Super Rescue Team Episodes | Best Compilation for Kids | Baby Cartoon | Kiki & Miumiu | BabyBus

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baby bust click here to subscribe [Music] i love stealing carla [Music] stop [Music] stop right there what's wrong with me i feel terrible [Music] [Music] a kind of fish is the chief of the ocean he is good at chasing bad guys all criminals are afraid of him but he felt hard to breathe while chasing a thief just now he needs your help we're on it super risky team let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign so [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's wrong with me we're super rescue team oh here they come [Music] chief shark what happened i was chasing a bad guy who stole corals but then i felt like i can't even breathe chief can you stop for a while so we can get you checked but i i can't stop why let me check [Music] [Music] chief shark has to keep swimming so the water can pass through his gills and he can get the oxygen to breathe if he stops swimming his life might be in danger in danger don't worry chief i will give you a checkup [Music] here's the result chief shark's gills got hurt so he feels hard to breathe i see i'll do the treatment right now [Music] [Music] meow meow i found the wound chief shark skills got scratched by a piece of coral and is still stuck inside it must go in with the water when he was breathing so this is the cause i'll heal the wound right now [Music] super rough good [Music] oh no i need to hurry my way [Music] how was it kiki mission complete thank you guys i can breathe freely again i'm full of energy and i'm so ready to get that thief right now i should have caught him don't worry chief we'll help you out wonderful watch this found him he's over there nobody can catch me [Music] oh no stop there [Music] oh bye-bye oh no nah i'm gonna hide first did you find anything chief chief shark has a keen sense of smell he will definitely get the thief if he's still around here ah ha you have nowhere to run [Music] oh no stop there gotcha [Music] watch out [Music] what should we do [Music] i need to call headquarters kaka we're in trouble we need rudolph to be here asap copy that rudolph kiki needs your help please get ready and move out right now got it rudolph is up to any challenge from the sea [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] i'm here rudolph we need you to cut the cabin and save chief shark and the wolf sure [Music] oh huh i'm free nobody can catch me now [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh we're fine [Music] thanks for your help guys super rescue team you're doing great you are doing great as well to catch all criminals for everyone i'll never do that again [Music] keeping you healthy [Music] it's finally done [Music] [Music] come look at my brand new invention super robot arm so it's just a small robot arm emergency oh wait i'm not done yet let me tell you more it can stretch out [Music] what's the emergency [Music] snail a type of mollusk snails have a strong muscular foot they use mucus to crawl over rough surfaces but mr snail fell down from the top of a flower and got hurt he needs your help we're on it let's go [Music] now [Music] so oh my foot oh it's the super rescue team look mr snail is over there drink start landing [Music] mr snail what happened well i was just [Music] come on you couldn't do it you couldn't do it ah i'm almost there this is great what what what's happening [Music] i fell on this flower i can't even climb right now i wanted to get on the tallest sunflower and look at the sunrise well let's get him checked mew-mew yes i'm on it start analyzing [Music] here's the result the flower stems fluid stuff that pours on mr snail's foot and caused the problem he has a foot a snail's foot is a muscle on the bottom of his body his foot puts out mucus which keeps his body from drying up and reduces the risk of injury as he moves along without the mucus mr snail will crawl heartily and get hurt easily then can you fix it for me don't worry i'll help you [Music] [Applause] scanning found the injured area super recovery machine [Music] all right it's done the mucus oh no i need to get out of here [Music] oh phew that was close wow i think i'm much better now thank you thanks a lot you're welcome oh what how am i gonna get back up there mr small we can get you up there thank you guys but i'd rather challenge myself and get to the goal with my own foot since i'm a real traveler ah the sun is rising already what should i do oh hank's robot arm headquarters kaka there's a new problem please send hank to help us copy that hank kiki needs your help time to move out okay the great hank can solve any problem [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] kiki i'm here what can i do for you hank please get mr snail onto the flower over there sure watch this super robot arm [Music] come on hank [Music] go on mr snail hurry all right [Music] oh yeah i'm back here again [Music] come on i can do this [Music] oh no the sun is coming out i have to hurry [Music] i'm almost there go mr snail go oh oh no he is in danger super