New Johndeere 8r 280 lists up beds for 2021 peanuts

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back to load fertilizer so it's not like crazy windy today or anything uh it's just a little bit breezy so i think it's going to work to spread out some fertilizer i'm just going to switch to a different field right here and you go here field number that one wait for that all to load uh this is not gonna be enough i tried filling it up pretty pretty high but i might have to fill up just a little bit more i do not think that's gonna be enough to finish the entire circle but it's gonna be enough to at least do half of it and looks like we're at the right track yep we're doing 180. all right i'm going to quickly spread out a little bit of fertilizer come back here and fill up and then i might go start listing up some beds well it was still working fine but the wind picked up a little bit and i'd rather be safe than sorry and i want it to spread evenly so i'm just gonna have to wait maybe till today evening spread it about 30 acres so if we do decide to turn on the pivot today which most likely we will the pivot can still go for a little bit and then today evening maybe around six seven sometime like that whenever the wind dies down then we'll finish spreading this half so as for now i'm gonna go hop into our brand new tractor but first while i'm here might as well fill it up [Music] well i didn't quite get a full load so this is definitely not going to be enough to finish this field right here uh i think we might need just half a trailer full and then we should be able to finish it but there's a little bit of chance of rain in the next couple of days i don't know when we'll get around to finishing this field so i'm just going to put this tarp back on here we have it on here we we bought this tarp and put it on a on this hopper box so situations like this is actually really nice because then i can cover this cover this tarp up drop down i can cover this with a tarp and then keep it from getting rained on or anything so anyways on to the next job look at that beautiful tractor oh yeah it's finally time for me to use our brand new 280 tractor love it let's go make some rose yeah i'm running a little bit low on that on that def so i'm gonna have to definitely fill that up first villain all right i'm full on diesel and death now let's go lift up some beds i will say one thing that i've noticed quite a bit already with this handle and everything if you're trying to do some very petite work if you're trying to like go around a post or go around a well or anything like that it's a little bit difficult it takes some getting used to going a little bit slowly with this handle it's definitely takes some getting used to but if you're in the tractor 24 7 and you're driving it a lot throughout the year and everything you'd have no problem getting used to it but i've driven this thing so little that i'm not really used to it yet but i think i'll get used to it yeah with this long of a toolbar you definitely want these chains on there this is a 16 row toolbar and what these chains will do if i can't get it straight i can pull it this way these chains are going to hook up to the front of this tractor right here and these are going to keep the toolbar straighter with the tractor for the toolbar is not checking side to side as it's pulling along so this is going to help for a lot straighter and neater rows i just gotta set them to the right length supposed to be 16 of them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifty all right i can do this one-handed not really there you go it's already somewhat tighter and then once it once it lets down it's going to be really tight that's going to keep everything very straight and just going to go into the field right here just like that we're making beautiful rows in exactly this type of scenario a little bit difficult to maneuver around here trying to go slowly but yet trying to get as close forward right now i have all this open room because i haven't made any beds there yet but if i would have made beds there then moving around here would have been a little more difficult but it works it just takes some getting used to and that's nice you have these buttons here you can use that to let down each swing or that's what we have them set to so that's actually pretty handy i don't mind that and then just use the i tick again there you go absolutely beautiful 48 feet wide and if you're wondering that last row right there is doing double just so that we have 16 rows 16 rows and that way it comes out perfectly to the planter the planter just drives exactly where this tractor dries and then it comes out perfectly everywhere we want to drive and everything [Music] so this right here is going to be a beautiful seed bed where we're going to plant our peanuts onto or into really excited for that these are really nice looking rose this is a new lister bar that we have we used to have a 12 rower so it didn't really come out perfectly with the planters and everything so we got this one they made this bar for us and then we put all the units on there and everything so we now have a 16 row list bar and i love this thing way better than that 12 rower it works a whole lot better you can cover a whole lot more acres it works amazing but with being 16 rows this 280 is struggling a little bit sometimes a little we're maxing out of power so it's barely big enough for what we're doing i am absolutely loving these foot pegs they are so comfortable plus not to mention this uh this massaging seat that we got here i do do very much enjoy that so it's very very comfortable but so far everything's still working great rows are still looking really nice i haven't got any issues yet and we are done for now anyway gonna finish the other half of that circle tomorrow but now i'm gonna hop back into the spreader i'm gonna finish this fuel that i was starting earlier uh the wind died down now so now it's pretty calm so now i'm going to quickly finish spreading that and then i got to move the spreader like 20 miles away and a couple of other things so he's still got a busy day ahead of me and if you're wondering what kind of busters we have on it that's what they look like but done with that job so i'm gonna quickly finish spreading we're spreading well just got here with the spreader to the next field and uh it actually started sprinkling a little it's actually kind of nice it's refreshing anyways they just barely finished bailing about 120 acres so they don't need this rake anymore if that's what i have behind me i'm just going to take this tractor the rake to the next field because i do not have my truck here to go home if i need to so bringing this to the next field that way it's