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so that's travis you guys know travis already ashton's brother so this just showed up 9620r triples it was clean it's gonna need a wash it's got a lot of salt on it right now all right so we just fired it up he has to detach the detachable neck so uh it's gonna detach right there and it's gonna lower the trailer down to the ground and he'll just back it off what he'll do there it is i just missed it lowered it to the ground most equipment trailers have a detachable neck if you're unfamiliar with them that's i'm just showing you this and then that big pin right there hold on i'll zoom in on it right there he lifted that pin out so he's unhooked in theory he should be unhooked i think he's going to drive forward just like that everything looks good here it's got some big pins right down there if you can see it right there there we go just like that you're just gonna get that up and out of the way then we're just gonna back the tractor off probably right can we put it right there for right now yeah it's gonna be okay are awfully squatty when they're sitting on those inside ones all right man it is still winter up here that's for sure i'm freezing we're a long ways away from seating up here so try not to tear up the grass too much oh sorry about that perfect so now he's just gonna hook back up here i'm just gonna step up on the trailer here sorry if the camera's moving around because i'm literally freezing here my teeth are chattering there's a bit of a breeze out here and it's freaking cold see those big loops gotta go in those pins always gonna miss it [Music] nope there we go perfecto oh he's got to back up a little bit more picking up a little bit more there so those kings can lock in and then there's hydraulics actually on the other side of this trailer so you can see there we go we're just lifting it up just like that he just has to slide all these in to push all these in and while he does that we'll go take a peek at the tractor i just backed the tractor up a little bit here so yeah we've got the triples on um we have extra wheel weights in this thing not on the front just on the back right here right here um on the outside it's got suitcase weights up front i do believe this tractor is weighing in at around 61 000 pounds something like that this is not a new tractor if you're wondering it's 2015. it's around uh i think around around that 31 or 3200 hours i'm gonna see if i can't get that off i don't know why they but they must have had the triple dock my guess definitely is in dire need of a wash i like that it has the steel fuel tank versus the poly fuel tank i think the four wheel drives come with steel fuel tank i think the quarter tracks come with a poly fuel tank got your suitcase weights up um it does have all led lights yeah six thousand receiver all right let's climb outside so it's the same cab as what's on our uh four tracks with the fridge same cab i'm guessing that must be a filter or something i'm not sure what this is have to take a look um yeah so that looks way different uh we have a poly tank on our four tracks otherwise it's identical so yeah so i know you guys got some questions um mike what the heck is with this green theme you got going on here buddy um first it's the 690s now it's a four wheel drive what the heck is going on i thought you did with the case squad track last week i thought you said the case both better why you got so much green what's going on all the green guys are like we finally saw the light all the aco and case guys are like i'm on subbing i'm unsubscribing this guy is he's gone off the deep end you know what i mean and you know what you guys whether it be case john your aco they all have the pros and cons as you know i own them all so uh i own all three of the colors um i was actually this close to having a case triple 620 like this close i was tracking it down as you know action first in case i i i like them all uh but someone else realized it was a really good deal too and it went really they went right away so that's fine that's fun and then so a few months later i found another good deal and uh so green it is so i don't really care whether it's green whether it's red whether it's anko as long as the poles does the job and at the end of the day how much money am i going to have to spend to get it that's that's the important part yes not only i got to give this thing a wash but i have to adjust my mirrors by the look of things so anyway we're going to just uh wait for that truck to come back out so we don't need them i don't want that i don't want to be awkward here and once he comes out we're just going to drive in and park it well mike i've got a lot of other questions and i kind of figured you would i'll try and answer about as many as i can um so this tractor gonna stay up here yep uh it's released for right now i guess if i really needed it back home i would load it up on a trailer i don't really have a trailer just be a really long drive um yeah it's gonna it's gonna stay up here that's the plan comes thank you good sir let's put this thing in gear maybe not eighth gear see if we can run over travis in my truck if i'm gonna fit down this driveway i guess if i just think skinny