speed super [Music] [Music] steel kiki i'm fine mr snail go on thank you kiki [Music] ah [Music] wow sunrise is so beautiful yeah it's so pretty wow super rescue team thank you so much today i hope we'll meet again [Music] wow i wish it became santa's gift me too i can't wait oh ah we're running out of time to deliver the gifts where is rudolph oh no santa rudolph is in trouble he's not feeling well and i think he needs help what quick call the super rescue team [Music] [Music] reindeer with branches like antlers on their heads are good at long distance running rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is the head reindeer of santa's sleigh but he's having hallucinations and can see clearly in a sudden he needs your help we're on it super rescue team let's go [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] ah i'm feeling sick [Music] why am i seeing two bridges i feel so dizzy ah what should i do santa's still waiting for me [Music] is that the rescue bus rudolph what happened oh i was about to meet santa and deliver the gifts tonight but for some reason i felt dizzy suddenly don't worry we'll get you checked right now okay [Music] um [Music] oh rudolph has food poisoning food poisoning oh rudolph what did you eat just now i ate some of the mushrooms over there huh hmm [Music] it's flying if you eat this type of mushroom you will hallucinate your vision becomes blurry and you feel dizzy and sick ah what should i do don't worry rudolph i'll treat you right now pete start shrinking [Music] what's happening kiki you must be quick he's not in a good condition he might throw you up got it [Music] check this out super recovery [Music] good oh no wait i have to get out of here [Music] [Music] just a little dizzy how is rudolph doing i feel much better now thank you guys oh i have to go and meet santa now oh what's the matter the bridge still looks a little scary we'll cross the bridge with you great thank you [Music] there's nothing to be scared of watch out help help help [Applause] we need hank to help us copy that hank kiki needs your help please move out right now the great hang can solve any problem [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] quickly go dude [Music] oh [Music] yes thanks to hank good job of course i can solve any problem oh quick run there's a snow slide [Music] quick hide some more stain there's a rock there come one go behind the rocks [Music] oh where's rudolph look he was right behind me [Music] super speed [Music] [Music] great everyone is safe let's go and meet santa right now okay let's go but it's white everywhere now i can't see the road what can we do my eyes can see ultraviolet rays i can see the way even in the snow great i'll put on the bell for you let's go right now okay [Music] thank you you're welcome [Laughter] [Music] i hope rudolph is okay santa santa i'm back oh sorry to keep you waiting [Music] rudolph thank goodness you're okay i heard you got into trouble on the way yes but the rescue team helped me hello super rescue team thank you you're welcome [Music] [Music] keeping you safe [Music] oh [Music] huh why are the fish jumping around it's so noisy i can't stand it anymore would you be quiet be quiet that's weird what happened to them huh [Applause] kiki something's wrong let's go okay [Music] everyone's acting weird today what's happening i found that people have been doing strange things furthermore the groundwater levels and the earth's magnetic field are changing uh does it mean that an earthquake is coming it's hard to predict an earthquake i will keep my eyes on anything that's related to this situation another thing is that a carrier pigeon has disappeared this morning and it might be related to the magnetic field so you need to find him as soon as possible we're on it super rescue team let's go [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh no i'm lost which way should i go oh [Music] [Music] we've been searching everywhere but we still haven't seen him yet hmm maybe we're flying too high let's get a little closer to the ground i see him over there huh [Music] it's super rescue team [Music] thank goodness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] carry your pigeon here you are huh are you hurt yes and it hurts a lot please help don't worry meumu will take a look for you all right [Music] start analyzing [Applause] [Music] scanning [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's the result his wing has been scratched by a branch [Music] ah but i have to deliver the package don't worry i'll help you [Music] start shrinking i found it start scanning and get ready [Music] whoa the wind is so strong i can't aim properly i know what to do light wave [Music] huh yay i can move my wing [Music] wow i can fly again [Music] wow [Music] thank you so much the earth's magnetic field is interfering with your sense of direction we can take you to the next spot [Music] thank you for leading the way but do you know exactly what has happened to me let's figure it out connect to satellite is an advanced satellite monitoring the earth's magnetic field all day from very far in space it