Best Steve and Maggie Magic Stories for Kids of 2020 | Speak and Learn with Wow English TV

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[Music] it's my birthday today yeah hello hello boys and girls i'm just going to have some breakfast and i'll be with you in a minute oh oh yeah hey look look it's maggie's birthday today it's maggie's birthday oh no it's maggie's birthday and i forgot to make her cake oh come on boys and girls let's get cooking [Music] [Applause] okay we're now ready to make maggie's birthday cake and it's going to be a chocolate cake oh i love chocolate do you if you do say with me i love chocolate i love chocolate i love chocolate oh i just have a little piece delicious i better leave some chocolate for the chocolate cake time to get the other ingredients right then what's first on our list oh four eggs okay eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs we haven't got any eggs oh what am i going to do oh i know maggie maggie can i have four eggs please for breakfast not now steve happy birthday maggie oh thanks for coming oh maggie please i just need four eggs for breakfast thanks for coming yay maggie please four eggs oh no the eggs [Applause] [Music] oh at least i've got one egg for maggie's cake and it's not broken hey so say with me it's an egg it's an egg it's an egg oh i better put it in the bowl before i break this one too got you okay let's put the egg in the bowl great so we've got an egg some chocolate oh yeah chocolate what's next on our list oh yeah flour flour flour flour no flower we haven't got any flour left how can i make a cake with no flour oh with maggie magic maggie can i have some flour please thank you so much please hold on abracadabra [Music] where is it oh oh look boys and girls i've got some flour i've got some flour i've got some flour now we can make maggie's birthday cake [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no oh well let's put the flower in the bowl okay we've got an egg some flour and some chocolate oh yeah chocolate i like chocolate oh silly me right what's next on our list oh bananas well i know we haven't got any bananas so uh maggie can i have three bananas please great to see you thanks for coming oh come on maggie hey abracadabra one two [Music] oh i got one i got one look boys and girls it's a banana do you like bananas i do if you like bananas say with me i like bananas i like bananas i like bananas delicious oh oh no that's all the banana left for maggie's cake oh well let's put it in the bowl okay so we've got an egg flour half a banana some chocolate for later oh yeah chocolate oh i love chocolate oh steve have you finished your breakfast yet not yet maggie okay boys and girls we need to finish this cake quickly what's missing from our cake mix oh milk sugar oil and chocolate for later oh yeah chocolate oh i love chocolate oh come on let's get to it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now we're ready to add the main ingredient the chocolate hey who ate all the chocolate who what me no i only had a little and a little bit more and a little bit more oh well it doesn't matter let's put the chocolate in there and mix it all together yeah oh oh no that's not enough for a big birthday cake it's only just enough to fill a mug aha a mug yeah i can make maggie a birthday mug cake let me pour it into this mug there we go yeah now it just needs two minutes in the microwave hey oh thank you thank you everyone for my birthday presents yeah oh and i think steve is making a surprise birthday cake for me yay hot hot hot hot hot hot oh ho be careful getting anything out of a microwave that's very hot but oh it smells good let's see if it looks good yeah we've got a cake oh but it's a bit small good job i've got some cream and some ice cream oh yeah let's put some ice cream around the cake to make it look lovely everybody loves ice cream do you like ice cream yeah then say with me i like ice cream i like ice cream i like ice cream yay oh now some whipped cream on top yay here we go what oh oh silly me oh no no no we want cream on the cake don't we yeah okay oh great well it's a bit small but we've finished so maggie maggie happy to you happy birthday to you oh maggie i didn't know there were so many of you and okay is so small i had a problem in the kitchen no problem it's the thought that cat steve abracadabra wow look at this cake boys and girls that's much better thank you maggie and happy birthday for everyone i've got a broom and i'm ready to go no not like that no to go to work sweeping up these leaves oh i love autumn do you maggie i mean just look at these colors red yellow this would be much easier with a little muggy magic is so lovely wow good idea maggie look the brooms are sweeping away the leaves without us now we can go and clean the car what come on maggie [Music] yay oh look whoa let's go see yes wow magic broomsticks let's go fly like oh no what maggie maggie those kids have flown off on our broomsticks [Music] and look at the mess they're making with the pumpkins witches and skeletons all up in the air oh maggie we have to stop them i need your help okay um oh it's working up and away oh wow this is crazy i'm so high up oh look there's a pumpkin let's try to catch it [Music] oh no oh hey there help me catch the pumpkins