's steve and maggie happy halloween hey hello boys and girls it's halloween tonight there are lots of scary things around so i'm not going out tonight no i'm not going out oh hey listen oh what's that oh ice cream yeah ice cream ice cream ice cream i screamed [Music] oh halloween is scary isn't it boys and girls [Applause] oh maggie oh you naughty naughty bird come on steve i need your help this halloween abracadabra [Music] he screams at everything oh this is maggie's i scream fan yeah i scream you scream we all scream for ice cream hey yeah let's go and remember scream out now when you see some halloween monsters monsters oh come with us boys and girls hey this might be fun this is maggie's ice cream van when i scream you scream maggie magpies ice cream van makes halloween fun oh what's that it's a vampire stop well done steve oh maggie don't stop there's another one so many vampires yeah they're here for their ice creams with blood red sauce what blood red sauce yeah get to work steve the vampires are hungry okay take a cut fill it with ice cream right hey wait a minute it smells like raspberry it is raspberry oh i guess those vampires really are hungry come on let's get to working ice cream yeah [Music] okay all the vampires have gone maggie yay well done let's roll yeah oh and remember scream when you see some monsters the monsters this is maggie's ice cream van when i scream you scream maggie magpies ice cream van makes halloween fun [Music] yay good work steve keep screaming there's another zombies good job steve the zombies are here for their ice creams with fingers what fingers really surely not no oh chocolate fingers yeah they're delicious aren't they yay oh steve get to work oh go maggie let's go [Music] [Music] hey you're screaming really helped what maggie yeah my screaming help keep it up let's go okay let's go and remember scream when you see some mustang this is maggie's ice cream van when i scream you scream maggie magpies sorry maggie but uh i can't see any halloween monsters here because you need to scream what maggie a skeleton yeah good job keep going steve keep going okay um [Music] a skeleton another wow so maggie what type of ice cream do skeletons like chocolate ice cream with knuckle bones knuckle bones yeah knuckle bones oh shall i try some boys and girls yeah okay it's popcorn yeah oh steve get to it okay let's get to work right here we go [Music] oh maggie this halloween is great isn't it it's fun to scream for ice cream come on maggie let's go yeah this is maggie's ice cream van when i scream you scream maggie ice ice cream van makes halloween fun not this time oh no no no oh delicious [Music] hey my ice cream hey oh you naughty naughty skeleton so boys and girls i guess we now have to scream for ice cream you can scream with me come on one two three [Music] [Applause] okay the witches are here for their ice creams with spiders with spiders yeah with spiders oh haha jelly spiders mmm it's delicious okay let's get to work yay here we go [Music] oh so all the witches have got their ice creams yeah what's that maggie oh it means there's only one ice cream left in the machine so it's for you oh an ice cream for me oh well then i'm going to have an ice cream with oh lots of blood red raspberry sauce oh yeah chocolate fingers lots of knuckle bone popcorn oh and a jelly spider on top oh this looks delicious yeah oh come on steve what maggie oh maggie oh say with me boys and girls you naughty naughty bird oh this will be lovely oh oh hey hello boys and girls let's play trick or treat no maggie it's halloween tonight and it's scary out there so i'm staying here to enjoy a relaxing bath where's my towel hey boys and girls let's play a halloween trick on steve hey where am i and what am i oh look i'm a pirate oh great oh and i'm on a pirate ship come on boys and girls let's sail the seven seas yeah well i'm out at sea for halloween what sea monsters can be seen look to the left look to the right what monsters are out tonight oh this is great boys and girls on a pirate ship out at sea let's look for some sea monsters what can we see oh there's nothing here there's nothing there there's nothing anywhere wait what you saw something really oh i can't see anything oh can you help me boys and girls shout out when you see something um oh there it is i see it it's a shark yeah look it's a shark it's a shark it's a shark wow it's a big shark oh and it's getting closer and closer and closer oh where did it go can you see the shark boys and girls where is that shirt oh that was a big scary shark wasn't it boys and girls oh and i don't like sharks oh but come on let's be brave pirates and continue to sail across the seven seas i'm out at sea for halloween what sea monsters can be seen look to the left look to the right what monsters are out tonight shiver me timbers you're not scared of any sea monsters are you no so let's see what's out there now oh and remember to shout out if you see something a killer whale this will be fun did you see something oh look at that what sea monster does something like that oh now i can see a tail it's a big tail it must be a big sea monster what is it oh it's a whale a killer whale look at that killer whale boys and girls look at the killer whale look at the killer whale splashing about in the sea oh it's a big killer whale isn't it boys and girls oh it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger oh i hope it doesn't get too close to our pirate ship oh it's gone wow [Applause] [Music] oh no