increases the ways we detect earthquakes normal magnetic fields should look like this but it looks differently today that's why you lose direction now i see [Music] sunshine farm right we're here to baby frog in the well next to the cornfield oh over there [Applause] oh please help us oh no the frogs are in danger let's help them [Music] [Music] look someone's coming to us daddy is a super rescue team hi i'm captain kiki from super rescue team rescue team it's rescue team hi i'm baby frog hi baby frog huh what's happening the water is so hot [Music] what do you know how this happened this has been our home for a long time it was perfect but today the water became hot and started to rise oh no it's rising again help us don't worry the rescue team will get you out of here [Music] kaka we have another problem we need pilot momo's help copy that pilot momo kiki needs your help please move out now gotcha here comes the flying momo [Music] [Music] here i am momo send the rescue basket down here [Music] momo pull it up after that my home we didn't bring any food and what about my toys toys we'll have again food and a house we can get them again you're right and you'll have even more friends just like the super rescue team oh no the water's rising too fast what should we do can we get out of here i have an idea momo fly a little higher the water is coming fast okay [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh super that speed close [Music] are we moving yes the well is not safe now the water rises out of a dry well it might be the sign of an earthquake but there might be other reasons such as weather change or something else when there's a sign of an earthquake can we predict when it will happen oh not exactly we can predict the weather by analyzing cloud images from the satellite but earthquakes come from deep within the earth technology nowadays hasn't found a way to predict an earthquake yet what should we do then don't worry super rescue team will always be ready to keep you safe oh and we should learn all about earthquake safety to avoid getting hurt such as putting heavy furniture and appliances on the bottom and lighter ones above and always remember to keep hallways and entrances clear all right well well this is our new home oh i almost forgot your package [Music] look i got a globe i hope i can solve any problem just like super rescue team super rescue team keeping you safe [Music] whoa what's this looks like the palm it's called a cactus you can keep it if you want really sure but you have to take good care of it cacti likes sunlight don't water too much emergency i gotta go take care of it [Music] [Music] what's the emergency camel mammal delivery man of the desert the hump on his back is a super energy box that allows him to go without food or water for over 10 days but now his hump's getting smaller and smaller until all the energy is gone he needs your help leave it to us super rescue team let's go [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh i feel terrible super rescue team please come and help me [Music] the rescue bus great [Music] mr camel are you okay something is wrong with my stomach i can't eat my hump is drinking too don't worry let me check on you start analyzing [Music] the results are in you've got too much gas in your stomach that's why you can't eat and your hump is shrinking i got it let me start the treatment [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] there's too much gas in the stomach that's why it was so gassy super recovery machine [Music] [Music] ah an enormous bubble all done ah i feel much better kiki mr camel do you feel better i feel so much better after that burp i can eat again [Music] look my hump's getting bigger again [Music] now i can get back to delivering the parcels huh where are the parcels oh no they must have been blown into the sand oh don't worry i'm sure we can find them together we have another problem please send hank to come and help us copy that hank kiki asks for backup please move out now copy that the great hang can solve any problem [Music] [Music] hank mr campbell's parcels are buried in the sand i'll locate them and you dig them up okay [Music] found it right there i'm on it [Music] go hank there's only one more left oh a piece of cake whoa great now it's done oh no sandstorm [Music] everybody stick to the side of the bus ah the parcel watch out head down no with this strong wind the parcel will be blown away leave it to me mickey [Music] super speed [Music] [Music] hmm it stopped kiki where's kiki he was swept away by the sandstorm oh it's all my fault oh thank goodness you're okay [Laughter] [Music] wow it's a toy thank you mr camel see you again next time everything went so well thanks to you thank you guys [Applause] goodbye everyone [Music] keeping you safe hi i'm kiki the leader of kiki and mumia rescue team whoever's in trouble will be there to help be careful [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow i didn't know you could cook i have so many talents that you guys don't know about let's see now okay try the most delicious food in the world stir fried carrots carrot