okay one little two little halloween pumpkins three little halloween pumpkins five little six little halloween pumpkin happy halloween oh look all the pumpkins are here let's count them and catch them yeah oh one pumpkin two pumpkins three pumpkins wow four pumpkins five pumpkins and six pumpkins yay we got them all oh hey guys look out for those witches [Music] one little two little halloween witches three little four little halloween witches five little six little halloween witches thanks guys hey are all the witches here let's count them and catch them yeah one witch two witches oh wow three witches four witches five witches one more witch to catch six witches hooray we caught all six witches oh hey catch the skeletons yeah okay let's do it one little two little halloween skeletons three little halloween skeletons five little six little halloween skeletons happy halloween oh wow look at the skeletons huh thanks guys okay let's count them and catch them oh one skeleton two skeletons three skeletons oh four skeletons the five skeletons ha ha six skeletons hooray oh no look out guys spiders oh i don't like spiders catch the spiders guys one little two little halloween spiders three little four little halloween spiders five little six little halloween spiders spiders oh let's count them and catch them quickly one spider two spiders three spiders four spiders five spiders six spiders great we've got all the spiders but oh no look there's so much more to catch we'll never do it will use the extra super turbo booster what the extra super turbo booster oh the extra super turbo booster here we go [Music] oh no everything is inside the vacuum cleaner even the little boy and girl i need maggie's help maggie maggie maggie i need your help quickly don't worry steve i can fix it hey boys and girls it looks like it's time for more maggie magic abracadabra wow oh great you're here oh phew that was crazy but great fun [Applause] oh hello boys and girls look at that castle oh we're going to have a great day out come with us come on maggie oh another boring castle let's have some fun with a little maggie magic abracadabra oh great we're here at the castle oh look at that so this is the royal finger family castle it's not camelot it's castle point a lot oh get your finger ready to point a lot look at that look at this look at those look at these what's that what's that oh that's interesting this will be fun yeah look at that what's that that's interesting oh look over there hey that's not right look boys and girls the royal finger family is missing where is king finger queen finger printed oh yes sir knight i accept a challenge to find the royal finger family but hey which song can help the wheels on the bus no incy wincy spider no oh yeah the finger family song oh you know the finger family song don't you mommy finger daddy finger where are you yeah where are they come on let's go and find the royal finger family now it's a fun trip to the castle let's follow steve yeah king finger king finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do oh look boys and girls look it's the king it's the king it's the king it's the king abracadabra oh look it's king finger yay let's sing the song king finger king finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do great we found king finger but who goes on this finger next to the king it must be the queen so come on let's go and find the queen queen finger queen finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do look boys and girls look it's the queen it's the queen it's the queen it's the queen oh look we found the queen here she is oh let's sing the song for the queen are you ready queen finger queen finger where are you here i am here i am how do you do great we found king finger and queen finger but who goes here i think it's the princess come on let's go and find the princess princess finger princess finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do oh look boys and girls it's the princess it's the princess it's the princess it's the princess wow it's princess finger here she is come on then let's sing our song for the princess are you ready yeah princess finger princess finger where are you here i am here i am how do you do great we found princess finger queen finger and king finger but who goes here oh it must be the prince let's go and find the prince yeah prince finger prince finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do look boys and girls look it's the prince it's the prince it's the prince it's the prince yay oh great we found prince finger here he is come on boys and girls let's sing our song for prince finger are you ready here we go prince finger prince finger where are you here i am here i am how do you do well done everyone we found king finger queen finger princess finger and prince finger but who goes here let's find out oh who's in here boys and girls who can you see oh look there's a jester look boys and girls it's a jester it's a jester it's a jester oh well done oh great we found all five now we can sing the royal finger family song king finger king finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do queen finger queen finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do princess finger princess finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do