PLANTING 11,000 Acres of Corn in 7 Days

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I have attractive power fans this video is going to follow the corn planning process on a Western Kentucky farm using five 420 engine horsepower John Deere nine 420 are articulated four-wheel drive tractors in sixty foot wide 24 row 30 in spaced John Deere 1775 NT corn planters during the video I'll climb up in the cab of one of the tractors and visit with the farmer and talk to him about the technology that they utilize in planning the corn my friend Matt who works at this farm will also share some of his perspective as an operator of one of the tractors and planners and will follow the entire planting season including taking a look at the tillage and fertilizing that happens before the corn seeds start going in the ground corn planting in Western Kentucky typically begins around mid-march and runs through the first week of April this video will take you through the entire planning season it's interesting to think as we see the tractors just starting to plant corn in this clip around the home farm that all the corn planted across their 11,000 acres will be harvested starting in mid-august and we'll all end up in the four million bushel bin system that you see off in the distance I'm looking forward to taking you through the corn planting season on this Western Kentucky farm and let's head out to the field now so you can see in here these big tractors and planners in action as I pull into the first field of the year with my pickup truck it's a good opportunity to see four of the five corn planters in the same spot they're just filling up and getting ready to go it's very rare to see all five machines planting in the same field together depending on the size of the field that needs to be planted the planters will work as an individual unit in groups of two or three everybody finally getting a chance to plant some corn today the weather has been cooperating last week so we we've got finished spraying all our corn ground and the guys are still putting out anhydrous they're almost done so they should be out here to help us plant tomorrow right now there's just two of us around it out of five and we got all five planners set filled up with corn and fertilizer and all that and they're all they're all running so I got in I got mine and so far I planted 75 acres so far so good no problems yet Christ keep my fingers crossed but uh so far everything's running good it's a brand new planner 2020 you might notice this field is a little green still it has been sprayed this section right here was actually tobacco last year and to to keep the erosion down during the winter because there's not much you know ground cover a residue left from the tobacco we we just spread some wheat out here with a spreader truck and then it was ripped so this is kind of just you know whatever came up came up just to help the erosion but um it has been sprayed and it's slowly dying you can see it's kind of turning yellow in some spots but anyway we're set up for no tell we're planting right through it no problem so so far planners running good pretty excited about it [Music] stay tuned more on the way before the corn planting can begin the farm has to perform tillage on the fields to prepare the seed bed here we can see five 50-foot McFarland heroes that are used to smooth and firm up the seed bed ahead of the planners the arrows are pulled by 245 engine horsepower John Deere 8 to 45 our tractors and 210 engine horsepower John Deere 7 to 10 our tractors here we can see the entire fleet of Haros on the move they have just finished working across the 2800 acre field the corn planters are coming in to start putting the seeds in the ground and the tractors are off to start on another field down the road [Music] before the farm begins planning corn in mid-march there are tillage and fertilizer application passes made across the fields the first pass is made in November after the soybean harvest with a farm utilizes John Deere 9:15 V rippers to subsoil the ground 18 inches this helps break up compaction while leaving the surface of the field relatively undisturbed during the first week of March each year the farm applies anhydrous ammonia as a nitrogen fertilizer source to the field they use big 600 plus horsepower tractors with sixty foot blue jet tool bars to apply the in hydrous ammonia into the soil which will help the corn grow throughout the season the anhydrous needs to be applied 10 days before corn planting begins [Music] here we can see one of the 50-foot McFarland heroes in action pulled by a 210 engine horsepower John Deere seven to ten our tractor this Harrow is equipped with sets of spikes that run across just the surface of the field filling in the ridges and furrows left by the subsoil in the fall in the in hydrous application in the spring in addition to the John Deere seven to ten R and eight to forty five our tractors working on the harrowing process I was able to help out as well with my two tractors I had my 1981 v8 powered 350 horsepower international forty seven eighty six tractor running one of the McFerrin heralds for a few acres I was also able to help Harrow a field with my 1982 v8 powered 370 horsepower John Deere 8850 after the fields have been harrowed it's time for the corn planters to start putting seeds in the ground this tractor is pulling a roads on their 1775 Mt which is Romero on transport maximart spawn model in 61 furballs 24 row 30 answers where the tractor is running just over five and a half miles per hour putting the corn seed out the tractors running a down there green star GPS system we're going around the drain tiles so the farmer is running a manual here but now we're right back on track with the GPS auto steer Billy you've got a lot of technology built into this tractor you tell us a little bit about the iPad screen up here on the window it's climbing we're laughing all our Maxo different colors for population but there's also seed varieties the nice thing about this device we have all time planners in the field then puts all that information together they're not gonna look out the window here we we've got the other blender right next to us running and track does that tractor that where he's also mapped cell phone that Street it's that's him right there okay it's a little slower on the