Planting Conditions Could Not Get Any Better In Central Illinois (Ep. 74)

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good morning everyone and welcome back to the channel it's gearing up to be another productive day here in central illinois i doubt that we'll get as much done as we did yesterday that was a very good day for both planters combined i'm going to be in a few choppier fields today and i have no idea where the corn planter is going to be it's actually very rare that we're in the same region for very long if you enjoy what you see make sure you like the video and subscribe to the channel we're gonna go get started so we can get finished last night when we quit we left about 15 or 16 units of these extend flex soybeans in the sea tender we're going to an enlist bean so we're going to take the sea tender over to the seed shed dump these out in a pro box and then load the unless beans in then chris just took off the soybean planter they're going to be dumping the very little amount of seed they have in the seed tanks and that way when i have a sea tender full and loaded i can go straight to the new farm load it up and hit the ground running first we need to locate an empty pro box nope there's one all we got to do is pop these four tabs off and this lid will come off and i can just load them in there i just got to make sure that i label on here that i put asgrow extended flex soybeans in them is it empty oh yes there's a door closed also yes i think i may have made this more difficult than it had to be let's see if i can pull the seat tinder into the bug make sure it's nice and clean now so there's only 560 pounds so that's closer to maybe 11 to 12 units also i said yesterday when we were planting these that there were 37 xf ones they're 38 xf ones we do have a couple bags of the three sevens though i'm gonna back this out we're gonna grab the don mario beans which are right there in that black pro box and we're gonna load them up bex and don mario are our only two soybeans we get out of pro boxes they are so much easier to work with than these silly bulk bags that asgrow uses [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the boss shows up i get kicked out of forklift pretty quickly i had a fantastic question in the comments of one of my previous videos they asked how do we determine which seed we're going to buy and plant i kind of had to brainstorm for a little bit and develop a little flow chart first step is obviously going to decide which crop you're going to plant that's going to be region and climate specific for us corn and soybeans are a no-brainer you also have to consider what kind of equipment you have we have the capability to plant maintain and harvest a large amount of acres of row crops and corn and soybeans excel in our area once you make that decision you need to decide which subset of that market you're going for using corn as an example there's all different markets you have non-gmo corn you have commercial corn which is genetically modified you have other types like white corn and there's a few other things you can do once that decision is made then you can start to consider different seed companies and hybrids for corn for us it always comes down to three things performance price and service performance is the biggest factor by far genetics are key to high yields genetically modified traits are more like supplements they don't provide the yields that we need out in the field they help us manage our crops but it is that genetic lineup that allows the crop to excel so much these hybrids have been in production for a handful of years before they hit the commercial fields seed companies and third parties put together plots out on farms over years to accrue realistic data of how those hybrids perform that gives you a good idea of performance then you consider price there's a couple other things you might consider like what soil type you're putting the hybrid on and what it likes to be on some hybrids don't like wet feet so you want them on a dry farm there's many different examples of that but it is something to keep in mind you also have to consider the day length and maturity of hybrids and varieties for corn if you grow too long of a day corn it will not mature in time and will still be way too wet come harvest time if you plant too short of a hybrid you're wasting potential days for it to keep growing and produce a higher yield here on our farm we grow 107 to 115 day corn planted in april soybeans we do a group three to a group four soybean now obviously that's going to vary depending on where you are at in the world then obviously you have price some companies are much more expensive than others you may pay a premium to get great genetics and then last but not least is certainly service most seed companies anymore have pretty comparable service you're probably not going to be disappointed with about any choice you make all right time to head this gravy train on to the west we'll be pretty close to where we finished up in the last episode just probably about a half mile away from that farm i'll load these unless beans up and slay some acres [Music] so and we're off putting some enlist beans in the ground quick little depth check to start the field another form of white dirt it's in the moisture by an inch to an inch and a quarter deep i'm pretty satisfied with that that one's shallow that one kind of shallow about an inch and a half deep there the ones that are a little bit shallower in the tractor tracks i'm going to drop those in the ground another knot just so they're in moisture double check just for reference a little deep here on the end what i'm going to do is back the downforce off maybe 40 pounds they'll probably pull them up a little bit this ground is just so mellow out here these units are just cruising through it like butter i honestly can't believe more people are not planting not my problem got the first field done crossing the bridge and we're gonna hit the second out of three so pick your own entrance type of field yeah figure this out it's another absolutely gorgeous day to be putting some seeds in the ground weather is about 72 degrees right now the highs right around 80. these seeds will be out of the ground in a couple days at this pace right through the bottom