prince finger prince finger where are you here i am here i am oh how do you do just a finger just a finger where are you oh here i am here i am how do you do oh go to the royal portrait gallery for your treasure oh yeah the treasure oh the fun's not over yet no oh treasure treasure treasure that's not treasure that's a frog like in a fairy tale and when you kiss the frog it changes into a beautiful princess but i have to kiss that frog what do you think boys and girls should i kiss that disgusting stinky horrible smelly swampy frog or not what okay i'll give it a go oh maggie you're not a beautiful princess you're a naughty naughty bird but steve here's your treasure treasure oh we found the treasure yay oh well done boys and girls happy halloween come on let's play some tricks on steve yeah thank you and happy halloween oh hello boys and girls i'm ready for halloween with this bag of halloween treats like these biscuits sweets chocolate and lollipops oh and don't forget the halloween tricks [Laughter] what my halloween trick didn't scare you no it will bang see i scared you didn't i oh what was that oh it's an owl oh but look it's getting dark so it's bye bye mr sun and hello mr moon come on let's go home oh i love halloween to you boys and girls i'm excited to play a trick on maggie when we get home oh wait a minute what's that over there what is it what is it oh it's too dark to see can you see what it is boys and girls oh i know let's ask mr moon to shine right mr moon moon mr silver moon shine bright this halloween oh look it's a ghost oh but it's not a real ghost no it's a halloween decoration look it's a ghost it's a ghost a ghost a scary ghost here for halloween oh but i'm not scared of that ghost no no no hello steve the ghost is real it's a real ghost oh was that a real ghost boys and girls or just a halloween decoration oh it must be a decoration stop being so silly come on let's go back home i want to play my halloween trick on maggie oh i love playing trick or treat to you boys and girls yeah hold on is there something on my head is it a spider oh no it's just a bit of that bush oh dear i'm getting so jumpy oh what's that over there what's there can you see something boys and girls what is it oh i can't see it we need more moonlight oh moonlight mr moon moon mr silver moon shine bright this halloween [Music] look it's a skeleton yeah is it a real skeleton oh no look it's another halloween decoration it's a great skeleton look it's a skeleton a skeleton a scary skeleton here for halloween oh look at the skeleton yay i'm not scared of that skeleton no no no wait hello steve don't swing me dance the skeletons he's dancing it's a real skeleton [Music] oh no oh look at the mud on my face boys and girls oh dear oh and what's that oh look it's a pumpkin a halloween pumpkin oh i like the scary faces on halloween pumpkins do you show me your scary poking face and sing with me it's a pumpkin a pumpkin a scary pumpkin here for halloween [Music] oh look the pumpkin is talking it's alive [Music] oh look at me boys and girls what am i doing i'm hiding from a pumpkin i can't stay here oh no no no i've got to go home and play that trick on maggie yeah oh i hope we don't see any more halloween decorations in this park oh no i think there's something there oh what is it can you see it boys and girls i can't we need more moonlight don't we so come on sing with me mr moon moon mr silver moon shine bright this halloween oh i was right there is something there it's a monster but is it alive mr monster mr monster oh no good it's just a halloween decoration so come on sing with me look it's a monster a monster a scary monster here for halloween okay mr monster be nice stay there i just want to go home play a trick on maggie i'm going to catch [Music] [Music] oh i'm finally back home and can play trick or treat with maggie so she doesn't guess it's me i've got a scary mask in this bag and do you want to see it really okay oh scary or what hey right let's go and play trick or treat [Laughter] trick or treat i know maggie hasn't got any treats so i'm going to get a trick out of my bag oh maggie hates spiders hi steve hi sorry i haven't got any treats no treats no oh dear then it's a trick for you oh oh maggie it's me i got you that was a great halloween trick wasn't it yeah but not as good as my halloween tricks what do you mean maggie remember these guys abracadabra oh look boys and girls look at these halloween decorations so that was you maggie playing a trick on me you naughty naughty bird [Music] maggie be quiet you naughty naughty bird oh by the way good morning steve needs a haircut oh zombie oh zombie what is maggie talking about that naughty naughty bird look at my hair oh wow i really do look like a zombie steve looks like a zombie oh maggie i really need a haircut look yeah i can do it really yeah come to the garden where do you okay i'll be there soon oh great just a quick bit of maggie magic abracadabra and i'll be good to go oh hi maggie what's all this i just need a quick haircut oh just sit down and don't move okay with a little maggie magic my haircut is done but listen what's that noise maggie still steve don't matter what's [Applause] [Applause] my hair oh what are you doing you naughty naughty sister my hair just stop