buns carrot soup deep fried carrots steamed [Music] emergency we've got to go [Music] don't go you haven't eaten the food stay and finish it ugh [Music] [Music] elephant mammal he has a long trunk he's a firefighter but he has some trouble while putting out a fire [Music] he needs your help let's go [Music] [Music] hmm wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you okay why is the rescue team not coming yet ah the fire's getting bigger [Music] the rescue bus [Music] you made it help me i start coughing when i suck up the water oh don't worry we'll help you right now let me take a closer look thank you now my trunk will be fine [Applause] [Music] so [Music] results are in his trunk is blocked blocked oh then i'll go inside his trunk and find out what's wrong [Music] so dark in here wow where's the blockage [Music] even further [Music] it's so deep but i have to go further he's got some gum stuck in his trunk huh the wind is so strong the gum is blocking his airway so the elephant can't breathe well aha i'll handle it [Music] mr elephant what's wrong oh my trunk is so itchy [Applause] kiki how is it going problem solved wow that feels better oh thank you so much help is anyone there please help me [Music] i'm gonna scan [Music] it's grandpa turtle we have to help him right now [Music] ouch ouch it hurts terribly be careful he might get hurt more we can handle this okay i need support from the headquarters kaka we have another problem we need pilot momo's help copy that momo we have a support request from kiki please move out now copy that here comes the flying momo [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh wow move the sideboard grandpa turtle's trapped underneath no problem on it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] fear to the left okay [Music] feel for speed [Music] how's grandpa turtle [Music] i feel dizzy i just went to buy a bottle of soy sauce then this happened well you're fine now uh kiki and myomeo rescue team thank you for saving me thank you all firefighters oh thank you it's all thanks to your help don't forget of course thank you [Music] [Laughter] keeping you safe [Music] [Music] is the soup ready hmm wow it smells good i can smell it from far away i haven't even started [Music] i don't know why there's no gas dear residents the gas has been cut off in our city we are trying to fix it the emergency system has been activated let's go huh i'm waiting for your soup [Applause] whoa what is it mole mammal keen sense of smell gas plumber [Music] he fainted while inspecting a gas leak he needs your help super rescue team let's go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh horrible sunlight where's the rescue team it's the rescue bus [Music] please take me somewhere with no sunlight [Music] mr mole are you afraid of sunlight yes i feel really sick now let me check on you [Music] start analyzing [Music] the results are in his nose was injured from the sunshine he lost his sense of smell got it let me start the treatment drink [Music] oh i found the wounds super recovery machine [Music] [Applause] what's up uh i think i'm all better thank you no problem oh no i smell gas ah i'll go help mr mole [Music] the gas is coming up [Music] oh the pipe is aging [Music] such a strong smell of gas this must be the source of the leak the water leak is more severe here hmm the gas pipe is all rusty that's why it was leaking we must fix it right away [Music] oh oh no the water pipe burst oh [Music] [Music] [Music] what is it the pipe burst and we're trapped what what should we do i need backup from headquarters taco we have another problem please send hank to come and help us copy that hank kiki asks for backup please move out now copy that the great hank can solve any problem [Music] [Music] [Applause] kiki i'm in place hank pump the water out okay leave it to me [Music] huh hank the water level's rising what's going on it seems that the pipe is blocked i'll go check [Music] oh [Music] the water pump is working again [Music] oh no [Music] super spade [Music] that was close mr mole you have to wear your safety helmet [Music] done let's go now [Music] are you okay i'm fine the pipeline is fixed super rescue team you've done a great job thank you very much [Music] where's mr mole i'm here mr mole the gas supply is back to normal thank you it's my pleasure mr mayor would you get me a new helmet please after all safety's first [Music] keeping you safe [Music]
Channel: BabyBus - Nursery Rhymes
Views: 371,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: for kids, panda, giant panda, baby bus, nursery rhymes, kids song, toddler songs, babybus, kiki and miu miu, baby bus song, baby panda, baby cartoon, babybus cartoon, animation for kids, children songs, babies songs, babies videos, kids cartoon, babybus english, kids animation, baby animation, kiki and miumiu rescue team, super rescue team, best compilation, 2021 cartoon, kiki and miumiu, babybus animation
Id: xwES7qhxSzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 39sec (4539 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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