that's all i need to do just think skinny just think skinny mike you're skinny so we got to get a borgo wiring harness in here we don't have that that it we have to get that in here because uh it's going to be pulling a borgo drill so i'm going to be coming back at some point up here to install this wiring harness all right guys well i sure appreciate you uh hanging out with me i know this was a quite uh short video in mike's terms just gonna drive this thing and we're gonna park it and we're gonna go find some supper somewhere it's kind of our plan oh yeah i should note that this tractor does have the hydraulic front suspension under there so that's gonna be interesting thing to find out or try out i mean to say we're gonna park beside some red combines make one of them feel uncomfortable all right guys so uh travis he just hopped in here and um he what what were you just saying you thought that we should park it over somewhere mike's wondering where we should park yeah i'm trying to figure out where we're gonna park this thing i'm telling him there's a slew over there he's not a he's not a green guy at all like like not at all this is a red farm and a red farm only so i'm kind of going against the grain here a little bit and uh don't judge me don't judge i said that we're going to park beside those case combines to make one of them feel awkward i don't know which one it's going to be but it could be the deer could be the case combines okay all right so next day um we're just uh i went to the local co-op grab some fuel i'm gonna fill this thing up so that way when i leave it's uh full fuel and uh so on so forth while it does that we can probably just climb down i wanna show you something on the on the pin don't ask me why i went the long way [Applause] classic john deere pins we're terrible like you don't see that out of a case pin you just don't well mike obviously the tractor is working real hard no we wear out pins all the time with our john deeres um never have ever worn out a case pin maybe it's just us though i don't know mike why did you opt for triples because i you know why didn't you go for the big 800s or why don't you go for 900s why like i said before uh the deal was there it had triples a bottom i don't have anything against triples obviously the ride on 800s or 900s are going to be far superior than the ride on triples but uh i don't care i don't mind what mike why didn't you go for another four track why triples why didn't you get another four track um i'm not a big fan of the tracks um i'm starting to lose a lot of interest in tracks to be quite honest with you and uh that's just my that's just my two cents back in the day they're all cool yeah i have tracks you gotta have tracks well now i'm starting to think they're becoming a little bit overrated but that is my opinion they're light on their feet to be quite honest with you but uh tracks don't dig down now tracks are really good when it comes to floatation uh even better and triples like tracks are really good when it comes to flotation but uh and tracks are rough there's no doubt about it doesn't matter it doesn't matter which way you shake that stick tracks are rough just in case you weren't aware uh the 9620rs or the 9620 rxs or um once you get into the 620 horsepower range they are the cummins engines so this is the cummins engine a lot of guys especially deer guys i know uh at least the guys that i've talked to they prefer the deer engines i know the deer engines are good but i also haven't had any issues with the cummins um and saying that that 560 rt with the deer engine going going straight anyways it it it really pulls too um there's no doubt about that now you want to turn for a second with that rt then yeah you're you're going to have some problems you're going to have problems you just got to have the uh the hydraulic hitch and it solves all your problems we do we do it won't solve all the problems where all this fuel is going but uh it's obviously a pretty good size tank but anyway i wanted to note that i'm a big fan of the steel tank uh our four tracks have uh poly tanks and when you're going and poor tracks are rough when you're going across drill ridge especially 12 inch drill ridges but literally the poly tank i'll show you when we start seeing but just like the structural integrity of that prolonged for um uh what's what i'm looking for uh it just won't last very long can't think of the world look forward anyways that ain't gonna last very long but good old steel gonna last done fueling let's fire this thing up see how it starts not uh not cold enough for gold plugs oh yeah awesome all right guys i'm going to continue working on this john deere tractor here i got to work on some ram mounts and kind of get stuff ready uh for seating obviously it's going to be a while before we do any seating but you know what guys happy april fools
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 86,583
Rating: 4.9661255 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Mitchell, Mike, Faith Hope Farms, John Deere, 9620r, John Deere 9620r, Saskatchewan, Spring 2021, John Deere triples, Farming
Id: aASfCmHjLu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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