helping me stop it maggie this isn't magical magic i can't give you a squad [Applause] this haircut is crazy what do you think boys and girls is this haircut a little bit crazy or very crazy oh maggie no steve it's bad because you won't sit still i thought you would use maggie magic now i look like a clown oh yeah good idea abracadabra now i am a clown maggie you've given me very curly red oh look boys and girls i've got curly red hair i've got curly red hair i've got curly red hair like a clown maggie i don't oh look do i look like a girl yes so hey i've got wavy blonde hair i've got wavy blonde hair i've got wavy blonde hair yeah but maggie i don't want long wavy blonde hair no this hair is too long it makes me look like a girl okay you asked for it abracadabra oh wow i'm bored look boys and girls i haven't got any hair at all i'm bald i'm bald i'm bald maggie i want more hair than no hair oh maggie more hair please more hair here we go abracadabra wow that's a lot of hair a lot of curly black hair maggie look boys and girls i've got curly black hair i've got curly black hair i've got curly black hair lots of curly black hair oh but maggie it's the wrong color change the color maggie change the color okay this is nice but my hair isn't this color here we go i'll change the color abracadabra look boys and girls i've got straight purple hair i've got straight purple hair i've got straight purple hair oh but i still need a haircut oh come on maggie give me a nice normal haircut okay abracadabra not like this oh maggie i can't see look at that don't be silly stop giving me crazy haircuts just give me back my hair okay abracadabra oh yeah that should be better but we're just back at the start again oh that's my phone oh no i'm going to be late oh great now steve is not moving i can finish his haircut yeah i better reply oh good sit still steve yeah don't move oh that was a big little hee good boy steve don't move yeah finished wow great you finally used maggie magic to give me a nice haircut no your haircut is good because you didn't move you sat still oh thanks maggie it looks good yeah what do you think boys and girls i hope you like my new haircut and maggie is right isn't she when you go to get your haircut don't worry just sit still don't move too much or it could all go wrong oh maggie you've been naughty enough for one day no more silliness i've got to go no more silliness oh no no no watch this boys and girls abracadabra did you say something maggie oh this will be lovely oh oh hey hello boys and girls let's play trick or treat no maggie it's halloween tonight and it's scary out there so i'm staying here to enjoy a relaxing bath hey boys and girls let's play a halloween trick on steve hey where am i and what am i oh look i'm a pirate oh great oh and i'm on a pirate ship come on boys and girls let's sail the seven seas yeah i'm out at sea for halloween what sea monsters can be seen look to the left look to the right what monsters are out tonight oh this is great boys and girls on a pirate ship out at sea let's look for some sea monsters what can we see oh there's nothing here there's nothing there there's nothing anywhere wait what you saw something really oh i can't see anything oh can you help me boys and girls shout out when you see something um oh there it is i see it it's a shark yeah look it's a shark it's a shark it's a shark wow it's a big shark oh and it's getting closer and closer and closer oh where did it go can you see the shark boys and girls look where is that shirt oh that was a big scary shark wasn't it boys and girls oh and i don't like sharks oh but come on let's be brave pirates and continue to sail across the seven seas i'm out at sea for halloween what sea monsters can be seen look to the left look to the right what monsters are out tonight shiver me timbers you're not scared of any sea monsters are you no so let's see what's out there now oh and remember to shout out if you see something a killer whale this will be fun did you see something oh look at that what sea monster does something like that oh now i can see a tail it's a big tail it must be a big sea monster what is it oh it's a whale a killer whale look at that killer whale boys and girls look at the killer whale look at the killer whale splashing about in the sea oh it's a big killer whale isn't it boys and girls oh it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger oh i hope it doesn't get too close to our pirate ship oh it's gone wow [Applause] [Music] oh no look at me boys and girls oh i think we should get out of here in case that killer whale does it again hoist the mainsail hey i'm out at sea for halloween what sea monsters can be seen look to the left look to the right what monsters are out tonight and some bubblegum come on let's take another look out to see oh and remember to shout out if you see something oh there's a crab oh a really big crab oh it's huge it's massive it's a mutant crab look look look look oh it's not a huge crab no it's a teeny tiny crab oh come on mr crab let's get you back into the sea [Laughter] a giant squid yeah this will be scary nothing there nothing there nothing anywhere oh hey it's getting a bit rough can you help me boys and girls by shouting out when you can see something you can see something where over