climate it may take I asked her to a few minutes longer self-service connects them the beauty about it is that it's it puts that information together for you combines anchors takes out all your overlaps and all that that the deer will do the same thing but it's a little more complex back into office sure this is simpler we're also mapping with the deers okay Simon the singers arf arf you know farm and variety and population we did that on there that's the reason for this one for the combinate really is for for multi-units in the same field it really helps on math at least we think so this is their food this is going to be the first complete year we dim over there last year and it was nice this'll be the first complaint here that we have oh definitely neat to see what this technology can do and the model the bigger well put that in the combines and it's prayers and all the information to be found with a lot less air proposed hey everybody we're getting back to the field today we had a thunderstorm roll through the other night we've been out for a day but back out here today it's uh grounds a little wet but not too bad we're gonna gonna get rolling so planners are working good breaking them in working out all the kinks got a couple little things here and there no nothing major no major breakdowns or anything that uh well the first day I broke this fitting off the top of my fertilizer pump right here I don't know what happened I think the hoses pulled tight or something it broke it off but got that fixed put back together kind of made a mess that got fertilizer all over everything back here but the rain kind of washed some of that off but uh yep gonna get back at it Matt mentioned that a stone had damaged one of the road units on the planner that he's operating and the farm does have a crew that goes around through the fields picking up the larger stones to ensure that the planners can keep rolling without interruption and also to protect the combines when they're harvesting [Applause] we're playing about 6 miles an hour this price but certain variety we're doing 32 and a half on the population hello wet spot here in the field we're gonna go around that's a marine last weekend put us out for a few days but it's dried up a little bit and other than the few spots like this we got to go around them majority of the fields are in pretty good shape so we're gonna keep on running we're about half down at this point with a 11,000 acres so I'd say right around 5,500 done yeah a planner is doing really well I'm very happy with it you know our Kinsey planners were really good too but they were getting some age on them and starting to things are starting to wear out and all that but it's this John Deere is doing a really good job I haven't had any major malfunctions or breakdown so so far so good I had one little mishap one night I hit a rock and I bend some stuff on a row unit but this not the planters fault that's my fault but anyway anyway everything's running good got five of these bad boys rolling so we'll knock it out pretty quick if the weather stays stays cooperative supposed to get some rain tomorrow but we'll see I don't know what supposed to rain but hopefully not too much we keep running we're also putting out starter fertilizer it's with these tanks on the front or for that we're running about six gallons to the acre and we got six hundred gallons on the front so it's hunter de coeur Phillips and depending on population on seed we can do anywhere from 220 to 250 on acres so so up you know once maybe twice a day hopeful to do three to four hundred acres on a good day if we got good running which this field here is really nice to see if I lose let me see it or not there's another planner over here in this field with me and then across the road there's three more running this this farm were on is a total of I think about eleven hundred acres and you know knock it out in a day easy the five planners keep you posted on the progress the sun's about to go down you can't see much out the back that's a nice view it keeps a good support team to keep the 524 row corn planters moving across the field full of seed and fertilizer the farm utilizes a semi truck to bring seed totes directly out to the field [Music] here we can see Billy the farmer I was visiting with earlier up in the cab of the tractor loading up his corn planter this 1775 NT can hold 100 bushels of corn seed here we can see Matt pulling up to refill his tractor saddle tanks with starter fertilizer the tractors as Matt mentioned will cover 100 acres before a refill is needed to keep the tractors constantly moving and putting seed in the ground the fertilizer is towed directly out to the machines wherever a refill is needed [Music] [Music] we're running a precision he set leaders in these dear planners and you know the regular deer meters and I mean they seem to be doing really well singular pretty odd point here so uh change pages simulations at 99% I'd say that's pretty good this specific seed is like a pretty large brown seed most of the time we prefer a smaller seat from vacuum eaters but this one here is putting out very well can't can't complain about 99% it you almost don't see any imperfection of that graph there so couple here and there when the weather cooperates and the running conditions are good the farm can plant all eleven thousand acres of corn with the 524 row planters in just one week's time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I hope you've enjoyed spending some time on this Western Kentucky Farm seeing the corn planting process it's always exciting to get out in the field and see this big equipment at work planting the new crop what type of tractor and corn planter to use on your farm to put out your corn crop I'd like to hear about it in the comments section below this video if you would like to see more videos like this one consider subscribing a big tractor power YouTube well there's over 1,000 videos of farm machines in action as always thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: bigtractorpower
Views: 266,984
Rating: 4.9207315 out of 5
Keywords: bigtractorpower, best tractor video, John Deere, corn planting, disking 11000 acres, why harvest wheat this way, garnett farms
Id: eyqww33R8IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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