look at me boys and girls oh i think we should get out of here in case that killer whale does it again hoist the mainsail hey i'm out at sea for halloween what sea monsters can be seen look to the left look to the right what monsters are out tonight and some bubblegum come on let's take another look out to see oh and remember to shout out if you see something oh there's a crab oh a really big crab oh it's huge it's massive it's a mutant crab look look look look oh it's not a huge crab no it's a teeny tiny crab oh come on mr crab let's get you back into the sea [Laughter] a giant squid yeah this will be scary nothing there nothing there nothing anywhere oh hey it's getting a bit rough can you help me boys and girls by shouting out when you can see something you can see something where over there over there behind me really oh look there's a giant squid there's a giant squid there's a giant squid oh that was very strange but let's not stay here longer than we have to no let's continue on our pirate ship adventure heave-ho and off we go i'm out at sea for halloween what sea monsters can be seen look to the left look to the right what monsters are out tonight oh mateys how are your sea legs oh look land ahoy hey that's not land what is it no that's impossible it can't be it couldn't be it shouldn't be look it's a rubber duck a rubber duck a rubber duck out here at sea that's just crazy wait a minute that's maggie magic isn't it maggie did you enjoy my halloween treat yes yes it was a lot of fun you naughty naughty bird okay [Applause] what a crazy halloween trick maggie naughty naughty bird [Music] oh hey hello boys and girls i'm lost in the forest and a bit scared oh maggie told me to put on a costume and meet her somewhere near here oh what look at that spooky castle oh i don't want to go in there no no no what do you think should i go in and look for maggie what yes well okay then come on let's be brave and have a look in the castle yay [Music] how many can you see let's count them one little two little halloween witches three little four little halloween witches five little six little halloween witches off to a halloween party oh they went in the castle what do you think boys and girls should we go and have a closer look yeah okay then come on let's have a look oh what hey where's the door oh hi boys and girls listen something's going on in the castle but i can't find a way in oh and hey her something's coming look halloween pumpkins oh wow come on let's count them yeah one little two little halloween pumpkins three little four little halloween pumpkins five little six little halloween pumpkins off to a halloween party oh they jumped over the wall hey shall we try and have a look over the wall yeah come on man come with me let's go what's going on at the castle [Music] look it's a vampire oh i don't like vampires and there are more vampires coming how many are there come on count the vampires with me [Music] one little two little halloween vampires three little four little halloween vampires five little six little halloween vampires off to a halloween party oh i'm not sure i want to go into that spooky castle oh come on come on let's be brave we need to find a door there must be a door somewhere around here um oh there must be a door somewhere around here a castle with no door that's crazy oh look look look boys and girls we've found a door but it's not the front door no it's a secret spooky door into the castle should we go in yeah come on then let's go oh hey something's coming they look like skeletons spooky halloween skeletons but hey how many skeletons oh count them with me boys and girls come on yeah oh look oh one little two little halloween skeletons three little four little halloween skeletons five little six little halloween skeletons off to a halloween party well if they're going through that door to the halloween party so am i come on let's be brave and go through the spooky door spiders oh i hate spiders [Music] i hate spiders oh hold up boys and girls look a door a big door this must be the main entrance to the castle and listen i think there's a party going on in there so come on let's go and knock at the door oh no something else is coming now they look like ghosts but how many ghosts come on count them with me one little two little halloween ghosts three little four little halloween ghosts five little six little halloween ghosts off to a halloween party there's definitely a halloween party going on in there so i guess the only way to go in is like one of those ghosts here we go oh hey [Music] oh open up i don't want to miss the party the door's opening the door's opening the doors are opening look look there are monsters everywhere oh where's maggie i don't think this is her halloween party is it hi still hi maggie hey is this your halloween party yeah let's [Music] dance with us hey [Music] come on sing and dance with us that's with us [Music] hey hello boys and girls i'm going to old macdonald's haunted house maggie is too scared but you're not too scared are you no so come on let's go yeah okay here we go a haunted house oh look at that witch scary that skeleton i'm not scared at all oh it's just the door okay i'm not a scaredy cat no i am brave oh look it's maggie trying to scare me oh oh what a scary ghost i'm so frightened hold on there are more moving ghosts here so it can't be just maggie oh don't be silly no come on let's be super brave and see more monsters so steve is super brave we'll see watch this i i am brave i am