there over there behind me really oh look there's a giant squid there's a giant squid there's a giant squid oh that was very strange but let's not stay here longer than we have to no let's continue on our pirate ship adventure heave-ho and off we go i'm out at sea for halloween what sea monsters can be seen look to the left look to the right what monsters are out tonight oh mateys how are your sea legs oh look land ahoy hey that's not land what is it no that's impossible it can't be it couldn't be it shouldn't be look it's a rubber duck a rubber duck a rubber duck out here at sea that's just crazy wait a minute that's maggie magic isn't it maggie did you enjoy my halloween treat yes yes it was a lot of fun you naughty naughty bird [Applause] what a crazy halloween trick maggie naughty naughty bird oh what a lovely big tree oh hi boys and girls this is the perfect place to stop and relax ah this is lovely what could possibly go wrong wow what a lovely big tree oh the perfect place to sit and relax oh what's that oh it's disgusting hey maggie was this you you naughty naughty bird it's disgusting oh sorry steve i didn't see you there when i need to go i just go well maggie we'll make sure this never happens again you are going to be potty trained whoa okay look this is a potty yeah say with me but quickly it's a potty it's a potty it's a potty that's right whoa but what do i do with it well you um you know what to do with a potty don't you no oh don't make me say it um you you put your body on the potty and you do a um [Music] yes maggie now i know what to do put your body [Music] do a poop what a rude song but it is kind of true so maggie we can sing that song but only when you need to sit on the potty and um go okay but i don't need to go now okay maggie well you tell me when you've got that funny feeling in your tummy and i'll run to find the potty yeah mmm oh that smells delicious i love cooking steve i've got that feeling in my tummy oh okay maggie i'll get the potty there [Music] oh sorry maggie here you are maggie oh no oh don't worry don't worry it's just a little accident no problem the important thing is you told me when you had that funny feeling in your tummy that's great yeah and next time we'll get your body on the potty in time won't we maggie yay yay steve steve i've got that funny feeling in my tummy again now oh no but i can't stop here i have to find a good place to park maggie's got her body on the potty hey so come and sing the song with us boys and girls put your body on the party do it put your body on the party put your body on the potty put your body on the potty put your body on the party well done yay maggie you're a star so you get a stevie star oh maggie what a lovely day to be out in our canoe on this lake yeah steve i've got that funny feeling in my tummy again oh no not here [Music] [Applause] maggie's got her body on the potty well done so come on let's sing the song put your body on the party do it put your body on the party fantastic you did it again and you managed to hold it well done you get another stevie star yeah there we go okay perfect oh steve i've got that funny feeling again okay maggie try to hold [Music] wow oh look at you yeah i put my body on that potty that's brilliant well done hey boys and girls let's sing the song for maggie yay come on maggie that's brilliant you don't need me anymore because now you are potty trained yeah so here's your third stevie star brilliant maggie t for you and for you oh hello boys and girls you're just in time for what oh for my teddy bear tea party yeah everyone's here look baby bear sister bear brother bear mummy bear and big daddy bear oh daddy bear would you like some more tea hi boys and girls let's have some fun watch this where did the teddy bear family go oh it must be maggie you naughty naughty bird now it's a game of hide and seek hey will you help me find them yeah great come on then yeah okay where is baby bear can you see baby bear anywhere oh why don't you help me call out for baby bear come on say with me baby bear oh and again but louder baby bear try even louder baby bear steve why are you so noisy sorry maggie i'm looking for baby bear yeah i don't know where baby bear is okay i can help abracadabra [Music] oh there's baby bear and he's dancing yeah baby baby bear [Music] it's a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party oh yeah hey baby bear welcome to my tea party but where is your sister hey boys and girls will you help me find baby bear's sister yeah come on then yeah so where is sister bear where is she oh i can't see her can you hey let's call out for her come on sister bear oh and again but louder sister bear [Applause] oh even louder sister bear where is she i know i know abracadabra oh there's sister bear and she's dancing yay sister [Music] it's a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party oh yeah okay welcome to my tea party sister bear baby bear's here but where is brother bear let's find brother bear come on okay where is brother can you see him yeah yeah no oh come on let's call out for him say with me are you ready brother bear brother bear brother bear oh i know abracadabra oh look there's brother bear and he's dancing yay brother brother brother brother brother brother brother it's