Corn Planting 2021! We Lost Some Parts

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okay morning everybody well you just saw what we're putting in the back of the truck we're going to try to plant some corn april 5th it's a little on the early side been out in the field the last several days checking different things out and the ground's in very good condition they're calling 70 degree temperatures for the next week some rain coming but looks like it's going to be pretty nice warm temperatures to get things started we're going to plant uh we're going to start planting corn at my house start there and then don't know where we'll go after that but we're going up here to john's we're going to get the corn planter we're going to put a bag in each box to get things started in case we have to take things apart and work on it before we fill it clear up corn planting 20 21's getting started well we're heading back to our place that's where we're gonna start out i figured he'd want to take a camera with him but i guess he was just too excited we're holding up traffic see if we can get past him [Music] [Applause] [Music] so all right what we're going to do now is we're going to get everything fired up get everything working what i mean on firing everything up we have to start the vacuum motors up on this thing and then we charge the seed units which means that we fill up the seed discs that are on the that meter out the corn and we're going to back up in the corner and we're going to take off and we're going to drive about i don't know 100 couple hundred feet and then we're gonna get out and we're gonna check depth and stuff like that so that's what we're gonna do right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see what we're doing is we're digging down right here now to see how deep the corn is going does it look good or what is that about right i wanted about two inches deep it's not quite [Applause] well we are off to john deere to get parts on the adjustment the depth control adjustment we're missing a piece on there so we're heading to john deere to get that we're gonna get the parts we need they should have all this stuff down there so let's go in success they did have our parts that we needed so we're going to head back to the field get them put on and try to plant some more corn i don't know we probably got 10 acres planted maybe i don't know maybe not even that around on the side of the field and andrew's down on the west end so all right here we are planting along get a little update here let's see we've done uh old 48.19 acres so far and uh things seem to be going pretty good here ground conditions are great and uh a few first day jitters i guess is what we could call it a few minor things we lost oh the thing that uh your depth control we lost it on number 14. for some reason we lost that i don't know for sure why or just one of those things but uh see we lost that oh and one of the discs and the uh meters wasn't correct it wasn't in there right and it was planted and said it was planting fine but uh it came on and said it wasn't planting anymore so kylie and i went back there and ready to take the box off and and turn it over on its side and uh actually put the disc back in it it was in there and everything was where it was supposed to be but it was like it wasn't latched in there and we didn't get the camera out because no i guess we just didn't think about it everything seems to be going in great like i say the ground's in great condition um put something on instagram and put something on facebook they hope we have a 100 percent replant well we don't so if this kid has to be replanted it's coming out of my back pocket but that's okay because i really think it's going to be fine we've got 70 degree days supposedly this whole week as of right now so i think we're going to be just fine and actually this morning it was 45 or 7 degrees this morning when i went to the farm to get the planter and when we came down it was probably oh 10 o'clock or so when we got here to the field and started planting ground temperatures really weren't that bad just going by feel of my toes there you know walking across it and digging down checking to get depth and stuff like that but like i say with the 70 degree temperatures we're supposed to have this week i think we're going to be just fine uh there's moisture there and a few spots in the fields are tacky but normally on the south side of this field is usually kind of tough over there on moisture usually it's a little wet but actually that was really in good shape today so right or wrong i don't know if it's a good thing i don't know if it's a bad thing our conditions are perfect right now but you know we're going to go with it we're going to plant this and i'd imagine as soon as i get finished here i'd imagine john's going to dive in and start planting some others too but uh i've got this to plant there's 115 acres here and then i got 12 acres up on the hill to plant and then i would imagine john's gonna plant his and dads and then after that i have another 80 acres of corn to plant kind of our test plot field that i've got that i'm putting in messing around with some different fertilizer a little bit extra here and there and i don't know it's just kind of a toy feel for uh for me anyway but uh got it to plant then we'll be finished with corn i don't know we'll just have to see and too if it rains a little bit it might knock us out for a little bit but that's okay we're going to try to get all of our corn pan before we drop any beans in the ground normally that's what we do that's just how we plant beer that's just a quick update on i'd say yeah that'll be our 50 acre update and yeah i'm thrilled with how things are going [Music] do [Applause] [Music] do [Music] all right we've got an update here we are finished in 115 acre field and we're moving to the 10 acre field then we'll be finished down here in kings creek here at my house everything went pretty well uh had a rock jam up in between the in front of the uh spike closing wheels but other than that everything went really pretty well can't complain we're going to move up here to this next field and i don't think there's going to be any problems up here either dad came down brought a little bit of corn down so we should have enough corn left it's uh 6 30. we're going to pull in here and we're going to pull the planter here and plant this little field all right you got to put the wing wheels down there then you got to put the three-point hitch down then you unfold it you always have to make sure your tractor's in neutral when you're doing it just like that then you have to start your fan motors all right we're ready to go well there it is we planted uh 126 acres yesterday i got finished about all 7 38 o'clock last night brought the planter back up here to john's we're up here at john's farm this is actually where we used to milk cows we milked cows up here until uh 1988 and we sold out but uh this is of course where the holding the manure pit was and hoarding pen over there and it's this nice big concrete area right here nice place to work on things and stuff like that but we filled the planter up this morning and john's out here in the field here east of us working a 70 acre piece right now and i think he's gonna plant here beside us here there's a 86 acre field here beside us he's going to plant here in a little bit i do believe but everything went well yesterday i like to say i got finished 7 30 8 o'clock last night and a few little minor things but it was really it was really a very good first day for planting normally when you first go to the field for the first day there's all kinds of troubles and things you didn't think of and stuff like that but we had some minor problems yesterday but we worked through that yeah first day of planting was a success we're starting the planting season off correctly so with that note i'd like to thank everybody for watching don't forget to check out just kylie and her youtube channel and don't forget to go to harmlessfarmer check out our website we do have a few pictures on there also we don't have any spring pictures on there yet we've got a few fall pictures on there and stuff but also shirts and hats and koozies and i don't know i think that's about it stickers yeah stickers everyone always wants stickers but uh all right guys on that note i have a doctor's appointment thanks for watching really appreciate it do you
Channel: Harmless Farmer - Andy Detwiler
Views: 25,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bniqi61ya0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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