brave yes i am brave i'm scared oh it's just the lights what was that oh i can hear something old macdonald's haunted house is scarier than i thought how do i get out of here [Music] in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear in old macdonald's haunted house [Music] haunted house there are ghosts everywhere come on boys and girls let's get out of here oh great look there's a door we can escape oh no it's locked oh there's another door oh no it's locked too how do i get out of here and the ghosts are coming oh look there's a puzzle to solve two plus two oh five but no oh the door's open come on let's go oh silly's feet he took the wrong door look two plus two is four [Music] haunted house what can you hear in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear well there's a here there here a there are everywhere in old macdonald's haunted house there are monsters everywhere oh i'm not staying here come on let's go oh come on boys and girls hurry up look at the puzzle oh that's easy isn't it look there are three dice so the answer is three three great the door's open come on let's go no it's what is the total on the three dice and that's seven steve's wrong again so come on monsters in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear oh there's [Music] old macdonald's haunted house there are zombies everywhere oh i'm scared come on let's get out of here [Music] oh come on come on look at the puzzle which shape completes the picture the red one great the doors open come on let's go which shape completes the picture it's the circle isn't it silly steve oh monsters [Music] in old macdonald's haunted house what can you hear in old macdonald's haunted house what old macdonald's haunted house there are witches everywhere oh i don't like witches come on let's go oh the witches are coming the witches are coming how do we get out of here oh well look it says what does a capital r look like it looks like that great the door's opening oh no the witches are here we're just hey we made it out of the haunted house well done hey that's not a witch is it no oh maggie it was you and your friends trying to scare us in old macdonald's haunted house oh you really are a naughty naughty bird oh but it was good fun wasn't it boys and girls oh come on come on it's getting dark oh hey hello boys and girls no oh dear oh silly me hey you have to be careful when you're lighting your jack-o-lantern mine looks great i hope yours does too it's getting dark i think all the boys and girls are putting on their halloween costumes and they're going to be knocking on my door to play trick or treat hey you can play too yeah oh i love halloween i've got my bowl of treats and i'm ready for anyone who comes to knock on my door in their halloween costume oh someone's coming someone's coming what is it oh it looks like a vampire a very scary vampire walked up to knock on my door i gave him a treat but he said he wanted more i showed him my bowl was empty and asked what can i do but he just said goodbye and went off to visit you bye bye wow what was that what was it yeah it was a vampire hey pretend to be a vampire with me it was a vampire very scary oh listen something else is coming what is it a very scary skeleton walked up to knock on my door i gave him a treat but he said he wanted more i showed him my bowl was empty and asked what can i do and he just said goodbye and went off to visit you oh wow what was that what was it yeah it was a skeleton hey do a dance like me be a skeleton oh it was a skeleton great costume oh what's coming now let's take a look a very scary witch walked up to knock on my door i gave her a treat but she said she wanted more i showed her my bowl was empty and asked what can i do but she just said goodbye and went off to visit you oh wow that was a scary witch hey pretend to be a witch like me ow what was it it was a witch hey super scary oh something else is coming hey what is it oh oh come on look look look what is it a very scary zombie walked up to knock on my door i gave him a treat but he said he wanted more i showed him my ball was empty and asked what can i do and he just said goodbye and went off to visit you what was that yeah it was a zombie pretend to be a zombie come on [Music] well done oh something else is coming what a busy halloween what is it what is it a very scary mummy walked up to knock on my door i gave her a treat but she said she wanted more i showed her my bowl was empty and asked what can i do but she just said goodbye and went off to visit you oh what was that yeah that was a mummy hey pretend to be a mummy well done that's great okay i think something else is coming i wonder what it is oh what is it a very scary ghost but he said he wanted more i showed him my bowl was empty and asked what can i do but he just said to the kitchen hey only maggie knows i've got secret chocolate in the kitchen [Music] happy halloween happy halloween boys and girls see you next time bye [Applause] [Music]
Views: 17,255,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve and Maggie, Halloween, trick or treat, learn english, English for kids, English for children, Halloween song, Haunted House, Maggie and Steve, Halloween story, story for kids, wow english TV, english stories, Story for children, happy halloween, halloween for kids, magic english, halloween broomstick, kids halloween songs, halloween party
Id: YQ_dsKMmWDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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