Spooky Halloween Party for Kids from Steve and Maggie | Halloween Songs and Stories Wow English TV

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[Music] maggie oh where is that naughty naughty bird oh hello boys and girls i'm looking for maggie have you seen her yeah oh great but hey i'm a little bit scared because tonight it's halloween i know it's halloween it's halloween it's halloween the night the monsters ghosts and witches can be seen i know it's halloween it's halloween it's halloween but what was that it went in there shall we go and have a look yes no i think it was a ghost oh but no it can't be a ghost it must be maggie oh yeah maggie's in there come on let's go and find maggie maggie maggie oh where is that naughty naughty bird maggie maggie oh maggie maggie [Music] which way boys and girls this way oh left right i don't know [Music] oh no a dead end oh i'm totally lost in this spooky maze what was that can you see something can you hear something oh what's that there's something there but what is it maggie is it you there is a skeleton the skeleton the skeleton there [Music] there's a skeleton for the skeleton the skeleton there there's a skeleton skeleton skeleton there come on let's run away oh silly steve he's still lost i need more than skeletons okay monsters go and scare him in the right direction i don't know which way which way to go i don't know which way which way to go i don't know which way which way to go left right or straight on this maze is really scary oh i'm not going down there no i'm going back there is a monster monster monster there [Music] there is a monster a monster monster there there is a monster a monster a monster there [Music] come on let's run away oh silly steve he's going the wrong way okay vampires scare him the right way yeah i know it's halloween it's halloween it's halloween the night that monsters ghosts and witches can be seen i know it's halloween it's halloween it's halloween but don't be a scaredy cat god there is a vampire vampire vampire there [Music] there is a vampire vampire there there is an empire vampire oh maggie it's you yeah wait a minute it's you you naughty naughty bird you sent the skeletons and the monsters and the vampires to scare me didn't you yes to scare you here to a halloween party really let's dance oh here come the skeletons wow it's a halloween party so come on boys and girls do the skeleton jiggles here come the skeletons there is a skeleton skeleton skeleton here [Music] there is a skeleton a skeleton a skeleton here [Applause] [Music] do the monster stump there is a monster a monster a monster here there is a monster a monster a monster here [Music] there is a monster a monster a monster here [Music] they're here [Music] there is a vampire vampire vampire here yeah there is a vampire vampire vampire here [Music] they're here for halloween
Views: 24,068,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halloween, happy halloween, halloween party, halloween for kids, wow english tv, steve and maggie, english story, english stories for kids, learning english, speak english, learn english speaking, english stories, steve, english speaking, speaking english, stories for kids, esl english, wow english, stories for children, wow, english for children, maggie and steve, learn english, english stories for children, magic english, halloween 2019, monsters, halloween songs
Id: 9CtFNemHlyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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