ready there whenever we want to start bailing and then someone will have to pick me up from there and drop me off at my truck and then tomorrow i'm gonna see if i don't know who's gonna do it maybe i'll have to do it we gotta spread about 140-ish acres here so that's gonna need to be done tomorrow and then maybe some more listerine tomorrow so it's the next morning and the first thing that i gotta do uh which yesterday i called my cousin and he was able to start spreading that so so he's gonna finish spreading that for me i'm here now i gotta switch two pivots i got to turn on this one and turn on a different one so what i gotta do here is just open this valve let her go come on [Music] don't want to open it too quickly or else there's too much pressure going into the line [Applause] there's quite a bit of pressure here open that one all the way and then close this valve all the way and can't forget to turn off this pivot which i finished listing up beds on this half yesterday so today i'm actually going to start on this half right here i'm gonna finish this half with listing up with beds and then i gotta move to a new field and do well i'm gonna try to get about uh close to like 300 acres done we'll see how far i get done but we'll see well like it's like 400 and 480 acres give or take but we'll see how far i get done today now that this pivot is watering i'm just going to drive along here real quick and just to make sure all the tips are open there's one closed right there i'm hoping there's not going to be too many clothes cause i don't really want to put on my rain suit just yet so let's hope this is the only one and it was just that one tip that was closed so now i'm going to just put this pivot and so anyways i want it okay what i want to do at least one inch and then reverse there you go look at that it's actually kind of cool it even comes with a little pen if you want to use it like that but it's just touch screen kind of cool but yeah this pivot is now running it's gonna start watering this field once this half is done being watered and it's to that end then we're gonna spread fertilizer on that end and then let the pivot just keep on going back to that so now it's gonna be time to go lift up some more beds so the field that i said that i was gonna do which is right back there uh the pivot just got off of there so it's a little bit too wet so i'm going to move to a new field i'm just going to quickly hold up i'm going to put these chains hook them up here fold up and then i'll move a couple miles that way and then there's uh there's three halves circles that i can finish so 360 acre plots that i can finish before i'll have to move back here and then i'll come back here and then i'll finish this hopefully it'll rain as you can see it's kind of cloudy hoping it'll rain and then it'll work a little bit better then we can because we're making rows then we can hopefully go a little bit further outside of the field because it's very dry right now you try to do anything with this it's not doing anything so if it rains we can go further out of the field basically sand fighting it and it's not going to blow as much dust and that's going to help in the future like crazy but as for now i'm just going to move to a new field all right just got here to the next field got myself all set up put my cables back on i'm unfolded i shifted myself over right where i want to be with the pivot and everything so i'm just backing up to the edge of the circle where i want to be and that's i think we're just about there and i want to turn my eye tech on so now uh well my attack wasn't working let's just back up just a little more what what you doing okay well now we're [Applause] centered beautiful and now doing my first pass on the new field so it's looking pretty good on the on the previous field i had to adjust my depth a little bit but on this one it looks like it stayed the same so i don't know how much i'll be able to cover on this field because we have a new well right here in the middle of the darker spot right there and one of the hoses hooked onto that well and the hose popped off so it sprayed a ton of water there and that it's actually a low spot right there so there's a lot a lot of water there i don't know how wet it's going to be down there if i'll be able to actually go down there maybe i'll just have to skip that for now and then just come back another day and finish that there but i'll get as far as i can until it gets too wet and i'll move over to the field right across yeah i'm just gonna skip that little bit area right there i made two passes pretty close to this well right here and we're where the tire tracks were from the tractor these middle two rows right here guess what the track or the the tracks of the tractor i guess compacted the areas there just a little bit and it didn't quite make as beautiful beds is what i wanted so we'll just have to wait with that until that dries up a bit but for now i can still finish the rest of this half and then also move on to that next field right there and that's gonna be it for today do appreciate y'all for watching uh one quick note if i might add uh since i've been running with this handle all day uh if you want to know my opinion on it it's a really great handle i love it i have this a button right here i have this one set to itech so this one that's down and this one back up and then i tag also you know controls my differential my four-wheel drive and then it also sets the speed and if i had to say one bad thing about it which everything has its pros and cons uh this doesn't speed up and slow down like what i'm used to with the regular ivt so it slows down and speeds up a little more difficult you kind of have to get used to it especially if you want to quickly stop you're you're pulling it back to stop and then you have to re-put in the middle and then push the button wait for it to completely stop push the button and then go back forward so it kind of takes some getting used to it feels like it's a little bit slower but that's just something that you got to get used to but other than that i love all these buttons all these functions and everything that part's amazing it's just if anyone's wondering like if you're considering getting one of these with the handle and everything it does slow down and speed up a little bit differently than regular ivt so that's just my opinion uh you do with that information what you want but that's gonna be it for this video i do appreciate i do appreciate y'all for watching i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Conley Banman
Views: 49,446
Rating: 4.9385247 out of 5
Id: 1_Nd8YOXa8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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