a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party oh yeah okay so now brother bear sister bear and baby bear are at my tea party now we need mummy bear and daddy bear let's look for mummy bear come on can you see mummy bear i can't so let's call for her come on mummy bear mummy bear mummy bear stay with me but faster mummy bear mummy mummy bear and again mummy bear mummy bear bummy bear oh where is mummy bear i think maggie knows don't you yeah she's there abracadabra [Music] oh there's mummy bear she's dancing come on yay mommy mommy mommy it's a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party oh yeah mummy bear welcome to my tea party hey okay boys and girls there's only one bear missing isn't there which bear is that that's right mummy bear we need daddy bear come on let's go and find daddy bear where is daddy but daddy bear he's behind the wardrobe he's sleeping come on let's wake him up daddy bear daddy bear daddy bear one more time daddy daddy bear is a big bear isn't he so come on boys and girls dance with us yeah daddy daddy bear daddy [Music] it's a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party a teddy bear tea party oh yeah now steve has got all the teddy bears back for his tea party haha that was fun yeah fantastic everybody's here look daddy bear brother bear baby bear sister bear and mummy bear they're here for my teddy bear tea party [Music] it's a teddy bear [Music] with the teddy bear family [Laughter] [Applause] hello boys and girls that was a scary movie do you like scary things yeah next tonight for halloween scary movie four oh yeah it's halloween tonight oh it's halloween tonight i totally forgot i haven't got a costume or any treats go and now there's somebody at the door oh who's at the door a trick or treater a ghost a witch a skeleton a monster let's have a look oh wow look at that costume there's a superhero at the door yeah there's a superhero out the door it must be halloween there's a superhero at the door it must be halloween there's a superhero at the door it must be halloween there's a superhero at the door it must be halloween he's here to play trick or treat but i haven't got any treats he's here to play trick or treat oh no trick or treat i'm sorry i forgot it's halloween i haven't got any treats then i have to play a trick on you get ready but what is he going to do here it comes oh he's gone what was the trick what was it what whoa look at me don't look at me he put my underpants over my trousers like a superhero oh i can't stay like this i have to go and change oh no who's at the door now who is it hey boys and girls who's at the door what can you see oh look there's a mummy at the door yeah there's a mummy at the door it must be halloween there's a mummy at the door it must be halloween there's a mummy at the door it must be halloween there's a mummy at the door it must be halloween he's here to play trick or treat but i haven't got any treats he's here to play trick or treat oh no trick or treat i'm sorry mr mummy i haven't got any treats i forgot about halloween then here is my halloween trick oh no no hey look what's going on i can't move i can't see what halloween trick is this oh look i'm covered in toilet paper like a mummy that's a crazy halloween trick but i think i'll go and put on a proper costume oh no who's that at the door now i hope there's not another horrible monster oh what's there oh a princess she won't play a horrible halloween trick on me no look there's a princess at the door it must be halloween there's a princess at the door it must be halloween there's a princess at the door it must be halloween there's a princess at the door it must be halloween she's here to play trick or treat but i haven't got any treats she's here to play trick or treat oh no trick or treat sorry princess i tried to tell the others i haven't got any treats oh then here oh what a naughty trick for a princess oh look at me boys and girls i'm covered in confetti now i really have to go and tidy myself up oh who's that at the door now who's at the door boys and girls what can you see oh it's a mermaid there's a mermaid at the door there's a mermaid at the door it must be halloween there's a mermaid at the door it must be halloween there's a mermaid at the door it must be halloween there's a mermaid at the door must be halloween she's here to play trick or treat but i haven't got any treats she's here to play trick or treat oh no trick or treating i'm sorry mrs mermaid i haven't got any treats what trick will a mermaid play on me this halloween is crazy oh that's it no more trick or treaters look at me oh i am not going to answer the door what you think i should answer the door really okay but this is the last time who's at the door [Music] who's at the door boys and girls who's there oh look it's a zombie a zombie chef oh there's a zombie chef at the door it must be halloween there's a zombie chef at the door it must be halloween there's a zombie chef at the door it must be halloween there's a zombie chef at the door it must be halloween he's here to play trick or treat but i haven't got any treats he's here to play trick or treat oh no trick or treat i told all of you i haven't got any treats i forgot about halloween this year okay what's your trick here it is i don't believe it a pie in