of the terrace may be a little sticky actually pretty solid gosh this definitely oh she's struggling this is gonna be the questionable one i skipped a pass so i can hit it going downhill the sprayer left some ruts okay grab a couple gears not too bad i don't know if i would have made that uphill two years ago in 2019 which was an extremely wet planting season for us i absolutely buried this planter across the road i don't think i'm going to get stuck today but i did have some flashbacks when i was planting through the spot where i got stuck the nice thing about hitting all these inlets is it's a good excuse to clean off all the trash around them that way they'll drain when it rains that was wetter than i thought it was going to be hopefully that mud doesn't cause any issues just finished field two out of three i need to empty the rest of the seed out of the seed tender in the planter and that'll be enough to finish up these enlist beans over here on this farm i somehow managed to get that perfect on the first try backing up i was worried i was going to run into the sea turner hello do you too scales we got about 2500 pounds on the seat tinder so we're going to split 1200 aside i've got seed in the tanks talc on it so it flows good and we got a special visitor over there lenny's coming to ride for day two i hope he's not expecting to get paid i can barely afford my own paycheck i finally put someone else to work cleaning up my messes [Applause] [Music] good job lily's already asleep on the job it must be a father-son thing just to give you guys an update about how my day's going so far this farm i've been working on all morning probably has 15 plus inlets on different terraces around the farm and you've seen my track record i've hit a lot of them so i've been getting a lot of steps in walking out to stand those back up so we're progressing and we're about down with this field well we've run into a little bit of an obstacle i'm pretty much wrapped up on this side of the farm but i have a few acres on the back side here that i need to do is going across the bridge and the dirt's kind of washed out i don't know if i should try and cross that or not i've determined that there's really no way i can get across it the tractor wouldn't really have any problems the planter i'd be afraid that it would actually flip and that would be a horrible place to flip a planter over into a ditch like that not that there was any good place to flip a planter i was saving a little bit here on the east side of the road to clean my planter out once i was done on that side i guess i'll go ahead and plant it to kill some time chris is on his way with the loader who knows how long it'll take him to get here he's kind of slow our savior is here here's a start i don't think one bucket will do it okay we're gonna take it across nice and slow worst case scenario we have to call a record to pull a plane around the ditch i think we made it whether or not we make it back's a different story but we got beans to plant before then i'm going through an awful lot of mud holes for claiming this to be perfect conditions this would probably be what the next time we planted two oh boy oh she's going sideways nice a farm like this is where the flexibility of the enlist herbicide program really shines we have a neighbor right next door that's probably planning this acceptable type of bean to dicamba whether it be enlist liberty or non-gmo since that is the case this year we have to leave a 240 foot boundary where we do not spray dicamba next to them well 240 foot adds up pretty quickly and you can grow a lot of water in that small space when you consider those two highly competitive herbicide programs your trunk card is your dicamba and your 24d the oxen-based growth regulator herbicides those will smoke water him your liberties of the world i mean if you do it right they can control weeds but they're not near as successful as 240 and dicamba are unfortunately when you use the extend or the extend flex program you are very limited with what you can do with that dicamba as i said it's a fantastic herbicide but it has a lot of problems which has resulted in a lot of limitations and regulations to how it's applied the 240 enlist system is much more flexible and that's a big reason why we've selected the farms we have to use that type of bean and unfortunately the next farm i'm going to is extent beans so when i finish up this last pass i'm gonna have to get these row units clean again there they go cleans out pretty quick at 300 000. i'm putting a lot of them along the tree line i know the rabbits like to eat soybeans i'm just a generous farmer the sad duality of farming around here is that your prettiest farms are usually your worst producing i really enjoy the landscape here but this is not our best producing crown don't worry though we're headed back to god's country for as much time as i spent on these three fields i really haven't gotten that much done so far today it's funny because the other day my dad was giving me a hard time since they were in soybeans this year he didn't have to mess with them they were my problem well we have a few farms on both sides of the rotation that are no fun to plant he's got a 60-foot corn flander and i'm working with a 40-foot soybean planter this is a lot less stressful for me than it is for him i didn't meet a single car that entire trip not bad and that wheat looks really good oh i had to say something now there's a car coming got home field advantage so time to quench our thirst we use a lot of fuel and didn't cover that many acres another unfortunate part of ground like that you can see the seed level the tank right now is right there i need to get all those beats out i only have one bag i've brainstormed an idea this may work very well or it may give me a lot of trouble with the boss or some combination of the two i don't know okay here's my idea i'm going to take one of these empty pro boxes from don mario that we got these soybeans in try and slide it under the seed tank with the forklift and open those slides up and dump the seeds straight in i may need a piece of cardboard or something to guide it a little bit away because i don't think i get the pro box directly under it we're gonna give it a shot it's penciling out in my head