the face hey oh hey maggie was this you yeah nice costume steve costume costume oh maggie you naughty naughty bird wow this will teach you to never forget halloween ever again well it's going to be impossible to forget this halloween maggie this way to my halloween party oh ha hi boys and girls i've got a puzzle for steve oh this should be fun oh here he comes oh it can't be here is it really here oh hello boys and girls maggie invited me to a halloween party and i think it's here yes it is here in this spooky looking house oh but i'm a pirate haha and pirates are brave come on come with me let's go here we are oh look at these halloween pumpkins oh great i'm looking forward to a spooky halloween party where are they hello oh hello is there anybody there don't scream and shout and don't scream and shout oh look this halloween don't scream and shout to get to the party find the odd one out what does that mean odd one out oh hey don't scream and shout find the odd one out oh one of these pumpkins is different but which one help me boys and girls find the odd one out yeah one little two little halloween pumpkins three little four little halloween pumpkins five little six little halloween pumpkins but which is the odd one out well they're all the same aren't they aren't they they are i mean look these three pumpkins are the same and these three pumpkins are the same aren't they what oh yeah you're right look at the eyes on that pumpkin they're square oh that pumpkin is the odd one out oh wow a golden key oh we're in we're going to a halloween party hello hello hello [Music] oh this isn't the halloween party is it no which way do i go left right or straight on i don't know oh skeletons oh wait a minute don't scream and shout find the odd one out come on boys and girls help me find which skeleton is different yay one little two little halloween skeletons three little four little halloween skeletons five little six little halloween skeletons but which is the odd one out hmm i need a closer look help me boys and girls find the odd one out okay oh that skeleton is the same as this skeleton and that skeleton is the same as this skeleton but that skeleton is different oh i think we found the odd one out look boys and girls look look look this skeleton hasn't got two hands no he's got one hand and a hook so that skeleton is the odd one out yeah oh oh okay the halloween party's that way come on let's go yay oh the halloween party must be behind that door there let's and go oh sorry yeah don't scream and shout find the odd one out odd what odd witch oh witches oh i don't like witches help me find the odd one out quickly boys and girls one little two little halloween witches three little four little halloween witches five little six little halloween witches but which is the odd one out oh this one is easy isn't it it's the witch with the pink hat that witch is the odd one out yay oh great so halloween party here we yeah oh here we come yay have no fear steve is here oh i don't believe it we're still not at the halloween party oh but that was maggie wasn't it maggie oh that's not maggie it's a bat don't scream and shout find the odd one out look at all those vampires oh let's take a closer look help me find the odd one out one little two little halloween vampires three little four little halloween vampires five little six little halloween vampires but which is the odd one out this is not an easy one is it boys and girls i think we need to look even closer oh well that is a scary vampire and that is a scary vampire and that's a scary vampire oh but that's not a scary vampire is it no do you know why look look look look what's missing what's missing yeah his pointy teeth are missing so that vampire is the odd one out hey what the halloween party is down there seriously oh it looks dark and scary down there should i go boys and girls yeah okay then we've come this far hello hello oh is this the halloween party boys and girls i can hear music but i can't see anything oh but i can hear something else listen oh no zombies [Music] don't scream and shout find the odd one out okay help me get out of here boys and girls let's find the odd one out quickly one little two little halloween zombies three little four little halloween zombies five little six little halloween zombies but which is the odd one out oh i don't know i don't know i need maggie maggie [Music] welcome to my halloween party what oh great you're already dancing with zombies the zombies are dancing yeah heavy boys and girls pretend to be a zombie like me and let's dance like zombies dance like a zombie at a halloween party dance like a zombie at a halloween party dance like a zombie at a halloween party happy halloween hey let's be vampires yeah dance like a vampire to halloween party dance like a vampire at a halloween party dance like a vampire at a halloween party happy halloween hey let's dance like witches dance like a witch at a halloween party dance like a witch at a halloween party that's like a witch at a halloween party happy halloween let's dance like skeletons dance like a skeleton at a halloween party dance like a skeleton at a halloween [Music] let's have a teddy bear picnic yeah find your teddy bear and join us okay ted you sit there and i'll get the picnic ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] the picnic is ready have you got your teddy bear this is my teddy bear and his name is ted say hello to the boys and girls ted oh hello hello how are you steve i'm fine thank you are you hungry oh yes i am oh good because in my picnic basket i've got some grapes oh lovely hey boys and girls what are they say with me they are grapes what are they they are grapes what are they they are grapes would you like some grapes little ted yes please okay sit nicely and i'll give you some yay you sit there ted okay and i'll give you a grape there you go one for you and uh one for me they're delicious oh i like grapes do you let me put the grapes down here next to you ted and we'll have a look at what else i've got in my picnic basket oh yeah bananas oh come on boys and girls say with me what are they they are bananas again they are bananas and again they are bananas oh i like this one for me and one for ted look at ted he's bigger wow oh because he ate all the grapes oh yes i like grapes i can see that ted oh and they've made you bigger and stronger maybe you should eat more grapes to be bigger and stronger oh but ted do you like bananas yes i do yes i do okay then sit nicely and i'll give you a banana yay okay ted this banana is for you and this banana is for me oh i like bananas they're delicious [Music] [Applause] delicious oh great look what else i've got in my picnic basket oh look apples yeah oh so what are they say with me they are apples they are apples they are apples an apple for me and an apple for ted whoa look how big ted is now hello steve hello big ted oh he's bigger and stronger because he ate his banana oh yes i like bananas great maybe you should eat more bananas too to be bigger and stronger like ted oh ted would you like an apple yes please oh then sit nicely and i'll give you an apple here you are ted an apple for you and an apple for me enjoy your apple yay let's go crazy watch this look i've finished my apple it was delicious and apples make you big and strong hey did ted eat his apple look at ted he's enormous he's really really big oh that's dead wow what a big teddy bear he's so big it's crazy wait a minute when things get crazy it's usually because of maggie magic oh where is that naughty naughty bird maggie where are you here steve hey do you like your teddy bear yes maggie i do but it's too big i need a smaller teddy bear okay abracadabra thank you maggie but smaller please okay abracadabra no smaller still okay abracadabra that's better look boys and girls i've got little ted back again that was a crazy adventure it wasn't it hello boys and girls the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all day long hey look at all these cute animals on the bus come on let's go and see some of them what are they what are they what are they they are dogs oh they're so cute say with me they are dogs they are dogs they are dogs and what do dogs say that's right they say [Music] [Music] come on let's go and see some more oh animals at these bears are they scary no they're not scary come on say with me they are bears they are bears they are bears and they roar come on sing with me oh yeah [Applause] the bears on the bus go roar [Music] oh thank you to the bears come on let's see some more oh wow look cute little pussycats oh i like cats hey pretend to be a cat like me and say they are cats what are they they are cats what are they they are cats and they say so come on sing with me yeah the cats on the bus go meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow the cats on the bus go meow meow meow all day long meow well done come on let's go and meet some more animals oh wow look at these cuties oh what are they yeah they are rabbits come on say with me they are rabbits and again they are rabbits one more time they are rabbits yeah and they go all day long come on sing with me yay the rabbits on the bus go [Music] the rabbits on the bus go [Music] all day long oh what lovely rabbits let's go and meet some more lovely animals what can you see yeah pigs oink oink so say with me come on they oink ah my pigs they oink our oink pigs i'm going i can't again they oink our oink pigs and they say point point so come on sing with me yeah the pigs on the bus go oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink the pigs on the bus go like oink oink all day long thank you little piggies yay okay come on everybody all together are you ready yay the animals on the bus go [Music] [Applause] what a noisy oh buzz don't you watch another steve and maggie story and remember to subscribe [Music] you
Views: 26,591,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve and maggie, magic english, happy halloween, english stories for children, stories for children, english for kids, english for children, maggie and steve, learn english kids, wow english, halloween trick or treat, cartoon story, halloween for kids, learn english, english stories for kids, short stories for kids, story for kids, kids stories, halloween costumes, halloween decorations, speak english, learn english speaking, halloween broomstick, Stories for kids
Id: X6uqqJQ4Tno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 40sec (5020 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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