i don't think i'm gonna make a mess i guess we just gotta try it wow sometimes i even surprise myself there's still a few left in here but i can clean that up easily with one bag i know it appears like i spilled a lot of soybeans on the ground and i did spill a few if i would have dumped this by hand with bags probably eight nine ten bags i would have spilled almost the entire bag worth of soybean just out of my messiness i was like why won't let me go any farther the road unit is this far away and i realize there's one right there hope you're okay buddy [Music] that's a lot more beans left over than i thought we were supposed to have there's probably 15 bags in there if i were to use individual bags i'd still be dumping unless you had a pretty discerning eye you'd really not be able to tell that i dumped the planter here no beans on the ground i didn't drive in the yard at all spotless story of my life waiting on chris to show up with some soybeans we've got some pioneer 39 a45x straight extend beans coming in we planted a few units of these in the other video we think it's going to be a very strong bean and we're about to go put them out on our home farm so we got a couple hundred acres here right south of the main farmstead about to put these in i was prepared for the weight though i got some snacks [Music] [Music] [Music] time for a little depth check this farm is not even close to similar the one we just came from this is a much richer darker soil we need to handle the seeds differently we also hit it with the field cultivator so you see there's a lot of moisture out of the top into the soil but because we feel cultivated it the seeds are also going to go on the ground deeper the ground's just softer about an inch and a half in the soil i think i'll leave the settings the same but i'll back the downforce off another 20 to 40 pounds that'll put the pressure off the road and this tilt ground that makes a big difference all right so we'll go right here we got 200 i don't want to go under 180 so let's bump it down 20. that's what the increments are and i'll adjust when we start planning this darker soil we have here around home and up there north of route 16 in god's country acts as a solar panel and warms up much quicker than those lighter soils that we just came from we have experience with both types just based on our position here on the glacial moraine but you do have to treat them differently it's pretty refreshing being on field cultivated ground everything we hit with the vertical till last fall is extremely rough i feel like i'm just riding on a cloud right now very little bouncing at all well the camera makes it look worse than it is this is a smooth ride oh that was short-lived back on vertical-tilled rough ground i'll miss you field cultivator ah nothing quite as nice as having your auto steer lined up exactly with the corn planter on this farm right next to us perfect we're just opening up the biggest chunk of this field got a long way to go i'm not sure if we'll finish it all tonight but we'll take a good chunk out of it [Music] look at me you've got me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the way you put me [Music] whispers know this isn't right [Music] is [Music] mystery mystery this is why they warn you not to work late suffer injuries my poor drone lost a blade fortunately i have a backup in this scenario i'm both the victim and the perpetrator who put that planner there the beauty of modern guidance and sensing technology makes operating this planner almost effortless i never have to worry about how much seeds being put down because i constantly have my output up here on the screen i genuinely think with this c chart right here in my guidance line i could turn the lights off on this tractor and turn perfectly every time well not every time not going to try because hubris definitely leads to demise these green lights are my section control i'm actually going across the point rows right here where i've already planted and you'll see them turn off as i reach what i've already planted beautiful now we're coming back across they should be turning on as we crossed him you can see the guidance line in the right corner showing what we've covered there they're booting up i'm going to quit for the night when i run out of seed it just keeps coming and coming though i don't know if i found some kind of infinitely regenerative seed source there in the back tanks maybe i'm just spending too much time staring at the clock oh finally what i'm looking for i'm folding up and pulling out of this field oh one of the field culverters is back in i haven't seen him since yesterday okay everyone it's been a really long day and i'm ready to go home didn't get near as much accomplished as i would have liked i had to do a lot of moving and planting around objects who knows what the boss was doing in the exact emerge corn planter he covered probably a lot more acres than i did i can say that safely we've had two great days of planning so far the forecast does show a few chances within the next week where it might rain we'll have to factor that into our decisions as we move forward i'm hoping that it stays dry and we get the rest of this crop planted and then we can think about feeding it if that's the case we're going to keep hammering on i appreciate you all who made it to the end of this video thank you for tuning in like the video if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and comment down below if you have any questions you know i love to talk about farming have a great night everyone peace you
Channel: aTrippyFarmer
Views: 6,351
Rating: 4.9626865 out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm life, farm vlog, farmer, combine, agriculture, corn, tractor, illinois, deere, seed, drones, a trippy farmer, atrippyfarmer, vlog, farming simulator, millenial, farmingvideos, john deere, tractor video, farm, farming videos, tractor stuck, thisll do farm, cole the cornstar, millennial farmer, welker farms, barn, farming videos for kids, heavy equipment, equipment, tractors, gmc, harvest, tillage, farms, how farms work, spring, farming simulator 19, soybean, soybeans, usa farming, fs19
Id: dPdL3QVcrnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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